Operation story: BB-9

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Deathveil Assassin icon.png
Determined Assassin
Deathveil Assassin icon.png
Cautious Assassin
Male Ambrosian Sarkaz B icon.png
Babel Member
RI Room
RI Corridor DM
Theresa's Office
Reedy Marshes

Before operation

As the war approaches its end, Babel's landship is stripped of all its defenses, and the assassins targeting Theresa flood in.

Outside Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
<Background 1>
[Dozens of assassins surround the RI landship.]
Determined Assassin Babel is defenseless, as the Regent said.
Cautious Assassin Keep quite. Stay alert.
Stick to the original route and find the King. A Route and B Route, stand by.
Determined Assassin Their main force is not on the ship. They will need time to call for support.
Babel's guards still haven't noticed us.
Cautious Assassin His Highness's was right. There is someone high up in the enemy's chain of command helping us.
All units, enter the ship. We settle this quickly. Avoid anything unexpected.
Background-RI Room.png
[A weird humming noise fills the room.]
Ten minutes ago, Amiya was roused by a strange sound.
Babel is continually being maintained and renovated. It has already seen massive changes compared to when she first arrived at her new home.
"Maybe Closure is busy fixing things again?"
The Doctor left Amiya many picture books in her room, with illustrated stories she had never heard of before.
Her favorite is one that tells of someone who falls from the sky riding a fantastical vehicle, and the many adventures that come of it.
But she is not fond of the ending. The hero repairs the vehicle and has to return to the sky, saying goodbye to the children on the ground.
<Background 2>
Amiya I really don't like all this noise. The Doctor still isn't here...
Theresa... I need to go find Theresa.
<Background 3>
[Amiya walks down the corridor.]
Amiya Hello, Mr. Downing! You dropped your pliers on the ground. Here!
Babel Member Thank you, Amiya. Where are you going?
Amiya I'm going to the Speaker's Office to find Theresa. Oh, right. Have you seen the Doctor?
Babel Member The Doctor? It's been a few days. That one ought to be in the Command Center overseeing the operation, I think?
Amiya I knew the Doctor must be busy with something... Okay. Bye-bye!
[Amelia runs off.]
Babel Member Don't run so fast, Amiya! There's still a lot of places being overhauled on the ship, so make sure you don't trip!
That girl really is—
[An assassin suddenly slashes from behind...]
Babel Member Urgh...
[...and the Sarkaz falls to the ground.]
Cautious Assassin This one's handled. Proceed.
Determined Assassin Our men on the inside are already on standby at every ambush spot. We can begin a coordinated assault at any time.
If you see anyone, don't hesitate. Those left on the ship are no threat.
<Background 4>
[Amiya knocks at the door to Theresa's office.]
Amiya I brought my book, Theresa—
Huh? Why is the door shut?
[She knocks again.]
Amiya Theresa, it's me! Are you in there?
[Amiya starts tinkering with the lock...]
Amiya Closure once taught me another way to open the door...
It's open!
[...and enters the room.]
Amiya Theresa—
Theresa What are you doing here, Amiya?
Amiya I heard some loud noises that sounded really close... I got a little scared.
Theresa ......
We can go home soon.
Amiya You look tired...
Theresa Would you like to stay with me while I work?
Is this... a storybook?
I see. Well, as long as it's for you, I think I can take a short break. The Doctor and Dr. Kal'tsit won't mind.
Amiya Thank you, Theresa!
Theresa Alright, come sit over here. Once we finish this story, I'll take you to my homeland to play.
[Theresa flips through the book's pages.]
Theresa So, where did we leave off last time?
<Background 5>
Nezzsalem ......
Stand back, Duq'arael.
You are covered in the blood of the mediocre.
[Duq'arael approaches him.]
Duq'arael Merely some heirs making ridiculous comments on the situation. Nobody should be making light of that pair of siblings' lives or deaths at this moment.
It is a grave disrespect.
Should you not be retreating and defending the inner city right now, Nezzsalem?
Nezzsalem That has nothing to do with the war I am waiting for.
Duq'arael Theresis asked you to come and ensure her death?
Nezzsalem Is this not you being contemptuous of those siblings yourself? The Regent would not stoop to such methods.
I am only here to witness the end of this war, and the beginning of another.
If the King of Sarkaz is struck down, I will bear the deathly pall of this moment. On behalf of the King, I will witness the victory I grasp from the abyss.
Duq'arael So, you still feel sorrow.
Nezzsalem As do you.
<Background 6>
[Laqeramaline is walking through the marshlands.]
The wreath of reeds slowly sinks into the riverbed. The gloomy mists have not dispersed for days.
Laqeramaline Aefanyl... Are you still by her side?
For whom does the elegy ring out?
<Background 4>
[Theresa closes the book.]
Theresa ......
Amiya Why did you stop, Theresa? We just got to the important part of the story!
Theresa I thought I'd leave a little suspense for you, Amiya. Would you mind if I used another, more comfortable way to tell you this story?
Amiya But... Okay.
Theresa Watch out, Amiya.
Amiya A bubble! Huh? This is—
Black ripples continuously wash over the pure white room, as though Amiya has plunged into a pool filled with ink.
<Background fades out>
The black bubbles cut off all sound, just as they obscure Amiya's sight.
Beyond the bubbles, Theresa's figure becomes more and more indistinct.
Retreating further into the distance.
Amiya There...sa...?
Theresa Stay inside for now, Amiya. Sleep well.
You will be safe by my side.
[Assassins pour into the room.]
Determined Assassin Theresa. Your Highness...
We will use our lives as proof of the future that the General pursues.
Theresa No, I was sighing about something else.
Honestly, there is no need to cover your face in front of me.
I still remember you from back when you accepted Yliš's orders before his chariot. Your heroism and valor in that battle moved me.
I remember most of your fellows as well.
You are all worthy of the title of "brave warrior", in no way inferior to those heroes fighting in Kazdel this very moment.
Determined Assassin We aren't covering our faces to hide our identities. We knew they would do nothing here.
We have cut off our horns, abandoned our names, even destroyed every inch of our skin that can be used to identify us. All so that after we use such wretched methods to kill the King of Sarkaz—
We will not be remembered by the Sarkaz. We can't be remembered.
Do it.
[The assassins rush forward towards Theresa, who uses her Arts to hold them back.]
<Background fades out>
The rushing air engulfs the assassins' blades like a swamp, as they incessantly stab forwards.
The trembling of the blades causes the air surrounding them to resonate. They press on. They continue to stab.
The ones holding the blades are buffeted and submerged by waves they cannot resist.
<Background 4>
Theresa I remember your names.
I remember you. Luca.
You held back a Steam Knight on your own. You hid yourself within the steam to pull them out, and beheaded them before friend and foe.
[Theresa shoots her Arts at him.]
The assassin's life fades away.
Theresa I remember you too. Liens.
Out of the countless Sarkaz with that name, you are the one who stood out most. After being taken captive by Spire Casters, you freed three of your compatriots from their camp and destroyed their Arts Circle.
<Background flashes>
<Background Theresa deflects an attack from the assassin before firing more Arts at him.>
Another death, and yet it cannot stop them from approaching Theresa.
Theresa And then you. Levin.
You took an arrow for Theresis, losing an arm in the process, but survived hell itself until you managed to retreat.
I do not wish for you all to die nameless and unknown.
At the very least... I will remember.
<Background flashes>
[Theresa launches explosive Arts that kills the assassin.]
More and more corpses pile up by her side, while the room she has left to stand is whittled away, little by little.
She sighs, wiping the blood from her neck, accidentally smearing the dark red across her white dress.
Determined Assassin We want to do something for the Sarkaz before we die. And so now we stand before you...
We have come to kill you. The King we once swore an oath of loyalty to.
We know your strength better than anyone. So, allow us damned traitors to escort you to hell.
Theresa ......

During operation

[Theresa walks toward Amiya as the latter walks out of the left Protection Objective.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Theresa... W-what happened?
Theresa It's okay, Amiya. I'm here, I'll take care of things.
<Game unpaused>
[Theresa feels something bad is happening behind her back.]
<Game paused>
Warning: PRTS access detected...
Searching internal array. Administrator permissions found.
Are you sure you want to disable all defense systems...? Confirmed.
Optimal route calculated. Data uploaded. Safety window countdown has begun. PRTS standing by.
<Game unpaused>
[A Deathveil Assassin enters the room...]
<Game paused>
Theresa Is this your final decision, Doctor?
My kin, I honor your resolve to die for your goal.
<Game unpaused>
[...followed by two more, obviously aiming for the King of Sarkaz's life.]
<Game paused>
Unidentified targets detected, activating alarm—alarm canceled by administrator.
Optimal route loaded to command system. Tactical configuration complete.
Safety window countdown has begun. Immediate action required...
<Game unpaused>
[As Theresa heads to confront the Assassins, the recommended Roadblock location that is also at the direct path towards the upper Protection Objective is highlighted. (The player deploys the Roadblock on the only location this is possible — the aforementioned) The Assassins move in towards Theresa and were at first hindered by the three Eternal Dusts circling the King of Sarkaz, but they were able to land several blows on her while the Dusts are gone, yet they eventually return and eliminates the Assassins. Theresa walks toward the Amiya despite her injuries.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Is this you, Theresa? I'm wrapped in some invisible bubble. I can't see or hear anything...
Theresa Amiya, I never thought it would end like this.
<Game unpaused>
[Using her powers, Theresa protects Amiya with a white barrier to ensure her safety.]
<Game paused>
Theresa I thought we would have more time...
The King of Sarkaz... I wish I did not have to pass this burden to you so suddenly.
But the truth is too cruel for you now, Amiya. Someday, you'll be able to decide if my decision was right... or wrong.
<Game unpaused>
[While this is happening, ten more Deathveil Assassins enter the room. Theresa conjures six Eternal Dusts to confront the Assassins as they move in and she was able to dispatch six of them, but the remaining four took the opportunity where Theresa is recovering to grievously wound the King of Sarkaz, although in the end they too perish at her hands.]
<Game paused>
Theresa Goodbye, Amiya. It will all be over when you wake up...
<Game unpaused>

After operation

Theresa is gravely wounded. She uses the last of her strength to bestow the Civilight Eterna on Amiya. At this moment, the Doctor appears before her.

The last thing Amiya remembers is sleeping inside the black bubble.
Theresa gently cradling the bubble wrapped around her.
Telling her a story that she has already heard many times before.
<Background 1>
Theresa Within the Desert of Despair live many terrible shadows, forever chasing after the little puppet who is seeking for hope.
The black-cloaked shadows were the echoes of the oldest despair and sadness.
If they catch you, you'll never escape them.
Within the desert, the little puppet met the king, who was covered in pure gold and precious gems. The king told the little puppet that if he went back the way he came, he would be given riches beyond measure.
Despite the king pulling him back, the little puppet ignored the captivating gems, and pressed onwards.
But very soon—
The black-cloaked shadows caught him. They kept throwing themselves at him, over and over again, near endlessly...
"Bang, bang, bang"...
The puppet took out a long spear made of a needle and some threads, fighting the shadows, until finally, after knocking aside the shadows' sharp talons, he managed to escape.
He ran as fast as he could until he reached a large river of tears. There was neither boat nor weeds, so all the little puppet could do was swim across.
But as he soaked in the tears, he began to sink, until he touched the riverbed.
He had failed.
Was this how the story ended? Amiya could not believe.
Maybe Theresa read it wrongly?
She anxiously wished for Theresa to change the ending of the story.
Amiya Theresa...
Theresa ...Yes?
Amiya Can we... save the little puppet?
Theresa You wish to save him?
Amiya I do. I... I really, really do.
<Background fades out>
All sound fades away.
The bubble obstructing Amiya's sight dissipates.
Theresa's figure becomes clearer and clearer—
<Background 4>
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees dark red seep out of the black-cloaked shadows lying down on the ground.
Who are these people? When did they arrive here? Why are they lying on the ground?
Amiya had so many questions she wanted to ask Theresa. She did her best to open her eyes wide.
She sees a white dress stained crimson. She sees Theresa's bloodshot eyes.
Was Theresa okay?
Amiya wants to ask Theresa about her injuries.
But she could not make a sound.
[Theresa walks towards Amiya.]
Theresa It's okay, Amiya.
I am here. I beat those bad people from the stories.
What happened to Theresa?
Amiya wants to wipe the weariness off of Theresa's face.
But she could not move her hands.
[Theresa kneels down.]
Before I Go.png
Theresa I'm sorry. I can't change the ending of the story.
But you can, Amiya.
You will walk along a difficult path. Just like the little puppet who tried to cross the river of tears.
All I can do to help you is bestow this crown of black upon you.
For ten thousand years, the limitations imposed by history led my people to misuse this crown.
It has been stained. It has been bound. But it should not have been so.
If we are to break this curse, to break fate itself... I need your help.
Do you want to rewrite the ending?
Amiya wants to say "I do", but she cannot utter a word.
She anxiously nods her head, thinking that perhaps she could help Theresa by saying yes.
Perhaps she could save her—
Theresa Though there is not much strength left in me, it is enough for me to transfer its permission to you.
I have sealed most of it away, so that its boundless information does not overwhelm your mind.
Forgive me, Amiya... for making you bear the weight of this crown.
I thought... that I could be there for you much, much longer. That I could watch you grow up. That I could stand with you when you bravely faced your parents' passing. That I could hear you answer my question yourself...
Your answer as to whether or not you wished to follow in my footsteps.
But there's not enough time left for us, Amiya.
I now selfishly consign this weight that I bear on to you.
I am sorry, child.
Amiya tries to scream, but she cannot open her mouth, cannot move her limbs.
A black blade seems to penetrate her chest.
She ought to feel pain, but this blade leaves behind—
Only warmth. A warmth brimming with hope.
Theresa Amiya. It is hope, and also pain.
You will be confused. You will hesitate.
But please, trust Dr. Kal'tsit. Trust that she will always stand by your side.
She will help you dredge back up the secrets of survival.
You can bear it, can't you, Amiya...?
You have always been a strong girl. One that never ceases to amaze me.
I am so very tired.
Thank you, Amiya, for the joy you have given me, ever since the day we met.
Now rest for a while. Sleep.
Sleep in peaceful slumber.
I will always be with you.
[A door opens behind Theresa.]
<Background 4>
Theresa hears a familiar voice.
[The Doctor runs into the room.]
Doctor Amiya!
Theresa does not raise her head to look at the one who just arrived.
The crown has left her and found another. Her breath grows feeble, and feebler still.
Theresa Doctor... There was no need for you to come.
Doctor ......
Theresa I felt... your emotions. I saw... your past.
You could have waited elsewhere, waited for my death to come. You knew that this time I would not escape, nor retreat.
Are you here for Amiya? Or perhaps...
Theresa does not need to hear the answer.
Behind the one she asked, a tide of assassins pour out of the shadows, rushing toward Theresa—
Theresa So that is your answer, Doctor...