Dzwonek is a Kazimierzian garrison nomadic city.
As a garrison city, Dzwonek has been an important station to Kazimierzian campaign knights through its heavy fortresses, which earns its title as the "Caravan Bells' Terminus." It has been an important frontline for the campaign knights for generations. Even during the reign of the Witch King, Leithanian armies and its Spire Casters could never breach this heavy fortified city.[1]
In peace era since the end of the Witch King's tyranny, Dzwonek turns its attention onto civil development like other modernized Kazimerzian cities. Many factories are opening up there at the expense of its local Infected who are forced to live at its outskirt towns and work for very long hours, prompting them to form labor unions and aid groups that voice out their dilemma in recent years.[1] But to many nationalistic campaign knights like Czcibor, Dzwonek's act of modernization is viewed as blasphemy to Kazimierz's generational knightly tradition, especially in a city with military elements.
Due to its proxy to Leithanien, the outskirts of Dzwonek are inhabited with Leithainan immigrants along with its refugees during the Witch King's era who have since taken root there.[2] As a matter of fact, in November 30, 1097, Dwzonek and Leithanien's border city, Graufield, formally announce an economic tie between the two cities that eases their trading regulations and vitalize local tourism. To celebrate such an honorable moment, a Leithanian-themed commercial district is constructed with the aid of Leithanian architects and Kazimierzian business corporation spearheaded by the Gale Industries.[3] On the other hand, the two cities' diplomacy was later hijacked by the local campaign knights led by Czcibor who yearned to ignite a war between the two nations, though it is soon luckily suppressed which preserve the peace there.
Dzwonek literally means "bell" in Polish.[4]