Galleria Stellaria

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Not to be confused with Galería Krysztauowa.

The Galleria Stellaria is a sub-orbital platform built by Rhine Lab.


Originally built as part of the "Horizon Arc Project" commissioned by the C.U.D.O.D. and given the designation Arc-01, the Galleria Stellaria name actually refers to a planetarium in its center whose construction is personally overseen by Kristen Wright, but it would be used to refer to the platform as a whole. The Galleria Stellaria's original purpose is to provide Columbia with a weapon of mass destruction capable of striking targets anywhere in Terra, inspired by The Shard.

The Galleria Stellaria is made up of two parts regulating the platform's functionality:

  • The S.H.A.F.T. (Synergistic Hyperbeam Amplifying and Focusing Tube) appears to be a tokamak reactor that acts as a containment for energy relayed from a surface generator. The S.H.A.F.T. is known to be able to generate an immense amount of energy capable of powering multiple nomadic cities at the same time, suggesting that it makes use of nuclear fusion power.
  • The H.A.M.H.R.R. (High-altitude Arrayed and Maneuverable Hyperbeam Receiver-Redirector) is powered through the energy contained in the S.H.A.F.T. and could release it as a hyperbeam towards the surface, having a range that rivals real-world intercontinental ballistic missiles.



Galleria Stellaria literally means "the gallery of the stars" in Latin.