Operation story: IW-2

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Male Yanese icon.png
Feeble Apprentice
Female Yanese icon.png
Female Yanese icon.png
Snowsweeping Stranger
Grindstone Waregeist icon.png
Strange Object
Yanese Thug icon.png
Street Youth
Shangshu Liang Estate
Yan Alley Night
Yan Indoor B
Lungmen Streets
Shangshu Pass
Mountaintop Pavilion
Eighteenth Peak A
Yan Downtown

Before operation

Lee and his old friend Liang Xun chat merrily, while Kroos runs into Taihe, who previously encountered Rhodes Island in Lungmen, along with a mysterious youth–and when Lee retires for the night, he finds an unexpected guest awaiting him.
<Background 1>
The cold spell of springtide.
It hearkens me back to many scenes of the past: my academic pursuits, my career in business, my training in the martial arts, and my entrance into politics.
In those bygone times, we were inseparable. Kind friends and mentors were always there for us, each of them hoping to realize their own grand aspirations.
What about now?
The green bricks have yet to be cleaned. Spring has long since begun, yet the snow lingers, white as pearls.
It is impossible to know what the man behind the door thinks when it is shut. All you are certain of is that, when it opens, what you know is merely what he wants you to know.
He lifts his head. The door lets out a creak.
[The Yanese Kuranta noble from before stands in front of his estate...]
Unfrivolous Man ......
[Lee, Kroos, Mr. Nothing, and the boatman walks to the noble, who is revealed to be Liang Xun, the magistrate of Shangshu and Lee's old friend.]
Boatman Mr. Liang.
Lee Liang Xun... Long time no see.
Liang Xun Indeed. It's been a while.
You've ventured far, Lee.
Lee It was a long journey, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't arduous. How gaudy of you then, Mr. Liang, to have me travel all this way just to deliver this small trinket.
Liang Xun All will be explained as soon as I have the time.
I must thank you too, Master Shen. It's early spring. There must be many a traveler seeking to make their way across the waters.
Boatman Not at all. I accepted the job, so naturally it's my top priority.
But now that I've brought him... I think I'll head back to the docks.
Oh right. We ran into a bit of trouble in the city. Lee can fill you in on the details.
Liang Xun Trouble...?
Boatman You'd best be careful too, sir.
I'll take my leave. The docks must be low on manpower by now. I should hurry back.
Liang Xun Right. Thank you for your work.
[Shen the boatman leaves.]
Lee "Make your way to Shangshu via Zhengshan, and find a boatman named Shen."
See how far your reputation gets you, Mr. Liang? You sent for me with just that one sentence.
Liang Xun This isn't exactly your first time visiting Shangshu.
Lee So what kind of man is this Master Shen?
Liang Xun Just a trustworthy boatman. And experienced boatmen can be trusted with your life.
Lee Fair enough.
Liang Xun Come to think of it, I haven't been introduced to these two...
Mr. Nothing (Good gracious, how did I not notice? So this "Mr. Liang" is the magistrate of Shangshu?!)
Kroos (I'm getting pretty used to you overreacting to stuff you missed. What's that mean for us, though?)
Mr. Nothing (He's the head of the city!)
Kroos (Knowing how Yan ranks officials, though, doesn't that make him a whole lot lower than Wei Yenwu?)
Lee These two are my... business partners.
Mr. Nothing It is an honor, Mr. Liang. I'm Ch'u...
[Mr. Nothing pauses for a bit before resuming his introduction.]
Mr. Nothing Wu-yu. Please call me Mr. Nothing.
Kroos And I'm Kroos. I'm an Operator on deployment from Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals, which has an ongoing business relationship with Mr. Lee.
We only bumped into each other in Shangshu by chance, though. Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Liang.
Liang Xun By chance? And here I thought you hired Messengers to escort you from Lungmen...
Lee So you ARE aware that Messengers exist? Then perhaps you should've hired them to run your errands instead of me.
Liang Xun It was no trivial matter, and the journey was long. I couldn't trust just anyone.
Lee But you could trust me? Give me a break. What was I supposed to do if I ran into bandits on the way?
Liang Xun If you thought it a hassle, you could have written back and refused.
Lee Please, like there'd be another chance with that trinket of yours. By the time your letter made it to me, the smugglers were already in Lungmen.
When did I have time to write back and tell you to find somebody else? I had to get someone looking into them straight away, smashing up their hideout too, while we were at it.
Lee *Sigh* Fortunately, the kids working for me are more than capable of holding the fort. Otherwise I wouldn't have time for this errand of yours.
Kroos (Sounds like Waai Fu's MO to me... and I'm guessing Mr. Lee took this as an excuse to skip town rather than deal with everything on his plate.)
Liang Xun Seeing as you are Lee's business partners, we shouldn't be discussing this at the door. Please, come in. We have enough guest rooms for everyone.
Lee What an honor to be personally received by Shangshu's magistrate. Best we accept, then.
[Mr. Liang invites the gang into his estate.]
Liang Xun Please, this way.
Mr. Nothing You have our thanks, Mr. Liang.
Benefactor, we were just worrying about where to stay the night, and there's still some time until our meeting. Why not get some rest here?
Kroos Hmm...
[Mr. Nothing notices Kroos spacing out and asks her.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor?
Kroos Nothing... Guess I'm just tired.
Mr. Lee, do we have to tell Mr. Liang about what just happened?
Lee Yes, we should...
Look at the sky. It's filled with clouds. It'll probably rain tonight—
[Lee shifts between reality and the imaginary landscape he saw earlier.]
Liang Xun ...? What's the matter, Lee?
Lee Nothing...
Some landscapes flashed through my mind, is all... Maybe it's been way too long since I last visited Shangshu, and the nostalgia is getting to me.
<Background 2>
Street Youth Miss Du... How did it go?
Miss Du How did what go? That ugly old Zheng gave me an earful.
Street Youth What should we do, then?
Miss Du I told you. We can't always listen to them.
If that's all we ever do, we won't have a future.
Just do as I say.
Street Youth Alright. I'll call everyone up.
Miss Du Mm-hm.
Street Youth How will you deal with the Lungmenite now?
Miss Du I'll go see him myself.
Some things are best discussed with an open heart.
<Background 3>
[Lee walks to Mr. Liang.]
Lee How about a drink?
Liang Xun I'll pass. I have work later.
Lee You had me travel thousands of li[note 1] to bring you a wine cup, and you won't indulge me with one little drink?
I went through hell and high water for this thing, you know.
Liang Xun Drink makes fools of us all.
Lee Ah, "drink makes fools of us all..."
One of the Liang Xun of yesteryear's favorite sayings. Full glad I am to know that Mr. Liang still cannot hold his liquor.
Liang Xun And full glad I am to know that you're still that good old foulmouthed Lee.
I've sent someone to investigate what happened at Xingyu Inn.
Lee I doubt things are as simple as they seem. If you really don't know, then no need to stir up the hornet's nest. Such is the society we live in.
Especially when simply waiting for me to leave the city would more or less solve all our troubles.
Liang Xun ......
Lee Are you sure you don't need to check on the cup? The roads were bumpy. I could very well have flattened it under my posterior.
Liang Xun If you didn't feel it worth mentioning, then it must be safe and sound.
Lee Haha...
I say you take a look anyway. I hand-delivered this beauty all the way from Lungmen, after all.
[Lee shows Liang an elaborate black cup.]
The Wine Cup.png
Liang Xun So this is it...
Lee Now, indulge my curiosity: what makes it so special? At the price it was going for in the smugglers' auctions, it may as well have been a buy-one-get-one-free sale.
A rumor circulating among the smugglers did catch my attention though. Apparently, this thing was at the center of a ghost story in the village it was found.
Liang Xun Do tell.
Lee They say the cup can make the things around it... come to life.
Liang Xun Is there any proof?
Lee If there were any proof to a ghost story, you'd have heard about it on the news by now. I only know the rumors.
Liang Xun And what of the smugglers?
Lee All taken to the L.G.D.
Liang Xun That's good to hear.
Actually, there is another matter I would like you to take care of.
Lee Well, you summoned me all the way from Lungmen. You may as well get your money's worth while I'm here.
But for now...
Liang Xun Hoh... It seems you won't let me go without sharing a drink with you.
We'll save business for later, then. You haven't changed, old friend. Carefree as always.
Lee Come, sit.
Liang Xun Now you're the master?
How are your days in Lungmen? I heard you're a private investigator now?
Lee Right... And Waai's daughter is staying with me, too. You know, Waai, the kung fu lunatic.
Liang Xun Ah, no wonder you asked me to look into his whereabouts all of a sudden.
Lee I've been taking care of Waai Fu for a while now, actually. I even went to her university graduation ceremony in his place. Am I supposed to walk her down the aisle when she gets married too?
Waai Fu's a good girl, but she's got a terrible father.
Liang Xun His daughter... She's grown so much.
Lee Time flies, Liang Xun.
Liang Xun Indeed...
Lee I heard you took up a job in government, and with your personality and skills I figured you had a bright future ahead of you. Never did I imagine that our reunion would take so many years though.
Liang Xun I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear you managed to get back on your feet.
Lee Hardly. I just realized that some things aren't nearly as much of a headache as figuring out how to put food on the table.
Liang Xun It's been a while since I had your cooking...
Lee You're a big shot who governs a large city.[note 2] Stop looking back so fondly on the tough times we struggled through.
Instead, think back to the times when we lacked opportunities to use our talents, and make sure the youngsters in your city have them. Isn't that what used to vex you the most?
Liang Xun Indeed...
Lee Hmm, still, glad to see you're still the type to never, ever, hold a woman.
I was worried I'd come to Shangshu only to find you'd started a family. Which would make me—
[A woman calls out to Mr. Liang.]
Gentle Female Voice Mr. Liang... You have a guest?
Lee ......
Liang Xun *Cough*...
Miss Ning... I'm afraid now is not a good time...
Lee —What do you mean, now isn't a good time? I'm just a Messenger. I'll be taking my leave soon!
[An Elafian lady by the name Ning enters.]
Miss Ning Good evening, Mr. Liang... and... Mr. Messenger?
Lee That's right, young miss.
Liang Xun ......
Lee (Explain.)
Liang Xun (She's a coworker.)
Lee (Mighty fine coworker you have over at this hour.)
Liang Xun (It's barely past dinnertime.)
Miss Ning Oh.
Might you have forgotten our engagement tonight?
Liang Xun No, it's just...
Lee Please, don't mind me. I have a few errands that just came to mind.
I'll leave you to it, Mr. Liang. If you need anything else... Ugh, try to finish your business first.
Liang Xun Wait, Lee—
[Lee leaves.]
<Background 1>
[Lee stands in the frontyard.]
Lee Well, seems I'm in trouble.[note 3]
<Background 2>
Kroos Nothing, mate... We're just looking for some grub. Does this really need to be such a big deal?
It's not like Nian's here. I'm fine with whatever. No one's going to complain.
Mr. Nothing Absolutely not, my benefactor! I must apologize for what happened earlier by finding you the very finest establishment!
Kroos Okay... so how come we're in some empty alley?
Mr. Nothing You don't understand. Everyone in Yan has a handful of hole-in-the-wall eateries they hold dear to their hearts. Flavors that simply cannot be enjoyed anywhere else, no matter how reputable.
You savor the memories, and taste the feelings, and, uh...
Kroos You're not even a local... How can anywhere here be dear to your heart?
Now put that travel guide away.
Mr. Nothing If you insist.
Kroos Do you have some kind of four-dimensional pocket? Where are you keeping all those weird books...?
And you keep taking us down alleyways too... Trying to lure out the people who attacked us earlier?
Mr. Nothing We're wards of the city's magistrate! What do we have to be afraid of?
Besides, they are hardly the upstanding sort! Rather than wait for them to come to us, I say we nip this in the bud before our rendezvous with the others.
Kroos The safest play would be to hole up in the Liang estate and contact the closest field office to send Operators to meet us in Shangshu... Hmm...
[Unbeknownst to Kroos and Mr. Nothing, a familiar Forte in red robe and bluish mask is watching over them.]
Mr. Nothing I've been meaning to ask, but are there many Yanese at Rhodes Island?
Kroos Now that you mention it, I don't think there's all that many, but it also feels like I run into them just about everywhere. It's strange—
<Background fades out>
Rhodes Island? Rhodes Island...
Infected walking freely in the city?
<Background fades in>
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, watch out—
[The masked Forte suddenly strikes Kroos, who dodged it...]
Kroos Urgh—
[...as he reveals himself.]
Imposing Man Such a lightning-fast reaction.
What a surprise.
Mr. Nothing What is this about—
Mr. Nothing thinks fast and moves even faster, as do most kung fu practitioners.
However, the brawny man strikes more quickly than even the skip of Mr. Nothing's heartbeat, reaching his throat.
Imposing Man Don't try anything funny.
Kroos Nothing! Don't do it, mate!
Imposing Man Do you know your companion's identity? Did you know she belongs to an Infected organization?
Mr. Nothing Haha... Benefactor, to be quite honest, I'm afraid I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to...
What's more... This is a government official.
Imposing Man What a strange fan you wield. You are a master of your techniques, but you have yet to kill.
At least you are aware of your weaknesses.
Kroos Have we met...?
Imposing Man We have not.
However, it seems you two are somehow connected to the deputy minister of the Central Judicial Office.
Kroos You mean... Leizi?
Right! I saw you in our Operational Records before! You're...!
[The red-robed Forte removes his mask.]
Taihe Taihe, Deputy Monitor Censor of the Department of Discipline and Supervision.
Mr. Nothing De-department of Discipline and Supervision...?!
Taihe Infected, what is your purpose here in Shangshu?
What happened at Kou-wu City? Why did Dusk leave the mountains?
And how is Rhodes Island involved?
Mr. Nothing (Benefactor, is this... about Miss Dusk?)
Kroos ......
Taihe Keeping quiet, are we?
Kroos There is no need to probe Rhodes Island, sir. We've already gone through all the formalities... as Infected.
Taihe ......
Kroos If you want to know about our Operators' private lives, though, there is truly nothing I can tell you.
Not that I know anything anyway.
Taihe Operators...?
A bestial Sui taking an office job? Unheard of.
It seems the Central Judicial Office was highly negligent in its handling of Rhodes Island.
Kroos So you tailed us, huh...?
Taihe Not at all.
Kroos But you won't let us go?
Taihe That depends on how cooperative you are.
Kroos ......
Young Male Voice No need to be so confrontational, Uncle Taihe.
Kroos —!
[A young Pythia joins Taihe.]
Confrontation in Shangshu.png
Taihe Lord Zuo.
Amiable Young Man I've spoken with the other Candleholders to better understand the situation. These... Rhodes Island-related individuals are currently guests of the Shangshu magistrate.
They may be involved with the Mount Hui-ch'i incident, but they clearly mean no offense. We needn't come to blows.
Taihe ......
Amiable Young Man My apologies. Uncle Taihe is usually a quiet man, but for whatever reason he is unusually agitated today.
Zuo Le I am Zuo Le, a... court Messenger. We will leave it at that.
Kroos I'm Kroos, a Rhodes Island Operator.
Mr. Nothing Chu Wuyuo, otherwise known as Rhodes Island Operator Nothing. Although not yet officially.
Zuo Le Ms. Kroos, Mr. Nothing. Please accept my apologies.
I understand the transgression was Uncle Taihe's, but allow me to remind you:
If you are not too involved with those sisters, I suggest you put an end to that relationship while you still can.
Kroos Nian's my friend and coworker, and Dusk's my friend's pain-in-the-rear sister. So is that in the 'while we still can' stage or not?
Zuo Le To tell the truth... You've likely already crossed the line.
Kroos Thanks for the tip, then.
Zuo Le Heh.
Ms. Kroos, you're a woman of extraordinary courage and skill.
<Background 2>
Zuo Le Now we have other business to attend to. Please excuse us.
Taihe I hope Magistrate Liang will give the Department of Discipline and Supervision an acceptable answer regarding the Rhodes Island affair.
Excuse us.
[Taihe and the Pythia, now known as Zuo Le, leaves.]
Kroos ...Mm...
Mr. Nothing Benefactor! Are you okay?
Kroos Haha... That gave me such a start, I sprained my ankle. I'm okay, though.
Nothing, mate.
Mr. Nothing Hmm...
A Messenger accompanied by the Department of Discipline and Supervision's Deputy Monitir[sic] Censor as his retainer... What a load of poppycock. They really took us for fools.
It seems they're also well aware of the bizarre events in which we found ourselves at Kou-wu City and Mount Hui-ch'i.
Even a fool can glean that the sisters are no ordinary beings, but all this is a little... uh... beyond imagination.
Kroos Let's head back to the Liang estate first.
Now's not the time to be wandering around. We need to meet up with them as soon as possible...
[Kroos saw a beast similar to one that Lee saw before.]
Kroos Huh...?
Mr. Nothing What about him?
Kroos Nah... It was probably just some small critter.
<Background 1>
Liang Xun *Sigh*.
Miss Ning 'Tis not like you to sigh so much.
Are you so unhappy to see me tonight, my lord?
Liang Xun I...
Is something the matter?
Miss Ning Must I have urgent matters to seek your companionship?
Liang Xun No...
Miss Ning When shall we take to the mountains and see the plays?
Liang Xun The weather is still cold. I heard you've been ill as of late. You should be avoiding the mountains.
Miss Ning 'Tis always the case in early spring. It makes me long for the hot tea served at Shuzhou Peak.
Liang Xun Right. I will go with you when I have the time.
Miss Ning That was your guest, was he not? You were never one to engage in small talk with Messengers.
Perhaps you might settle for "leave the goods there. Stop wasting my time."?
No, I doubt you would say that last part. After all, you are a man of proper etiquette, my lord.
Liang Xun Nothing escapes you, Miss Ning.
Miss Ning Where is he from?
Liang Xun Lungmen.
Miss Ning So far away! Ah... He came all this way to see you. I should not have intruded.
Liang Xun Not at all. He's not one to mind such trivialities.
Miss Ning My, how strange... To think you'd say that about someone.
Here I thought you would be the same aloof man to everyone.
Liang Xun *Cough*... I don't...
Miss Ning What is he doing here?
Liang Xun I... I entrusted some matters to him.
Miss Ning ......
What sorts of matters?
Liang Xun All trivial.
Miss Ning So you invited an old friend from a thousand li[note 1] away only for trivial matters...
Liang Xun ......
Miss Ning If you will not tell me, I shan't ask.
However, this world is full of hardships. Such is life. If you were to anguish over each and every one of them...
You would only be overburdening yourself.
<Background 3>
Lee Hm?
Didn't Liang say this guest room was for me to use as I please?
Let's ignore the fact that you came into my room uninvited. Why are you making tea? MY tea, mind you.
[The one Lee is speaking with is revealed to be Du.]
Miss Du It's not yours, it's Mr. Liang's.
And I made you a cup too. Satisfied?
Lee So you plan to continue your accusations, Miss Du?
Miss Du Take a guess.
Lee I don't suppose you're bold enough to try anything in such a pretty mansion.
Why don't you start by telling me why you're here?
Miss Du Heh, aren't you the confident one? Still carefree enough to make conversation with me.
Lee Well, you made tea.
Miss Du Alright, fine.
I'll get to the point. I'm here because I need your help.
Lee Alright.
Miss Du Huh?
Now that's odd. I thought you'd be more cautious. Why so agreeable?
Lee Liang Xun let you into his home. What is there to worry about?
Do you know him?
Miss Du I pleaded him to let me in, that's all... My father's always had a good relationship with the government.
Lee I see.
Miss Du Last time we met, I was going to steal your cup.
Lee Not mine. Mr. Liang's.
Let him deal with the troublesome stuff. I only bother with whatever troubles come my way.
Miss Du So you'll believe me...?
Lee What reason do I have to hold a grudge against a young lady?
*Sigh*... All of us were young once, and all of us have had to put up an act just to save face.
Miss Du —W-Who's saving face?! I was—
Lee Did you get in a fight with the innkeeper?
Miss Du Heh.
I'm starting to understand just what a terrifying person you are.
You seem lax and carefree, but you actually know everything like the back of your hand—People like you are the most terrifying.
Lee At the very least, I wouldn't attack someone with a chair on our first meeting.
Miss Du ......
Lee Now, tell me what this is about. And be honest, this is a negotiation.
Miss Du Innkeeper Zheng... My father took on a job from a court noble. They want that wine cup of yours.
Lee About what I figured, but earlier you were helping him with that. Why the sudden change of heart?
Miss Du I won't go into the details. It's just... I don't want him to succeed.
Lee So?
Miss Du Will you not believe me if I don't tell you why?
Lee Try not to ask questions that you already know the answer to. You want to come across as sincere.
Miss Du If he succeeds, it doesn't matter how big a role I played. He'll make me take full credit for it.
The Escort Association has made itself a lot of enemies, and, for all the weight it has to throw around, it's stuck by the old rules even now that the Messenger industry has taken off. They're always left out for being slower to react than everyone else.
That's why my father always told me to keep my mouth shut, to hide my shortcomings.
He wants me to act like a frivolous playgirl who pisses away his riches. All so no one will give me a second thought.
Then, I'd secretly run errands for the court, both to curry favor and win over my lackeys.
Only then will he finally entrust me with the family business.
Lee Well, that's an innkeeper for you. Always so calculating.
Miss Du But I'm not part of the equation.
Whether it's the Du Yaoye who will inherit the Association, or the Miss Du who's always throwing money around, both are what others expect me to be.
Lee So you want to take this chance to ensure your old man has to stay put and right the ship. That way you won't need to take over as the new innkeeper. Am I getting this right?
Miss Du Not quite.
The royal court doesn't often come to the Association with a job. If this deal falls through, there is no way my father is going to hand me the keys to the Association just yet.
Most people my age look to me for a way out. I told them that if my father's deal falls through, the Association won't expect anything from us youngsters anymore.
Lee But either way you're still waiting for your old man to pass the baton to you. What's the difference?
Miss Du That's nothing more than an arrangement to keep us in line. Once I inherit the Association, I will have to follow the rules.
And the "rules" go way beyond my father.
Lee That's why you've come to me to... uh, help you put on this play of yours?
Miss Du That it is.
Lee Du Yaoye... Is that your name, my lady?
Miss Du W-What about it?
Lee "On this silent autumn night, lingering sorrows yet grapple my heart. A long night that never ceases." Yaoye refers to the long night from that lovely poem.
Miss Du Too bad, I prefer going out at twilight.
Lee Since this is a deal though... what's in it for me?
Miss Du There's somebody out there, from the royal court, who wants what you have. But you didn't let them have it. Do you understand what that means?
Lee My friend never told me to hand it over. Besides, isn't he a member of said court?
Miss Du Mr. Liang had you come all this way. He has something else for you, doesn't he?
Lee Only trivial matters.
Miss Du Whatever. I don't really care. It's just, now that it's come to this you won't be able to pretend you've got nothing to do with it anymore. No matter what you intend.
I can help you. At the very least, I can guarantee you'll make it back to Lungmen in one piece.
Lee Fair point...
It's a deal, then.
Miss Du It's a deal...
Heh, talking to you is easier than I expected.
Relax, I may not want to be the innkeeper, but all my friends my age have more than a few things to say about our elders. And all of them follow my orders.
Lee You say you don't want to take over the Association, but aren't you doing the same thing...?
Miss Du Times have changed.
Lee Right, right.
Miss Du I can't help but feel you're hiding something, but fine. It'll be nothing but trouble if they find me here.
Lee Call me Lee.
Miss Du —Alright, Lee. We'll meet again!
[Du leaves.]
Lee The innkeeper may seem a kind, amiable man, but his daughter...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Waai Fu Uncle Lee...
Lee Hm?
Waai Fu You're visiting Uncle Liang, right?
Lee Right... *Sigh*... I really don't want to go on this trip...
Waai Fu I...
Lee I'll keep an eye out for your dad.
With any luck, I might even drag him back here.
Waai Fu Hmm...
Lee Oh, don't be like that... Don't expect too much either.
Yan is a big place, too big to find someone that easily.
Waai Fu ......
Lee Waai Fu...
Look, I need you to know. It doesn't matter if you're going to tell him off, hammer him with questions, or let bygones be bygones and fawn over him. If I do find him, you'll need to face him on your own.
It's only when you catch your fool of a dad's shadow that he'll turn back to look at you. That's the kind of man he is.
Waai Fu ......
Lee I'll be in Shangshu for a while. If I hear anything about him, I'll let you know.
And... once you're ready, come find me.
Waai Fu I...
I understand.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Lee *Sigh*.
That prick Liang Xun... neglecting his guest like this without so much as telling me his next move...
Hm... the tea isn't the best I've had, but the pot is quite the work of art. A fine teapot, indeed...
Hmm... A full calligraphy set too... Fairly old-fashioned for a guest room. I see Liang Xun's tastes haven't changed.
[Lee goes to bed.]
Lee Phew... That journey took it all out of me.
I'm past due for a break. After all that abuse I've taken from him, I'm pooped—
[As Lee falls asleep, he suddenly find himself in a mountain pass.]
<Background 5>
—Where am I?
[The strange creature from before reveals itself before Lee.]
Strange Object Ao...

After operation

Lee sleeps deeply, ascending a mountain in his dreams, but very soon a disturbance startles him awake. Invaders in the Liang residence have stolen a wine cup. Everyone splits up to give chase and get it back.
<Background 5>
"The Shangshu Mountains are full of walkways, winding through its steep peaks among the clouds."
A conspicuous sign stands here. The sign itself is new, and so are the letters written upon it. The words, however, are old.
The mountain is old, and so are the stone steps. The cable cars and the people, however, are all new.
I scratch my head and am surprised to find my hair less of a damp mess than expected. It is as though some indescribable sensation is enlightening my entire body and soul.
All one's vivid daytime memories quickly fade away. Yet, they thoughtfully drift back when needed.
<Background fades out and in>
I decide to make my way up.
I am not sure why I do so, but even if these steps took me immediately heavenward, I would still ascend.
As if in response to my sincerity, I find yet another sign around the corner.
A new sign, this time accompanied by new words. It resembles one that advertises scenic spots for tourists.
"Zuanjiang Peak"
Lee Zuanjiang Peak... Is that where I am?
Hello—Anybody home—
Faint Echo Hello... Anybody home...
Lee Fine. Now that I'm here, might as well make the best of this.
<Background 6>
Lee (There seems to be a pavilion in the distance.)
(Strange... I feels like I've seen this place before...)
Snowsweeping Stranger We don't often get visitors here. Are you heading to the pavilion?
Lee Oh, no... I'm just going to take a peek.
What is this place...?
Snowsweeping Stranger Zuanjiang Peak.
Lee One of Shangshu's Three Mounts and Seventeen Peaks?
Snowsweeping Stranger Eighteen, not Seventeen.
The path to the pavilion isn't an easy one. Someone must have had a lot of free time to build it up there.
Lee Looks like there's somebody up there though...?
Snowsweeping Stranger Of course. Why else would you build a pavilion?
Lee And you're sweeping snow here?
Snowsweeping Stranger Correct.
Lee There's nobody here.
Snowsweeping Stranger They'll only come after the snow is cleared.
Lee Who will?
Snowsweeping Stranger Who knows, but you're here now, aren't you?
Isn't the one at the pavilion beckoning you?
Lee Oh...?
Snowsweeping Stranger Watch your step.
The path is slippery when it's snowy.
<Background 2>
Miss Du Is everyone here?
Street Youth Correct.
The masters won't let us in on the fun, and the innkeeper is always busy with his customers. The only ones missing are those still sitting around waiting for table scraps.
Feeble Apprentice Are you sure we don't have to listen to I-Innkeeper Zheng...? Can we back out?
Street Youth Huh? You still wanna follow him? Might as well quit martial arts and work as one of his cooks!
All the logistics companies have gotta be swimming in dough, with how busy they are. But, no, the old man is so in love with his rules that he'd rather open a restaurant than compete! He must be senile or something!
Feeble Apprentice To Innkeeper Zheng, a restaurant is an upstanding business, while attaching the word 'logistics' to the Xingyu name would merely sully the Association. He'd never accept that.
Street Youth And why does he think that?
Feeble Apprentice How would I know?
Miss Du We all know old man Zheng's scared of everything these days. After all those years running the Escort Association, only now when he's about to kick the bucket does he realize how many people he's offended for nothing.
At this rate, the Association is done for, with or without anyone kicking down our doors.
Street Youth But this is a huge job from the court, right? You sure it's okay to screw it up on purpose?
Miss Du This will only work because it's a huge job. I know what I'm doing.
Distant Shout Help! Thief!
Don't let him get away!
Street Youth Uh... is that part of your plan too, Miss Du?
Miss Du Of course not! Let's go!
[Du and her underlings move out.]
<Background 1>
Miss Ning It seems your friend is asleep.
Liang Xun Well, it's getting awfully late...
Miss Ning After nothing but small talk?
Then what of the play...?
Liang Xun We'll discuss this another time. You should rest. Try not to go outside so often.
You need to take care of yourself.
Miss Ning I visit because there are matters more pressing to me than my health.
Liang Xun You mean the plays...?
Miss Ning Mm-hm.
Liang Xun I can't leave while I still have duties to attend to.
Miss Ning Is that your way of berating me for idling about all day?
Liang Xun Of course not.
Distant Shout Help! Thief!
Liang Xun Hm... A thief?
Miss Ning How bizarre... A thief at the Liang estate?
Liang Xun You head on inside. I will take a look.
Miss Ning ......
<Background fades out and in>
[Mr. Liang rushes out and see Mr. Nothing.]
Liang Xun What is going on here?
Mr. Nothing Oh, Mr. Liang. I just arrived myself.
Liang Xun You two are Lee's guests, and that makes you my guests as well. As your host, I apologize for the disturbance.
Part-Timer M-Mr. Liang. I was just preparing to leave for the day, when all of a sudden I saw a silhouette up on the wall...
Liang Xun A silhouette?
Part-Timer Y-Yes, and it looked like it was holding a box...
Liang Xun ......!
To Lee's room! Hurry!
<Background 7>
Lee The lady sweeping snow was right, it was a difficult climb. And now that I made it, the person I saw is gone.
Hey, are you still here—?
I am.
Lee What is this place anyway...?
The pinnacle of your hike. In other words, the summit.
Lee Why did you summon me here?
You are the one who called me.
Lee I did?
Lee? Right...
I'm here... to reminisce with you, about the old days.
How about a match?
Lee? I'll pass... There's no suspense to it, much less any enjoyment.
Oh, looking down on me?
So you only want a drinking buddy, then?
Lee? I'm here to give you a small gift.
It's been decades since we last met. Forget the gift; it's the thought that counts.
Lee? Only a few decades. Like the snap of a finger.
What's this...?
Lee? A pair, one black and one white, like light and shadow coexisting in harmony.
Pick one, and I'll keep the other.
Lee? What's the matter? Not to your liking?
You can fool others, and you can fool our other siblings, but you can't fool me.
Are you not afraid of losing this whole game?
Lee? I am, yet also not.
Besides, I didn't exactly have a choice—
<Background black>
<Background 3>
Lee —!
Hm... Was that... all a dream?
Liang Xun Are you okay?
Lee I'm not so old that you need to worry about me kicking the bucket in my sleep... What's the matter?
Mr. Nothing Sir, someone just spotted a thief making off with a case that looked just like yours!
Liang Xun Is the case gone?
Lee You mean the wine cup...? Don't worry. It's right here.
Liang Xun How did you...?
Lee The box only contains an ordinary teapot I took from the cupboard, painted black with ink.
I'm not stupid enough to leave it out in the open, knowing someone is after it.
Mr. Nothing My good man, you are every bit the cunning genius that Kroos described.
Liang Xun ......
Lee Mr. Liang.
Someone out there is bold enough to provoke the magistrate for an old antique. If every thief were this brazen, the L.G.D. would only need to guard street food stands.
So isn't it time you told me what this is about?
Liang Xun I will tell you everything you need to know.
Which also coincides with the other matter I need your help with.
Find its owner.
Lee I see... Some actual detective work this time.
Before that though... Mr. Nothing, where's that benefactor of yours, Kroos?
Mr. Nothing Uh... D-Did she chase after them?!
I'll go check on her!
<Background 8>
[Kroos is pursuing the thief.]
Kroos ......
(I followed them all the way to this night market, but isn't it a bit too lively?)
(Did I lose 'em?)
(Let me check this direction...)
[In her haste, Kroos bumped into Du.]
Kroos Oops, my bad—
Miss Du —You're from this afternoon—
Kroos ......
Miss Du I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said I had nothing to do with this?
Kroos I haven't even said anything yet.
But put yourself in my shoes. Soon as I arrive in Shangshu, I run into someone trying to rob a friend. And now again. Would YOU believe that's a coincidence?
Don't worry though, I'll give you plenty of time to work out your excuse.
Miss Du Hmph.
Might as well save my breath, then!
<Background 2>
[Lee and Mr. Nothing head through the alleys to go after Kroos.]
Lee I'll go this way. You check over there.
Mr. Nothing Right then! I'm counting on you, Brother Lee.
Lee Hold on.
Mr. Nothing Is something the matter?
Lee What's that... beside your feet?
Mr. Nothing Hm? I don't see anything.
Lee ......
Must be my eyes playing tricks... Maybe someone's pet?
Let's go.
[Lee and Mr. Nothing heads off as the strange creature from before, which only Lee can see, watches.]
Strange Object ......


  1. 1.0 1.1 Hanzi: 里; Pinyin: lǐ; the traditional Chinese unit to measure distance equal to 0.5 km or 0.3 miles
  2. The original text refers to this as a "parental official" (Hanzi: 父母官, Pinyin: fùmǔ guān), a Chinese expression that refers to a benevolent and kind magistrate/official.
  3. The original sentence is actually in a Cantonese phrase: 今次大镬了. While 大镬 (Jypting: daai6 wok6) could mean "serious trouble," in the original context, it actually means "something big or a secret." Thus, a more appropriate translation should be "I got your secret."