Operation story: WB-7

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Di Beast icon.png
Fierce Animal (Di Beast)
Millenion B icon.png
Patrol Battallion Soldier
Shanhaizhong Leader icon.png
Shanhaizhong Ringleader
Shanhaizhong Member icon.png
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member
Blank icon.svg
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative
Yumen Fortress Night
Yumen Streets Night
Yumen Forge
Lord Exorcist's Manor

Before operation

Du Yaoye and Lin Yühsia engage in a fight for their lives to retain the true Catastrophe data, and are fortunately assisted by Waai Fu, Qiubai, and another. Facing such a dangerous enemy, the group of chivalrous youths join forces to fight their foe.
<Background 1>
One, two, three.
The hammer swings.
For over seven thousand days and nights, he swung the hammer just like this.
How he wished the hammer was not falling on an unformed iron billet, but on the blades and heads of his enemies.
Just like right now!
Shanhaizhong Boss The rest of you, retreat.
[The Shanhaizhong boss' sword clashes with Meng's hammer.]
Shanhaizhong Boss Your hammer is heavy, but not fast enough.
Meng Tieyi As long as it's heavy enough to break your blade and smash your head in!
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
Meng Tieyi Oh, no. I planned a much better death for you. I wanted to stuff this warehouse full of explosives, and when the Catastrophe arrived, to give your lives as an offering to Yumen!
Of course, mine would be in there too.
Shanhaizhong Boss So that was your plan?
Meng Tieyi Why would I have taken the initiative to seek your cooperation otherwise?!
[The two clashes again.]
Shanhaizhong Boss I don't see why we should have such enmity between us.
Meng Tieyi Maybe it was how you somehow managed to sneak into Yumen, somehow disguised yourselves as martial artists to gain the trust of the guards, and then somehow caused chaos all over the city, turning Yumen into what it is right now!
My memory's not that bad yet!
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
Meng Tieyi The day you first showed up in the city, I recognized you right away.
I've waited twenty years for you to come!
[The two clashes again.]
Meng Tieyi Such a pity that with just a little accident, everything was lost...
Lucky I still have this hammer of mine!
The warehouse is dimly lit, and the glass blade in Lin Yühsia's hand turns more and more transparent.
The Shanhaizhong seem fearful of her exquisite Originium Arts, and instead of swarming her, they coordinate and slowly begin to encircle her.
Lin Yühsia (For such a group to hide in the city for so long and stay undiscovered...)
(Their fighting style doesn't seem to come from any common school or military, and yet they're fierce and unrelenting, but also disciplined and highly organized... where exactly did they come from?)
(If only I had Ch'en's sword here to better deal with them...)
(What am I daydreaming for...? My top priority is to break out of here and bring the data with me.)
Du Yaoye Hey, let me help!
Lin Yühsia ......
What are you still doing here?
Du Yaoye I got the Qis out and heard a fight over this way. Sure enough, it was this bunch again.
Lin Yühsia Your friends...
Du Yaoye They're fine.
The Messenger and the escorts are all fine–Meng Tieyi had them locked up, but didn't harm a single one of them.
Lin Yühsia ......
Du Yaoye Don't look at me like that, you haven't been forgiven yet. After we clean up these guys, I'll settle the score with you.
Lin Yühsia Then it's best you start thinking how to survive this, they won't be easy to deal with.
Du Yaoye You don't need to remind me.
Meng Tieyi Yaoye?
Du Yaoye You're not allowed to call me that!
Meng Tieyi ......
Sounds like you know.
Shanhaizhong Boss Distracted?
Meng Tieyi Shut up.
[Meng and the Shanhaizhong boss clashed.]
Du Yaoye Why should I shut–
Meng Tieyi I wasn't talking to you.
Anyway, I'm glad you're alright.
I will make my apologies after defeating my foe with my own hands.
[Meng and the Shanhaizhong boss clashed again.]
Du Yaoye ......
Why do you sound so relieved, speaking to me?
Because no one actually lost their lives, because everything is still in your hands?
If you had always planned a fake death for the Messenger team, why did you ask me to put the Qis on the job?
Everyone in the city holds you in the highest regard, and you play games with their lives!
Meng Tieyi To be honest, it's not like I've never wavered...
But when you showed up at my door so enthusiastically, saying you wanted to open the first modern logistics company in Yumen and told me not to consider your father, Zheng Qingyue's reputation...
Oh, how I miss the times when we were young!
The force of each blade on him increases, as does the ferocity of the girl screaming at him.
Meng Tieyi stops talking, grits his teeth, and swings his hammer.
Du Yaoye I remember you telling me that you were a well-known figure in Yumen for all the right and wrong reasons.
In your day, you trained with the Grandmaster to kill your enemies, and quick to exact revenge. In order to exact justice for the people who were robbed, you chased the bandits for more than a hundred li[note 1] out in the desert and destroyed their stronghold.
You know exactly how many streets, shops, and tents there are in the city. You know every part of Yan that your sworn-brothers in the army hail from.
But right now, do you even care about Yumen anymore?!
[The Shanhaizhong boss clashed her swords with Meng.]
Du Yaoye You're way more pedantic and muddled than my father who refuses to let go of his old ways!
Times change, and so will we!
Escorts will turn into logistics companies, and the Sword Forge will turn into a regular workshop. No one can stop this, and you shouldn't even try.
No matter how much you hate, how much resentment you hold in your heart, you have no right to test Yumen with a Catastrophe just to see if it can hold a candle to its old days!
How dare you?!
Are you even worthy of this city?!
Meng! Are you even worthy of yourself?!
[Meng retailates against the Shanhaizhong boss.]
Meng Tieyi ......
Lin Yühsia Du Yaoye, watch out!
Meng Tieyi Huh?
Meng Tieyi has never once looked back.
A duel between masters does not tolerate even the slightest distraction, let alone an enigmatic like this woman.
He isn't sure if he fully comprehends exactly what little Du Yaoye has been scolding him over, only that it is loud and muddled with a lot of emotion.
But he hears Lin Yühsia's warning loud and clear, and turns his head on reflex.
Meng Tieyi throws the hammer in his hand, knocking away the enemies enclosing onto Du Yaoye's back.
At the same time, a long and narrow blade cuts his spine open.
Du Yaoye Uncle Meng–!
Meng Tieyi Xingyu Logistics... is a good idea...
But I, won't get to see the seeds sprout myself...
[Meng falls dead to the floor.]
Du Yaoye ......
Have you never considered... the jianghu you speak of is still here, just in a different form?
Shanhaizhong Boss The rest of you are next.
The woman steps over the body lying on the ground.
Blood drips down the extremely long blade.
Lin Yühsia She's coming.
Du Yaoye I can see that.
Lin Yühsia Since escorting the Messengers was a trap, that means Xingyu Logistics has yet to really open.
Du Yaoye ......
Lin Yühsia I'm not sure if you be willing to accept my request to deliver something?
Du Yaoye Right now?
[Yühsia throws a box at Yaoye.]
Lin Yühsia This box holds the true Catastrophe data that must be handed over to the Lord Exorcist. Take my token with you, and he will let you in.
Du Yaoye And then what?
Lin Yühsia Then you start hoping that it's not too late.
Du Yaoye Don't give me that, you'll have me run off while you stay and play the hero?
Lin Yühsia You should know very well, I'm not that good of a person.
But someone has to get the data out.
This woman is so unfathomably powerful, she even killed Meng Tieyi.
Du Yaoye ......
Lin Yühsia With my Arts, I might be able to hold them back and create a quick opening for you.
Du Yaoye What about you?
Lin Yühsia Who knows.
Du Yaoye What are you talking about?!
Lin Yühsia If you think you can hold them back for me, then we'll switch roles.
Du Yaoye ......
Lin Yühsia I'm sorry, for lying to you about your friends.
Du Yaoye You're not the only one who has lied to me. When I was yelling at Meng Tieyi earlier, that was all for you, too.
Lin Yühsia Right, I forgot to tell you this. Honestly, I think it is impressive for someone to travel so far and work so hard to make her living.
Du Yaoye Now's not the time for–
Lin Yühsia Remember this. If you don't make it out, Yumen won't make it through the Catastrophe either.
[Yaoye thinks for a moment.]
Du Yaoye This is a tall order, but Xingyu Logistics accepts.
Lin Yühsia Close your eyes.
Lin Yühsia shakes her hands, and the glass shards fall to the ground, instantly turning to quicksand.
Streams of fine sand flow from the corners and ceiling, quickly converging as one.
Shanhaizhong Boss Still feel like putting up a–
The sand rises.
In the cramped warehouse, a sandstorm forms.
<Background 2>
Patrol Battalion Soldier Did something catch fire over there?
Could it be arson? Let's go take a look.
Patrol Battalion Soldier The sand sluice?
Patrol Battalion Soldier Who would even come here?
Patrol Battalion Soldier True.
[The patrolmen leaves.]
The military whistle sounds from the top of the city. The sky is already pitch black, and the outline of the full moons can be vaguely seen through the clouds.
If the old smith has finished his work and returns to the Sword Forge to find her missing, he could probably figure out that he should look for her over at the sand sluice.
The nomadic city foundations chew through the ground, the high-speed turbines grinding up oversized obstacles along with tons of sand and gravel, spitting them out with a deafening sound.
The old smith was right, there are no guards posted here, because no one would ever want to leave the city this way.
Jieyun (It's almost time...)
Fierce Animal (Violent braying)
[A Shanhaizhong leader shows up.]
Shanhaizhong Ringleader Three times you've gotten away from me. And lucky enough, you've once again walked yourself into a dead end.
Jieyun I don't know you.
Shanhaizhong Ringleader The sword on your back has nothing to do with our plans, but an object hiding one-twelfth of the bestial Sui's consciousness is of great interest to someone.
Jieyun Bestial Sui? What are you talking about...?
Shanhaizhong Ringleader Sounds like you don't know anything. That makes you even less worthy of holding that sword.
Hand it over.
[The leader attacks Jieyun, but she retaliates.]
Shanhaizhong Ringleader A black halo behind your head... an Anasa?
Jieyun So what if I am...?
Shanhaizhong Ringleader An Anasa actively mingling in a Yanese nomadic city? How ridiculous.
Have you forgotten where you came from? Forgotten what happened to your people? While you were suffering out in the wilderness, aimlessly looking for food and shelter, did Yan ever help you?
Anasa, you should join the Shanhaizhong organization.
Jieyun All I see is the terrible things you've done in the city.
Shanhaizhong Ringleader Then you're a fool.
<Background 1>
Lin Yühsia (The sand will soon disperse.)
(There's no way I could match the woman Chief Wei and Dad couldn't beat together.)
(But I can at least delay her for a while longer, to buy Du Yaoye a little more time to make her way out...)
Shanhaizhong Boss You're scared of me, but you gave another the opportunity to escape.
It seems that after all these years, you people have not changed a bit. Consider it an honor to die a brave death.
Lin Yühsia Gallantry isn't exactly my style, and I'm not about to let you kill me.
A crunch sounds, and within the next second the yellow sand condenses into a glass blade.
Shanhaizhong Boss Trying a sneak attack?
You lot really enjoy your cheap tricks.
To try and sneak an attack while ignoring the disparity in strength is just asking to die.
In the end, so many "means" were employed to force Meng Tieyi out, and obtain the Catastrophe data.
I guess I could count this... as having done a good deed?
The glass sword crumbles inch by inch, the long blade already falling on her brow.
Chi Xiao, Rouse Qi–
Chixiao, Chu-qiao.png
A crimson sword tears through the airborne sand and dust.
Swords clash, the sound rings through the air wrought by friction. Lin Yühsia's sword shifts its form between sand and glass, countless shards in the air reflecting a silhouette within.
The figure stands before her, tall and straight as a poplar.
Lin Yühsia ......
Ch'en How did you know I would be here?
Lin Yühsia What are you talking about?
Ch'en I saw your Arts in the distance, I figured you were asking me to come save you.
Lin Yühsia Don't flatter yourself, I had no idea you were coming to Yumen–
So why are you here?
Ch'en Just passing through.
Lin Yühsia Did you follow me here, like you did in Dossoles?
Ch'en Wasn't that you following me?!
Lin Yühsia You must've heard about the assassination attempt on Wei?
Ch'en ......
If you've got time to talk at me, you've got time to explain. What exactly is going on here?
The sand and dust have dissipated completely. Not a soul remains in the warehouse.
Lin Yühsia I don't have time, we have to get to the city gates!
<Background 3>
Du Yaoye has been in the city for a while, but she never realized the streets went on for so long.
Just a hundred meters feels more difficult than traversing the mountain roads of Xunri Peak. The small box in her arms feels heavier than any quarry shouldered by the mountain pole-carriers.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Meng Tieyi Be it the Escort Association or a logistics company, things will always be the same. For the sake of our livelihood, we put our lives on the line. If you wish to make a name for yourself in this business, you need to understand how heavy the weight on your shoulders is.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
I'll never forget all the stories about escort missions Dad would tell me, even if he kept repeating them over and over again. Or maybe because he did.
The principle is the same every time, but you only really understand it after experiencing it for yourself.
Du Yaoye (Faster, faster...)
(I can see the gates!)
[Yaoye is being fired upon.]
Du Yaoye They've almost caught up to me?!
Du Yaoye is skilled in the art of using the wind to anticipate danger. If she focuses without distraction, she could absolutely dodge this arrow.
The arrow pierces her right shoulder, causing the box to slip out of her grasp. She hastily reaches out with her left hand to catch it, but ends up falling to the ground, along with the box.
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member Silence her and retrieve the object.
[Waai Fu shows up and strikes down the Shanhaizhong acolyte approaching Yaoye.]
Waai Fu Miss Du!
Du Yaoye It's you...
Waai Fu I was chasing another group of bad guys and ended up here.
Last night, when I hurried over to the Sword Forge, I saw the mandarins taking you away with them... What's going on here...?
Du Yaoye Don't wanna talk about it...
Help me out, let's take care of these guys first.
Waai Fu Good plan.
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member Loose your arrows.
[The Shanhaizhong acolytes open fire...]
??? Impudence.
A stretch of silk, a patch of snow, or perhaps the gleaming of a sword.
The arrows fall to the ground, neatly sliced in two.
[Qiubai, who protected Yaoye from the arrows, walk towards her.]
Du Yaoye You're... the one who saved Zuo Le last night...
Help me. I have something very important to deliver to the Lord Exorcist.
Qiubai ......
He's at the outer city tower, and you're seriously wounded. Can you still run?
Du Yaoye Save the goods, then the men.
Qiubai Very well, then leave them to us.
Du Yaoye Right, that Envoy Lin of yours is still holed up in the warehouse fighting some evil woman...
Go help her.
Waai Fu Yühsia!
Qiubai Right. You get moving.
[Yaoye runs off.]
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member ......
Qiubai Again with public acts of violence. You Shanhaizhong have gone too far.
[The Shanhaizhong boss shows up.]
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member Master.
Shanhaizhong Boss Where's the girl?
Vicious Shanhaizhong Member I almost got her, but these two stopped me.
Shanhaizhong Boss Useless.
Hurry after her and get the data.
Qiubai You shall not pass.
Shanhaizhong Boss You think you can stop me? Let's see if you can dodge my blade another time.
Waai Fu So she's the evil lady Du was talking about?
If she's here, then that means Yühsia is...
??? I'm fine.
[Yühsia and Ch'en joins in.]
Lin Yühsia Finally caught up.
Waai Fu Yühsia... is that... Superintendent Ch'en?!
Ch'en ......
Lin Yühsia That's her alright. Where's Du Yaoye?
Waai Fu She's already on the move.
Lin Yühsia Good. Then there's only one thing left to do here.
Stop that woman.
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
It seems that after all these years, you people have not changed a bit. You don't know how to respect power.
A colony of ants, is still just ants.
The wind blows away the clouds, and moonlight shines on the long and empty street.
The road is clean, save for a few yellow leaves swirling around the stone bricks.
It's the kind of cleanliness that comes after the decline of prosperity.
Like a bleak autumn night.
Shanhaizhong Boss It all ends here.
<Background fades out>
Autumn night...?
The Four Nüxia.png
Waai Fu So she's behind all the chaos that's been plaguing the city?
Qiubai It's time to put an end to her troublemaking.
Be careful. Her Arts are extremely strange.
Lin Yühsia Even my father and Chief Wei working together couldn't capture her. She's got a lot of tricks up her sleeve.
Ch'en You're telling me that this woman, talking all that trash, is the one who tried to assassinate Wei Yenwu?
Lin Yühsia You scared?
Ch'en You've got to be kidding me.
Sounds perfect. We'll knock her out right here and I'll get to shove it in Wei Yenwu's face.
Lin Yühsia Alright.
Let's settle this here and now.

After operation

In a critical moment, Huai Tianpei steps forward and defeats the leader of the Shanhaizhong, seeing father and daughter reunited at last. At the same time, the real Catastrophe data makes its way to Zuo Xuanliao. In order to reach the capital in time, Zuo Xuanliao decides to let Yumen face the Catastrophe head-on.
<Background 3>
[As Yaoye runs through the streets...]
Du Yaoye Someone! Anyone!
[...a patrolman stops her.]
Patrol Battalion Soldier You again! Didn't we just let you out?
Keep making noise, and it's no more Mr. Nice Guy!
Du Yaoye Daizi!
This box is holding something that can save the city, so shut up and give it to Zuo.
[Yaoye gives the box to the patrolman as she collapses due to exhaustion and injury.]
Patrol Battalion Soldier This is... data for the Imperial Astronomical Bureau? And a token?
Girl? How did this come into your possession? Hey, wake up!
Hurry! Call the medic!
<Background fades out and in>
[Ch'en, Yühsia, Qiubai, and Waai Fu engages the Shanhaizhong boss, but their attacks had little, if any effect against her.]
Ch'en Where... where exactly did this woman come from?
Lin Yühsia Has Superintendent Ch'en finally met her match?
Ch'en Chi Xiao can't cut through her Arts.
If you can even call it Arts in the first place...
Waai Fu She doesn't seem to know any kung fu, but her swordplay is ridiculously quick.
It's like the kind of kung fu you find in those fake "forbidden techniques" manuals that say they'll teach you transcend space and time.
I'll trade a few more blows with her and see if I can figure it out...
Qiubai Careful now, she's not playing with us.
Slip up once and you might die.
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
Even if you don't, you still will.
You want a few more rounds with me? Sure, let's start with you.
Waai Fu –!
This time, her blade flies quicker than in their previous bouts. Waai Fu can only feel the autumn wind brushing against her face, leaving her no time to react.
Suddenly, a wall appears in front of her, or rather, a man's back as thick and wide as a wall.
Waai Fu looks at the wall in front of her that she last saw over a decade ago. Still, the sight overlaps with the one in her memories.
The reunion comes sooner than she expected, and catches her off guard.
Huai Tianpei So this is the one Lee mentioned, the one who's been bothering everyone?
Shanhaizhong Boss You again?
Huai Tianpei Turns out I've been sleeping bad because I was about to run into someone I'd rather not see.
Huai Tianpei sweeps a quick glance behind him.
His movements are light and quick, but Waai Fu catches them perfectly clearly.
Huai Tianpei I didn't want to fight anybody until my match with the Grandmaster.
*sigh*... Guess today's a cheat day.
So yeah, you've got some skills, but I can't say I know any kung fu school where you bully your juniors for practice.
If you're itching for a fight, I'll take you on!
Qiubai Huai, you're at a disadvantage unarmed. I'll lend you my sword.
Huai Tianpei Don't need it.
Anything my fists can't break, a sword won't cut either.
Shanhaizhong Boss Don't overestimate yourself.
[The Shanhaizhong boss strikes at Huai...]
Huai Tianpei Haah–!
[...but Huai managed to parry it with his fists.]
Waai Fu gets a front row seat to the action.
Sidestep, chop, quick step, twist, elbow strike. All moves she has learned herself.
Seeing the pained expression on his opponent's face, it is clear that Huai Tianpei is using his full strength.
Waai Fu imagines what it feels like to be slammed into a wall.
Huai Tianpei Right...
That's some blade. I dodged it by a hair, but it caught my skin.
Shanhaizhong Boss Damn you–
After being knocked back several feet, the woman steadies herself with her blade. The tremendous impact seems to have little lasting effect on her, as she lifts her sword again and assumes a defensive stance.
But being knocked off-balance has made her furious, and anger whips into a tangible wind, with everyone present feeling a chill run up their spines at the same time.
The moonlight intensifies.
Ch'en Still got more tricks under her sleeve?
Qiubai This sensation again...
Huai Tianpei Oh? Her Qi feels different... Great, let's go for another round!
Di Beast (low-pitched hissing)
Shanhaizhong Boss ......
The woman raises her head and glances toward the sky, the clouds drifting across and obscuring half the moonlight.
She lowers her half-raised blade.
Shanhaizhong Boss Since the girl already delivered the data, I'm not going bother with you any longer.
It doesn't matter. You're out of time.
Yumen city won't escape this calamity.
[The Shanhaizhong boss vanishes with some sort of Arts.]
Waai Fu ......
Huai Tianpei ......
<Background fades out and in>
Chongyue Seems like we weren't needed.
Wei Yenwu We did witness a splendid showdown, though, so I wouldn't say it was a waste.
Chongyue The young will surpass us in time.
Wei Yenwu I assumed you were referring to that fellow.
Chongyue I'd say Ch'en here has already learned a good chunk of what you have to offer.
Wei Yenwu What do you think of her swordplay?
Chongyue Hmm...
Skillful, but not yet the peak of perfection.
Wei Yenwu Oh?
So what you mean to say is...
??? Brother Meng–!
A sorrowful howl resounds through the long and deserted street.
Chongyue ......
<Background fades out and in>
Back at the agency, Waai Fu saw plenty of soap operas depicting children reunited with their parents.
Some cried bitterly while others threw furniture around, the actors' intense performances felt strange and unfamiliar to Waai Fu.
When watching with Hung or Lee, they would always silently change the channel.
She tried to imagine what it would be like when she saw him again. The pent-up resentment, anger, confusion, and dissatisfaction that accumulated over a decade... How would she express herself to him?
But at this very moment, the man standing right in front of her feels less real than the cold wind blowing on her face.
Waai Fu You came to my rescue, so thanks for that.
Huai Tianpei Sure...
Waai Fu Anything else you'd like to say?
Huai Tianpei I'm good.
Waai Fu Then prepare yourself.
Huai Tianpei Alright.
Dad, what does "Hung Mei Wing Chun" mean?
Of all the countless kung fu styles under Heaven, you choose this one, huh? Alright, I'll teach you this one.
Which style do you use, dad? I want to learn the same one as you.
I'll teach you mine, but not now. You still haven't mastered the basics. Once you've got a solid foundation, then you can learn my kung fu.
I've sparred with him so many times that I've lost count.
The moment our fists connect, my arm adapts with my muscle memory. More submerged memories also flow out from my mind.
A small courtyard with blue brick and stone flooring, a large porcelain water jar always filled full, wooden stakes wrapped with cloth... and a tall figure whose face could never be clearly seen.
That was my world, day after day, diligently practicing and enduring hardships, year after year, cultivating my mind and tempering my character.
My sparring partner changed from my father to a wooden dummy, never letting myself rest, even for a day. Over the past decade, practicing kung fu became as natural as eating and sleeping.
I think I asked him the question.
Why did you teach me kung fu, why did you have me become a warrior just like you?
The intertwining of moves and techniques, the simple and genuine connection.
You've taught me so much.
But I was never chasing you.
I've found my own goals, I know why I practice kung fu, and I won't change the path I chose just because a man's back popped up in front of me.
And I will surpass you.
A fist lands on the man's robust chest, as if hitting a thick wall.
It gives off a muffled sound.
Huai Tianpei You've improved over the years, but you're still a long way from matching me.
Waai Fu Big talk. But I wouldn't have even landed a hit on you back then.
If this is as far as you've come in a dozen years, then I'll catch up to you real soon.
Huai Tianpei My daughter enjoys some big talk.
Waai Fu That's not a compliment.
<Background 3>
Waai Fu I lose.
[Waai Fu walks away.]
Huai Tianpei twirls his beard, thinks for a long time, and suddenly bursts into laughter.
Huai Tianpei That move where you kicked me in the chin doesn't look like anything I taught you.
...What fun.
Anyway, I'm heading back to the clinic.
Qiubai Huai, wait a second.
Huai Tianpei Do you need me for something?
Qiubai Where is the Grandmaster's sword? And Zuo Le?
Huai Tianpei The sword's with the girl, and that mandarin boy probably went after her.
Can't say for sure. I'm pretty much done with all this stuff.
Qiubai Wait.
The Grandmaster wants to see you.
Huai Tianpei Oh?
<Background 2>
[The Shanhaizhong leader overwhelms Jieyun.]
Shanhaizhong Ringleader I've been going easy on you, since you're Anasa.
But hand over the sword now, or I'll show no mercy.
Jieyun *cough*...
Her wound reopens, and the young Anasa girl holds the sword in front of her chest with her left hand, throwing her chakram with her right, barely deflecting the enemy's attack.
She falls back step by step, as her arms feel heavier and heavier.
[Zuo Le shows up and protected Jieyun from the leader's attack.]
Jieyun ......
Zuo Le It just occurred to me that even if I let you go, you still need a way out.
Jieyun How did you know I would be here?
Zuo Le I grew up here.
I was a mischievous boy who tried to sneak out of the city through the sand sluices, and was duly punished by my father for doing so.
But only someone as stubborn as you would dare take this way.
Jieyun You still want to stop me.
[Zuo Le parries the leader's attack.]
Zuo Le Tell me, did you come to Yumen just for this sword?
Jieyun Yes.
Zuo Le And you wish to present the sword as an offering?
Jieyun Yes.
Zuo Le And after that, will you return it?
Jieyun Well, I...
Yes, I will.
Zuo Le That eccentric from the clinic promised me earlier that if you broke your word, he would bring you back himself.
But having said all that, retrieving the sword was, and still is, my duty.
So while I have no qualms about taking you at your word, just this once, I will get that sword back, even if I have to jump into the sand sluice myself.
"Yi nuo qian jin." You may not know the idiom, literally "a promise worth a thousand gold." Break your word, and I will drag you back here, personally.
Jieyun ...Alright.
Shanhaizhong Ringleader You're wasting your effort. Hurt as she is, she'll die when she jumps down there.
Zuo Le Three quarters past the Hour of Yu... the turbines should have slowed down by now, there's no time to waste.
Get going!
The young Candleholder turns around to face his powerful foe, and a light gleams from his sword unsheathing.
The young Anasa girl hugs the sword tightly in her arms, and leaps down into the churning sand.
<Background 5>
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative The observatory has recalculated its results according to the information we have just received.
The Catastrophe has manifested as a sandstorm, and its scale is about three times larger than the one that struck the city four years ago.
The prior misinformation has already cost us too much time, so the situation is not optimistic...
Zuo Xuanliao looks at the box in his hands, the surface clearly worn down by gravel and sand.
A few days ago, was there another person looking at this box just as he is now? How did he feel?
If there was a mirror in his military tent, Zuo Xuanliao would have noticed the strands of silver hair on his scalp multiplying over the past few days.
Zuo Xuanliao Let's get to the point.
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative Presently, Yumen is in the middle of the Catastrophe's trajectory, and won't be able to avoid it, even if we change course.
We have but one method available to us. We can split Yumen up into blocks and disperse in different directions to evade the Catastrophe.
Zuo Xuanliao How much time would that cost us?
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative Reconnecting after separation, and returning to full speed, will probably take about six months.
Zuo Xuanliao ......
There's no time.
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative It is the only feasible way to ensure the city's safety.
Zuo Xuanliao It is not the city's safety we want to secure.
The General lingers in his tent, the night outside his window still seemingly serene. The unseen danger lurks far away, but he knows it is still out there.
He has seen these sights for decades, but he has never loathed the vast desert as much as he does right now.
Zuo Xuanliao If we can only ensure the safety of our people...
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative General, you mean to...?
Zuo Xuanliao Prepare the front for direct Catastrophe impact, and evacuate all civilians from the east side of the core city to the west for resettlement.
Activate all defensive fortifications, and station Imperial Astronomical Bureau Casters on the city walls to resist the aftershocks.
How long will repairs take, after the fact?
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative General Zuo, the risk is too great...
Zuo Xuanliao How long will they take?
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative Repairing the front walls and some of the city's infrastructure will take... by a conservative estimate, three months.
Zuo Xuanliao Sure...
Imperial Astronomical Bureau Representative Time is of the essence, so I urge the General to make a decision as soon as possible.
[Liang Xun walks into the hall.]
Zuo Xuanliao Mr. Liang?
Have you come to shackle me, to ensure I don't act on my own?
Liang Xun I'm here to relay the Grand Tutor's opinion–to trust in General Zuo's judgement.
Zuo Xuanliao Very well.
Prepare to confront the Catastrophe.


  1. Hanzi: 里; Pinyin: lǐ; the traditional Chinese unit to measure distance equal to 0.5 km or 0.3 miles