Operation story: BB-4

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Sandbeast NPC icon.png
Massive Sandbeast
Sandbeast Cub icon.png
Young Sandbeast
Mountain Burdenbeast icon.png
Rim Billiton Outback Night
Rim Billiton Mine
Rim Billiton Outback
RI Corridor DM
RI Surgery Room

Before operation

The Doctor leaves Babel to learn more about Terra and rescues a child by the name of Amiya.

Starry Skies.png
[The Doctor writes a letter.]
Dear Kal'tsit,
Glad to receive your letter. Hope you and everyone in Babel are well.
A couple of months ago, I rescued a girl by the name of Amiya from a convoy that had met with misfortune.
The accident killed her parents and afflicted her with Oripathy.
The locals deal with orphaned Oripathy patients by putting them in a car and driving them into the wastes. I had no choice but to take her with me.
We have become fellow travelers by chance.
You can't imagine my panic and helplessness as I took care of her...
Fortunately, a woman who goes by the name of Savage has joined our little band, which has helped take some of the burden off me.
<Background 1>
A shadow leaps out of the dunes in the moonlight.
[A large sandbeast approaches.]
??? (Approaches cautiously)
(Threatening roar)
[A small Cautus girl jumps up in surprise.]}
??? Hey! Go away!
Don't come any closer!
[The sandbeast draws closer, followed by its cub.]
Massive Sandbeast (Rubs claws excitedly)
Young Sandbeast (Moves head in confusion)
Doctor You seem to have made them even more excited, Amiya.
Amiya Don't worry, Doctor, I can deal with this!
Mum and Dad taught me how to chase the sandbeasts away. All you need to do is imitate the sound of their natural enemies.
Chirp, chirp...
Massive Sandbeast (Pauses in confusion)
Amiya Wait, that wasn't right. Was it "Chip, chip"?
Young Sandbeast (Tilts head in confusion)
Amiya It's still not right. What was it again?
"Aoww"? "Ku, ku"? "Tick, tock"?
Massive Sandbeast (Swings tail in confusion)
Amiya That's not right either...
Doctor It's okay, Amiya. I'll take care of this.
The Doctor makes a ring with thumb and index finger, and whistles, producing a strange sound.
Massive Sandbeast (Stands up startled)
Young Sandbeast (Looks around uneasily)
Massive Sandbeast (Quickly digs a hole)
Young Sandbeast (Slowly follows)
Amiya Wow, Doctor! That was just like the real thing!
Let me try!
Amiya presses her tiny hand against her lips, but used too much force, and only gets a sound out after going all red and puffy in the face.
The pair of whistles echo across the wastes, sending the sandbeasts scurrying underground.
A child's laughter replaces the whistles.
Then the laughter fades away to silence, and a soft little sigh.
Doctor Come here, Amiya.
Why the sullen look? The sandbeast ran off.
Amiya I could never remember, even after Mum and Dad taught me so many times... and I couldn't protect you, even though I said I would.
Your hand's still wounded... it hasn't fully healed.
Doctor Don't worry, it doesn't hurt. Anyway, don't you remember?
It was you who taught me how to make that sound.
Amiya I did?
Doctor You see? Like I told you, your brain slows down and you start to forget things, if you don't sleep.
Amiya I... I don't want to sleep.
I'm scared that I'll dream of... those things.
Doctor But you told me you dream of your parents too.
Amiya Um...
Doctor We have some time before our ride gets here. Have a sleep.
Amiya Hm...
Can I come closer?
When I wake up... the first thing I want to see is you.
Doctor Of course. Why don't I tell you a few stories while we wait for Savage?
[Amiya sits down next to the Doctor.]
Doctor A long time ago, there was a really smart scientist...
Her home was in danger, and she made a difficult choice to protect it and the people around her...
Amiya *Zzz*...
[A truck stops beside them, and Savage steps out.]
Savage Doctor, I found a vehicle! We'll be able to go to the next—
Doctor (Whisper) Shh, she's sleeping.
Background-Rim Billiton Mine.png
[The Doctor writes another letter.]
Dear Kal'tsit, I was glad to find signs of life wherever I went.
This should be an unfamiliar world, yet there are times when it feels incredibly familiar. I recall the legends that had fascinated me in the past, never failing to capture my imagination despite their age.
The ancient machines that had rumbled in the mines and dust once again roam this land.
Stories can become reality, and the reality we see can become stories.
<Background 2>
Doctor You can come over, Amiya. No need to keep poking your head out from there.
Amiya Are you drawing, Doctor? Am I interrupting?
Doctor Of course not.
[The Doctor shows her the paper.]
Doctor Take a look. Is it good?
Amiya It's the mining truck we just drove together!
Doctor I've been drawing lots of our experiences.
Amiya Have you driven a mining truck before? Even the old miners can't go as fast as you did.
Doctor I've seen many amazing vehicles before. Like Originium slug eggs, but much larger. Once, I drove one of them...
...and went through the bridge between stars.
Amiya The bridge between stars? It's always dark at night, so it must've been really dark! Was it dangerous?
Doctor No. Guides stand by the bridge, borrowing glowing clouds from old stars and making round mirrors out of them.
Follow the path the mirrors show, and we can...
Amiya We can...?
Doctor See the spires fading in and out of the clouds, and the crown of flowers worn by the stars, on the other side of the bridge.
When we descend on the crown, you'll find that it belongs to good children like you. It's a really, really big playground.
Amiya A playground? I've read about them in the stories... there are lots of children there.
Doctor Do you want to play with other children?
Amiya No. I... I just want to play with you, Doctor.
Doctor You'll make more friends as you grow up.
Amiya As I grow up...
What's the most amazing vehicle you've ever driven?
Doctor The most amazing...? Well... I spent a very long time with it. Very long indeed.
Amiya Was there anyone else with you?
Doctor In the beginning, yes. In the end, though, I was alone.
...But it's alright. I was sleeping. I slept for a very long time.
Amiya Take me with you next time! That way, I can keep you company and you won't have to sleep all day.
Doctor ...Hehe.
Amiya Why are you laughing, Doctor?
Doctor That's a big promise to make. Are you sure?
You'll have your own journey, your vision, your future... are you sure you want to be with me?
Amiya But they all say that... there's no future for people with rocks on them.
So... I'll always be with you...
Doctor ......
We'll have a future, Amiya.
<Background fades out and in>
Savage How's Amiya doing? Still not great?
Hm... still a bit of fever. Maybe Oripathy complications from all the excitement. Hard to find Oripathy meds around these parts.
She acts like it's nothing during the day, but keeps having nightmares. Poor girl...
Every survivor of that accident was infected. No exceptions.
Doctor How long does it take for Oripathy to progress in a child her age?
Savage It's different for everyone. Some disintegrate the day after developing acute symptoms. Some suffer for more than a decade of misery.
But the end is always the same.
Doctor Oripathy... is there anyone in the world who can cure it?
Savage The world? Oh, you mean Terra, our great land? Man, you sound like one of those old scholars. I didn't know you had a sense of humor.
Wait... you're serious?
I'm afraid not. It's impossible.
Doctor I need it to be possible.
People couldn't imagine the nomadic cities a few centuries ago, could they?
I'll find a way, before her symptoms deteriorate. It may be hard, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
Savage Say it to a Rim Billy, and they'll think you're making fun of them.
You never fail to surprise me, but I just can't help but believe in you.
Is that the charm of being smart?
Doctor Come on, Charlotte.
Savage Hehe, I meant you... never mind.
Doctor What?
Savage Oh, I meant... hm...
Can't you tell? There's something about you... something that lets everyone know that you're different from us.
Amiya senses it. Children are more sensitive than we know.
Doctor Is it that obvious?
Savage She's strong. She doesn't show her sadness in front of you. She wants you to see her joy. She doesn't want to be a burden to you; she's trying to take care of you.
You became the only pillar in her life the day you saved it.
But she knows you were never supposed to cross paths. She's afraid that you'll abandon her too.
Doctor ......
Don't worry. I won't leave her.
Savage Now that's the spirit.
I knew you would say that.
[The Doctor writes another letter.]
Dear Kal'tsit, I thought I would never be more a passing visitor in this place, one history would never remember.
This intentional isolation made me forget reality: I am here, on Terra, this great land.
I don't know what made me feel it.
But the warmth of life coming from a child's palm stings my heart and makes it burn.
<Background 3>
[Ascalon is walking around the Rim Billiton outback.]
Ascalon This is...
Jerky and fruit. Left here on purpose.
They know I'm here?
Always inscrutable.
<Background fades out and in>
Dear Kal'tsit, I'm planning to take Amiya back to Babel.
Savage has done her best to find medicine for Amiya, but my ability to treat Amiya's Oripathy is limited under present conditions.
I know that Amiya isn't special, by any objective standard. I know that Babel faces a crisis no less complicated, but I've decided to bring her back.
I met many people along the way. I've fretted over money at times, benefitted from people's generosity at others. I've seen new things, even some that surprised me for the first time in a long while.
The convoy that we were traveling with broke down. We found a herder to guide us through the wilderness of Rim Billiton on the backs of burdenbeasts, to the rumbling of drills and engines.
Burdenbeast (Licks docilely)
Amiya Good boy, good boy.
[The burdenbeast moos loudly.]
Amiya Are we really not going to Yan, Doctor?
Doctor We're going somewhere else, to cure your sickness.
Amiya But... there's no cure for Oripathy...
Doctor There's no such thing as an impossible puzzle, Amiya.
There's a place called Babel, where people I trust are working hard to fight this disease.
Let's work with them.
Amiya Will I have to spend a long time there?
Doctor Some time, at least. But don't worry, there'll be a lot of people with you, caring for you. I'll be there, too.
Amiya ......
Doctor... do we really have to go?
Lots of sick kids went away to get treated, but no one came back...
Oripathy doesn't hurt at all.
I promise I'll be good, Doctor. Right, Savage?
Savage Yes... Amiya has always been a good girl.
Are you sure you don't want to rethink this, Doctor?
Billies deal with Originium every day. We know what Oripathy can do.
Stay here in Rim Billiton, and at least we can give her... a home.
Maybe that's more important than the cold walls of a laboratory.
Doctor ...A home.
You have a point. But I can't just stand by and watch Originium hurt her... I have an obligation.
Amiya, I promise you, I'll do my best to cure you, no matter what happens.
Amiya Doctor...
Doctor Savage does have a point, though, and Babel is in a place that's not entirely safe.
You can stay with Savage, if you don't want to leave Rim Billiton.
I'm sorry to force this decision on you at such a young age... but you're a strong girl, and we'll respect your choice.
Savage The Doctor's right, Amiya. No need to knee-jerk an answer. Think carefully about it.
Amiya I...
...I trust you, Doctor.
I want to have a future. I want to grow up, read books with you, travel with Savage. I...
It's just that... I'm a little scared...
Savage Heh.
Doctor Thank you, Amiya.
The Doctor pats Amiya's head, then picks her up and climbs onto the burdenbeast.
They've hardly sat down when the ground begins to shake, stirring up clouds of dust.
Burdenbeast (Growls in alarm)
Amiya What's going on?
Savage —Underneath our feet!
Must be a deep digger! It's spooking the burdenbeast! Watch out!
Burdenbeast (Panicked cry)
Amiya Stay, boy, stay! Whoa!
Doctor Whoa!
Savage Hang in there, Doctor!
Amiya Doctor!
The burdenbeast rears up on its hind legs, gives a loud cry, then charges forward.
The rest of the pack follows.
Nostalgic Times.png
They run towards a shallow shoal, splashing water everywhere.
It is all the Doctor can do to grab the fur on the back of the burdenbeast and hang on for dear life.
Amiya's eyes are wide-open in the chaos.
With one hand on the burdenbeast, she stretches out the other towards the Doctor.
Amiya Grab my hand, Doctor!
Burdenbeast (Angry roar)
Doctor I have to get them to—whoa!
Amiya Hang on! It's speeding up!
Doctor I'm—try—ing!
Savage Hang in there, Doctor! I'm coming!
Doctor Hur—ry!
<Background shakes and fades to black>
Doctor Whooooaaaahhhh—!
[The Doctor splashes into the water.]
[The Doctor writes another letter.]
In the end, I was thrown from the back of the burdenbeast into the water.
My hindquarters and back burned with pain, and I gagged on the water rushing into my nose.
But it also made me feel like I was truly living on this land, after spending almost half a year traveling across it.
I heard the sound of my life surging.
Summer, 1091
<Background 4>
Savage ...No more Messenger stations from here on.
Villages become sparse, and bandits become frequent...
Doctor I'm afraid we have to part ways here, Savage.
Savage Why?
Doctor The region ahead is in turmoil. You'll be in danger, if the mercenaries spot you.
Savage You and Amiya will be in danger too, won't you?
I'll be fine! I've come this far, I'll see your journey through to the end.
Doctor ......
Charlotte... thank you.
The Cautus's ears quiver at the mention of her real name. She glances at the Doctor.
A few months is neither long nor short.
True, it comprised only a tiny part of her lifetime, but it was also a span of a few hundred days, filled with countless unforgettable experiences.
Under the setting sun, before the sandbeasts, beneath the eaves. Upon this land.
She had enjoyed the journey, even if she never fully understood her quiet companion, and the many strange and curious ideas that companion had.
The Cautus who goes by the name of Savage sighs. What can she do? She is not as smart as the Doctor.
Amiya Will you come and visit, Savage?
Savage Of course!
The Doctor said Babel's new base is being worked on by Billy engineers, right? Maybe we'll see each other soon!
Amiya Then... I'll be waiting for you, Savage.
Savage Good girl, Amiya. Now, though, I need to figure out how to take you and the Doctor through the wilderness!
You and Amiya stay here and rest for a while, Doctor. I'll see if the transport hub ahead has any good vehicles for hire.
[Savage marches ahead.]
Doctor ......
[Ascalon suddenly appears.]
Ascalon Doctor.
Amiya Whoa!
Doctor Do we have time to say goodbye?
Ascalon The longer we stay here, the more dangerous it gets.
The Cautus girl seems rather determined. It's better for both of you to part ways here.
Doctor ...I suppose you're right.
Amiya We won't wait for Savage?
Doctor Sometimes, Amiya, we have to do bad things for good reasons.
We don't want Savage to be in danger, do we? But she doesn't want to leave you.
It's rude to leave without saying goodbye, but that way, Savage won't face danger.
Amiya Um...
Doctor I promise, we'll get to see her again.
Amiya Can I leave a note for Savage? She'll be worried if she comes back to find us gone.
Doctor Good thinking. Go ahead and write one.
Amiya Okay!
Ascalon Her Highness wants to meet with you, alone.
Doctor Are things not going well? How's Kal'tsit?
Ascalon Now is not the time.
We'll leave once the girl has written her note.
Doctor Alright. Can we trouble you with the note?
Ascalon Certainly. I'll leave it where she is sure to see it.

After operation

The Doctor takes Amiya back to Babel and decides to help her and the other Infected as part of Babel. Theresa shows the Doctor the "hope" that she has created through Originium.

Background-RI Corridor DM.png
Autumn, 1091
Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
<Background 5>
Kal'tsit How's progress, Closure?
The last thing I need is another core system control failure.
Closure Well... Heh, since you had to bring it up, I might have run into a little problem.
Even with the tricks you taught me, the encryption methods used by many of PRTS's programs are almost incomprehensible to a normal brain, and my decoder isn't fully compatible yet.
We may not be able to shut the system down before the Doctor arrives on the ship.
Kal'tsit Try again.
If you're not confident about getting it done, then we'll go to the contingency plan... cutting off power to the entire ship.
Closure Leave it to me!
Seems like you're still keeping a lot of secrets, though.
I've never seen anyone make you so nervous.
Kal'tsit ...That's not important.
What's important is making sure nothing happens to the ship.
Closure Ascalon's report says the Doctor looks like an ordinary person. A pretty decent one, too, who picked up a stray little Cautus and carried her all across the land.
Do we really have to be so on edge?
Kal'tsit It's not the Doctor that I fear.
Closure Then what is it?
Kal'tsit You don't need to know yet.
Wipe the Doctor's boarding records. This is for the safety of both the Doctor and Babel.
The others don't need to know that the Doctor exists until the Doctor and Theresa have reached a conclusion.
Closure Alright, alright, I'll work at it.
But I wonder why you seem to care a lot about this Doctor at that same time that you're so on guard over the whole thing.
I've got it! The Doctor must have dirt on you!
Kal'tsit Don't bother, you won't find it.
Closure Come on, why so serious?
Kal'tsit What about the girl?
Closure Same conclusion, no change.
I cross-checked all relevant Rim Billitonian records and had Scout check with informants inside the Military Commission.
Amiya's background comes through clean.
Her parents were killed when the convoy transporting the laser mining module got attacked. The attack itself was purely coincidental.
No one knew they were transporting Sarkaz-related cargo, and the Military Commission wasn't involved.
She must have gotten Infected in the mess. If not for the Doctor, she'd be spending the rest of her life suffering in Rim Billiton.
Kal'tsit I'll handle the girl's examination and treatment once she's on board.
Closure You're still concerned about her?
Kal'tsit Yes, I am.
She's too young, and she hasn't had proper treatment since contracting Oripathy.
Closure Oh, that kind of concerned.
Kal'tsit I don't want the Doctor's kindness to be the reason for delaying her treatment.
Plus, Theresa would call her a gentle child who has the right to choose her future.
Clear Skies.png
??? Amiya. Amiya.
Amiya Mm... let me sleep... where are we?
Doctor... Doctor?
??? The Doctor's here.
Wake up, sleepyhead. You're almost home.
Amiya Home?
In her half-awake state, Amiya feels a warm fingertip brush her cheek.
Amiya Haha, that tickles, don't do that, hehe.
Wh-Who are you?
??? I'm Theresa.
Amiya Theresa... the Doctor talked about you...
Theresa Oh? What did the Doctor say?
Amiya I don't remember... I was having a great carrot cake at the time, though.
Theresa should smell nice... be really warm and sweet...
Theresa What about now? Is she as you imagined her?
Amiya Yeah... smells good... warm and sweet... doesn't smell like carrots, though...
Theresa Not fully awake, I see. Heh.
Will you come home with us, Amiya?
Amiya Home... yeah... okay...
<Background 6>
Outside Rhodes Island of Babel, Kazdel
The tiny Cautus sleeps soundly in Theresa's arms, leading against her neck.
She pats Amiya on the back and turns toward the Doctor, who is clearly tired.
Doctor Thank you, Theresa. I didn't expect you to come pick us up personally.
Theresa Looks like you're not quite all-knowing, Doctor.
You have much to learn when it comes to childcare, at least.
Doctor Sure enough.
Theresa You look different from when you left, Doctor. How was the journey?
Doctor I saw a lot and learned a lot. There are plenty of interesting things on this great land.
I also met Amiya... it was a miracle that I was able to save her.
Theresa Amiya. She's even cuter than your letters said. Poor girl, but fortunate, in some way.
Doctor Her condition is getting worse. I needed to bring her in for treatment.
How has Babel been, in the time that I was away?
Theresa Not quite smooth sailing. We have a lot to deal with, but not everything needs to be handled right away.
You must be tired after your journey. Get some rest.
Doctor Thank you, Theresa.
Amiya, we're home.
Amiya Hmm... Doctor? Did I fall asleep?
Theresa Oh, Amiya. You're awake.
Doctor Why don't you come down? Theresa will get tired if she has to keep holding you.
Amiya nods and jumps down from Theresa's arms.
Theresa Will you hold my hand, Amiya?
Amiya Doctor...?
Doctor It's alright. Theresa is my friend. You can trust her. You'll be spending a lot of time with her from now on.
Amiya Okay...
Is this Babel?
Doctor Yes.
Amiya It's so big... even bigger than those mining plates. So this is where you used to live.
Doctor I spent a long time here... a very long time.
Amiya Is this your home?
Doctor ......
Theresa Yes, Amiya, this is the Doctor's home. Right, Doctor?
Doctor ...Yes.
Theresa It's your home now, too. Will you let us help the Doctor take care of you?
Amiya Alright... I'll go wherever the Doctor goes.
Welcome to Babel.png
They step onto the elevator, and the Babel logo appears before their eyes.
The heavy door opens to welcome them in.
Sensing Amiya's unease, Theresa puts a hand on her shoulder.
Amiya What's behind the door?
Theresa People waiting to welcome you and the Doctor.
Doctor Are you sure about taking me and the girl in, Theresa?
Theresa Why shouldn't I be? I'm glad to have more people calling Babel their home.
Many here don't know you, though, so I'm sure you'll be busy for the next few days.
Doctor How should I present myself?
Theresa Good question. You should talk to Kal'tsit first. She's been waiting for you.
Doctor ......
Theresa Tell her your concerns, your questions, and the secrets in your heart.
She would be very sad if you didn't.
Doctor You could have...
Theresa If you really want the King of Sarkaz to reveal the thoughts that you're loath to tell, I will. But I can feel you're still wavering.
Let's go, Amiya, Doctor. We'll go to her.
[The large, clunky door slowly opens.]
<Background 5>
Kal'tsit Amiya. You're Amiya, aren't you?
Amiya Yes...
Kal'tsit crouches down and gives the girl a candy.
Kal'tsit Thank you for protecting the Doctor throughout your journey, Amiya.
Amiya Thank you... Dr. Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit Will you fetch Theresa? We need to do some checks on you.
Amiya Will they hurt?
Kal'tsit A little. But the Doctor's letters called you a brave girl.
Amiya Will the Doctor be with me?
Kal'tsit Of course. The Doctor has some things to do first, though.
Amiya ......
Doctor It's alright, Amiya. Just wait for me here in the ward, and I'll be back very soon.
Amiya ...Okay.
[Amiya leaves.]
Kal'tsit You'll need to do a full checkup later too, Doctor.
Doctor Alright.
Kal'tsit ...Doctor.
Doctor Yes?
Kal'tsit Do you plan on leaving again?
Doctor No, I think I've traveled enough.
Kal'tsit If you've made up your mind, I'll respect your decision.
If nothing else, you're concerned about Amiya's health... even though she was a complete stranger to you.
Doctor There is no fundamental difference between these new lives and us.
Kal'tsit ...I'm glad.
Glad that you chose hope, in the end.
Welcome back, Dr. {nickname}.
<Background 7>
[The Doctor is examining Amiya in the ward.]
Theresa How is Amiya?
Doctor Blood Originium levels are high. Currently available inhibitors are not sufficient to stabilize her condition.
We need to develop new drugs... I need time and resources.
Theresa Babel's are yours to use, Doctor. We're happy to share our research on Oripathy with you.
Doctor What can I help you and Kal'tsit with in exchange?
Theresa This is not a transaction. It's one of the core missions of Babel, to do everything in our power to help everyone suffering from Oripathy.
Since the day that Kal'tsit woke you up, I was convinced that you would help with all of this, just as you helped Amiya.
Doctor Thank you.
Theresa Now, perhaps, I have a chance to ask you this question, Doctor.
How do you view this land, Terra?
Doctor I don't think it's my place to judge.
There's no such thing as superior or inferior civilizations. It took a long and hard journey for Terra to evolve to where it is today.
Add to that the sick joke that Originium has played on life...
Theresa You said that Originium did not develop the way you expected.
Doctor It wasn't supposed to bring such suffering.
Amiya (Mumbles in her dream)
Theresa I sense that you are keeping secrets, but there's nothing false about the sorrow coming from deep within your heart, the sorrow that I can't understand.
Doctor I want to fix this mistake, but I'm powerless to do so...
At the end of the day, civilizations largely progress in similar ways. It all comes to an inevitable endpoint, however bright its light shines at its peak.
Theresa But Kal'tsit said you didn't give up hope, even in your final days.
Doctor I had many friends, even in those last days, who faced difficulties far greater than you can imagine, with courage and hope that is every bit your equal.
But they failed and faded away, without exception.
Theresa ......
Doctor We haven't known each other that long, Theresa. I want to know: Why do you do all this?
What is the end that Babel seeks in compromising with the Military Commission?
Theresa ......
There's something I want to show you, Doctor.
We had to ask you about Originium, sooner or later. That's why Kal'tsit woke you up.
Please, come and see the results of my... brief time at work.
[The Doctor and Theresa are walking through a desert wasteland.]
Theresa We're almost there...
Doctor This place is barren, even by the standards of a Catastrophe-heavy region. But Closure has spent time and effort to maintain this dangerous little trail...
A forked trail in the midst of Originium formations. You're not keeping any fewer secrets than I am, Theresa.
Theresa A King of Sarkaz has to have a few secrets, right?
Don't tell anyone what you see here.
Nisim Min Ha'mavet.png
A long trek through the Originium-filled wasteland leads to a small garden.
In the heart of a Catastrophe, amidst the ruins, on a nameless plain that neither night nor the stars can find.
Tiny white specks mark this little sanctuary, isolated from the rest of the world, and the wild lands around it. Even the winds seem softer here.
It is a forgotten greenhouse that harkens back to a time in the distant past, when the land was still pure and untainted.
Like when man stole fire from up above and lit up a corner of the night sky.
Theresa picks up a white flower.
Theresa This place represents the cutting edge of Babel's and my research into Originium.
Doctor Flowers...?
Theresa No. Originium.
Theresa I'm sure you understand it's not Originium Arts that made these flowers bloom.
Doctor The information inherent in Originium, the reversal of the Assimilated Universe...
You've already come this far? When did...?
Theresa No race understands Originium better than the Sarkaz. Still, what we know is merely the tip of the iceberg compared to the entirety of Originium.
Even with Kal'tsit helping us understand the nature of Originium, the furthest we have gone is transforming a palm-sized piece of active Originium into this...
This little flower is my small contribution. I need your help, Doctor.
I want to see the day when flowers cover the cliffs and valleys of Kazdel, and all the lands beyond.
Doctor ......
Theresa It's a future worth taking risks for.
You've seen how Kazdel has been mired in war for its entire history, Doctor.
Right now, at least, I want to use the power of Originium to create a home for Kazdel where people can live in peace, safe from war and invasion.
In the more distant future... if we're able to fully harness it, we'll be able to change the entire face of Terra.
If Catastrophes don't bring rain of Originium, but soft fluffy clouds...
If the Infected no longer suffer the pain of rocks growing out of them...
I don't suppose there's anyone who would have such an absurd dream.
Doctor You're different from other Sarkaz, Theresa.
Flowers that cover the entire land...
What a picture of life that would be.
<Background 6>
Doctor ......
Theresa Doctor?
Doctor Why... why this flower?
Theresa Oh... there's no particular reason. I just happened to come across it outside the valley when I was looking for a good place for my experiments.
A pure coincidence.
Kal'tsit said it had a name. "Snow-in-summer".
But it's adapted to changes over the years. Perhaps we could give it a new name.
What do you think, Doctor?
Doctor ......
<Background fades to black>
A new path is opening up.
<Background glitches and fades to white>
A path to self-destruction.
<Background fades to black>
Kal'tsit Can you hear me, Theresa?
Theresa I'm listening. I was giving the Doctor a tour of our...
Kal'tsit Urgent news from Kazdel.
It concerns Victoria.