Operation story: IW-3

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Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Teahouse Assistant
Male Yanese icon.png
Teahouse Stopperby
Female Yanese icon.png
Teahouse Tourist
Yanese Thug icon.png
Street Youth
Yan Inn
Yan Indoor B
Yan Downtown
Shangshu Teahouse
Yan Alley Night
Shangshu Pass
Shangshu Street
Shangshu Liang Estate

Before operation

It turns out that Zuo Le, the youth, and Innkeeper Zheng are responsible for stealing the goblet. Both seem to have had a deal, and Kroos tracks them down, gaining more information from Miss Du as she does. Lee receives a clear-cut task from Liang Xun.
<Background 1>
[Zheng the innkeeper opens the box in front of Zuo Le, but finds out that the contents are not the cup Lee brought.]
Innkeeper Zheng This isn't it...
Zuo Le If things were really so simple, then I would find myself worried about Mr. Liang's eye for talent.
Mr. Zheng, do we know anything about the visitor from Lungmen yet?
Innkeeper Zheng He's an old friend of Liang Xun's.
Zuo Le Anything special about him?
Innkeeper Zheng We have a few unclear leads, but I can at least guarantee that this affair has nothing to do with Lord Wei.
Zuo Le That's my father's greatest worry taken care of.
True though, considering the sort of methods that Lord Wei of Lungmen usually employs... If he were involved, we wouldn't be sitting here enjoying tea right now.
Innkeeper Zheng I've heard many anecdotes about him over the years. It's a shame that I've never had the chance to visit Lungmen to see his exploits with my own eyes.
Zuo Le I'm surprised that you'd show such a keen interest in someone like him.
Innkeeper Zheng I walked the world of kung fu in my younger years, and I've heard he's fine swordsman. That's all.
Zuo Le I see. It's true that he's a swordsman... As for his swordsmanship, though, all I know is rumors.
In any case, can we assume it was Mr. Liang himself who chose to involve the Lungmenite?
Innkeeper Zheng Undoubtedly.
Zuo Le Hm... He is the only remaining variable, and also Mr. Liang's only trump card.
Innkeeper Zheng Mr. Liang should've been on our side. The man he chose should not have tried to deceive me either. It was an illogical move.
Zuo Le Mr. Liang doesn't have much of a choice himself. If only... *Sigh*... No, it wouldn't have mattered.
Isn't her presence in Shangshu the reason everything has gotten so out of hand?
Innkeeper Zheng The Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks... A place graced by the presence of a deity.
In eras past, Shangshu was a place where many dreamed. Not only people but all inanimate things. As the saying goes, all things in the world can be deified with souls, and all words in the realm can be summarized in a sigh.
According to legend, a millennium ago the Yanese towns were scattered all over the country. It was only when our Shangshu forebears all collectively saw the same dream that they chose to settle down on these lands.
Zuo Le The legends of Shangshu have always been so magnificent.
Innkeeper Zheng Outsiders may see it as mere legend, but to the locals it is history.
Zuo Le The Operator from the medical company... Kroos, was it?
If it wasn't for your help, she would likely have caught up to me. You have my thanks, Mr. Zheng.
Innkeeper Zheng You once saved my daughter from having her hotheadedness lead to disaster. It is only natural for me to come to your aid.
Zuo Le At the end of the day, Rhodes Island is an unknown. What do you think, Innkeeper?
Innkeeper Zheng They are not a part of the game.
Zuo Le They are nonetheless standing very close to the table.
Innkeeper Zheng Hmm... I rarely see young a woman with such fine techniques, though. Seeing her chase after you gave me a good idea of her abilities.
Zuo Le And what's your assessment?
Innkeeper Zheng She may be young, but she's a battle-hardened veteran.
Zuo Le Hoh? Did you arrive at that conclusion as Zheng the Innkeeper or Zheng Qingyue, the Asker to the Frost?
Innkeeper Zheng Both.
Zuo Le You haven't once looked away from that fake cup.
Innkeeper Zheng I'm only reminiscing... reminiscing about the goblet's original form.
Zuo Le ......
Innkeeper Zheng When we crossed that wilderness all those years ago... we ran into a group of bandits. None of them spoke Yanese, and we hadn't the slightest idea where they came from.
They blew up the caravan and tried to steal our wares, though our Escort Association colleagues stopped them. Still, there were far too many, all obsessed with our wares, and they followed us for two hundred li.
It was raining. Visibility was low, and there was nary a light in sight. The bandits, who knew the terrain much better, followed us like shadows.
We were afraid to counterattack, lest they have some kind of underhanded trick up their sleeves. We were too afraid to run either, lest we couldn't shake them.
Zuo Le From what I heard, the Sui Regulator once secretly commissioned the renowned Xingyu Escort Association to transport an item, only for it to be lost in an accident en route.
Innkeeper Zheng That was my fault.
Zuo Le I'm afraid I'm not very good with comforting words, Mr. Zheng.
Innkeeper Zheng I simply never expected that the next time I met a crossbowman of such horrifying prowess would be in my hometown, in the dead center of the city, under a well-lit night, all for the same goblet.
I truly... cannot begin to explain how I feel.
Zuo Le How did you escape then, Mr Zheng?
Innkeeper Zheng When do you mean?
Zuo Le Oh... The incident you were just talking about, of course. My father always tells me that I am still young and inexperienced, and should learn from my elders.
If you would continue to share your story with me, I'll gladly listen.
Innkeeper Zheng Luck was on my side that night...
Two of my men were hurt. Good men. Neither of them made it.
The Association's rule is to "save the goods, then the men." We all knew the risks when we joined the business.
But with the injured dead and the goods threatened, that actually freed us to do as we pleased.
It was pouring that night. Helped to wash the blood off our blades.
<Background 2>
Lee So you just need me to find the cup's owner?
Liang Xun Correct.
Lee By owner, you mean a buyer or collector?
Liang Xun Not quite. It would be a much simpler matter if that were the case.
Lee Hm, that's strange. This cup was shockingly cheap, but according to the black market appraisal I stole from the smugglers, it seems...
Liang Xun It's an actual antique, through and through.
Lee Who's the man of the hour then?
Liang Xun I don't know their name... Nor anything else, really. Their gender, their race, their age...
Lee Well... Where am I supposed to start then...? Are you even sure they're in Shangshu?
Liang Xun That much is certain, and only that.
Lee How do you know? Suppose our friend decides to take a trip, wouldn't that make this a huge waste of time?
Liang Xun No, they are in Shangshu. I can guarantee you that.
If they had left Shangshu... I would have been notified.
Lee Strange. So you can monitor them, but you can't locate them?
Liang Xun That's right...
Lee Are they some kind of monster or enlightened deity?
Liang Xun You'll know what I mean once you see them.
Lee So they must leave some kind of indication that they're here... Is this the kind of funny business government officials have to deal with these days?
Fine, I won't probe any further if you don't want to tell me. It's just, that's not much of a lead in a town this big...
Liang Xun They're most likely hiding in one of the Three Mounts.
Lee How do you figure?
Liang Xun Our friend is unpredictable, but every once in a while they show up at the mountainside liquor shops to buy alcohol, with no regularity whatsoever.
But they've never come down to the valleys, nor have they ever appeared in the nomadic cities. In which case, they're most likely somewhere in the mountains.
Lee Very well, then. The Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks it is. Sounds like a fun trip.
Liang Xun Legend has it that our friend is an appreciator of fine weather and scenery. And they enjoy lounging in pavilions and writing poetry all the more.
Lee Legend, huh?
Liang Xun It is more than mere legend, actually...
Lee So you're familiar with them?
Liang Xun Not exactly.
In the end, you may just have to try your luck, troublesome as it sounds.
Lee Do we have a deadline?
Liang Xun I'd appreciate it if you'd take care of this as soon as possible. As you can tell, a few too many people are already mixed up in this affair. The longer it continues, the greater the chance it will get even more out of hand.
As for the cup... Seeing as someone has their eyes on it, we should keep it in the safety of my estate.
Lee Amazing, Mr. Liang. First you had me bring it to you across thousands of li, then you want me to find its owner, and now you won't even let me hold it?
You're really putting me in quite a bind. Perhaps next time you'll arrange for me to help you from the comfort of Lungmen?
Liang Xun This is a sign of my trust in you.
Lee It's true though that if someone has their eyes on it, then keeping it on my person is asking for trouble.
As for the Xingyu Inn...
Liang Xun We're investigating it. Be careful on your way. If you need help, I can arrange for someone to accompany you.
Lee No need. A bodyguard tagging along would just make me stand out. It's trouble, and you know it.
Liang Xun Are you certain you'll be fine on your own, though...?
Lee Sure, as long as you aren't hiding anything else from me.
I'm looking for someone, not investigating a scary smuggler ring in Lungmen. How much trouble can it be?
Liang Xun At least talk to Master Shen. As a veteran boatman, he can help you get anywhere in Shangshu.
Lee Very well.
Is there a Zuanjiang Peak among Shangshu's Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks?
<Background 3>
Miss Du Urgh! Just how stubborn are you, bitch?!
[The one holding Du is revealed to be Kroos.]
Kroos Well, you're the only lead I've got. Not letting you go.
You're all alone, with no lackeys. And are you sure you want to start a fight in a bustling part of town like this?
Miss Du Hmph...
How much did that thief from Lungmen pay you to cover him like this?
Kroos I don't know how things got to this point, but Mr. Lee is one of our most important partners.
Miss Du Partners? Business then. And you believe him, just like that? You sure he's not swindling you?
Kroos I trust Rhodes Island, so I trust him. Simple as that.
Miss Du Oh...? Seems we won't be coming to an agreement, then.
Kroos Looks like.
But Innkeeper Zheng also said not to get you any more mixed up in this than you already are.
Miss Du ......!
Kroos Oh... Judging by your reaction, Mr. Lee got it right, then? You're in this with the innkeeper?
Miss Du You... Playing me for a fool, are you?! You're just some shady girl from who-knows-where! How dare you make a fool of me!
Fine, I'll make sure you pay for this!
Kroos So we're doing this for real, huh?
Alright, I've actually got a few things to ask you—Nothing to do with Mr. Lee, but still.
<Background 1>
Zuo Le Regarding Miss Du...
Innkeeper Zheng She may be my daughter, but I'm ashamed to say she is still very immature.
Zuo Le No, she's your family. I am in no position to meddle in your household affairs.
How many inns and restaurants have you opened here in your town?
Innkeeper Zheng Hohoh... I've spent my entire my life savings on this business. Fortunately, my old pals take care of me these days. The connections I made over the years finally came in handy.
*Sigh*... While it takes connections to survive in this business, of course, in the end it's all down to how capable you are. Being a businessman is another thing entirely. It takes skills to start a business, but connections to build it up.
No doubt you are already well aware of that though.
Zuo Le Not at all. My father always tells me what youngsters like me lack isn't persistence or conviction. It's an understanding of everything that surrounds us.
Innkeeper Zheng Wise words. Indeed, being holed up in a castle in the clouds is no way to live.
Still, General Zuo is a good father, but it doesn't matter what your father thinks. What is truly important is... what you think.
Zuo Le ......
Innkeeper Zheng Don't worry about that too much. When you are young, there is no shame in letting your frustration, curiosity, or anger get the better of you.
On the contrary, young man, you don't want to lose your edge too early.
Zuo Le Thank you for your advice.
Innkeeper Zheng *Sigh*... My advice wasn't just for you. It may sound simple, but it is no simple matter. I had to hear it for myself, all the same.
My daughter... What a headache she is.
<Background 3>
[A fight broke out between Kroos and Du, with the Cautus managing to anticipate the Feline's attacks.]
Miss Du ––Hraaaagh!
Kroos Hm. Nice moves.
Miss Du Spare me the act... It didn't even connect.
Kroos How come you're like a whole different person when you're fighting...? My mate Mr. Nothing is like that too. Are all you Yanese like that?
Miss Du I don't want to hurt anyone, that's all.
Kroos You called us thieves, didn't you? Aren't you going a little too easy on a thief?
Miss Du Save it.
Kroos That's not going to fly this time.
Miss Du Heh... How about we stop beating around the bush, then?
Kroos Sure thing, I'm all for it. Gotta warn you, though. I'm not exactly speaking for Mr. Lee here.
Miss Du Doesn't matter. Neither you nor that conman are the honest sort. The sooner we get this conversation over with, the better.
Who did you say you were again?
Kroos Codename Kroos, an Operator currently on deployment from Rhodes Island.
Miss Du So Mr. Nothing is that guy's codename?
Kroos Something like that. He's not quite on the job just yet, though.
Miss Du You work behind fake names, hiding knives beneath your smiles. What a sketchy lot.
Kroos Whoa... Never heard that one before...
Miss Du Someone hired us to take the cup back from the Lungmenite.
Kroos Yanese is a tricky language, and I can't say I've had time to master it, but wouldn't you say using the phrase "take back" here is a little too convenient?
I trust Mr. Lee. If you really had a grievance, or if this were all a misunderstanding, did it really have to come to blows?
This is the Yanese heartland, not Siracusa or Bolívar... violence won't get you anywhere.
Miss Du I have my reasons to open with hostilities instead of courtesies... That said, do you seriously not know anything?
Kroos Oh, so now I'm the one who's getting played for a fool, huh?
Miss Du ......
If you really don't know, you'd best stay out of this and dig no further. I've already spoken with the Lungmenite. If you insist on sticking your nose into this, you'll ruin it for everyone.
Kroos Well, aren't a righteous one?
Miss Du What we are doing is righteous. Naturally, our reasons are righteous too.
Now that I've told you this much, I might as make this clear, whether you believe me or not:
—I didn't rob the Liang estate.
Kroos But you know who did.
Miss Du Perhaps.
Kroos You say you've already talked to Mr. Lee... so how about a truce? Can you give us an explanation we'd accept?
Miss Du An explanation...?
You said the Lungmenite was hired by Magistrate Liang to deliver a goblet from Lungmen—
—So the one who hired the Escort Association could be someone even Liang Xun is afraid to offend.
Kroos What?
Miss Du It's beyond complicated. Don't count on me to explain it to you.
[Some of Du's underlings show up...]
Street Youth Miss Du!
[...followed by Mr. Nothing.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor! Are you alright?!
Street Youth You punk! You here to get in our way too?!
Mr. Nothing I haven't even said anything yet!
Street Youth Get him, boys!
[The underlings attacked Mr. Nothing, and a fight ensues.]
Miss Du Hmph... That's enough chit-chat for one night. Excuse me.
Get out of here. Stop badgering that guy already!
Street Youth —Alright!
[The underlings backed off from Mr. Nothing.]
Mr. Nothing Hey, first you say you'll come get me, and now you don't?! Must you always give me such trouble?
Kroos —Hold on!
Miss Du You ain't half bad, and you know how to listen. So I'll leave you with a piece of advice—
—The mountain rapids are turbulent and steep! Stay out of this!
[Du leaves.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor.
Kroos I'm fine... Don't worry.
<Background fades out and in>
Street Youth Miss Du, are you okay?
Aren't those two working with the Lungmenite? Why don't we just tell them the truth?
Miss Du I know what I'm doing.
Street Youth Oh...
Miss Du Old Man Zheng wants to dump this on us... Well, that's not going to happen.
I've got a deal with the Lungmenite. The old banner has flown long enough. It's time to switch it out for a new one.

After operation

Miss Du and Innkeeper Zheng have a father-daughter falling out, and Master Shen accompanies Lee in pursuit of a mountain-river vista. Taihe comes to probe Liang Xun, but Miss Ning and a mysterious mountain pole-carrier intrude into the office too.
<Background 4>
Midday. The skies are clear, as though the heavy rains the night before had been nothing but a lie.
The second tallest of Shangshu's Three Mounts is Mount Juqi. Juqi is home to only two of the Seventeen Peaks, the lesser of which is Nini Peak.
There are twenty two hundred and twenty two steps leading up to Nini Peak. While this may seem like a fascinating coincidence, additional steps were added specifically for the gimmick.
The steps lead heavenward through the clouds. The higher you get, the fewer visitors can be found. A lush, green mountain, rarely ever trodden by footsteps.
A few men can be seen here and there; all of them appear to be pole-carriers on first glance.
Teahouse Stopperby This is no Mount T'ien, but truly, what a fine summit.
How do you suppose they built a teahouse up here in the mountains, when the roads aren't so much as paved?
Teahouse Tourist Hmm. By hand. How else?
On our way up here, we saw a pole-carrier walking down the mountain, didn't we? They do this every day, carrying anything from foodstuffs to bricks up from the base of the mountain.
From what I hear, a single trip takes them a good few hours. It's very toilsome work. Even today, some remote mountains still rely on pole-carriers for their survival...
Teahouse Stopperby Can't they build a ropeway for some cable cars or something?
Teahouse Tourist First they'd need a plot of land to build it on, wouldn't they?
Teahouse Stopperby Right, not that I know the first thing about building ropeways... Those guys really are amazing, though.
They probably rake in quite a bit dough, don't they?
Teahouse Tourist Not until recently. I saw on the news not too long ago that the Shangshu magistrate thinks very highly of the coolies. The government's even footing the bill for the teahouses' tea... Uhh?
[A Forte pole-carrier walks to one of the teahouse's staff.]
Pole-Carrier Pardon... 'Scuse me.
Noon tea.
Teahouse Assistant You got it, Master Shang.
Haven't seen you for a couple days. How've you been?
Pole-Carrier Same old.
Teahouse Assistant What were you up to?
Pole-Carrier Saw my son.
Teahouse Assistant Oh... It's that time again... I'd forgotten.
If you'd told me sooner, we could've gone together.
Pole-Carrier Don't worry about it...
He likes it quiet.
Teahouse Assistant *Sigh*... It's been years now... I'm only saying this because we know each other so well, and I mean no disrespect, but well...
We can't be stuck in the past.
Pole-Carrier You speaking for Zheng Qingyue?
Teahouse Assistant Come on, you know he personally invested in all the teahouses here.
Pole-Carrier You're on his payroll. You speak for him. No offense taken.
Teahouse Assistant That's half my own opinion too.
Pole-Carrier Half-offended then.
Teahouse Assistant It's been years already. Just hear me out.
Have some tea and think it through.
Pole-Carrier ......
Teahouse Stopperby Isn't that the man we saw go down the mountain earlier...?
Teahouse Tourist I-I think so? It hasn't been that long, has it? He's back already?
He and his buddies must have some kind of relay system so he only has to go down halfway. That's the only plausible explanation.
<Background 2>
[Kroos makes a call to someone, but no one responds.]
Kroos No good... Can't get through to 'em.
There's no response, which means Nian and Dusk aren't in Shangshu yet... They might not be following the mission directives.
Mr. Nothing Benefactor...
Kroos Yeah, I know what you're about to say.
Mr. Nothing I'm hardly a clever man, and I certainly can't claim to remember everything I see, but if my eyes did not deceive me...
The case that Mr. Lee handed to Mr. Liang... carried the same pattern as the trinket that Nian had.
Kroos Must have something to do with them suddenly breaking off from the team.
Mr. Nothing What should we do?
Kroos Hm... Well, I kind of saw this coming too.
I talked to Lava, you see. Asked her to contact the Operators near Shangshu and have them come get us as soon as she made it to the office.
Mr. Nothing Oh? So you came prepared?
Kroos Nian was acting awfully dodgy the whole way. I figured she was up to something.
Mr. Nothing Are you suggesting we stay here for the time being then?
Kroos We bumped into Mr. Lee. Naturally we have to help him. It's in the contract and everything.
Mr. Nothing I see. You'll handle this fairly and impartially, while remaining vigilant and conscientious. You continue to command my utmost respect, benefactor.
Kroos But Mr. Lee's a smart man... He never bothered requesting Rhodes Island's assistance ever since we ran into him at the inn. Maybe he's been trying to tell us not to get involved.
If this really does have to do with Nian, though... Not to mention Taihe and Zuo Le...
Anyway, we'll check out the rendezvous point when the time comes. Nian's probably gonna be a no-show, but Dusk isn't that kind of girl. We might see her there.
Mr. Nothing Right. Dusk is likely to drop a hint or two, at least.
Kroos *Sigh*.
No matter how I slice it, though, sometimes things are just too—
Mr. Nothing —Too coincidental?
Kroos Nothing, mate, you didn't have any particular reason for choosing that inn, right?
Mr. Nothing Oh, you jest. Suppose I had an ulterior motive, how could I have counted on a Gloompincer knocking my car over and then us running into each other?
Kroos Then just who is it that made everything line up so perfectly?
[Kroos walks away.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor... that WAS a jest, right? A joke, a jape? You couldn't possibly be suspecting me, could you? Benefactor?!
<Background 1>
Miss Du Dad.
Innkeeper Zheng What's the matter...?
Miss Du I thought I was in charge of this whole thing?
Innkeeper Zheng Someone has to clean up the mess.
Miss Du ......!
If you can do it, then clearly I could too—
Innkeeper Zheng Wrong.
Even if you could, you can't. As long as you're still Du Yaoye and not Du, Head of the Escort Association, there is absolutely no way.
Miss Du Why?!
Innkeeper Zheng Do you still fail to realize why I didn't seize the target when he was at the inn? Why I stopped you, even?
Miss Du It was because of that Cautus with the skills, and that Nothing dude—
Innkeeper Zheng It seems you still have much to learn.
Miss Du What do you mean...?
Innkeeper Zheng You have no eye for people.
Miss Du Dad!
Do you want me to inherit the Association, or do you want me to be the naive Miss Du my whole life?!
Innkeeper Zheng An escort has many enemies. You don't understand.
Miss Du And so I should continue to be the stupid, ignorant daughter of the Association's head?
I'm supposed to let everyone think that Zheng, Head of the Escort Association, is now just an honest businessman, and I'm a successor who's not up to snuff?
You know that's not who I am.
Innkeeper Zheng Ye, my girl...
Miss Du Do you know the size of the bone the young people at the Escort Association have to pick with you?
Innkeeper Zheng What do they know?
Miss Du And what do you know?
Innkeeper Zheng ......
Miss Du You're trying to wash your hands of the business, yet you don't even realize how long the younger generation has been unhappy with the current state of the Association.
Innkeeper Zheng Then are you telling me, in all honesty, that starting a new association with those inexperienced disciples is what you truly want?
Is that who you are now?
Miss Du All I know is that you made me do this, Dad. And that if I succeed, not only will they all bow down to me, I'll have a fine new addition to my rap sheet.
Innkeeper Zheng I'm worried that you might not have what it takes.
And I'm even more worried that you're actually trying to mess this up.
Miss Du I don't know what you're talking about...
If you've changed your mind, then hurry up and tell me. And if you haven't, then...
Stop worrying about me.
<Background 5>
[Du walked towards her underlings.]
Street Youth How did it go, Miss...? What did the innkeeper say?
Miss Du Hmph, how do you think it went?
Zheng got played. They switched it out with a decoy.
Street Youth At least we don't have to screw this one up ourselves. Sounds like he's already on top of it.
Miss Du Not necessarily.
He knows what we're up to.
Street Youth H-Huh?
He knows? What should we do, then? If our masters ground us, we can't do nothing!
Miss Du Solving a problem like this can take a while, but creating a new one is simple enough.
<Background 6>
Lee I had this same thought when I first visited Shangshu years ago, but the people here are really quite something.
From Xinluan to Liuyun, how many wondrous peaks and precipitous paths will we have to cross? The city is dispersed along the mountain chain, and there are settlements scattered all across. What a wondrous sight.
Boatman So... have you come to understand why you came to be robbed?
Lee I'm not stupid.
Though I trust Liang Xun, and therefore I trust you, Master Shen.
Boatman *Sigh*... Well, you've got smarts, I'll give you that.
Lee Is that what Liang Xun said about me?
Boatman I came to that conclusion myself. Where does Mr. Liang come into this?
Lee He once told me that I put up a front and my predictions never come true, but I have a good eye for people.
Boatman That's what I meant.
Lee It's all a matter of experience.
Boatman Let's go. This is as high as Huntan Peak gets, and we haven't seen any pavilions on our way up here.
Qujiang Peak isn't far from here, but why pick that one? If we're looking for someone, shouldn't we start where more people live?
Lee What did they used to call Qujiang?
Boatman Zuanjiang Peak. It was difficult to write, so they changed it when it got turned into a tourist spot.
Lee Bingo.
I had a dream that I was looking for someone on the peak.
Boatman Now if that isn't strange... Sure you didn't learn about the old name on your last trip to Shangshu?
Lee Maybe... Or perhaps...
...I have a mountain spirit guiding me.
Boatman You know how to use Arts, right?
Think they call 'em Originium Arts now? An inkhorn of a name, I tell you, but they've always been around, and may as well be the gods and spirits you speak of.
Lee Now that's not quite right, Master Shen. It is man who uses Fulu, and thus it is man who triumphs over nature.
Lee? "It is man who triumphs over nature"?
I think I like that saying.
<Background 6>
Lee ......!
Boatman Alright, alright. Originium Arts it is. I don't really get these Originium studies... Hm? What are you spacing out for?
Lee Did I... Did I just say something...?
Boatman "Man who triumphs over nature"?
Lee No...
Never mind... I was probably daydreaming.
<Background 2>
Liang Xun Qujiang Peak... Zuanjiang Peak.
We looked there numerous times, but the search always came up emptyhanded.
[Taihe walks to Mr. Liang.]
Taihe Naturally.
Liang Xun Yet the Sui Regulator has nonetheless come to a decision.
Taihe Yes.
Liang Xun Has her presence in Shangshu all these years ever proven to be a transgression, though?
Taihe ......
Liang Xun Why, then, did she lend Yan her strength, defending her borders dozens of times?
Taihe Over such a long stretch of time, it certainly defies common sense.
But the situation at hand seems to be going against your wishes, Mr. Liang.
Liang Xun If she is a shadow, then the goblet from Lungmen must be a flicker of light.
Did the light come first, or did the shadow? A difficult, yet meaningless question.
Taihe What is truly difficult are the people who try to answer this question.
Liang Xun The Sui Regulator came to me directly, to reason with me in person. Naturally, I understand the gravity of the circumstances.
Taihe You promised General Zuo that when the cup arrived in Shangshu, you would feign its theft, allowing it to make its way to his son, Lord Zuo.
Liang Xun All to fool certain individuals.
Taihe Correct.
Liang Xun Though I couldn't possibly have explained this all to Old Lee, an outsider.
Taihe Then you should not have chosen a Lungmenite to handle this.
Liang Xun Given my status, I can't act rashly. It would do more harm than good if it blemishes the early spring festivities.
And as the magistrate, all matters, both large and small, are of the utmost importance to me.
Taihe Is he not a friend of yours?
Liang Xun He is my friend, but he is also an outsider.
Taihe We can hardly blame you, there are too many eyes.
What of the cup?
Liang Xun ......
[Liang pauses for a moment.]
Liang Xun As I entrusted my friend with the matter, naturally it is with him.
Taihe You wish to have the Lungmenite uncover Ling's whereabouts without lifting a finger yourself?
Liang Xun Correct.
Taihe Oh...
Rumor has it that the cup can possess the things around it. Is it true?
Liang Xun Mr. Taihe... I have a question myself.
Taihe Please, go ahead.
Liang Xun Let us cast aside our status and speak as equals.
The Sui Regulator bypassed the Ministry of Rites for this matter, far overstepping its bounds. Once the Ministry learns of this, there will likely be quite the quarrel between the two parties.
You are the Deputy Monitor Censor of the Department of Discipline and Supervision. What are your thoughts?
Taihe I am indebted to the general, and I am merely repaying the favor.
Liang Xun It comes down to personal feelings, then?
Taihe That is correct.
Liang Xun The Department of Discipline and Supervision's Monitor Censor oversees hundreds of officers and champions integrity. It seems to me there should be no place for personal feelings.
Taihe ......
Liang Xun If the Department of Discipline and Supervision learns of this and finds the Ministry of Rites in the right and the Sui Regulator in the wrong, what will become of those personal feelings?
Taihe Garner loyalty and forsake righteousness.
Liang Xun There wasn't even the slightest hesitation in your answer, Mr. Taihe.
Taihe Naturally.
It was the general himself who taught me those words.
Liang Xun Truly a fine man, then.
Taihe You needn't worry, however.
General Zuo is a Yanese soldier. He would never do anything illegal.
Liang Xun Did something force the Sui Regulator's hand, then? Even if it means bypassing the Ministry of Rites?
Right... Lord Exorcist Zuo Xuanliao is a man who normally gives the affairs in the borderlands his utmost attention. Who could have diverted his attention to a mere goblet?
Taihe It's no trivial matter, but hardly a significant one either.
And I am certain you already know who it is.
Liang Xun *sharp exhale*
Taihe Please take care, Mr. Liang.
Liang Xun It seems this spring will be colder than expected.
<Background 7>
Boatman Here we are.
Aside from a few houses here and there, this is the only town near Quijiang Peak.
Lee What kind of place is this?
Boatman Before Shangshu City was built, it was near the border. The mountain was full of mineral resources, and many blacksmiths and stonemasons worked here.
Lee What about now?
Boatman With the world at peace, the nomadic cities are all parked around the mountain range. Aside from the few forges kept around as tourist spots, the town is mostly bed-and-breakfasts now.
Lee What lies at the top of Qujiang Peak, then...?
Boatman No idea.
Lee Hm... Perhaps just a place for wine and chess?
After all, if it were scenic, there'd be no need to go look for them. Most likely it's a remote place no one ever visits.
Boatman I know Shangshu's mounts and waters like the back of my hand... Never heard of any pavilions off the beaten path though.
Qujiang Peak has only an empty swath of land. The legend goes that a god, staring into the deep waters there, attained enlightenment by forgetting the waters surrounding it. From then on, everyone called it the "Field of Forgotten Water."
Lee I see...
Sounds like our friend won't be easy to find, then... How about we start with the wine shops? Might be futile without knowing what they look like though.
Any ideas, Master Shen?
Boatman When seeking a man, there is this one simple trick that has worked since ancient times.
Have them seek you out instead.
Lee True, but a little passive for my tastes.
I have an idea, though—
[Lee looks at the pole-carrier from before.]
Pole-Carrier What is it?
Need something?
<Background 2>
Liang Xun Miss Ning...
Miss Ning Reading for leisure, I see. Fine tastes as always, my lord.
Liang Xun Reading for leisure enriches the mind.
Miss Ning ......
Liang Xun If there is something you would like to ask, please go ahead.
Miss Ning My lord, is something weighing on your mind?
Liang Xun Hm... What do you mean?
Miss Ning Your friend from Lungmen.
Liang Xun There's no hiding anything from you, Miss Ning. There is a minor matter, though it's entirely personal.
Miss Ning What does it concern?
Liang Xun We are looking for someone.
Miss Ning Hm... What kind of someone?
Liang Xun An old friend of ours. A practitioner of the martial arts.
Miss Ning I see. Is that all?
Liang Xun His name is Waai.
Miss Ning It seems a simple thing.
Liang Xun I did say it was a minor matter... You needn't worry.
Miss Ning You should hide no secrets from me, my lord.
Liang Xun And I have none to hide.
Miss Ning Very well, then.
Liang Xun ......
The lady before him walks across the room and takes a glance at the bookshelf. She appears engulfed in a sense of defeat.
Fortunately, her mood quickly lightens.
It often changes rapidly.
Miss Ning My lord, the book you were reading... Is it a historical record?
Liang Xun It's about an old Catastrophe that happened within the bounds of Shangshu's Three Mounts.
Miss Ning You seem to be very fond of that piece of history.
Liang Xun I saw it with my own eyes. I can never forget it.
Miss Ning If I remember correctly... "Tale of the Three Mounts?"
Liang Xun I'm surprised you remember. It seems I've reread that book far too many times.
Miss Ning I only happened to notice.
May I borrow it? I will be paying Uncle Bai a visit. I can read it in my down time.
Liang Xun As you wish.
[Ning tries to get the book from the shelf, but she can't reach it.]
Miss Ning Very well... But...
Liang Xun Oh, forgive me...
Let me get it for you. I haven't been able to read it much lately, so I placed it fairly high on the shelf.
[Mr. Liang takes the book and gives it to Ms. Ning.]
Miss Ning Thank you.
Liang Xun So you'll be visiting Bai, the potter?
Miss Ning Yes.
Liang Xun Please give him my regards.
Miss Ning Of course.
I will take my leave now.
<Background 8>
Miss Ning "Tale of the Three Mounts..."
My lord, I am sure you never realized, but I have actually already taken a peek at your bookshelf, once when you worked late into the night and fell asleep in your study.
(He's never put this book so high up...)
(There was a new case on the shelf too... What could be inside?)