Event medals: Guide Ahead

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If there are two different conditions to obtain the medal, separated by a slash (/), the first pertains to Guide Ahead's original run while the second pertains to GA's rerun.

Guide Ahead Engraved Medal Set

Guide Ahead Engraved Medal Set.png

Guide Ahead Engraved Medal Set Trimmed.png

An engraved medal set chronicling all the events that transpired at the Summit of Nations.
The Holy City of Laterano, never overturned by crisis, will be a beacon of light to ever more in the coming days; so the Sankta firmly believe.
Perhaps something else will occur before then, but they no longer fear it.
The Path Astray.png
"The Path Astray"
You have visited, and left Laterano.
That this holy city has never collapsed amidst crisis is owed to its faith, just as you have always held firm to your own beliefs. Your gait ceases not, so where's the harm in being astray?

Condition: Awarded once all other Guide Ahead medals are obtained.
Met on Another Way.png
"Met on Another Way"
You have had a deep discussion with the Pathfinders.
They question, they quest. They are the lost, yet so too the steady seekers of the way.

Condition: Clear GA-7 after defeating the Pathfinder Nuncio.
Best Trainee.png
"Best Trainee"
A handmade medal gifted to Ezell by the Notarial Hall's seasoned ranks.
The moment he began to follow his own heart, unfettered by what had set in as common sense, was when he qualified as a true executor.

Condition: Add Enforcer to your roster during the GA event.
The Holy City's Honored Guest.png
"The Holy City's Honored Guest"
You have let the money flow during the Summit of Nations.
The Nuncios have informed you that every guest at the conference will be received with courtesy, and that you may enjoy your time in Laterano without worrying about expenditures. You've taken the chance to thoroughly appreciate this holy city.

Condition: Spend 4000/2400 Etched Bullet Casing.png Etched Bullet Casing in the Lateranian Desserts.
Summit of Nations.png
"Summit of Nations"
You have perfectly handled a great number of affairs during the Summit of Nations.
Transfer of relics, upholding order... Your experiences as a Notarial Hall executor have been far from interesting, and whether you can keep it up hinges on how committed you are to "the faith and the law."

Condition: Complete all Notarial Tasks missions with the rewards collected.
What is Asked is Answered.png
"What is Asked is Answered"
You have finally voiced the doubts buried deep in your heart, and found an answer.
In truth, you didn't need anyone's reply. You needed only to ask the question: in asking, you more truly interrogated yourself. About what you hear and believe, about what you gain and lose, about the path you've walked and your way forward.

Condition: Clear all Summit of Nations operations with 3-star ratings.
You have borne witness to multiple counts of demolition on Laterano's streets.
Within the scope permitted by the commandments and the code, every Lateran has the right to satisfy their curiosity, including by demolition of buildings... You've needed some mental gymnastics to comprehend this.

Condition: Clear GA-EX-2 without letting any Pathfinder Ballistarii Prefect replenish their ammunition through Gelato Stops.
The Past Lies Ahead.png
"The Past Lies Ahead"
You have taken in a series of events from Iberia's past.
He ran a long, long way, ultimately coming against a tremendous wall. He wanted to know why this towering wall was erected here, and so heartlessly.

Condition: Clear GA-EX-5 with a 3-star rating while controlling both Gelato Stops.
The Holy City's Bells.png
"The Holy City's Bells"
You have heard the bells of the Tower of Revelations.
"The bells echoed throughout the wilderness, uniting all the Sankta." But you know it was someone up there singing a folksong, one that transcended time, one of parting.

Condition: Clear all Road to Shrine operations' Challenge Modes.
Law and Gelato.png
Law and Gelato Trimmed.png
"Law and Gelato"
You have obtained all usage rights for the "Gelato Stops."
Laterano's desserts have you reluctant to leave. Law makes this city stronger, and dessert makes it truer.

Condition: Clear GA-EX-7 with a 3-star rating while controlling at least 3 Gelato Stops.
Trimming condition: Clear GA-EX-7 with a 3-star rating while controlling all 5 Gelato Stops.