Operation story: BB-5

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RI Operator icon.png
Field Soldier
RI Medic icon.png
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Grim Royal Court Soldier
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Injured Soldier
Sarkaz Warrior icon.png
Composed Soldier
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Cold Mercenary
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Excited Mercenary
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Dying Mercenary
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Traitor
Blank icon.svg
Unnamed Mercenary
Blank icon.svg
Decorated Mercenary
Blank icon.svg
Sobbing Mercenary
Blank icon.svg
Loud Mercenary
RI Corridor DM
Scar Market
RI Command Center
Scareye's Room
Mine Entrance
Snowy Forest
RI Brig
Kazdel Furnace

Before operation

Theresis receives an invitation from a Victorian duke. Babel's conflict with the Military Commission breaks out into full-scale war, bringing an end to two centuries of peace in Kazdel.
Background-Victorian Palace.png
Your Highness Theresis, Regent of Kazdel, Commanding General of the Military Commission,
Wandering scholars have brought back tales of a new nomadic city on the rise in the distant desert.
The fires of the ancient furnace continue to burn, and the once-scattered mercenaries have flocked to one banner, to the city walls that grow taller by the day.
Your strength and reputation have caught the attention of the Duke of Cavendish.
You have changed the way we view the Sarkaz tribes. Perhaps now is the time to set prejudices aside, and engage in sincere sharing and cooperation that would be beneficial to us both.
I, the Duke of Cavendish, hereby invite you to visit my demesne, where we may sit and parley.
Our venerable empire has use for you and your brave warriors.
Background-RI Room.png
Winter 1091
<Background 1>
Doctor One more time... I have to do this...
No point talking about curing Oripathy, if I can't do something so simple...
[The Doctor drops a medical kit.]
Doctor Still no good... *pant* *pant*
Field Soldier Excuse me, why don't you put that medkit down? Leave this stuff to us.
Doctor A-Alright...
[The Doctor hands the medkit to the soldier.]
Field Soldier Some time in the gym would do you good, once you've recovered.
[The soldier walks away.]
Kal'tsit At present, there is no way for you to match the physical prowess of a Terran through training.
Your talents are better employed outside of manual labor.
Doctor I know. It's just that, you know, I have my pride too...
Kal'tsit You've looked on edge since that day.
Doctor I'm thinking about... Theresa.
Traveling alone to a city under enemy control isn't the most logical course of action for a leader.
The warriors with her may be outstanding, but they're not enough to protect her in the face of an entire army.
Kal'tsit The King of Sarkaz enjoys unimaginable status in Sarkaz tradition, and Theresa's own achievements are well-recognized. The Military Commission would not act rashly.
But Victoria's invitation to Kazdel cannot be taken as a sign of goodwill. It means that Terra's powers have once again set their sights on Kazdel.
Theresa needs to go to Kazdel and make it clear that she will not permit Kazdel to become embroiled in another war.
Doctor Even if I know how the Military Commission and Babel came into being...
In my understanding, the Sarkaz can hardly afford an internal conflict that could drain them of what little resources they have left. They have enough to deal with as it is.
Kal'tsit They have a complicated history, and that brings different attitudes towards outsiders.
The Sarkaz people have a right to choose the path they believe is correct: Theresis's, or Theresa's.
Doctor Looks like we've got a lot to deal with besides Oripathy.
There's a big difference between knowing and understanding, I guess. Looks like there's much I still need to learn about the history of Terra.
This time, you'll be the one to guide me, Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit ...Of course.
Doctor All we can do right now is make sure that the Oripathy patients at Rhodes Island have access to proper treatment—
[An explosion suddenly shakes the Babel landship.]
Field Soldier What's going on—
Kal'tsit An attack? Now?
Doctor ......
<Background 2>
Grim Royal Court Soldier Word is Her Highness has set out.
Listen up! We exalt only Her Highness. Destroy Babel, and she will return to the embrace of Kazdel.
If we're branded traitors, so be it. But the Regent must not be hindered at this crucial juncture. Kazdel will take back all that we have lost.
May the Sarkaz be united as Her Highness wills.
Background-Scar Market.png
Scar Market, Kazdel
<Background 3>
Cold Mercenary Her Highness is coming...
Excited Mercenary Her Highness? The one who's still on the run?
Cold Mercenary His or Her, it's not your place to talk shit.
Excited Mercenary Hah. Say, did you take that job?
Cold Mercenary Wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this if it's the last thing I did. Londinium, that den of scum.
Excited Mercenary They say the columns in the Feline palace are covered in gold, and the nobles walk on floors paved with glowing stones.
*Sarkaz expletive*, capital of a great empire! A commission from a grand duke! There's gonna be so much money!
<Background fades out and in>
[Ascalon lunges toward Scareye, who deflects her blade.]
Scareye It's been a while, Ascalon.
Ascalon ......
Scareye It's been so long since you last visited. Why not sit down and catch up for a bit?
Ascalon You're sending mercenaries to Londinium.
Scareye Now, now, I must object to that accusation.
People just follow the money, and it leads to what the Regent has provided in Londinium.
Ascalon You're dragging Kazdel into another war.
Scareye "Dragging Kazdel into another war." Have you been fooling around with those dreamers at Babel for so long that you've forgotten what it means to be a Sarkaz?
Since when have the Sarkaz been apart from war?!
The giant's hand lunges forward. Ascalon is surprised to find that she cannot avoid his fist.
Ascalon ...Grr.
Scareye Seeing the future is hard. Seeing through what you will do next, less so.
[The two of them trade blows.]
Scareye Did you think you were the child of destiny, so special that you could bridge the rift between the siblings?
Think back to the day when you saw them for the first time...
Between Two Storms B.png
Scareye When you skinned that young mangler and followed the trail of blood through the wilderness, until you walked into a storm and met the King of Sarkaz...
Ascalon How did you...?
Scareye "How did I know?" Are you surprised, Ascalon?
I saw the prophecy and led the tribe on the wastes into the storm that day with game. You happened to be the one who lived.
No one truly understands prophecy. No one can interfere with the future. But I wanted to catch the tail of fate... I wanted to make prophecy.
Theresis didn't kill you. Instead, he kept you and raised you. Maybe he wanted to tempt fate.
But you never changed, in all these years. You're still that poor, lost child on the wastes.
[Ascalon slashes at him.]
<Background 3>
Scareye Have patience, Ascalon.
You're not a threat to me yet. And I have higher hopes for you than this.
Ascalon Master said—
"Your blade points at all the enemies of the Sarkaz."
Scareye Theresis raised you to be a deathmonger, yet you understand less about him than a warmonger like me.
Did you think Theresis would be content to be some puppet for those dukes? Spare your breath, if you don't know the full extent of his plan.
I'm curious, how would you stand before Theresis, if he was sitting in the room behind me right now?
Ascalon ......
Scareye You're simply repeating the words of others, on behalf of the one behind you.
[Theresa approaches the two.]
Theresa You seem to have put a lot of thought into this war.
<Background 4>
Kal'tsit How many hostiles?
Scout Exact numbers unclear. We've detected hostiles both in front of and behind us. A lot of them...
Kal'tsit Whether it was Theresis's intention or not, the other generals of the Military Commission seem intent to crush Babel while Theresa is absent.
That way, the Sarkaz won't have a choice.
Doctor How many combat personnel do we have?
Scout The best soldiers went into negotiations with Her Highness. A good part of the remaining ones have been assigned to the supply convoys. We only have less than one third of our normal force.
Kal'tsit At the very least, we need to break through the roadblock ahead...
Doctor ...Kal'tsit.
I'll take command.
Kal'tsit Doctor?
Doctor If, as you said, this attack was launched by only a few members of the Military Commission, then they're undoubtedly planning to get this done in one go.
We can't let them set the pace.
Find out where their lines are thin. Disrupt their rhythm, and we'll be safe.
Kal'tsit ......
Scout Have you fought a war before, Dr. {nickname}?
Doctor Not the flesh and blood kind... but I've been trained.
I'm able to reconstruct a battlefield as a computable data model.
Take the front line, Kal'tsit. I know you'll be able to protect us.
Kal'tsit Of course.
<Background 3>
Scareye Welcome to the Scar Market, Your Highness.
Theresa Things must be busy here lately.
Scareye No need going against the will of the many. Am I right, Your Highness?
Theresa The voices of the few are worth respecting too.
Many know nothing of what's happening in the lands beyond. Their lives will be turned upside-down. They'll be without a home once again.
Scareye I'm just a humble merchant. My business only stretches so far.
Mercenaries seek to sell their lives. I seek to make money. That's why I always respect the positions of my big clients.
Theresa Then I'll talk to your biggest client. The one in the room behind you.
[Thersa takes a few steps forward, but Scareye swiftly blocks her.]
Scareye Your Highness should go no further.
Theresa Since when have you started meddling in the affairs of Kazdel, Scareye?
Scareye All the more reason I can't let you go further.
Theresa Well...
[A tall, cloaked man steps out of the room.]
??? Please, don't make things difficult for Scareye, Your Highness.
You understand that there's only one way this can go, if you and the Regent come face-to-face here.
Theresa ...Confessarius.
Confessarius I beg Your Highness's pardon.
Theresa Looks like you've made a decision.
Is this Theresis's position?
Confessarius It is.
Theresa He has decided to abandon our city?
Confessarius Not abandon. Take a step forward, to go on a long expedition away from home, that's all.
You have made us stagnant. We want to progress.
Theresa ......
Scareye The Confessarius is right.
I still remember when you and General Theresis came here for the first time. Even fate itself stepped aside for the two of you, when you stood together.
But look at the people here now, when Kazdel is divided.
You can still command any Sarkaz to your will as their King. You could kill all of us who stand here right now. But why not ask them if they're still willing to follow your dream?
The bustling Scar Market has lost its usual commotion. Scattered mercenaries stow their weapons and stand with heads bowed in reverence.
In their eyes is silence, but the King of Sarkaz hears the voices of their hearts clearly.
Uncertainty, excitement, desire, anger.
Theresa Most of you have made up your minds.
Then there is no point for me to try to stop you.
<Background fades out and in>
Sarkaz Mercenary ...!
One of the Sarkaz suddenly kneels.
He has not changed his mind. He has not turned away from the temptation of Theresis's plan.
He simply feels a sense of guilt towards Theresa, one of the Six Heroes, their King who rebuilt Kazdel.
Confessarius Kneel if you feel you should. Neither General Theresis nor Lord Scareye will fault you.
Ah... this ancient gesture signifies more than just fealty. I am more familiar with its other meaning...
Theresa ...Qui'sartuštaj.
Have you found the meaning of your name?
Confessarius Not yet, Your Highness.
Theresa Then forgive their sins as you must forgive yours.
Theresis and I will carry all your sins.
Confessarius As you bid.
I bow to you, King of Sarkaz.
Theresa ......
<Background fades out>
In millennia of Sarkaz history, it has always been an honor for warriors to go to war with their Kings.
They have tasted struggle and glory, picked themselves up from the bloodied soil...
For the Kings of Sarkaz always stood in front of them, never abandoning their people.
Where the Kings point, that is where home is, where cities will emerge from the earth.
Kra Berekh Avur Ha'melekh A.png
Now, though, they have abandoned their King.
Theresa I promised a home of peace and safety, where Sarkaz will be forever free from war.
Before I set foot here, I had a sliver of hope that perhaps someone would follow me.
But I saw fire in your eyes.
I saw the city that none of you had seen with your own eyes burn.
The ancient city comes in many shapes and forms in your eyes.
A city of desire, a city of hatred, a city of wealth, a city of glory...
You all believe you will plunder what you have longed for in that unfamiliar land.
That's why I changed my mind. I decided to see Kazdel's bravest warriors off.
Kazdel will embark on a path of conquest for the first time in many years.
I honor you, even though I never wanted you to take this step.
You answered Theresis's call and dove into yet another campaign of hatred.
Death awaits you far away from home.
Yet you still choose to leave our home and go to Londinium.
The sorrowful King of Sarkaz walks among her people, who bow their heads to avoid her gaze.
Yet their determination does not waver, even if it means defying the King.
"We're going." "We're going."
Voices rise and fall, as though the warriors are singing an elegy for themselves as they go to death.
Unnamed Mercenary We exalt Your Highness, but we cannot follow you anymore.
Decorated Mercenary The Regent promises that Londinium will be a new start.
Sobbing Mercenary There lies the Sarkaz future.
Loud Mercenary There lies our future!
Theresa ......
Take care of yourselves, my warriors.
Even if you will never return to Kazdel.
The white figure passes through the parted crowd. The King's people are unmoved by her words.
They no longer follow the King they once exalted.
The other possibility for her people, the home full of flowers that she strived to build, did not come in time for the Sarkaz.
<Background 5>
Manfred General...
Theresis ......
Manfred You knew this day would come.
Theresis What do you think?
Manfred Hesitate, and all we've worked for will be for naught.
Her Highness did not hesitate. Neither should we.
Theresis Make your preparations, then, Manfred.
Do not forget the feelings that burn within you, here and now.
No matter what they are.
Background-Mine Entrance.png
Secret Entrance of Scar Market, Kazdel
<Background 6>
Ascalon ......
Theresa No need to be down, Ascalon.
More will join us when Babel grows strong enough to provide shelter for more people.
Ascalon We're being followed.
??? Your Highness—!
[Ascalon attacks the mysterious person.]
Theresa Wait, Ascalon. She's not hostile.
??? Whoa, that was a hard hit. Is that a sleeve-blade?
Anyway, Your Highness, I would like to leave with you, if that's okay with you.
Theresa Thank you. What's your name?
??? Julie.
Theresa A nice name. One that's not often used by mercenaries. Did you make it up yourself?
Julie No... I don't have a name. Someone else gave it to me. She said having a name gives one a sense of belonging.
Theresa She's right.
Why not follow the rest of them to Londinium?
Julie I've had enough of fighting. She says Your Highness will bring about a life where we don't have to fight anymore. That's why I came to check it out for her.
I wanted to challenge you before deciding whether to go with you, but I didn't even have the guts to raise my sword when you stood before me.
Theresa You're a strong warrior, that's for sure.
Julie I wouldn't say that about myself when I'm standing in front of you.
At least I can be sure that she wasn't playing me for a fool when she said you were once a great hero of Kazdel.
Ascalon A reason so simple it's hard to believe.
The red-haired mercenary scratches her head.
Julie Well... I guess I liked the way you talked just now. Not sure I understood most of it, though.
Theresa Where's your friend? She can come too.
Julie She's already here. Her sword and her clothes... may be a little loose-fitting, though.
She was a strong warrior. Felt a little like this one over here.
Ascalon ......
Theresa I'm a little something of a tailor. I could hem it for you.
Julie There's no need. I'm used to it.
Theresa Let's go, then, Julie.
Julie One moment, please, Your Highness.
There are other mercenaries here who want to go with you.
Theresa looks toward the dark exit of the Scar Market, and sees a swaying speck of flame.
One speck becomes two, two become three, and many more emerge from the darkness. The first torch-carrying mercenary steps into the sunlight and sees the white figure standing on top of the hill.
He points forward and walks toward Theresa without looking back.
More and more follow him, the line seemingly without end.
Julie Just because we're used to battle doesn't mean we're willing to bury ourselves in a campaign with no end in sight. If there's another way to live, many of us are willing to take it.
I heard some people are secretly recruiting the willing in Kazdel. There may be some there ready to join us, although the journey through the wilderness would be a tough one...
Theresa I'll make arrangements.
Let's go, Julie. We have a lot to do.
There are plenty of people for us to house, after all.
<Background 1>
[The Doctor enters the landship again.]
Doctor You're back.
Kal'tsit They've retreated. Outstanding work, Doctor.
[The sound of multiple footsteps approach.]
Doctor Who...?
A group of medics hurry through the corridor, carrying several stretchers. Kal'tsit turns to block them from the Doctor's sight.
Kal'tsit The enemy was essentially making suicide attacks. It was inevitable that there would be casualties as we broke through.
We lost fewer than we had any right to expect.
Doctor How many did we lose?
Kal'tsit There was nothing wrong with how you commanded the operation. You don't need to be involved in the cleanup.
Medic Dr. Kal'tsit! We're running low on plasma.
Kal'tsit I'll deal with coordination and surgery.
[Kal'tsit rushes off.]
Doctor Kal...
The medics have already gone. The Doctor is not sure whether the terrifying scene just now was a figment of the imagination, but the smell of blood simply would not got away.
A sense of dizziness.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Doctor I'm able to reconstruct a battlefield as a computable data model.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Doctor But it's not numbers that fight a war.
Living, breathing people are fighting for their survival. How long as it been since I...?
Scout Doctor.
First time seeing the blood and gore?
Doctor ...You could say that.
We didn't have so many lives to waste in the wars I fought in the past.
Scout Treat yourself to a sweet drink. It will make you feel better. I speak from experience.
It's all thanks to your command that we were able to triumph against overwhelming odds.
Doctor Are your battles always like this?
Scout No, this was one of the easy ones.
I'll gladly entrust my life to you, if it means our future battles will be so easy.
Doctor Is war really the only way?
Scout You're not the first to ask that question.
But this attack is only a sign of things to come. No one knows what the future holds.
I have great expectations of you, our tactical genius.
<Background fades out>
The history books would record that the two Sarkaz rulers declared war on each other in the winter of 1091, causing open hostilities to break out between the Military Commission and Babel.
For the Sarkaz themselves, however, the civil war had begun in 1086, when isolated conflicts started to escalate rapidly.
The two centuries of peace that Kazdel had enjoyed have come to an end.

After operation

The supporters of Theresa, fighting for the ideals of Babel, perform spectacularly in the war. The balance tilts towards Babel.
Winter 1092
Border Battlefield, Kazdel
<Background 7>
[A pack of angry cystbeasts storm through the battlefield.]
Injured Soldier Those rampaging cystybeasts... are they migrating? The vanguard never stood a chance. All those who didn't get out of the way in time were...
And those soldiers, moving in perfect coordination without exchanging a word... None of that was in the Intel!
??? That's not what we need to worry about.
[A Sarkaz officer comes up to the soldier.]
Ulšulah I'm the ranking officer now. All survivors, form up and retreat immediately. These supplies are crucial. It will be a hard winter without them.
Composed Soldier Yes, ma'am. But how did things go so wrong even though we made our move early? Did our informant—
Ulšulah The intel was good. We were delayed by the mercenaries transporting the supplies. They upped the price on the spot. I've dealt with them.
This is why I hate mercenaries.
Injured Soldier Another coincidence...
Ulšulah It's not a coincidence if it keeps happening over and over again. We've had way too many setbacks lately.
Focus, Babel forces must be—
Injured Soldier Wait, hel—
[Scout fires his crossbow.]
A flash of white, and a hole appears in the soldier's forehead. They cannot even tell where the attack is coming from, in the noise of the cystybeast stampede.
"Leave the supplies behind, and you may leave unmolested. You have been warned."
Without warning, Ulšulah hears a cold, coarse voice in her head.
Composed Soldier He... he's dead. *Sarkaz expletive* We need to withdraw! Did you hear that voice?
Ulšulah Hmph... just a bluff! Keep your head low and stay with me!
Don't get separated! Stick together, if you want to live! We need to get these supplies back!
As for the vanguard... we're in no position to think about them.
<Background fades out and in>
Scout They're retreating. I suppose nabbing the supplies isn't so easy after all.
"Be patient and follow the Doctor's instructions. The Chairman has said that the priority is to minimize casualties."
Scout I know, Mantra.
Mantra's lips are closed, but Scout can hear her voice clearly in his head.
She is the perfect coordinator for Babel's covert operations, and a shadow that eats away at the enemy's sanity.
Mantra The enemy vanguard has been scattered by the herd. The survivors have fled into the woods.
The enemy's actions were spontaneous, unplanned. They must have known that we decrypted their communications. But the envelopment succeeded nonetheless.
We can leave the rest to Ascalon.
Scout Ascalon will not fail.
Mantra Neither will we.
Scout Hah, you're absolutely right. You should get some rest, Mantra. "Talking" takes a toll on you.
No need to worry about the follow-up. We have the Doctor.
<Background 8>
Dying Mercenary Who directed this operation... the evil spirit again? Just what is this commander? Which Royal Court does it come from?
If it can do this to us, it can do it to you too! Why would you sell your soul to something like that?!
I'm getting out of here alive—
The mercenary hears breathing in the darkness not far away and swings his sword without hesitation.
Dying Mercenary Got you!
[The mercenary strikes down Odda, who had been following him.]
Odda Ugh...
Dying Mercenary You're wounded too. You think you could kill me and walk away alive?
Get out of my way, or I'll kill you, if it's the last thing I do!
Odda You're not taking Marcel's things. He's going home.
Dying Mercenary Home? *cough* *cough*—
Our home is... Kazdel! You— traitors to Kazdel...
The mercenary keeps swinging his sword at Odda, who only passively blocks with his hammer.
The mercenary's movement slows down, and his breathing grows weak.
Dying Mercenary Babel... morons...
Odda Wasn't it the Military Commission who betrayed Kazdel?
Ascalon Relax. He's dead.
Be more decisive next time, Odda, and there'll be fewer injuries.
Odda The entire squad is dead... they should have died an honorable death, not tormented by fear—
Ascalon This is not the right time to show mercy. Bring Marcel. Our mission is finished.
Odda You... you remember his name?
Ascalon I remember everyone in Babel, the living and the dead, the ones who had names, and the ones who didn't.
Odda I could have saved him... it's just hard to raise your weapon against your own kin.
Ascalon Even if it's to avenge Marcel?
Odda ......
Ascalon Your father died in the chaos of the city. Have you ever thought about seeking vengeance for him?
Odda takes a deep breath.
Odda I hate the people who killed him, but vengeance doesn't change anything.
Ascalon A classical idea. Rational, righteous, human.
What if your vendetta is with a cold-blooded deathmonger, with hands soaked in blood?
Would you say you kill for justice and your ideals, without a hint of hatred?
Odda I... I'm not sure.
Do you regret killing mercenaries who threaten Babel, Ascalon?
Ascalon No.
Odda Then I won't either.
Even if it means I have to...
Ascalon ......
Odda O-Oh, I'm sorry! I'm saying silly things again. Don't mind me, I'm not important at all—
Ascalon No, all Babelites are important to Her Highness.
Time to go back.
[Ascalon walks off.]
Background-RI Brig.png
Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
<Background 9>
Sarkaz Traitor What are you here for?
I've already said it many times. It was my own decision to betray Her Highness.
It had nothing to do with the Military Commission, and I'm not an informer for them.
You want to execute me, make it quick.
Ace I'm not here to torture you.
I brought some wine.
Sarkaz Traitor I don't need it.
Ace Are you sure? This is Victorian fruit wine, not some lousy swill.
Sarkaz Traitor What are you here for?
Ace To catch up about old times.
Sarkaz Traitor We have nothing to talk about.
Ace I know Scout's hiding something from me. Ascalon would too, because she knows we know each other.
But I can make a pretty good guess why you wanted to kill the Doctor.
Sarkaz Traitor ......
Be my guest.
Ace You're not a sore loser. You're unhappy because the Doctor is an outsider.
Everyone wants Babel and the Military Commission to get along. You believe that Dr. Kal'tsit and the Doctor have widened the rift, rather than mended it.
Sarkaz Traitor Good guess. Now get out.
Ace I'm an outsider too. And I'm still fighting for the Sarkaz to this day.
Sarkaz Traitor You—
The wine.
[Ace passes him the bottle.]
Ace You're drinking out of your hat?
Sarkaz Traitor Do you see a wine glass in this cell? You should have brought one.
*gulp* — Ah.
What happened to the rest of your team?
Let's see... the one with the spear, the caster, the one with the shield who's sitting here right now, a medic, and a sniper?
Ace Skullspear, White Smoke, Grey Sun, Stross, Walnut, Kung, Herb.
Sarkaz Traitor So the sniper's name was Herb.
Ace He's dead. Let bygones be bygones.
Sarkaz Traitor All good fighters.
Ace If I ever get to mentor the young, I'll raise them to be that kind of fighter.
Selfless, honest, cautious about picking a side, but committed once they've made their choice.
Sarkaz Traitor Pah. How sentimental.
Ace Do the Sarkaz hate outsiders in Babel that much?
Sarkaz Traitor Fools like you who would give your lives for Her Highness wouldn't understand.
Babel might be changing certain things, but it's meaningless. It's not fast enough, and its reach is not far enough.
Her Highness did not have to have her hands tied. She didn't need to waste her time.
Ace The Doctor helped Chairman Theresa a lot.
Sarkaz Traitor In what capacity?
A researcher? A military commander?
Ace Both.
Sarkaz Traitor Even though the Doctor killed so many Sarkaz? The more people like that, the longer the war will drag on.
Her Highness's achievements are grand. She's solved problems all her life, taken care of the needs of generations, and now she leads the fight against Oripathy.
But what's happening now? We're fighting the Military Commission. Fighting our own. That's not part of her vision.
Oh, I almost forgot. You're a mercenary, but you're not a Sarkaz mercenary.
Ace True enough.
I only came to Babel because I was with the others. I got involved in this because most of my people were Sarkaz.
Oh, White Smoke is dead, too.
Sarkaz Traitor Why bring her up now?
Ace I thought maybe there was something going on between you two.
Sarkaz Traitor Doesn't matter. She's dead.
Ace She died in the presence of Chairman Theresa.
Sarkaz Traitor Damn, now I'm starting to envy her. What happened?
Ace Ambush. Only the two of us survived, but she lost her legs to an Arts trap. I had to drag her through the mud.
That's when we ran into Chairman Theresa. Well, we ran into the Doctor first.
Sarkaz Traitor Pah. The evil spirit showed up on the battlefield personally?
Ace Believe it or not, I thought I was looking at a Lateran priest when I first saw the Doctor in the distance.
Sarkaz Traitor Huh?
Ace The Doctor was praying with that black hood bowed low, next to the glowing Chairman.
Wasn't even kneeling or doing any sort of ritual, just gazing silently into the distance with Chairman Theresa.
That evil spirit you're talking about, Dr. {nickname}, is not some heartless monster.
The Doctor is torn, wandering in solitude... and still, in the end, chose to bring victory to Babel.
Sarkaz Traitor So you came to preach? You're trying to guilt-trip me?!
Get out and take your bloody wine! Did you think I would—
Ace ......
Sarkaz Traitor No, you're not that naive.
Has a decision been made?
Ace Yes.
Sarkaz Traitor Death sentence?
Ace The Doctor and Chairman Theresa had reservations, but Dr. Kal'tsit and most of the fighters who participated in the operation won't have it any other way.
Sarkaz Traitor What about you?
Ace Your betrayal cost us dozens of lives, brother.
This time, I'm with Dr. Kal'tsit.
Sarkaz Traitor Hmph. More wine.
Ace You just spilled the last of it.
Sarkaz Traitor Are you gonna be doing it?
Ace Yes. No need to burden Scout. He's tough on the outside but tender inside. And I don't want to hand you over to anyone else.
I came to tell you, brother, that even though you did something stupid...
Babel will remember your name. We'll keep fighting, keeping your warning and reproach in our hearts.
Sarkaz Traitor Train some promising young ones while you still can. Decent ones like you don't live long.
Ace Guess so.
See you again, when the Sarkaz can finally live in peace.
[Ace executes the Sarkaz traitor.]
<Background 10>
Sarkaz Mercenary The traitors and spies have been executed. Royal Court spies. They really have a lot of problems in their tribe.
Manfred Good work. What about the unit that entered the war zone?
Sarkaz Mercenary Scouts report that they blocked key passages leading out of the mountains after attacking Babel positions.
Manfred The General did not order this. Was it someone from a Royal Court... or a Siracusan plot?
Sarkaz Mercenary Unlikely. Reports indicate no particular bloodline characteristics to the witchcraft, and little effort was made to cipher communications. It's a rabble.
May I speak frankly, sir? The unit may be rogue, but they just happened to cram Babel in with the Catastrophe.
Isn't that a good thing for us?
Manfred What about the other commanders and mercenary captains?
Sarkaz Mercenary Watching the show, of course, waiting to see if the enemy chooses to surrender, or die at the hands of the Catastrophe and the ruffians.
I wouldn't overthink it if I were you, sir.
You've shown as much mercy as you possibly could by ordering that we pull out of the valley and leave an opening for them.
Who knows, maybe some of my family are in that Catastrophe. I've gotten over it.
Manfred You don't care?
Sarkaz Mercenary I try not to.
<Background 4>
Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
[Ace enters the command room.]
Ace Sorry I'm late.
Scout So...?
Pith No need to start from the beginning. Ace was called on short notice. Just follow Mantra's instructions.
Go ahead. We don't have much time.
Ace Emergency?
Mantra (Nods)
Scout I'll keep going then.
We have twenty five hundred souls in the Catastrophe radius, mostly medics, Infected civilians, prisoners, and injured mercenaries.
The scale of the Catastrophe is larger than the Catastrophe Messengers predicted. It's currently expected to affect five outposts, three key passages, and a field hospital repurposed from an abandoned town.
They had almost made it out of the Catastrophe radius when their path was cut off by mercenaries.
Ace Trapping medics, wounded and civilians to die in a Catastrophe?
Is Manfred willing to go to such lengths these days?
Scout It's not his style. The three Military Commission units have retreated from the forest, even leaving a humanitarian corridor open in one of the canyons.
Pith The Military Commission has casters on the cliffs, ready to annihilate any armed unit that attempts to pass through.
But they're not trying to hide what they're doing, and they're not doing anything we didn't expect.
These mercenaries are different. They came out of nowhere, attacked our positions, destroyed important roads and bridges, and polluted several water sources in the mountains with Originium explosives. There seems to be no reason with their actions.
Ace Who's their employer?
Scout We're still looking into it, but based on what little intelligence we have, it's very likely that they're rogue.
Revenge, a last-gasp struggle after being abandoned by Theresis, instigation by another country... anything's possible.
[Ascalon walks into the room.]
Ascalon Doesn't matter. I'll find out who their leader is, and kill them.
Without leader, a band of aimless mercenaries is just a useless rabble.
You go save those people. We'll regroup back at base.
Scout I'll leave them to you, then.
One last message. Her Highness says this operation is not part of the "campaign".
Mantra We should be relieved.
In a war that has become increasingly gridlocked, the opposing sides have a chance to work together for a common goal...
Saving lives from Catastrophe.