Operation story: BB-8

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Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Panicked Royal Court Soldier
Deathveil Assassin icon.png
Mysterious Assassin
Deathveil Assassin icon.png
Name-Forsaken Sacrificer
Male Ambrosian Sarkaz C icon.png
Babel Assassin
Blank icon.svg
RI Roof Night
Victorian Village
RI Command Center
Abandoned Building
Desert Mountain
Victorian Palace
Kazdel Street Dusk
Theresa's Office
Empty Room
Ancient Skies

Before operation

As Theresis shifts the strategic focus to Victoria, the civil war reaches its final moments. The Doctor draws up one final plan to retake Kazdel, and Babel's victory is close at hand.
Background-RI Roof Night.png
Spring, 1094
Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
<Background 1>
Julie I knew you'd come, Ascalon.
[Ascalon approaches Julie.]
Ascalon I'm the only one left.
Julie Indeed.
After a few years here, you're the only one left, out of everyone I knew.
Ascalon ......
This upcoming mission of yours...
Julie In Londinium. You knew that already.
To tell you the truth, I'm a little bit bothered by it. This isn't my first time going undercover, but...
It's the first time for me to step outside of Kazdel.
I heard you used to travel around for months?
Ascalon It's not the same as going to Victoria, though.
You are going to be a sleeper agent in Theresis's mercenary army. When the time is right, you'll be provoking an armed rebellion.
Julie Will killing Theresis really solve our problems?
Ascalon No. The Military Commission is no longer reliant on any one strongman. This is exactly what Theresis wants.
So, the best way for you to accomplish your mission is to cause a disturbance at the right time. It'll sow doubts among the Victorian dukes, and they can do the dirty work for you.
Londinium is the heart of Victoria. They've got nowhere to run. The city will witness the downfall of the entire Military Commission.
Julie And then you guys will beat up the whole Nachzehrer Court and take back Kazdel, right?
Ascalon Still, Julie, you should—
Julie Oh, don't be like that! I've been undercover before. It's just... you know, having to fool both Theresis and the Victorians at the same time... I've barely met any Feline who can do that!
I've even been practicing my Victorian just for this...
Ascalon That's not what I meant.
Never mind. Here, for you.
Julie What's this? My old clothes?
My name's been sewn into the lining... Did Her Highness do this?
Ascalon Her Highness wanted to give this to you in person, but I don't want you two to meet at this moment.
I... would rather she not have to suffer too much.
Julie ......
Ascalon You know what I mean. You know that everyone involved in this plan is considered sacrificed already.
Her Highness knows this. She wanted to say goodbye to you all in person, but that would only make it hard for her to sleep at night.
So I lied to her. I told her you all left earlier than planned.
I'm sorry, Julie. You might have wanted to meet Her Highness too.
Julie does not reply. She strokes the name sewn onto her clothes with linen, feeling its rough texture in silence.
She remembers how Her Highness would teach them lessons.
She is more used to killing people than learning things in a classroom. Although she would doze off as she didn't understand a thing, she knew in her heart that everything Her Highness said was right.
That's why she has never raised a question in class.
Julie Who wouldn't want to see Her Highness one last time? But I don't mind it's you who gives me this. I've learned a lot from you in these past few years too.
Ah. You're not thinking that you might be more qualified for this mission than I am, are you?
Ascalon No, I'm not.
Julie There were some people who actually mentioned you at the meeting earlier, but we all agreed that it's best if you stay in Kazdel with Her Highness.
As for me, I've always been on my own, so I was the first to suggest...
Ascalon You could go and join Scout's team. I remember you have already applied for it.
Julie That was just because I wanted to learn everything I could from a hero, all so that I could beat you one more time.
We fight more or less in the same way. It's kind of a bummer leaving without having sparred enough with you.
Hmph. I really wouldn't be telling you all this if it wasn't for the fact that I'm about to head off already.
Ascalon Do you... have anything else you'd like to say?
Julie Nope. I never expected my first time leaving home would also be my last. I also never expected the person sending me off would be the unsmiling, silent head assassin who's always standing by the King's side.
Answer me honestly, Ascalon.
What's it like out there, in the lands beyond Kazdel?
Ascalon ......
Ascalon does not answer. It seems that Julie did not expect to receive one in the first place.
Julie simply gets up and leaves at a languid pace.
As though she was just heading off to get a bottle of top-notch wine.
Ascalon watches her as she walks off into the distance.
She suddenly feels like there is something unfamiliar about Julie, the same feeling as if she were unable to recognize her own reflection in the mirror.
Background-Victorian Village.png
Three months later...
Village on the outskirts of Londinium, Victoria
<Background 2>
[Julie enters the village.]
Julie Come out already. There's no use hiding.
We received the info while in the city that there's a squad heading off to Kazdel. That must be you lot, right?
We've blocked off all the other roads out of this village, and don't even think about passing through me here.
[An assassin suddenly rushes at her, but Julie blocks the attack with her sword and slashes them.]
Julie Got you.
Look at your wounds and all. I doubt you could beat a civilian in a state like this.
She shakes her sword with disdain, flicking off the blood on it.
Julie Or maybe you're waiting for your buddies to come help you out?
Mysterious Assassin ...The others are all dead?
Julie As a doornail.
All your friends are dead, so why does it feel like you're breathing a sigh of relief?
Mysterious Assassin Death is but a mercy... my friend.
Julie ......
Who the hell are you guys?
Mysterious Assassin That does not matter.
[The assassin tries to attack again, but Julie slashes first.]
Mysterious Assassin Ngh... Gah...
Your blade struck true. *cough*...
She hears the assassin break out in laughter under her blade.
Only once he has finally stopped breathing does she peel off his mask.
Julie freezes. She thinks hard for a long while, before finally realizing the identity of the Sarkaz based on the marred birthmark by the corner of his eye.
His portrait had been circulated around the Scar Market's book of bounties before.
He had many aliases, but nobody knew what his real name was. He has been active for far too long, long enough to become the subject of boasts and quips from drunken mercenaries.
But the two horns that marked his bloodline and identity have been cut clean off, leaving eternal scars on his head.
Julie Those other masked nutjobs willing to die for their cause... Did they also like chopping their horns off?
Did you need to go this far to muster enough courage to assassinate Her Highness? Was it because you had to bare steel against the King of Sarkaz, against one of the Six Heroes?
Whatever... I can tell just by looking at you all that you haven't dealt with Her Highness Theresa before.
Well, don't you worry, I'll burn away your faces. Sure, you'll be turned into some real stinky charcoal, but it beats being remembered as a sinner.
You guys can't go back to Kazdel, and this is the only thing I can do to help you. To be honest, I don't think you and I are all that different.
I can't go back to Kazdel either.
Julie and her companions pile up the assassins' corpses, set the grisly pyramid alight, then set off in the direction of Londinium.
The blaze behind them crackles. A thought suddenly pops up in Julie's mind. The furnace in Kazdel doesn't sound like this.
What was it like? She heard it all the time when she was little.
Julie ...Can't remember any of it.
<Background 3>
Doctor Kal'tsit.
[Kal'tsit answers on her transceiver.]
Kal'tsit Our elites have been deployed to all the key strategic points.
Doctor Good. Listen up, there is a clear power gap between us and the Military Commission. Laying siege to Kazdel would have been an impossible operation.
But thanks to the Duke of Cavendish's ultimatum, Theresis has marched to Londinium earlier than planned.
Kazdel now only has some of the Royal Court factions aligned with the Military Commission to oversee it. He has almost abandoned the city.
<Background 4>
[Mantra listens to the broadcast.]
Doctor This has no doubt left both the civilians and remaining soldiers in disarray.
Once the banner of the Military Commission falls, Her Highness Theresa will proclaim that they have abandoned Kazdel, and in turn proclaim the liberation of Kazdel by Babel.
<Background 5>
[Ascalon and Odda listen to the broadcast.]
Doctor This battle line will be formed by multiple points rather than an entire front. We must strike swiftly and precisely.
Kal'tsit Due to the disparity in military strength, almost every single one of our armed personnel who still heeds the command of Babel has been assigned to taking the city.
<Background 6>
[Scout and Ace listen to the broadcast.]
Kal'tsit Thus, the landship's defense will be relatively weak.
Doctor Her Highness Theresa will remain on the landship to balance the situation. We will retain a suitable force to guard the ship too, under my personal command.
Once the city gates of Kazdel have been broken open and the path to the Soul Furnace has been made safe, Her Highness will meet with the main army at all speed.
We have six hours to storm the city, else the Military Commission will have the opportunity to organize a powerful counterattack. If that time comes, our weaker Babel forces will be exposed to danger.
By the light of the setting sun, Babel will capture the Furnace and the Royal Court's chamber, and the banner of Babel will rise with the moons.
And when that time comes...
<Background 3>
Doctor A ceasefire will resound across all Kazdel.
I have faith that we will all succeed.
[The Doctor stops the broadcast.]
Doctor Phew...
[Theresa enters the command center.]
Theresa Wonderful organization, Doctor.
Doctor Just some big talk meant to boost morale. I'm sure Kal'tsit and our experienced fighters can see right through it.
Babel is going to take heavy losses.
Theresa It's not quite Theresis's style, allowing so many flaws to go exposed.
But I trust you, Doctor. I believe that with this price we must pay, we can take back Kazdel.
Theresis is going to fight for the power he most craves in Londinium. If our assumptions are correct, once he tears apart that empire, he will set his sights back on this city.
Doctor Is there no room for two Kazdels on this great land?
Theresa Perhaps there is. But if we were to split our combined strength in two, then we would not be able to resist the next invasion of our enemies.
Moreover, while the city can always be rebuilt, what the Sarkaz have been truly failed to do for millennia is to unify.
Even the Military Commission failed to gather together all the surviving factions of the Royal Court.
Doctor ......
Theresa Are you wondering if things would be different if it was Theresis who wore the crown?
Doctor No, they wouldn't. The Sarkaz who'd come rushing into the city, escaping from wars and trying to feed themselves, would still band together and fight their King.
To band together... Such a simple and yet unimaginable way to put it.
Theresa ...Indeed.
According to Kal'tsit's rough calculations, the population of Sarkaz currently living in Kazdel only constitutes thirty to forty percent of all Sarkaz across Terra.
A unification under the banner of hate would be effective yet short-lived. A unification under peace allows us to discuss development and our future.
It is not that Theresis or the Sarkaz does not understand all this, it's just that... the war broke out anyway.
Even if we take Kazdel back, Doctor, perhaps this war will still go on.
But maybe it will do for now.
Doctor ......
Theresa After our victory, I'd like you to take a look around the city.
It is my home, and the home of many Babel Members... it is also Kal'tsit's home.
You have fought for Babel for so long, yet you have never set foot in the homeland of our memories. I haven't been a very good host in this deal of ours, have I, Doctor?
See how the Soul Furnace brings light and heat to Kazdel, this city built on our pain, and you might see why we are so greedy in our desire for a peaceful tomorrow.
Doctor ...I will.
Outskirts of an abandoned town, Kazdel
<Background 5>
Ascalon How are things in town, Odda?
[Odda answers on his transceiver.]
Odda We're still pursuing the remaining mercenaries! They have pretty much all holed up inside some abandoned buildings. I'm afraid it'll take a while to root them all out.
Ascalon Don't be reckless. Pay attention to the time and don't forget what the Doctor said.
Our objective is to clear the flanks, then regroup on the battlefront ASAP.
Odda I know. If not for the Doctor's contingency plan, we most likely would have been gotten by that ambush of theirs.
But... something's strange in this. It's clear that this town's right in the path of the Catastrophe, so why would this gang of mercs risk ambushing us here?
Ascalon I'm still investigating that myself.
Odda We just need to find their leader then, Ascalon, although I can't guarantee that they'll have answers we need.
Ascalon I know. Stay safe.
[Odda ends the transmission.]
A Catastrophe. Its brutal winds batter Ascalon.
Faint blasts from the horizon distract her, as though they are reminding her—
??? We are destined to walk along this path.
[Ascalon freezes for a moment then dodges a massive fist from behind her.]
Ascalon ...It's you.
[Scareye appears.]
Scareye Long time no see.
You've grown, Ascalon. You really have toughened yourself up on the battlefield over the last few years.
Ascalon I assumed you would have joined that man in huddling behind Londinium's walls like a coward.
Scareye Me? Follow the Regent? Haha, I'm afraid you've got that wrong, Ascalon.
Mercenaries never "follow" anyone. All we care about is profit.
Here in Kazdel, the only thing that helps you earn that profit is violence. Lucky for us that we have the knack of sniffing it out.
Naturally, I am happy to help everyone see what prospects might show up on this list of jobs in a suitable manner. After all, the Scar Market never makes wrong investment decisions—
[Ascalon rushes at him.]
Ascalon's sleeve-blade stabs at the giant's back, only to find his hand blocking the attack.
It seems that his hand had been there all along. No movement is detected.
Ascalon If he thought that you could stop us yourself, then I'm afraid that he's living in a fantasy.
Scareye Wrong again, Ascalon.
The mercenaries are here because of the Regent's commission. Yes. And it's none of my business. But have you ever wondered why I am here?
I'm here to see you, Ascalon. A completely unrelated matter.
Ascalon —?
[A sudden transmission comes in...]
Odda *Bzzzzz*—Ugh—Ascalon, the town—
*Bzzzz*—Another ambush!
[...and then cuts off.]
Ascalon Odda? Odda!
[Ascalon turns to rescue Odda, but Scareye blocks her path.]
Scareye I didn't say you could leave, Ascalon.
The moment those people stepped into that town, their fates were sealed. You can't save them.
Do you still remember the first time we met?
We're already at the confluence of fate.
Here, I see a rather abrupt ending.
I've always wondered, could I change that ending? Perhaps I could dredge up a stone from the rough rapids of destiny...
...And place it wherever I want, to see what ripples would arise that should not exist in the first place...
Could the Cyclopes control prophecy?
Ascalon Get lost.
Or die.
[Ascalon slashes at him, but Scareye calmly deflects her attack and shoves her off.]
Scareye I already told you, there's no need to try for any surprise attacks. I can "see" them coming.
Ascalon Theresis has taught me many things, but there is only one thing I remember clear as crystal.
The blade in my hand can solve most of my problems.
Scareye... Can you see nothingness?
A thick mist, mingled with dust, spreads across the area.
Everything is indistinct. The assassin's figure gradually becomes a blur in the fog.
Ascalon Doesn't matter if it's fate or prophecy. I've had enough of your tricks.
Ascalon You believe you can see beyond time—
You believe you can rely on fate to guide you to your profit—
But you're nothing more than an addict playing at fortune-teller in the end, Scareye.
Ascalon's voice fades away. The giant's ears only hear the wind. The giant's eyes only see the mist.
Strange. Even though he can see a hundred different ways of his own death whenever he wakes up, now...
He sees none—
Strike Down.png
His mask shatters.
His eyes had been hidden beneath that mask for nearly a century. He doesn't need them to see reality. Too many people, too many things, all unworthy of his sight.
And as the evening light rushes into the cracks on his mask, seeping into his excited, dilated pupils—
Ascalon Do you see your death now?
No. He sees a precipice.
The rapid waters of the confluence of fate are flowing over it.
Scareye Before we continue this fight, Ascalon, allow me to give you a prophecy, free of charge.
A story.

After operation

On the eve of victory, the unexpected happens. Theresa is made aware of the Doctor's chaotic thoughts.
Background-Desert Mountain.png
Someplace in the wilderness, Kazdel
<Background 7>
Scareye ......
Haha! Hahahaha!
Prophecy? As if this could be called prophecy! Ascalon did NOT kill me!
What has been spoken still requires discernment, what has been discerned can still be altered. The essence of prophetic Arts is merely conjecture and calculation. No wonder there is no destiny that can't be defied!
The Cyclops Court is nothing more than a big, sick joke!
*spit* That hurts.
[Several of Scareye's goons approach him.]
Scareye I didn't die under Ascalon's blade. This isn't what I prophesized...
Then maybe she's the one who should've died.
She's bound to come confirm that I'm dead. When that happens, you lot can nail down her shadow and rip her to shreds.
She's wounded too. I didn't get all beaten up for nothing after all...
[Surprisingly, the mercenaries pull out their weapons.]
Scareye What are you guys doing?
Sarkaz Mercenary ......
Scareye You're aiming at me? Really?
Who bought you off?
Sarkaz Mercenary Nobody, boss.
It's just a good opportunity to get a promotion.
Scareye An opportunity? I see. Babel's entered the city, and you could take my head to curry favor with them.
If Babel loses, you can always go back to the Scar Market. Nothing to lose.
Sarkaz Mercenary ......
Scareye silently looks at the soldiers he set up for the ambush himself.
The wind sweeps past, carrying the faint scent of his blood.
Scareye Heh.
It's a good plan, fellas.
[The mercenaries relentless attack Scareye with their swords until he dies. Afterwards, they gather around his body and begin to butcher it.]
Fate did not kill him. He made it. He had reversed a prophecy.
And then he died atop a stage of his own making.
Background-Victorian Palace.png
Londinium, Victoria
<Background 8>
[Theresis steps outside the palace.]
The huge palace complex situated in the center of Londinium is always too quiet.
Theresis disdains the apathetic nobles who live within. He only respects those who put their lives on the line to fight a way out and come up to him.
Even if the swords that they raise are pointed at Theresis himself—
[Theresis defends an attack coming towards Manfred.]
Theresis Showing mercy to your enemy will only result in your own death, Manfred. Do not repeat that mistake again.
Manfred Forgive me, General. I thought—
Theresis Focus on the enemy. It seems these traitors have been sharpening their blades for this ambush for a while now.
They have stirred the hearts of the Victorians. We are the only ones who can extinguish this rebellion now.
*Ancient Sarkaz Language*—
By the time he murmurs his covert orders, a group of silent figures are already appearing on the chaotic battlefield.
Like a passing gale rattling the raindrops in a storm.
Name-Forsaken Sacrificer Stand back.
[The assassins rush towards the Babel fighters.]
Babel Assassin Hmph. We'll handle these guys.
Julie, you and the rest keep going.
[Julie pulls out her sword.]
Julie Got it.
[She rushes toward Theresis, but is halted by Manfred.]
Manfred Don't even think of getting close to the General.
Julie No need to rush. It'll be your turn soon.
[Manfred swings his sword at Julie, who deflects his attack.]
Manfred I am the General's guard captain, assassin.
Julie Then you're gonna wanna hold your sword tight.
[The two rush toward each other.]
<Background flashes>
An inconspicuous arc sweeps past Julie's eyes.
A chill runs through her spine. Her body stiffens.
She thinks of the day that she saw Her Highness in the Scar Market.
At the time, she did not even dare to raise her sword.
[Theresis steps to intervene.]
Theresis Enough, Manfred.
Manfred General!
Theresis They have come to me in search of an honorable death, not mercy.
They are using their lives to show me the future as they see it.
You are in a race. She is facing countless threats in Kazdel, just as we are here.
Such a race only ends with my life, or hers.
I will give you a chance. Come, deathmongers. Kill me. Do not disappoint Theresa.
Background-Kazdel Street Dusk.png
2 hours, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
<Background 9>
Logos "SHATTER".
[The gates of Kazdel explode open. Fighting rapidly ensues.]
Panicked Royal Court Soldier Th-The gates have fallen! They're about to come through!
<Background fades out and in>
1 hour, 33 minutes, 48 seconds
Kal'tsit Notify all operations within the city to disarm the patrolling troops.
[Ace replies via transceiver.]
Ace The defenses in the city are weak. It's pretty much just the Military Commission's defense forces.
We'll strike at them before they can regroup. Move fast.
[Ace ends the transmission.]
Kal'tsit Even if both sides are trying to prevent the battle from spreading into the city, this is still rather irregular.
Send all our intelligence back to the Doctor. All operating teams, quicken your pace, and stay vigilant at all times.
Take down the Military Commission's flag in the plaza, and tune our radio into all frequencies in the city.
<Background fades out and in>
49 minutes, 59 seconds
Kal'tsit Prepare for the landship's connection. We want to let Her Highness and the others enter the region that we control ASAP.
Also contact Ascalon's team and tell them to rendezvous quickly. Three teams have already completed their deployments ahead of schedule.
Logos Where to next, Dr. Kal'tsit?
Kal'tsit The former site of Babel.
Babel's flag has not been raised there for many years.
Kal'tsit walks along the street. She's still familiar with the route to Babel's offices.
The Sarkaz on the street quietly move about, climbing as high as they can on the surrounding buildings, gazing at the same ruins within the city.
A flag that has not been seen in Kazdel for many years slowly rises.
Babel has returned.
<Background 10>
Theresa ......
Mantra's latest report says we've managed to completely clear five main roads.
If everything is going according to plan, Kal'tsit should have seen the fires of the Soul Furnace by now.
Kazdel's defenses are all but crippled, Doctor. We can board the city now.
Doctor Good.
But the Military Commission will not give up on Kazdel. If we want complete control of the city, we still need a bit more time.
By then, we might not be able to completely avert the destruction of Kazdel's center city—
Theresa Wait.
I felt them.
Doctor What?
Theresa They are still here, but they have no intention of aiding anyone.
It seems that some arrogant bystanders have joined our battle.
Doctor Theresa.
Theresa Hmm...
I also feel... enemies. Not ordinary ones.
Their souls burn with killing intent, sorrow, misery and determination.
Doctor The Military Commission's assassins. They intended to use the city as bait all along, so they can inflict heavy damage on Babel's headquarters.
This was also within my calculations. But this time, there is no wagering or planning our way out of this. We must defeat the assassins, then return to our city.
I will go control the landship's defense systems and mount a defense.
Theresa Go, Doctor.
We need not bring another fight into the city, not as it bathes in the twilight afterglow.
<Background 9>
22 minutes, 48 seconds
Kal'tsit Closure, have you made contact with the landship?
[Closure replies via transceiver.]
Closure Still no response.
Kal'tsit ......
Closure I-I'm still overriding the city's broadcast power settings, and trying to expand its range. Maybe the landship's comms have a temporary malfunction... I'm doing my best to bring it back online!
Kal'tsit ......
[The transmission ends.]
<Background fades out and in>
12 minutes, 57 seconds
Kal'tsit ......
[Logos walks towards Kal'tsit.]
Logos I sense something peculiar, Dr. Kal'tsit.
My mother... She's prepared incantations for every person dear to her heart. When they pass away, an elegy will play in our minds.
I am still in good health at present, but...
Kal'tsit suddenly feels her blood run cold.
<Background 11>
[The Doctor opens the door to an empty room and enters.]
Doctor Even if Babel can capture Kazdel, it is bound to suffer grave losses.
Theresis was right. They can't unite. The division of the Sarkaz will be the new norm. Even given a long time, the Sarkaz are unable to go from a weak community to a world leader.
Most importantly, I pointed out another path to Theresis. His plans in Londinium will have a greater chance of success if the Sarkaz corrupt the land with Originium and destroy their enemies.
Isn't this a good thing?
Such a determined race is now our followers. They will become the first brilliant bloodstain on the curtain of Originium as it spreads.
That's right... We have no need to destroy them. No need to kill her.
I... should use the "Civilight Eterna". I should try to guide its hidden functions, and then I wouldn't need to...
Searching internal array. Administrator permissions found.
[The controls beep.]
Verified. Valid permissions.
Welcome, Dr. {nickname}.
Entering (Shipwide Defense System). Please confirm subsequent operation.
Doctor ......
<Background fades to white>
Should I really let Babel continue their actions at this point?
Am I really going to renounce the sacrifices of billions of our people in the distant past, renounce their flesh and blood, ballads and songs, renounce the spark that they have waited for ten thousand years, renounce the Originium Project... all for a race who doesn't even know what the barrier is?
If, for the sake of Terra, Originium was stopped... If Theresa truly succeeds...
Then what have we been waiting for during the ten thousand years?
<Background fades to black>
Theresa and the races of Terra... Do they really not have even the slightest chance of success?
<Background fades to white>
They do not. How could I be so naive as to believe that? They are disunited, narrow-minded, undeveloped... An accident of life, a fortunate survival, that's all.
<Background fades to black>
All lives have the right to believe in their own hopes.
<Background fades to white>
But we have no time left.
It is right in front of us.
<Background 10>
[Theresa tries to contact the Doctor, but to no avail.]
Theresa ...Doctor?
Doctor! Can you hear me?
[Theresa pauses.]
Theresa That's strange. There are some... peculiarities in the Doctor's emotions.
Intense, and... shadowed.
Doctor, what exactly...?
<Background fades to black>
There is the fiery light from the torn apart portal, like a smoldering gash across the sky.
Only after centuries will it dissipate into nothingness.
The stars are leaving from where we stand, like leaves trembling in the night.
Yet that ship from Talos-II still arrived at these rubble-strewn ruins.
That is life.
That is what we lost after our final day. That is the ancient ode to dispel any darkness.
[Some unknown figure seems to be speaking these words.]
Background-Ancient Skies.png
Oracle I have reneged on my promise. I have betrayed she who waited within time itself.
It is because of the love I felt. Love for life. Love for existence. Love is eternally pure. It leaves me unthinking.
Kal'tsit. Learn to love. Learn to believe. You have to think. Go and lead. Go and face the rolling stones that fall down the hills, screaming as they go.
But in the end... I believe that you can learn to love. It is eternally pure. It is the child of every breathing creature. It is our nature.
Go. Kal'tsit. Go see your surroundings, then see what lies by the most distant of mountains. Go seek what forms existence takes. I must go back.
She had once taught me everything, once explored everything with fervor. But she has changed. She will not give me much time to act of my own accord.
May we meet again, next time. We will meet again. Kal'tsit.
Oracle I believe in them. I believe in you, Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit. I do not have much time left.
Search for traces of life. Search for hope and a future.
Kal'tsit... Go find your own answer.
Find yourself.
<Background fades to black>
Doctor ......
Are you sure you want to disable the Shipwide Defense System?
<Background gltiches>
<Background 10>
[Theresa jolts back.]
Theresa ...!
[The lights shut down.]
<Background black>
(Restart boarding ID verification) selected. Confirmed.
(Restart Shipwide Communications Modules) selected. Confirmed.
Countdown has reached zero.
<Background 11>
Doctor ......
[The Doctor walks away from the controls.]
The fluorescence of the control panel reflects off the Doctor's mask.
As the screen shuts down, the face beneath the mask is shrouded in darkness again.
<Background black>
How would you describe those who would pay any price to defend their people?
Some would call them heroes. Some would call them legends.
But such titles best take root in times of widespread war.
As a short era of peace begins, in the space of a night, those living legends will all be relegated to the land of stories and tales.
The children who hear such tales will ask: why have all the people who bear such grand titles disappeared?
Theresis Because they chose to stay in the past.
They had seen through their duty, and the new era they founded has no place for them.
Legends are forgotten. Heroes pass out of memory.
And death arrives as it always does. None can escape it.
Duty spurs a hero to write an answer with death, to tread a muddy road.
That is our fate.
The eve of Babel's departure from Kazdel
<Background 13>
Theresis Perhaps after many years, those who were left behind and vanished after we built our home will join us in our causes.
They will bear a name wracked with infamy and settle this debate for us.
[Theresa steps beside him.]
Theresa Perhaps.
The twins stand shoulder to shoulder.
By means of the memories stored within the Black Crown, they walk along the battlefield of yesteryear. Just as it was in the past.
The two mixed-blood Sarkaz step off the King's collapsed chariot, walking toward the battle...
Walking toward the future.
Theresis So is this where we part ways?
Theresa It is. Here, where we joined hands to change Kazdel, we part.
Theresis Even though you have been their King for so many years, at times... you are as you were back then.
Theresa Back when we were still young, I would often prick my fingers as I was sewing, staining the robes I would sell. Do you remember?
Theresis Yes...
Theresa At the time, you were still a gloomy recruit, not allowed to wield a real sword, always dreaming of becoming a soldier of Kazdel one day.
I, for my part, still did not understand why we had to hide wherever we went.
But then came the day that the Royal Court took note of my work, and I got to meet Yliš. During that meeting, I summoned my courage to ask the King of Sarkaz
Where does our future lie?
He had no answer, only bidding me to leave.
Only once I saw our defeated troops return to their homeland in ruins did I finally understand. The answer I sought could not be found in other lands, but "here"—
—In "Kazdel".
Theresis Kazdel will only return to glory when one of us is gone.
But the one who is destined to lose is you. Must you persist with this, Theresa?
Theresa There are many by my side who support me.
Theresis Most Sarkaz who have suffered oppression and humiliation choose rebellion and violence.
No matter if those who remain wish it or not, they will eventually be swept along by the tides and drawn into wars.
Theresa But our generation must do something. I do not wish for this hatred in my hand to pass on to the next, where it will continue to fester and grow anew.
Even if I cannot change the future, the hope that will ignite the spark must be carried forward.
Theresis I too must take charge of those who follow me.
The cries answering the war do not come solely from Kazdel. There is no place for us anywhere in these lands.
All I can do is give them a push.
And so I will stay here. I choose to stay in the past, where the new generation of Sarkaz will one day look back.
Just like you.