Operation story: IW-1

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Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Inn Assistant
Grindstone Waregeist icon.png
Strange Object
Yanese Thug icon.png
Street Youth
Yan Inn
Shangshu Liang Estate
Yan Alley Night

Before operation

Lee suffers an unexpected attack from a Miss Du at the inn he's chosen. With no pause for explanation, the place explodes into chaos, and once the bystanders Kroos and Mr. Nothing recognize Lee, they too are drawn into the scuffle.
<Background 1>
The inn has over ten branch locations in Shangshu. Yet, they do not take the name Xingyu. Perhaps Xinglu for a journey fortunate, or Xingfu for a journey blessed—but Xingyu, for a journey plentiful, belongs to this inn alone.
And of course, this inn alone provides such an incredible view of the skyscrapers against the twin moons mirrored in the distant lake at night. The innkeeper paid mind only to the scenery when choosing locations. Not to the guests, nor to the rent.
Fine scenery puts guests in a fine mood. Fine scenery puts all in harmony, and the coin will come whether you like it or not.
[Lee and the boatman are enjoying the tea.]
Lee Mmm... fine tea indeed, and a fine view.
Boatman First timers should stay somewhere nice. Get a good impression of Shangshu.
Lee Xingyu Inn. An antique, elegant name.
Boatman Famous, but it only recently got into food service. The innkeeper has talent, and whatever he touches goes well.
It's grown to be a lot to handle, but still he...
[Lee noticed Mr. Zheng the innkeeper busy tending to the guests.]
Lee Is that him there, busying about?
Boatman The very same.
Lee Doesn't look like an owner at all. Very steady as he goes. You have to admire him.
If only I knew what my old schoolmate was up to... The Liang boy.
Boatman To borrow your words: steady as he goes.
Lee Is he a good mandarin?
Boatman Ask any passerby, shoe-shiner, yam hawker, or taxi driver on the street. They'd all give him a thumbs-up.
Lee Haha. Living his dream, then. Wish I could say that.
Boatman You haven't met Mr. Liang in over ten years?
Lee Nope.
Boatman But he still chose you to deliver this item.
Lee That it is.
Boatman Then your bond must deserve a thumbs-up as well.
I'm not experienced enough to say what this portends. I only know by Mr. Liang's expression that this is no laughing matter.
Lee Hardly. I wouldn't dare flaunt any grand bond with your "Mr. Liang." But Liang Xun, the man? He's a friend.
Boatman A friend, you say?
Lee And a good one.
Boatman A good friend is hard enough to find, much less one that will stay so after ten years apart.
Lee What about you, Master Shen?
Boatman What about me?
Lee With so many ferrymen at the docks, didn't it seem strange I chose you in particular?
Boatman No. I was briefed by Mr. Liang, so I assumed you were too. I have no need for the details.
Lee I had to steal this thing right out of a smuggler's hands for old Mr. Liang. Took some effort.
Boatman I didn't ask. You must have been itching to speak.
Lee I came all this way with no one to talk to. You bet I'm itchy.
I'm surprised you trust Liang, what with that cold look on his face. Most people don't.
Boatman Ah. You trust him because he's your friend. I do because he's the magistrate of Shangshu.[note 1]
Lee Do you know him well?
Boatman I do. Mr. Liang is good to us, so we return the favor.
Lee How long have you been in this business, Master Shen?
Boatman Hard to say... Who counts out the passing years on their fingers? Twenty? Thirty?
Lee Very admirable.
Boatman I'm only a boatman, what's there to admire? Lately they've been putting engines on the boats. Maybe I'll be out of a job in a few years.
Lee They'll still need someone to navigate the route and keep watch on the sky. I figure as long as there are waterways and the years run long, boatmen and Catastrophe Messengers are in the same boat.
Boatman Catastrophes, you say.
You don't see one often, but when you do, you never forget.
Lee Have you seen one before?
Boatman I have, but also things even more frightening. Not on the rivers, mind you—wait, what have you got me saying?
Lee What is it?
Boatman Strange. Two foreigners, it seems.
[Kroos and Mr. Nothing enters the inn and welcomed by an assistant.]
Inn Assistant Alright, two guests?
Mr. Nothing Two guests.
Kroos So this is your "reputation exceptional, dishes quintessential, service congenial, treatment all-equal" Xingyu Inn, then?
Mr. Nothing But of course, but of course. My master had nothing but praise for the "Xingyu" name, so while I've never been graced with a chance to visit Shangshu, I just had to take you here, benefactor.
Ah, but...
Kroos But?
Mr. Nothing Heh, it shames me to admit, but my master praised only the name, not any particular amenity. So I am also ignorant as to its precise forte.
Kroos ......
Inn Assistant Here's your tea.
Just refreshments, or will you two be needing lodging too?
Kroos Wow, they've even got the standard line, huh?
Inn Assistant Hey, listen here. Maybe we've only been open for a few years, but trace the name "Xingyu" back and you'll see it's got a century's worth of fame.
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, we've been searching for lodging, the prices are suitable enough, and it's not far from the northern crossing we agreed to meet at. What say you?
Kroos I'm fine with whatever.
Mr. Nothing Then two rooms, please.
Inn Assistant Allllright then. Anything to eat for now?
Mr. Nothing May I ask what you have?
Inn Assistant Our recommended set meals are on the signs. We're currently on the afternoon menu. If you need anything, just shout.
Mr. Nothing Very well, let's see...
Kroos This one looks alright, mate. Lot of Yan flavor in that name.
Mr. Nothing The extra-spicy fowl blood curd set...? I'd recommend refraining for now.
Kroos Why? When in Londinium, right? Can't hurt to try.
Mr. Nothing In my experience, such dishes don't quite... mesh with the lunchtime sensibilities a Rim Billitonian such as yourself might be accustomed to.
Kroos That so? I think I'm pretty good with spice, myself.
Mr. Nothing ......
Kroos What are you sneaking peeks at?
Mr. Nothing Look there, at the proprietor. The innkeeper, I wager.
Kroos What about him?
Mr. Nothing He's a force to be reckoned with.
Kroos A force how?
Mr. Nothing Of course, he has to be, with a business this grand. But there's something more than that...
Kroos Are those calluses on his hands?
Mr. Nothing Your vision is as astounding as ever, benefactor!
Kroos And there's been two guests on the floor upstairs eyeing us ever since we walked in.
Mr. Nothing Hm?
<Background fades out and in>
Boatman What part of them's caught your eye?
Lee Well... that Cautus seems oddly familiar...
<Background fades out and in>
Innkeeper Zheng ......
Inn Assistant Are you staying here today, boss? Not heading to check out the other side of the crossing?
Innkeeper Zheng No, I'm expecting someone. I must be here to attend to this guest.
Inn Assistant Heh, you're offering personal service? Gotta be a big shot then. Are we open for business then? How much can we make?
Innkeeper Zheng There might not be money in it. No shortage of things to settle, though.
Inn Assistant Is it about the business over there?
Innkeeper Zheng Yes and no.
Inn Assistant What does THAT mean?
Innkeeper Zheng Less blabbering, more greeting the customers.
Inn Assistant Pssh, penny-pincher.
[A group of people enters the inn...]
Inn Assistant Ai, welcome, guests, are you—
[...who turned out to be Du and a throng of thugs.]
Miss Du ...Hmph.
Inn Assistant Miss Du? What are you—
Miss Du None of your business. Out of the way.
Innkeeper Zheng ......
Miss Du Hey!
Mr. Nothing Why—what a formidable greeting, young lady. Are you looking for me?
Miss Du A sloppy man with glasses, a gaudy outfit, and the look of a swindler.
So it's gotta be you, right?
Mr. Nothing Er... I must say that appraisal is a little...
Kroos An enemy of yours?
Mr. Nothing No, they'd never go so far as to send a little girl to do their bidding...
Miss Du Who's a little girl, huh?!
Mr. Nothing —!
[Du kicked a wooden chair at Mr. Nothing, who reflexively dodged it.]
Mr. Nothing (She kicked up an entire wooden chair—what leg technique!)
Miss Du Hmph. You have quick reflexes, dodging without getting up.
Street Youth Miss, Miss!
Miss Du What? Can't you see I'm busy—
Street Youth This guy's a Liberi, right? Didn't the letter say we were looking for a Lung?
Miss Du ......
Mr. Nothing ......
Miss Du Then it's the one upstairs. It's you, right, isn't it?!
Mr. Nothing Hey now, don't I deserve at least an apology?
Kroos Cool it, mate... Hm?
A Bustling Inn.png
Lee Personally, I thought my attire was just dandy.
Boatman Given her approach, I doubt she means well.
Lee You stroll in and abuse an innocent chair, not to mention almost giving that man a concussion for no reason.
Miss Du Give it up, your cover's blown. Now play nice and hand it over.
<Background 1>
Miss Du Hmph. I'll grant that it takes guts to sneak into the city in broad daylight though.
Lee Miss Du, was it? I believe there might be a misunderstanding.
Miss Du Did you come from Lungmen?
Lee Er, yes.
Miss Du Are you carrying an antique wine cup with you?
Lee ......
Miss Du Then you have one minute to think up a good excuse. After that, you're handing it over and coming with me.
Lee The young lady's not too keen on hearing people out... Really makes me miss those kids of mine back home. They'd know better.
Boatman Don't look at me. Mr. Liang explained that he specifically entrusted you with bringing that wine cup from Lungmen.
And if Mr. Liang says so, I believe it.
Lee Well, Master Shen, thanks for the vote of confidence.
Boatman Odd though... This girl's bold enough to openly say she wants something that Mr. Liang requested?
Lee *Sigh*.
One of our aunties plucked this right from a child smuggler's hands, so if you were expecting any legal formalities... haha.
Boatman Is the cup noteworthy?
Lee I looked into it, there's only baseless legends. Rumors the smugglers heard from the locals.
*Sigh*. How did this become such a hassle?
<Background fades out and in>
Kroos (Nothing, mate, I've seen this in a movie before!)
Mr. Nothing (As have I! But they'd usually call the officers at this point. They'd never jump into a fight, right...?)
Miss Du Hey, enough muttering! Got your excuse ready?
Mr. Nothing (The lady is certainly blessed with a loud voice... Might those two upstairs be suspects of a sort, then?)
Kroos ......
Mr. Nothing (Benefactor?)
Kroos (Mate. I... I think that guy looks familiar.)
Mr. Nothing (What? The fellow with the remarkably similar get-up to mine?)
Kroos (No... It can't be... They work with Rhodes Island. Guess there's a little resemblance though?)
<Background fades out and in>
Lee How about this, young lady? You've caught me, fair and square. Nowhere to run. Now, if you'd call the police...
Miss Du Stalling for time, huh? Alright. I was wondering how long you could anyway.
Get up there!
Street Youth Don't let him get away!
Mr. Nothing A moment, please!
Miss Du What, you want to pay me back for earlier?
Stand down, let me finish my business, and I'll pay for two days of lodging, all expenses. Sound good?
Mr. Nothing Take a good, long look Benefactor. If we've not got the wrong person, then a wonderful opportunity has landed in our laps.
[Kroos finally recognizes Lee...]
Kroos Mr. Lee...?
Lee Ah...
Let's see... little blonde rabbit, ambiguously closed eyes... a Rhodes Island operator?
Mr. Nothing Miraculous. Of the taverns in Shangshu, in all of Yan, in all the world, to think you'd have the fortune to run into an old friend here.
So how about we not sour the mood on this miraculous reunion?
Miss Du What the hell is going on?! You're all together?!
Surround them! Nobody leaves until they hand over the booty!
[As the situation grows intense, Lee's consciousness jumped between the reality and the image of a pavilion on top of a mountain.]
Oh? What inspired this?
I dreamt of the fable of the shadow's shadow counseling its shade, and this is my response.
Then I'd like to see it. How do you plan to let these common objects manifest themselves?
Take it as but an inadvertent act. Mock me not for it.
[Lee comes back to reality...]
Lee ......!
What the... just now...
[...as a fight broke out between Mr. Nothing and Kroos, and Du's underlings.]
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, watch out!
[Mr. Nothing protects Kroos from one of the underlings.]
Kroos They're all civvies. Keep a light touch.
Street Youth Careful, that Liberi's from some martial school! Leave the Cautus to me—huh? Where'd she go?
[Kroos rushes into the second floor.]
Kroos Why's it always punch first, ask questions later...?
Street Youth Wh-When did she get on the second floor?!
Kroos No need to hurt anyone, Nothing, mate. Easy does it.
Over here, Mr. Lee.
Lee *Sigh* So sorry to get you all caught up in this mess.
Kroos Not like we expected to run into you, Mr. Lee. Well, uh, let's get out of here first.
<Background fades out and in>
Miss Du Hey—! Are you ignoring me on purpose?! You think you can just leave?!
[Mr. Nothing stands before Du.]
Mr. Nothing Apologies, but you won't be passing.
Miss Du And who're you to decide?!
[...and a fight broke out between the two with Mr. Zheng and his assistant watching.]
Inn Assistant A fan? That swindler... uh, no, that guest knows some rare kung fu, doesn't he?
Innkeeper Zheng ......
Inn Assistant Zheng? Sir? Shouldn't you step in before they ruin all the furniture on the ground floor?
Innkeeper Zheng *Sigh*...
Inn Assistant Fan man's moves are probably meant to intimidate. He's being very slick about it. But the lady hasn't shown us everything yet either. If they work things out, we all come out richer and happier.
While she's still being cautious, at least.
Innkeeper Zheng Hey!
All you fine people!
<Background 2>
In the late evenings of Shangshu's early spring, the wind arrives on time while the rain is no guarantee. So it has always been.
A man lifts his head to the skies. The clouds and mist furl, Hui and Ming waver, but at the furthest ends, one can faintly see the light of day.
A spring chill hangs, and a light breeze flutters their clothes.
[A Yanese Kuranta noble is waiting for someone in front of his estate.]
Unfrivolous Man He should be here by now.
I do hope that things conclude smoothly.

After operation

After leaving the inn, Miss Du is scolded by the innkeeper for acting out without permission. With the boatman accompanying, Lee leaves for the Liang estate to pay his client Mr. Liang a visit.
<Background 1>
[The fight between Mr. Nothing and Du rages on.]
Mr. Nothing Hm? What's this pause for?
Don't tell me I was a little too heavy-handed, and hurt you in my carelessness, young lady?
Miss Du Hmph. So you know some flowery kung fu. Happy?
Your buccaneer's already fled on us, so there's no sense tangling with you any longer, you—
—What's your name?
Mr. Nothing Nothing. The latter man of Tzu-hsu and Wu-yu.
Miss Du Keh. What kind of conman gives his real name? That must be some stupid kung fu stage name.
Mr. Nothing Ah, how keen-witted you are.
Miss Du So you're not going to let me past to chase them, right?
Mr. Nothing Hence why I compliment your keen wit.
Miss Du Shut it with your flapping!
Street Youth What are you waiting for?! Let's take him!
Miss! We'll help you out!
Innkeeper Zheng —Hold it!
[Mr. Zheng walks before Du's underlings, prompting them to stand down.]
Street Youth Eep...
Innkeeper Zheng Ahem.
This is still an inn. I can't have you two making a mess of the restaurant and fools of us all. What will the passersby think?
Miss Du ...Cheh.
Innkeeper Zheng However, you two fought marvelously. In honor of your eye-opening display, I... won't ask you to cover the costs.
But for now, please rein it in. Call it a day. For my sake.
Miss Du Hmph.
Mr. Nothing Do pardon us, good proprietor. We'll resolve this misunderstanding forthwith, then make amends at your door.
Miss Du I'll let you go... this time. For the innkeep.
I don't know how you're involved with that guy, but I'd hand him over if I were you.
Cover for him and you're an accomplice. You're free to go for now, but Shangshu doesn't tolerate outlaws.
Mr. Nothing If this were simply a matter of outlawry, you could have called the police. What has you resorting to force, Miss Du?
Innkeeper Zheng Nothing is right. No matter the reason, a mere disagreement shouldn't bring you to fisticuffs.
Miss Du Why you...!
Innkeeper Zheng Now, now, Miss.
Let's have your people leave.
Street Youth M-Miss, do we just let him go...? We could grab him, then wait for the Lungmenite to take the bait—
Miss Du Quiet.
We've already let the Lungmenite escape. Keeping this guy with us all night wouldn't be much use.
Besides, could you even restrain him? And you, you're still holding back some moves, aren't you?
Mr. Nothing Hardly. Friendship is wealth, now, friendship is wealth. If the young lady here is willing to take a step back, then I couldn't ask for anything more...
Miss Du I won't forget this, Nothing.
Mr. Nothing Please, don't waste your memories on me. The esteemed have so much to forget.
[Du and Mr. Nothing back off from each other.]
Mr. Nothing (Carefully, carefully... Good, I'll get a decent head start from here.)
Miss Du I'm only listening to Mr. Zheng—if you want to see how things play out outside, be my guest. I suggest you sit tight and listen to—
[Using the opportunity, Mr. Nothing runs away.]
Miss Du —Hey! Where'd he go?!
H-How did this happen?! What are you all DOING?!
Street Youth Er... you weren't exactly clear on whether we were letting him go, Miss...
Miss Du Don't just stand there! After him!
Street Youth Y-Yes, Miss!
[Du's underlings head off to pursue Mr. Nothing.]
Inn Assistant Hey, Miss Du, don't you think you're making too big of a mess?
Miss Du Out of my way!
Inn Assistant Ai, ai, don't—whatever, this isn't my problem anymore...
Miss Du And Dad! Why were acting like this doesn't concern you? You even stopped me!
Innkeeper Zheng You were making trouble.
Miss Du Trouble, my ass! You knew they'd go through Yingfeng Road, right? Isn't that why you were here waiting for them?!
We've got eyes in dozens of inns and eateries in this city! Catching some blind idiot of a thief's not hard—
Innkeeper Zheng Who's the blind idiot here?
Miss Du ......!
Innkeeper Zheng You don't know what that wine cup is, let alone what that Lungmenite might have up his sleeve.
Not to mention how capable those people were. If they were willing to cause a commotion, they'd have won, and come out looking reasonable too.
Miss Du But––
Innkeeper Zheng But what? Do you know just how significant their mission is? Or who the anonymous client is?
You think you're all it takes to put hired escorts to shame?
<Background 3>
[Lee, Kroos, and the boatman stops after running through the alleys.]
Boatman Looks like no one's following.
Sorry everyone. I should've been leading the way, but here we are in this plight.
I never imagined something like this would await us in Shangshu City though...
Was it really alright to leave that young man alone? Have we abandoned him?
Lee The innkeeper and the pushy woman seemed to know each other. I'm worried our rearguard hero might not slip away so easily.
Kroos Huh... how do you figure, Mr. Lee?
Lee She was clearly mindful of him while making her move. That'd never fool me.
Get fooled in my line of work, and you're out business.
Kroos Oh...
Then we can only hope he's a fast runner. And honestly, I'd vouch for that.
Boatman Will he really be okay?
Kroos He'll be right as rain. The girl wouldn't dare to make a scene in broad daylight, right? It's a quiet street, but SOMEONE's gonna notice.
Lee Phew... That's a relief. But fancy meeting you Rhodes Islanders here.
Kroos And what brings you to Shangshu, Mr. Lee? Commission at your office?
Lee I suppose. Just a private matter entrusted to me by an old friend though.
Kroos Is it that box?
Lee That it is.
Boatman But this truly is bizarre. Why would anyone in Shangshu dare to steal Mr. Liang's property?
Lee It's not bizarre at all. If we could slip into Shangshu without a fuss, why would our Mr. Liang have bothered to seek me out?
Kroos Mr. Liang?
Lee An old schoolmate... You can think of him as the Wei Yenwu of Shangshu.
Kroos Wow then... Mr. Wei, huh...
Boatman By the sound of it, you all know Lord Wei of Lungmen quite well?
Lee Maybe the average man on the street wouldn't, but those of us sifting through Lungmen's scraps? Sure, we all do.
Boatman Recognizing Lord Wei and being recognized by him are very different things.
Lee You're not wrong, but let's leave me and Wei Yenwu's somewhat rocky relationship out of this.
Boatman Ah. A shame I'll never meet anyone of Lord Wei's caliber.
Lee Sure, he's extraordinary, but not THAT extraordinary.
Kroos You're kinda making it sound like Mr. Liang's no big deal by comparison.
Lee Does he count as a big deal?
Boatman He does. Why wouldn't he?
Wait, do you mean Lord Wei of Lungmen doesn't, or Mr. Liang doesn't?
Lee Then I suppose everyone's a big deal these days, tut-tut-tut. Back then, he was just a hothead who didn't even know the meaning of the word "adapt".
Kroos You're the same as ever, huh Mr. Lee?
Lee Hah. What's it matter now, with me eking out my days in Lungmen while he officiates all of Shangshu? We haven't met in forever.
Boatman Look, there. It's that young man.
[Mr. Nothing catches up with the others.]
Kroos Nothing! Alright, mate?
Mr. Nothing Ow, ow, ow, ow! Hands off, I'm aching all over...
You may not realize this, but that young girl just now went utterly berserk! Merely warding her off tested every bone in me, and it was only by the proprietor's timely intervention that I had a gap through which to scurry—
Kroos With the way you came running over, you're obviously completely fine.
Fan tucked in hand and everything. So care to repeat that? Tested every bone?
Mr. Nothing Erk... There's no fooling you, benefactor... I will say, though, it's been far too long since I last used so many moves. The muscle ache alone is...
Lee And this young man is?
Kroos Operator Mr. Nothing.
Mr. Nothing I may not have formally taken the post, but my devoted heart and tireless efforts have long since beaten to Rhodes Island's tune.
Lee So you're a new operator friend. Good to meet you.
Mr. Nothing Well met, well met. I hear from my benefactor that you're also an ally to Rhodes Island? Ah, as expected of Rhodes Island, friend to all and beloved by the masses, that they'd strike an accord with a fine soul like yourself, er...
Lee Just call me old Lee.
Mr. Nothing How kind of you, Brother Lee.
Lee Well then, brother. You say you only got out once the innkeeper intervened?
Mr. Nothing Precisely so. What of it?
Lee Hmm... seems things aren't as simple as I thought.
Boatman This isn't the place to stand and chat, too many ears. I'd never forgive myself for another setback.
Lee Then we'll head straight for the Liang estate.
As for our friends...
Boatman I was only told to meet with you. Bringing any more could be a little...
Ah, never mind.
I doubt Mr. Liang's so small-minded. And you did both help us out, so we'll go together.
Kroos The Liang estate, huh... I'd really rather not bother anyone else...
Lee It's fine, you're with me.
Mr. Nothing Decisive words, Brother Lee.
Boatman Good... if that's settled, then let's be quick. Come, this way.
[Lee heard something walking nearby.]
Lee ......!
Mr. Nothing Brother Lee?
Lee Hmm? Ah... I'll be right there.
Tailing Beast.png
Lee Oh...
Strange Object ......
Lee What's this...? Are these strange pets the new trend in Shangshu?
Strange Object Ao!
Mr. Nothing Brother Lee! Don't fall behind!
<Background 3>
Lee ...I'm coming, I'm coming.
[Lee heads off as the strange creature watches.]
Strange Object Ao...


  1. The original text refers to this as a "parental official" (Hanzi: 父母官, Pinyin: fùmǔ guān), a Chinese expression that refers to a benevolent and kind magistrate/official.