Operation story: 10-10

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Male Londinier B icon.png
Londinium Citizen
Victorian Partisan A icon.png
Injured Victorian Soldier icon.png
Eartha Partisan A icon.png
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier
Victorian Partisan B icon.png
Victorian Soldier
Male Victorian B icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior
Londinium Industrial District Indoor
Hillock Interrogation Room
Londinium Detention Camp
Londinium Industrial District Night

Before operation

Feist's group encounters Hoederer as they try to rescue their comrades inside the factory. W takes the rear guard to cover Amiya and the Self-Salvation Corps' retreat.
<Background 1>
Heidi This way, through the smoke! Follow the light of the fire!
Londinium Citizen Devil...!
W What's this? An egg mixer?
Did you think you could hurt a Sarkaz mercenary with a toy like this?
Londinium Citizen S-Stay back!
Heidi Calm down. Over here, behind me.
This one's on our side... for now.
W Your side? Better not be too sure of yourself on that one.
Heidi W... it would be wise if you made an effort to be easier to work with. That is, if you hope to get any information out of me.
W That's a pretty roundabout threat there...
Say... you wouldn't happen to be Kal'tsit's illegitimate daughter, would you?
Heidi What are you–
W Nah, you two look nothing alike. Plus, how could that icy old hag have any kids?
Screw it. No way I could ever get buddy buddy with a lady like you.
Heidi Suits me just fine.
W Don't you worry, I won't be here long. I know how much my head's worth in merc circles, and I'm not in a generous mood.
[W planted anti-personnel mines to cover their retreat.]
W Alright, there.
Heidi Bombs... you buried more bombs. Did you blow up the other paths?
Where are your men? Aren't they still fighting the Sarkaz in the plant?
W Do you really want to know?
Heidi ......
W Explaining the whole deal would be a huge pain. Let's skip right to the good part.
They're all dead.
Heidi Dead?
W Did you think it would be easy to scoop you out of there? I lost most of the Londinium recruits I picked up the past few months in that nasty old factory.
So this had better be worth it. Can we go now?
Heidi Let me do a head count...
Alright, everyone in the southern plant escaped.
W I was hired to snag you, not an entire congregation. Tell Kal'tsit I'm charging double for this mess.
Bring your hooded monster and let's—what are you standing around for?
Amiya ......
W, was it you who blew up this path?
W Duh. Not about to give our pursuers any chances.
Amiya But Feist and his team just left.
Doctor They went to rescue people.
Hail them, Closure.
W Oh, come on... getting lost like this, at your age?
<Background 2>
Horn What's the situation, Blake?
Victorian Soldier They're down.
Horn Good. Keep moving.
Victorian Soldier Horn, to your left!
Sarkaz Warrior Dublinn... I'll have your head!
[Horn shoots dead the Sarkaz soldier with her crossbow.]
Horn Not Dublinn here. Not that you'll get the chance to wallow in your disappointment.
Victorian Soldier Another? How many Sarkaz bodies have we seen?
Horn 26.
Victorian Soldier All Dublinn?
Horn Looks like it.
Victorian Soldier Horn, I don't know how to put this, but...
Horn Dublinn saved us a lot of effort.
There's no shame in admitting it. How long have you been with me here in Sudean? We need to use every means at our disposal if we want to survive.
Come on, left door here.
Victorian Soldier
[Horn and her comrade opens the door.]
Victorian Soldier Clear.
Horn Good. Now the right side.
Watch the corners, Robben. I don't want any surprises.
Robben Roger.
Horn Go!
[Horn and her comrade opens a cell door.]
Prisoner *Cough* G-Go away, devil! We're not talking!
Horn Found them.
Prisoner Y-You're...
Horn Friends.
Prisoner I never thought... we heard sounds of fighting, saw the flicker of Arts... I thought it was some new devil torture method.
Horn Sorry we couldn't get here earlier.
Can you stand, soldier?
Prisoner Soldier... haven't heard that in a long time.
You an officer? You've got nerve to come here–
Robben What are you doing? We're here to save you!
Prisoner Save me? Why? So I can get tricked again? So I can die in your next plot with the foreigners?
In your dreams, "sir"! We'd rather die here!
Horn Very well.
Robben, your crossbow.
Robben Horn? What are you–
Horn Ammo is precious and not to be wasted.
But these are compatriots, loyal soldiers of Victoria.
If their last wish is to die here, then we'll grant it.
Prisoner ......
Horn ......
Prisoner You'll really kill me?
Horn Yes.
You'll die as you wish in this dark room, forgotten by Londinium.
You'll turn to bleached bones in this old abandoned factory, until the dust and dirt bury you.
Prisoner ......
Horn Or, you could do something different with this crossbow.
You could take it, come with us, and fight your way out.
Perhaps you'll still get your wish and die trying.
But you'll have a chance to see the night sky, breathe the air full with the smell of rust and oil–
And think about your loved ones, breathing that same air.
I swear on my life that they'll remember what you gave.
Prisoner ......
Yes... they... they could still be alive...
Horn Have you made your choice? Time's flying.
Prisoner ......
I'll go with you. Give me a weapon.
Horn What about the others? Are you coming too?
[The other imprisoned soldiers joins Horn.]
Horn Good. Blake, you have seven... nine new men.
Tell me your names before we move out, soldiers.
<Background 1>
Amiya Closure, have you made contact with the Self-Salvation Corps team?
Drone Hold on... I just got this drone restarted... it's different from the other one...
Amiya This isn't good.
Heidi, lead the other civilians out of here. The 3rd regiment will be waiting–
[W noticed that her anti-personnel mines have been triggered.]
Amiya W?
W Hey, all the mines I left behind got blown up! Do you know what that means? Means a lotta guys are chasing us right now.
Using up my men wasn't enough for you, huh? You gotta use up my bombs too?
Doctor Five minutes. / We can't wait any longer.
Amiya Alright, five minutes it is.
Closure, get in touch with Feist and tell him that he and Rockrock need to be back within 5 minutes.
Doctor, we'll have to join the battle.
<Background 2>
Feist Bill, be honest with me... have you put on weight? You're heavier than I thought...
Bill Hehe... how about this?
Feist Hey, that's better.
What did you do? Some magic trick?
Bill Ha, just a change of posture... *cough*
Feist A-Alright, just stay put, don't open your wounds.
When I saw you lying in that pool of blood, I thought...
Bill Thought I was dead?
Ha... those devils don't got the skills... it's just... ouch...
Feist Take a break, don't talk anymore.
Have you found an exit, Rockrock? The Sarkaz must have done something with these rooms... I feel like we're going around in circles.
Rockrock I heard the sound of fighting a few minutes ago.
The exit should be around here...
Bill Nrgh...
Feist Never mind what I just said, Bill. Keep talking so you don't fall asleep.
Remember the reward you asked for? After that last win?
Bill Er... a fruit can?
Feist A FRUIT CAN? You said you wanted a mechanical metal crab to give to your niece in the City!
Bill Yeah, I was hungry... lucky you've got a good memory.
Feist Good memory? I didn't sleep at all the next few days, working on that thing between missions...
You'd better hang in there after all the effort I put in!
Bill *Cough* Alright, boss... whatever you say.
[Rockrock heard footsteps.]
Rockrock Footsteps!
Oh no! Sarkaz–
Sarkaz Warrior Where did they go?
There's a blood trail. They can't have gone far.
[The Sarkaz soldiers search the cells.]
Rockrock We should hurry.
Feist Er...
Rockrock Come on, Captain, I'll take the other side.
Bill Sigh... look at me, can't even walk without two people helping me.
Rockrock Don't say that. We're family, and we look out for each other.
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Captain, they're catching up!
[The Eartha partisans ready themselves to fight the incoming Sarkaz soldiers...]
Feist Hold them off, Johnny! Gabby, you've got the grenades, right? Give us some cover!
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Roger!
[...and a fire exchange breaks out.]
Feist Rockrock, has Rock-17 found a way out? We're counting on it!
Rock-17 Right-turn here!
Feist Alright, to the right!
Wait... who's talking? Rock-17? Y-You can talk?
Rock-17 What's that, some dumb engineering joke?
Took me ages to hack this drone's system... I didn't change anything, ok? The system was too simple.
Feist ......
Rockrock ...Closure?
Rock-17 Yes, it's me. I didn't have a chance to install voice data onto your drone, so I have to synthesize it... not cute enough?
Rockrock Well... it actually sounds rather like you.
Where do we go from here?
Rock-17 Left-turn... wait, no, there are Sarkaz there. I mean enemy Sarkaz! Go back–
Rockrock There are even more enemies to the rear.
Rock-17 Well then... let me think...
Right, let's go upwards!
Rockrock Huh?
Rock-17 Don't you have that flying gear? Er, I mean grappling hook! There's a vent above you that should allow a man to pass through...
Feist Should?
We have wounded here. Gotta be sure.
Rock-17 Well... I'll need Rockrock to take control of the drone for a moment...
Rockrock Alright.
What do we do?
Feist Rockrock... do you really trust her?
Rockrock Do you have a better plan?
Feist ......
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Captain, they're coming! I can see their leader!
Feist Quick, open the vent!
Rock-17 Gotcha! Rockrock, aim!
Rockrock Rock-17–
[Rockrock's Rock-17 drone shoots a nearby ventilation grate, but it isn't enough to break it open.]
Feist Is it open?
Rockrock Almost.
Feist Again!
Rockrock Rock...
[The Rock-17 fires again, but it was deflected by a sword...]
Rockrock It missed! H-How did that sword...
[...held by a familiar Sarkaz who reveals himself before the Eartha partisans.]
??? Finally found a way out? Isn't it a little late?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier I'll hold him off! Quick–
??? Blind courage isn't worth much in battle.
[The Sarkaz easily cuts down the Eartha partisans charging at him.]
Feist Johnny!
Rockrock, the vent!
Rockrock I... I can't...
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier I've got two grenades left. Even the Sarkaz can't–
[The Eartha partisan fires a grenade launcher at the Sarkaz, who effortlessly cuts them mid-air...]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier What the... the grenade got cut in half?!
Captain, this is no ordinary Sarkaz–
[...before slashing down the partisan...]
Feist Gabby!
[...and reveals himself to be Hoederer.]
Hoederer I'm just an ordinary mercenary.
Did you really think you could beat Manfred or Theresis?
Pretty naive.
Feist Sarkaz... did you think all I had was grenades?
[Hoederer slashes at Feist, who dodged it.]
Hoederer Grenades? Smoke bombs is more like it.
Bombs that can hurt a Sarkaz don't look like that.
Feist ......
Rock-17 Feist, Rockrock, you hear me? I've recalibrated... but you only have one chance. Hold on tight!
Feist Rockrock–
[The Rock-17 shoots the vents again, this time successfully breaking the grates open.]
Rockrock It worked! We can go up now!
Feist You first!
Rockrock No, you're with BIll, you go first–
Feist Alright.
[Rockrock stays back to hold off Hoederer.]
Rockrock You're not getting through, Sarkaz!
I'll protect my family... you won't hurt them again!
[Rockrock had the Rock-17 fly straight at Hoederer before self-destructing, although she is caught in the blast as well.]
Hoederer Self-destruct drone?
Rockrock Captain... go...
Hoederer Tell me, Feline... was it really worth it? Losing that many to save one?
Every one of them called out for their captain with their last breaths.
Will you take responsibility for their sacrifice?
Feist ...I would rather none of them died.
Hold on, Rockrock!
Rockrock Huh?
[Feist grabs Rockrock before escaping through the vents with the grappling hook.]
Hoederer ......
The grappling hook again? Smart, but not smart enough.
You need better tricks to survive in battle.
We'll meet again, children... you don't know it, but there's no way you'll leave this inferno.
<Background 1>
Amiya Are they here, Closure?
[The Sarkaz warriors suppress Rhodes Island...]
W Four minutes, fifty seconds.
Amiya ......
[...just as Feist, Rockrock, and Bill (an impostor?) returns.]
Feist Amiya!
Amiya They're here!
Feist? Just the three of you? The other two...
Rockrock ......
Feist They won't be back.
We need to get out of here, now!
There's a really dangerous Sarkaz after us, and there are a lot of them... it's an ambush!
None of us would have made it, if not for Closure...
They knew we'd go there, and they know you're here. They're just waiting... it's a trap! We have to go, before it's too late!
[One of W's anti-personnel mines exploded.]
W It's too late.
Damn it, this is my last mine, and the biggest one.
Doctor Another last one? / How many last ones is that?
W Stop bothering me, {nickname}. Yes, I have one bomb left. Guess who it's for?
Doctor Are you nervous? / Got your hands full?
W You didn't notice the explosion sounded kinda weird? I guess there's really nothing under that tin head of yours.
The guy didn't fall into my trap at all. He avoided it and disabled the Originium circuits.
Need me to say it even clearer? No, it didn't take me too much effort to set up the mines...
But the dragon lady was the last one to put all my mines out of commission.
Talulah can't be here, can she? There's no way...
Hey, what's with the face, bunny? You've got her all locked up in...
Damn it, {nickname}... damn you and damn that Kal'tsit!
Congratulations, {nickname}, you're now second on my list of people to bomb.
Doctor This is not good news. / ...... / Thanks.
Amiya W, there's a lot of intel that we haven't shared. We need to get out of here...
W Get out? Easy for you to say.
Be glad it's not Talulah here. I don't smell the arrogant stench of Draco fire. But...
Sarkaz Mercenary Surround the place!
Theta, Iota, block the path on the other side!
[The Sarkaz mercenaries move in.]
Amiya They got so many men in so little time?
Oh no! Doctor, Lady Heidi and the others are still inside!
Feist Sorry, Amiya...
Amiya Save that for when we get out.
Feist Very well.
Amiya Doctor, let me... W? Why are you grabbing me like that?
W Save your strength, bunny. Look at the gang you've got here. Artificer, wounded, garbage... who can fight?
Feist Y-You're right, but we'll do our best...
Rockrock W-We won't be a burden.
W Save your strength for running. You'll wanna be fast.
Sigh... I didn't want to say this. It's really not my style.
But I need Heidi alive. There's something I need to ask the old woman.
Amiya W...
W Go. Take your people, and pick up your trash.
Amiya ......
W Huh?
Amiya Good luck. We'll be waiting.
W You're still here? Need me to blow you up?
[The R.I.-Eartha heads off, leaving W to hold off the Sarkaz mercs.]
W Finally. Some peace.
She talks like we're actually friends.
As for you...
Wanna keep blasting? At this rate, there won't be much left to bomb.
[Someone threw a rock at W.]
W What's this? A rock? Some kind of lame joke?
Congratulations, you've pissed me off.
[W loads her grenade launcher...]
W I was hoping to be a little frugal today.
Why don't you come out? I promise I'll leave something of you that's recognizable.
[...right as someone slashes at her, which she dodges.]
W Well, that was close. Only two bombs away from hitting me.
[A familiar Sarkaz shows up before W.]
??? You've grown again, W.
W Wait, what–

After operation

Horn saves the prisoners, and Mandragora extracts the Taran spy. W is seriously injured by Hoederer before being rescued by Ascalon.
<Background 1>
[The familiar Sarkaz, who are none other than Hoederer, engages W in an intense duel.]
Hoederer Didn't think I would ever see you surprised like this.
I gave you a hint, after all.
[W dodges a rock thrown at her by Hoederer.]
W That rock? Very funny.
I thought...
Hoederer Who did you think would come? Manfred?
W I'm thinking Theresis must be getting senile if he let you live. You even get to roam around Londinium like this?
I thought you guys were long dead, since I haven't heard anything from you in ages.
Hoederer ......
W Well... you know what they say about assuming? See, you were right. I've become sentimental, almost forgot we're mercs.
[W detonates some explosives, which Hoederer dodges.]
Hoederer Your detonator hand slowed down, W.
W And your hand isn't trembling this time.
[Hoederer strikes W, who dodges them with ease.]
Hoederer What about those mercenaries you brought from Reunion? Did you really come alone?
W Why would I bring them? So that they could get bought out by the Regent, like you?
Hoederer Looks like you care about them. No wonder I didn't see any familiar faces.
W Speak for yourself. I saw lots of old friends in Londinium.
Hoederer You really like headhunting under my nose, don't you?
W Let me guess, Schwab is dead, isn't he? You killed him, didn't you, Hoederer? He knew you longer than he knew me, right?
Did your hand tremble when you killed an old friend? One who carried you on his back for an entire day, dodging dozens of Theresis's killers?
Hoederer You're remembering it wrong. He was gone by the Battle for Rhodes Island.
W Alright, you've always had a better memory than me for the people we fought with.
I've always wanted to ask... does it make you feel better to remember the dead?
Hoederer ......
W I don't think so. I can see it in your eyes. Your dreams haunt you now more than ever.
[Hoederer strikes W again, who dodged it.]
Hoederer I've known you for as long as you've known me.
You're only trying to hide your own feelings when move to provoke me like that.
W Ha, like you'd know.
[The Sarkaz mercenaries continue their duel.]
Hoederer In the old days, you would have thrown out those useless resistance fighters as bait.
If someone told me that W volunteered to be the rear guard, I would have told them to find a funnier joke.
Did your time in Chernobog drive you mad, W?
Did Talulah burn your brains out, or are you seeing the shadows of the dead?
W The mad never admit their madness, right? How do you know I'm the one who's mad?
Schwab's head isn't enough to buy Theresis's trust. What was the price you had to pay?
Could it have been her? Don't tell me...
[W backs off, but Hoederer slashes at her, and...]
Old Faces, New Conflict.png
Hoederer Don't even say it.
W Oh? There's a reaction.
Hoederer We've done all we could.
You were too slow, W.
W Did I hear that right? Are you looking for an excuse for your screw-ups? Who was it who told me he had a plan for everything?
Hoederer When do you think I lost my eye?
W You don't mean that Ines...
Hoederer Yes, she's dead.
W Again?
I'm not...
Hoederer Mercenaries pay a price for breaching trust. I've paid mine.
<Background 3>
[Horn and her comrades made it out from the detention camp.]
Horn We're out.
Robben We've been lucky, haven't we?
The Sarkaz got drawn to the explosions in the south. The ones guarding the interrogation room got taken out by Dublinn.
Horn Nothing good comes of relying on luck in battle.
??? Ha. Did you think you would have lived this long, if not for lady luck?
Prisoner W-Who's she? Did they escape from the interrogation room too? Are they friends?
Horn Enemies.
(But hold your fire.)
[Mandragora reveals herself before Horn and her comrades.]
Mandragora Can't talk without your crossbow raised, soldier? Don't think I didn't know you only got out by following us.
Horn You want me to thank you? Then you'd better take a trip with me to the hardest prison in Londinium.
Mandragora ......
I'll give you credit.
You're not like the nobles that seep oil from every pore.
They're the ones who kneel before anyone to cling to their way of life. Sarkaz or Dublinn... it makes no difference to them.
You, though... you just won't give up. You're like flies, getting in my way no matter where I go.
Horn That's my line.
Mandragora Why you...!
??? *Cough* *cough* Mandragora...
Horn Your friend's in pretty bad shape.
Mandragora Same to those soldiers behind you.
Horn Looks like we're both in a hurry.
Mandragora ......
It's a shame that I don't have time for you today.
Horn Suits me just fine.
Make way.
Mandragora ......
Let's go.
By the way, soldier–
Horn Huh?
Mandragora You had better not die at the hands of the Sarkaz...
Before I have the chance to impale you with my rock.
[Mandragora and the one she is looking for walks away.]
Robben Whew... they're gone.
Horn Good. Save your ammo for the Sarkaz.
Robben Do you mean...?
Horn Don't you think it's too easy?
Whoever Dublinn took from the interrogation room, I doubt the Sarkaz would let them go so easily.
Or us, for that matter.
<Background 4>
Amiya Do you have everyone, Lady Heidi?
Heidi Yes, Amiya. They're all here.
[The R.I.-Eartha are fired upon...]
Amiya Careful!
[...prompting Amiya to retaliate with her Arts.]
Amiya Let the weakest go first. We'll take care of any pursuing mercenaries.
Feist, can you still fight?
Feist Of course.
Hang on tight, Bill. Things could get bumpy.
[Some Sarkaz soldiers breach the door...]
Closure More enemies ahead! They must have come in from another entrance!
[...and surrounds the R.I.-Eartha.]
Sarkaz Warrior Target found!
Over here! Get them!
[Dagda and Morgan shows up and takes down the Sarkaz soldiers.]
Morgan Hey, don't run too fast. Got to keep a pair of eyes in the back of your head when moving.
Dagda A few got away.
Morgan Still not enough?
Get that caster first. Don't let him cast any Arts on our wounded.
[Dagda strikes down a Sarkaz caster soldier.]
Amiya Thank goodness you are back.
Morgan We aren't late to the party, are we?
Doctor Great. / What luck.
Morgan Whew... Doctor, you didn't tell me there was only one fighter meeting up with us.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor One is enough.
Morgan You know, Doctor, the more I learn about Rhodes Island, the more mysterious it seems.
But at the end of the day, the most mysterious one is always you.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor There's more than one.
Morgan You always have a card up your sleeve, don't you?
On this point, we're the same.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Morgan It looks like the Sarkaz have been drawn over here. But we didn't see many souls on the way.
The ones holding off the enemies inside... I'm worried about them.
Amiya I'm worried about W...
Morgan W? The one who made such an impression on all those operators at Chernobog?
Amiya Er, yeah.
Morgan Rhodes Island really IS filled with talent.
Amiya We have a... temporary understanding.
Doctor, I felt something eerie in her gaze when she said she was looking for Lady Heidi.
Doctor What did you feel, Amiya? / Isn't she always like that?
Amiya Her emotions can be unusual, but there are times that she doesn't try to hide them. Her eyes don't lie at times like that.
The last time I saw that look from her was when she was yelling at me for the codes to stop the core city.
Is she still hiding something?
Doctor Ask her when she comes back. / She's W. She'll be back.
Amiya Alright... I trusted her once, I'll trust her again.
<Background 1>
W Huff... huff...
Hoederer You're bleeding a lot.
W You've got a few holes in you.
Hoederer You should have hidden another bomb on yourself, like you used to. That way, you'd at least have a chance to take me down with you.
W *Cough*... Hoederer...
How much is my head worth? Enough to buy a small house in Londinium?
Hoederer Sorry, W. The Regent has better things to do than remember the name of a random merc.
W Ha... did you say that to Ines too? Before she gave her life for your little dream?
Hoederer Still talking big, eh?
W What were you expecting? A big laugh and a standing ovation for your dumb shit? No tears on my face, Hoederer. That's not like me.
Hoederer Who's the dumb one? You're on the ground, not me.
W Like I said, I'm just... a little surprised.
Hoederer So surprised you missed multiple chances to maim me?
Now that's not like you, W. What made you lose your cool?
W Let's see... how about an old friend coming back from the dead and trying to put his sword through me?
Hoederer I can believe that.
W... who is this old friend you're talking about?
W That's what I don't like about you... You always think you can see right through me, same as her.
Hoederer Too bad for you, I'm right again.
It's been a while since you snuck into Londinium. There aren't too many distractions like this in here. What did you see in the city?
W You're the one following Theresis, not me. Have you not kowtowed to his traitor throne enough times? Still can't see through his tricks?
Hoederer So you knew.
W Stop playing this game of you-know I-know. Look like a mercenary for once, Hoederer.
Hoederer I can't let you leave here alive, W.
Of all the old friends that I've killed... you're probably the one who could best understand the choice I'm making.
W Now who's indecisive?
I'm not taking my eyes off you. I want to see the Sarkaz who had the nerve to put his sword through me.
Hoederer Alright then.
Goodbye, W.
[Hoederer swings his sword at W, but it was deflected by a throwing knife.]
Hoederer ...Huh?
Something deflected my sword... a dagger? Where did it come from?
??? Don't move.
Hoederer ......
It's been a long time, Ascalon.
[The one saving W reveals herself to be Ascalon, a senior R.I. member from the times of Babel and the head of S.W.E.E.P..]
W ......
Ascalon Same to you. Don't move.
W *Cough* Or what?
Wait, you came to save me, right?
Ascalon ......
W Don't tell me you came to help him? Don't you know what Theresis did to her–
[Ascalon throw her knife at Hoederer, but misses.]
W ......
Maybe work on your aim? I just barely dodged that, what with my injuries and all.
Ascalon Too bad.
W ......
Hoederer ......
W You know you can't kill me now, right?
You've been my boss, and I've been yours. But there's someone here who's been boss to both of us. And she's clearly not in a good mood.
Hoederer I know. Our heads could drop off our shoulders at any moment.
I have nothing else to say.
Ascalon ...W.
Each word will make you bleed a little faster.
W I know, thanks for the concern.
Looks like you'll have to accept a little failure if you don't want to die here together, "Captain" Hoederer.