Operation story: 10-14

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Female Londinier icon.png
Londinium Citizen
Male Londinier A icon.png
Londinium Citizen
RI Medic icon.png
Medic Operator
Eartha Partisan A icon.png
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier
Confessarius Guard icon.png
Confessarius Guard
Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior
Londinium Industrial District Indoor
Londinium Tube
Eartha Hideout
RI Bridge
Londinium Industrial District Day
Londinium Suburbs
Londinium Fortifications

Before operation

Amiya's squad, which had retreated to the underground base, prepares to leave the Sudean Borough with the Self-Salvation Corps. Suddenly, the Sarkaz start to exterminate the Corps soldiers left on the surface.
<Background 1>
[Manfred assesses the current situation.]
Manfred We're down thirteen civilians and nine soldiers.
Rhodes Island...
They're proving to be quite troublesome.
Sarkaz Warrior General, we've finished the head count on the remaining Dublinn soldiers.
Manfred Give them one chance.
Those willing to join us will enter the mercenary squad.
As for those who aren't... You already know what to do with them.
Sarkaz Warrior Yessir!
??? Not your best showing, General Manfred.
Manfred ...I didn't expect for Confessarius's Messenger to still be here.
[A Confessarius Guard walks to Manfred.]
Confessarius Guard Both the Leader and the Regent are concerned about the battle situation unfolding in this inconspicuous corner.
Manfred I trust the Sanguinarch is no exception.
After all, his generosity last night took a lot of the pressure off of us.
Confessarius Guard Oh right, he wanted me to let you know, the atmosphere here is too filthy. He doesn't plan to wait around much longer.
At the moment, he is in the unfortunate process of requisitioning the property of a factory owner, and will be enjoying a late dinner.
Manfred Requisitioning?
I do hope that... whoever the Prince "requisitioned" the factory from isn't one of our partners.
Confessarius Guard Does that matter?
These inefficient factories provide us with hardly anything worthwhile. All they do is breed pests.
His patience will only last until tomorrow night.
If you are unable to provide him with a satisfactory banquet, then he will 'sweep' these filthy streets as he sees appropriate.
Manfred ......
Is this the Sanguinarch's intent, or the decision of the Military Commission?
Confessarius Guard Always fussing over these irrelevant details. This is exactly why you've been pinned down in this little dump. His Highness expected more of you.
Manfred ...Please report back to the Prince: We are deeply grateful for his assistance, and will proceed with the next phase of the operation.
Confessarius Guard Very well. We look forward to seeing your results.
[The Confessarius Guard leaves...]
Manfred ......
[...as Hoederer shows up.]
Hoederer Heading off to war isn't nearly as much of a slog as talking to these Royal Court people, eh?
Manfred So this is where you've been hiding.
Hoederer I assure you, I haven't been slacking off.
Manfred You can stop cradling that arm you nearly lost. Tell me, which of your old acquaintances did that to you? The one with the explosives, or the one with the sword?
Hoederer Sorry, it hurts so bad I can't remember anything.
Manfred Since they left you with another arm to pick up a sword with, it seems whoever it was still has a soft spot for you.
Hoederer ......
Manfred It's almost daybreak.
Hoederer ...Yeah, looks like it.
Manfred Stop leaning against the wall in a daze. Break time's over.
Hoederer Mercenaries aren't eligible for sick leave, right?
Manfred Let's go. This battle is far from over.
<Background 2>
[Clovisia oversees the Eartha activities following the rescue of Heidi.]
Clovisia How many injured are there? Take them to get treated right now!
Medic Operator I'll also help out!
Clovisia Mhm, thank you.
Bring Harmo over here. We have to speed up the evacuation.
Also, dispatch some Messengers outside the city. Worst case scenario, we need to be prepared to relocate the bulk of the population.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Yes, Commander!
Clovisia Miss Siege...
Siege ......
Clovisia Miss Siege?
Siege Oh... Sorry, your voice always makes my mind wander off.
Clovisia You must be exhausted. Just like our soldiers.
Siege Thanks for your concern. I'm hanging in there.
Clovisia The piece of intel you brought back– that the warriors of Team 6 were slaughtered by extremely terrifying Originium Arts, is critically important to us.
Siege If only I could've gone to the surface to check on them sooner...
Clovisia No, you would've been in danger too.
Besides, you've already done enough. If not for your quick-thinking, it might not have been just Team 6 that ran into him, but the rest of our troops and your people as well.
Siege Who is he? Those Sarkaz soldiers seemed to call him a prince.
Clovisia ...Three months ago, a nobles' banquet was held in northern Londinium.
It began with great fanfare. The lights stayed on the entire night, and it wasn't until the servants went to clean the venue on the second day that they discovered that the only thing left was a still-playing record player.
Siege Everyone was dead?
Clovisia All killed in a single instant, it seems. Some of them still kept their posture from the moment of death, glasses raised in a toast.
Siege ......
Clovisia Among the slain were those with connections with us. Heidi knew them too.
Heidi That's right.
I lost several old friends that night. The Self-Salvation Corps also lost a significant portion of its network throughout the city.
Clovisia It's not for no reason that we retreated to the edge of the wall.
But it's thanks to Heidi's unfaltering efforts that we've managed to survive. And soon enough, we'll have a chance to face the Sarkaz head-on.
Before that though... we still need to escape the gaze of that terrifying individual.
Amiya, would you happen to know who he is?
Amiya ......
If my hunch is correct, the person looming above us is probably... a vampire.
<Background 3>
Closure ...This'll be tough.
Feist How tough?
Closure To be honest, it's probably easier for me to make a new one from scratch than try to glue the pieces together.
Feist Don't have the parts.
Closure Huh? No way...
Feist We're in Londinium. Most of the city's industrial resources are controlled by the Sarkaz, and we don't exactly have the luxury of scrounging up scraps for something that won't be used on the battlefield.
Closure Your work environment is way too...
Feist Impoverished? You can speak your mind, the commander isn't here.
Closure ...Way too much of a challenge. *cough* *cough*...
Feist Miss Closure...
Closure What's up?
Feist D-Did you know, when you talk about being challenged, your eyes seem to... light up? Physically.
Closure Huh? Really? Must be because I'm getting excited... Is it scary?
Feist I-It's fine.
To be honest, it wasn't until I met you that I found out... Uhh, that Sarkaz can do more than just fight.
Closure Oh... Uh, there are a lot of people who aren't fighters, like me.
Naturally, I'm a vampire, so of course I was born with some handy talents.
Feist Huh? Y-You... what is this speed?! It'd take a week for me to do what you did in a single night!
Closure Why do you think the pillars of Rhodes Island are so good?
Take a good look at my eyes. If the Rhodes Island landship was filled with vampires, working at night would be no problem, and we'd cut down big on the electricity bill.
Feist Are there... a lot of vampire engineers?
Closure Of course not! They... They all...
Feist Hey, why'd you start shuddering all of a sudden?
Closure Blame Londinium. It's been a long time since I last felt the fear of being this close to a den of evil. Look, my hands are totally frozen stiff! And I need these hands!
Feist Could it be... that Team 6 ran into...?
Closure I sure hope not.
If so... For real, I need to give you guys a serious warning.
Just in case... I mean, just in case–if you ever run into another vampire, run!
No, it might already be too late by then.
I hope you'll never...
Never ever bump into them.
<Background 2>
Siege Morgan, you and Indra will go help the Self-Salvation Corps relocate.
Mm, I'll be there right away.
Doctor Vina.
Siege What is it, Doctor?
Were you looking for me?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I want to talk about Dagda.
Siege Dagda... made her decision.
I... When I had to take up the mantle as their leader, I've never stopped thinking about how to do the right thing.
And at Rhodes Island, I saw how you went about doing that.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor How are you doing?
Siege I'm fine... But, I'm really worried about Dagda.
It's no different from how you're worried about us, though. We both have our own responsibilities to shoulder.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Siege Dagda is... pretty much in the same situation as me.
Every moment she stayed with me, her actions were bound by responsibility. No matter how many times I told her to make her own decisions, she would never be able to choose any other outcome.
When we truly have the capacity to make a choice, what truly matters is having the authority to make that so-called choice. Otherwise, it is nothing more than coercion, wrapped in a more palatable package.
I don't want to have to push her along ever again. She needs to accept herself, and then walk down her own path with conviction.
Doctor What about your choice?
You can continue like this and become a regular soldier. / You can also go to them and tell them who you really are.
No matter what you decide, Rhodes Island and I will support you.
Siege ......
Becoming a run-of-the-mill soldier might be the easy way out.
But my family name... No matter what you all decide to call me, I can't deny my name. It's a part of me.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Siege I hope I didn't scare you by telling you the truth, Doctor.
Dr. Kal'tsit said she was willing to tell you, but I decided to do it myself.
Doctor Your family name... is Victoria?
Siege You don't seem all that surprised.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Maybe because I don't remember the past.
Siege ...You don't remember the past?
Even though you've suffered so much due to that... I can't help but wonder, is your life a little bit easier because you can't remember?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Maybe because I only care about the present.
Siege That's right, what's most important is always the present.
When I made the decision to leave Victoria, all I wanted was for me and Indra to live to see this moment.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Maybe because I'm looking ahead to the future.
Siege The future...
Which way... will my future take me?
Only I can answer that question. Nobody else can.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Siege Phew... When I'm around you, I can always relax so easily.
It might be because... even when you found out the truth, the only person reflected in your eyes was the operator known as "Siege".
Instead of... Victoria.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Siege Coming back to Londinium has brought back many memories.
But at the same time, so much has changed.
The decisions I make no longer solely affect my team.
Doctor... I don't actually want "choice" to be an excuse that holds me back.
Doctor I'm here today as a result of my choices. / My choices determine how I move forward.
Someone once said I'd find my own path.
Vina, I want to share those words with you too.
Siege ......
Doctor You always have the right to choose.
<Background 3>
[Amiya walks toward Heidi.]
Amiya ...Miss Heidi.
Heidi Amiya? I'm currently tending to the wounded.
Amiya You... practice medicine?
Heidi Only some basic nursing techniques.
This job inevitably brings me into emergency situations. To give me and my friends a better shot at survival, I had to at least learn to use a first-aid kit.
Amiya You're really amazing.
Heidi All we're doing is protecting our home. But Kal'tsit... and you, Amiya, you all carry so much more responsibility on your shoulders.
Amiya ...We've lost a lot of people on this operation.
I... I feel the pain of the Self-Salvation Corps' soldiers. They've never had to deal with such horrific enemies before.
The Sanguinarch... Did he come here because of us?
Heidi Amiya, what you need to hear isn't me saying "no, it's not your fault."
Amiya Yes...
Clovisia said she was afraid Rhodes Island would get the Self-Salvation Corps involved in a war they weren't a part of.
If working with us puts them at greater risk...
Heidi During last night's operation, what would've happened if Rhodes Island had not been there?
Without W colluding, had she not stopped the mercenary leader... and without Rhodes Island's operators keeping Manfred at bay, we wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.
The calculus of exchanging one set of lives for another simply does not exist for Rhodes Island–
But even if Kal'tsit were here, I'm sure she would say every opportunity comes with its risks.
Amiya ......
I understand.
That's why we have to be better prepared.
Miss Heidi, I need more information from within the city. Not counting the Sanguinarch, how many kings do the Sarkaz have inside Londinium?
<Background 5>
[Horn approaches a female Londinier.]
Horn Excuse me, I'd like a bag of bread.
Londinium Citizen I don't need your money, lass. Take all of these with you.
Horn Huh?
Londinium Citizen Hurry along, and don't come out here again.
Horn What do you mean...?
Londinium Citizen I know who you are. Actually, we can all tell.
Even if you took off your equipment and changed your clothes, both your actions and the look in your eyes won't fool anyone.
Horn ...Thank you.
Londinium Citizen I might as well pack up too. Don't think there's business to be had today.
[Several Sarkaz mercenaries show up.]
Sarkaz Mercenary We're doing another sweep of this street! Take away anyone whose name is on the list!
Londinium Citizen Wh-What's going on? I... I'm just a restauranteur. Didn't you come by to have fried finmeat before...?
Sarkaz Mercenary You're the one we're after.
Your cover runs pretty deep. Selling fried meat to us by day, peddling information to the rebels by night?
Take them away! And check those buildings next door. They're all rebels!
Horn ......
Why are the Sarkaz suddenly going around grabbing people?
[Several Eartha partisans are running away from the Sarkaz mercs firing at them.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier H-Hurry, take a turn at the alley just ahead and find the others–

{{sc}One of the partisans are shot...|mode=action}}

Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Ugh–!
[...and collapses as the pursuing mercs catch up.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Another one down.
You lot, search that alley over there. Don't let a single one of them escape this borough.
<Background 6>
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Report, we ran into Sarkaz as soon as we came out...
No, they weren't guarding the city exits, they suddenly appeared in the middle of the streets!
Commander, do you think our comms have been compromised?
Please be careful... The soldiers dispatched out of the city have all perished. I can't hide for much longer either!
[Before the Eartha partisan could finish, he is shot dead.]
<Background 5>
[The remaining partisans are cornered by the mercs.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Bloody hell, why can't I shake them off?
The Sarkaz seem to have suddenly figured out all our passages and networks!
In just... a single night...?
What exactly happened last night?
Sarkaz Mercenary Haha, wouldn't you like to know.
[Suddenly the Sarkaz mercs' swords are cut in two...]
Sarkaz Mercenary Huh? What the hell are you? My blade snapped clean in half–
[...as the attacker, who turned out to be Misery, strikes them down.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier The way you're dressed... Are you a Rhodes Island operator? Thank you. You guys saved us again.
Misery Hurry back.
Wait, be sure to tell Amiya and the Doctor that the underground isn't safe anymore.
The traps we ran into yesterday... aren't the only ones we've discovered.

After operation

Amiya and the Doctor discover that the "Self-Salvation Corps" soldier rescued in the previous night's operation is actually a Sarkaz in disguise. Just as Feist and Rockrock struggle with their sorrow, the city defense artillery activates again and starts to bombard their location.
<Background 7>
[Manfred asks one of the Kazdelian Sarkaz soldiers,]
Manfred Have you finished cleaning up the streets?
Sarkaz Warrior Yes, General. Everyone on the list has already been dealt with.
Some tried to flee to other boroughs or leave the city just as you said, and we stopped them as well.
Only a few slipped through our net... The soldiers sent to chase after them seemingly ran into the same Sarkaz from Rhodes Island as yesterday.
Manfred Let them squirm their way underground.
That'll make it easier for us to flush them all out at once.
<Background 3>
[Clovisia received reports of the Eartha partisans getting overwhelmed.]
Clovisia ...Multiple of our contact points above ground were attacked all at once?
What of our Messengers? They got taken as well?
Doctor, I want to hear your view on this.
Doctor Rhodes Island wasn't told where these points were.
Clovisia The only ones with access to that information are our own troops.
Doctor We were tailed on the way back yesterday.
Clovisia It seems the seeds of crisis were sown last night.
But I don't want to doubt our own soldiers.
There's no way they'd betray their brothers and sisters.
Doctor The commander is responsible for the team. / We can't overlook any hypothetical.
How many soldiers were rescued?
Clovisia Twelve people came back with Heidi.
Among them, nine only ever provided us information on occasion.
The other three helped us transport supplies, so it is possible they know the locations of some contact points.
Doctor How many more are in Sarkaz hands?
Clovisia ...A lot more.
Doctor, you know better than anyone how difficult last night's operation was. As much as I'd like to rescue everyone, I'm forced to admit that we're not yet strong enough.
Heidi's done good work. Being able to save all those people already went above and beyond my expectations.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor The Sarkaz couldn't know who would be rescued.
Clovisia There were a lot of uncertainties surrounding our operation last night...
I doubt the Sarkaz could have full control over everything.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Unless everyone defected.
Clovisia That's simply not possible.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You don't place a pawn that won't be used.
Clovisia That's right.
The Sarkaz commander isn't a fool. He would have found a way to make sure his plan succeeded.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Clovisia So, if there really were traitors among the soldiers we saved...
In all likelihood, they would've been the easiest for us to rescue.
Doctor That narrows it down considerably. / The most obvious suspects are clear.
Clovisia Still, I don't want to fling these accusations around about soldiers willing to bleed and die for their homeland.
We need proof.
How do you suppose we get that, Doctor?
Doctor Please call Feist and Rockrock.
Let's go visit the wounded together.
<Background 2>
[Feist and Rockrock heads to a room, with the former seemingly hesitant.]
Feist ......
Rockrock Why aren't you moving? The commander just sent news that Bill's about to wake up.
Feist ...Rockrock.
I want to tell her that I'm stepping down as captain of the operation team.
Rockrock ......
[Rockrock drops a cardboard box in front of Feist.]
Rockrock Take a look at these.
Feist Packages? What's inside them?
Rockrock Johnny and Gabby's belongings. I picked out the stuff to send back to their families.
What remains are their tools, weapons, and equipment. If you really... can't get them out of your head, then pick out something useful and polish it up a bit. That way they'll at least still be with us on the battlefield.
Feist ......
Sounds like the vice-captain rejected my resignation... Let's go see Bill then.
<Background 3>
Amiya You're awake?
Bill Yeah.
Amiya Something came up, so Miss Heidi had to leave. She was originally the one in charge of coordinating the treatment of the wounded here.
Wait, you're from Mr. Feist's team. Bill, right?
Mr. Bill, should I go call Feist and Rockrock over?
Bill Ah, no, that's alright.
Miss Amiya, I decided to get up to talk to you.
Amiya ...Huh?
Bill Well, uh... I've always been curious about you.
Amiya of Rhodes Island...
Why do they trust you so much? You're just a Cautus in her teens.
Amiya Are you... talking about our operators?
We've been through so much together. You're correct that they trust me, but that trust is mutual.
As far as I can tell, it's no different for everyone in the Self-Salvation Corps either. You also trust Feist, Rockrock, and Clovisia, right?
Bill Haha... Mutual trust, huh? That might be a part of it. After all, you've been through your share of trials and tribulations.
But your authority does not come from your bloodline, nor have you taken your position by force. You are far too young to have earned the amount of trust you enjoy.
Amiya ...Mr. Bill?
Bill Deep down, you've thought about these things too, haven't you? But you don't dare show it. Your fears, your worries, your anxiety... Everything is suppressed by the responsibilities they've forced onto you.
Amiya Are you worried about me? Did you overhear my conversation with Miss Heidi?
Bill Mm... Maybe. I heard everything.
Amiya I appreciate the concern, but my responsibilities were not forced onto me.
Our operators placed their faith in me, and I am not going to let them down.
Bill Of course... Of course. Since the very beginning, they've always been devoted to you.
But Amiya... When they look at you, how do you know that they're not looking right past you? Searching for another soul that has endured the twists and turns of fate?
Amiya ......!
Bill Everything you believe, do you truly believe it, or...
Are you dreaming a dream given to you by somebody else... one that you can't wake up from no matter how much you struggle?
Amiya Mr. Bill... No, that's not who you are!
Who exactly are you?
Bill Allow me to return the question.
Amiya... Who are you?
<Background black>
Amiya, do you like the stories I tell? You'll still be able to sleep well, won't you? I don't want you to have nightmares.
You won't? Oh, what a sweet child you are.
That's right, while we may look different in many ways, we are both children given life and nurtured by this great land.
Some of the stories you've heard are legends that others find terrifying, but they are indeed the history of the Sarkaz.
<Background 3>
Amiya ......
You shouldn't be here.
Bill I see the energy gathering inside your palm. Have you not figured out who I am? Why aren't you attacking?
Amiya I cannot touch your emotions, "Mr. Bill".
But... I also cannot feel any malice.
Bill Oh?
Amiya You could have continued pretending to be asleep, yet you said all those things to me...
Bill Hah, didn't I already tell you? We are very curious about you.
If not for you, we'd have no desire to come here either. Theresis has no sway over us.
Amiya No matter what you're after... this is far too cruel.
Bill Cruel...?
Do you mean this face we're borrowing?
Amiya Yes, which is why I need you to leave.
Black lines surged from her palm once more, weaving a net around the man in the Self-Salvation Corps uniform.
One strand condensed into a lightless blade, pressed against his throat.
Bill What a... remarkably gentle threat.
Amiya, a lot of people have told you this before, yes?
You really are just like her.
Amiya Not another word out of you, please.
Bill Unfortunately, you're still too immature.
Always be aware of your surroundings before you make a move.
[Feist, unaware that the Bill they knew is actually an impostor, enters the room.]
Feist ...Miss Amiya?!
You, you... you're trying to kill Bill?
Amiya No, I...
Feist ......
[Clovisia and the Doctor enters.]
Clovisia Doctor, I take it that you didn't ask me to bring everyone here just to see this scene?
Doctor I wanted to see who'd make the first move. / You're already looking at the "traitor".
Clovisia I assume you're not referring to Amiya. Then, Bill?
Bill Rockrock... Rockrock, help me...
Rockrock ......
Bill I'd rather die myself... than betray you!
Amiya Stay away from him. I... No, nobody knows the full extent of his Originium Arts.
His words are, or rather his very existence is... dangerous.
Rockrock Miss Amiya... Can I trust you?
Last night, we fought side-by-side. I thought Rhodes Island truly had our backs, just as you said.
Amiya ......
Rockrock Your expression scares me. It's as if I've seen it somewhere before...
That's right, you're already mourning the pain and suffering you're about to cause.
If so, then... why? Why go through with it?!
She... The Sarkaz took my father from me, right before my eyes. Are you going to take my family away too?
Amiya I'm sorry, Miss Rockrock... But it's too late. Your family member's already gone.
Rockrock But, Bill's right in front of us!
Amiya This must be difficult... for you to accept.
Rockrock ...I don't understand.
Clovisia Look, Amiya, it's not that we're not willing to believe you, but we don't have your Arts. We can't see what you see.
Feist ......
Commander... I can see it.
Rockrock Captain?
Feist He might not actually be the same Bill we know.
Rockrock But those wounds on his body... he got all those from saving me yesterday!
Feist You said it yourself, Rockrock. The Sarkaz are masters of disguise, but we can't let ourselves be fooled.
Rockrock But how...?
Feist Look, I brought along the Metal Crab I was going to give to Bill.
See for yourself.
Feist's Metal Crab.png
Bill Ugh, when did this thing crawl onto me?
Feist He didn't even spare it a glance. The only thing in his eyes is Miss Amiya. He's so proud of having deceived us that he's long forgotten... about the bond between us.
<Background 3>
Rockrock ......
Bill All because of this insignificant little machine?
Don't you think you're being a bit too hasty, Feist? Aren't we sworn blood brothers?
Feist I've made a lot of hasty decisions these last few days.
Bill, my good man... if he were still around, he'd be ruthlessly making fun of me. I miss him. I miss him so much.
Whoever you are... Don't make me pry that mask off your face with my wrench.
Bill Rockrock, are you going to break my heart, just like him?
Rockrock I'll never turn my back on my family.
But you... you're acting less and less like him.
He would never talk like that. He would never try to manipulate us.
Bill ...So you really don't think I'm the real Bill? Feist, are you really okay with that?
I'll have you know, if so, then that means your friend died in vain.
Feist ......
Anyone else may have the right to say that, but you sure as hell don't!
Bill Haha. You're pretty smart, but unfortunately for you...
It's too late.
<Background 7>
Manfred Artilleryman, are you ready?
Sarkaz Warrior Yes, General. The cannon is aimed at the target.
Manfred Remember, we're leveling every single building except the train station and the tracks.
Sarkaz Warrior Yessir!
Manfred Increase the output to maximum.
Sarkaz Warrior M-Maximum? That might blow right through to the structural levels–
Manfred Did you hear what the Confessarius's Messenger said? In their eyes, this whole tract of land, including the factories above, is worth nothing to us.
Sarkaz Warrior Then... Then, what about our people underneath...?
Manfred Hoederer will guard the safe areas under the city walls.
Sarkaz Warrior But what about–
Manfred Uhh... Who do you think is heading underground to deal with the rebels?
Sarkaz Warrior The Sanguinarch?
Manfred As long as you get it. If these toys can take HIM out, I'd be... extremely surprised.
As for the other one...
I've been curious for a while now. If it came to an all-out battle with the Prince, who would come out on top?
<Background 3>
[Closure enters as the situation with the impostor escalates.]
Closure Thank goodness you're all here–
Huh? Why does it feel like I walked right into a fight about to break out?
Anyway Doctor, I sent up some drones like you requested– They're really about to resume! Th-They're pointing those cannons right at us!
Clovisia Notify Heidi and Harmo. We're evacuating immediately.
Closure Hold on, I'm getting a strong Originium reading! They're aiming at our current location!
We've only got ten seconds!
Doctor Spare us the countdown. / Run, now!
[The Londinium defense guns fire at Eartha's hideout, its location has been compromised thanks to the impostor. The blast cuts off the power to the hideout.]
<Background black>
Bill? –Why are you holding on to me?
Feist You said it yourself, we're sworn blood brothers. I don't want to... pass judgment too hastily.
Rockrock Captain... I don't think... I can carry the two of you...
Bill? ......
I'll admit that you people are very... interesting.
Goodbye, Captain.
Goodbye, Rockrock.
Bill wanted you to live on. Those were his last words.
[The impostor lets go of Feist and Rockrock.]