Operation story: ZT-1

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Male Leithanian Gendarme icon.png
Male Leithanian Student A icon.png
Stubborn Apprentice
Blank icon.svg
Noble Attendant
Blank icon.svg
Mansion Room
Leithanian Spire Terrace
Victorian Manor Hall
Spiral Staircase
Marigold Street Night
Leithanian Street
Victorian Manor Room
Marigold Street
Siracusa Restaurant
Siracusa Park

Before operation

Viviana meets Empress Ewigegnade and learns that her father's murder is related to the Witch King's remnants, who have stolen a copy of the Güldenesgesatz. She takes on the responsibility of investigating the case as an Empresses' Voice.
<Background 1>
Noble Attendant Meine Dame, you should rest.
Just how many times have you repainted this already? If you're reworking the piece, then why not...
Why not have me contact the art gallery and ask them to delay the exhibition?
You've been so much more spirited since that musician arrived. But to jump straight back into painting when you've yet to fully recover from your illness, only to work on... this piece...
Is this a... night sky? The blacks are so intense I can't make anything out.
[A black-haired Sankta — one who is none other than Arturia Giallo — observes the artist working.]
??? What a truly unforgettable shade of night. I see your painting will soon be complete.
However, the intense emotions fueling your tireless endeavors are also wearing down on your body, and you're in no shape to go on.
So... would you like me to continue my performance?
Alright, I've heard your answer.
As well as your pain, regret, remorse, obsession... In your heart, Leithanien died alongside you that night. The very same night reflected in your painting.
Then allow me to play you a dirge, albeit more than twenty years late.
<Background 2>
Leithanien's capital, Zwillingstürme, city center
Golden-haired Woman Listen.
Every day at this hour, this city is filled with all kinds of music.
Students stopping by instrument shops on the way home from school, discussing which of the new instruments has a more stable circuit.
Pedestrians getting off work, slowing their pace as their coins jingle into an instrument case in front of a street artist.
Young lovers clinking together glasses of wine in restaurants, and stoves steaming in warm homes.
Every scene as touching as the last.
Cora Evenings in Zwillingstürme have always been a source of inspiration for many great musicians.
Golden-haired Woman Hmm... Then shall we add a few more pieces to the program for the celebration?
Every year we begin with the Güldenesgesatz, and then perform the same routine classical pieces after. Surely the people are becoming less and less interested by the year?
Cora As ever, the program is up to Your Majesties to decide.
Golden-haired Woman Then let's have a chat with the conductor and the principals after this.
By the way, I recall you mentioning that you brought a young lady to see me.
Cora Ja, Your Majesty.
[Cora steps aside to introduce the guest]
Cora This is Viviana, Werner's daughter.
Viviana Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ewigegnade― Your Majesty.
Ewigegnade Ah, even better than expected. Are you still getting used to Leithanien after your return from Kazimierz?
Viviana I am grateful for your concern. Leithanien is... far more elegant and beautiful than I remember
Ewigegnade No need to be so formal. Cora and I often meet outside the Spires for a chat, like the one we're having now.
You must still be in mourning over Werner's recent passing. If we had the luxury of time, I'd much rather you have a chance to relax in the city first.
Viviana You mean, before you appoint me as―
Ewigegnade An Empresses' Voice.
As you've heard from Cora, this was Werner's request.
Viviana I am... truly honored by the opportunity.
Ewigegnade The nobles prefer to send me their youngest sons when they're about ten years of age, but I believe you're fully qualified for the position.
And after meeting you in person, I'm even more sure of it.
Viviana You praise me too highly.
Ewigegnade Modesty is a virtue, but so is the courage to speak your mind.
While I'd be more than glad to fulfill your father's request, I'd also like to hear your own thoughts on this.
How do you truly feel about yourself, about Leithanien, and about the future before us?
Viviana ...
[Just then, a Gesatzswächter walks towards the group.]
Gesatzswächter Your Majesty, I was not aware that you would be entertaining a guest.
Ewigegnade It's fine, Brandt. This is the time I told you to come over, after all. Tell me about your findings in Sturmland.
Gesatzswächter Their copy of the Güldenesgesatz was stolen from the Kurfürst's spire.
The thieves are most likely part of the same group behind the Kurfürst's assassination, who call themselves the "Echoes of Herkunftshorn."
Ewigegnade Herkunftshorn... the Genesis Horn. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Gesatzswächter ...The Witch King's remains.
I interrogated one of their men. They have sent the copy to Zwillingstürme.
Ewigegnade To this very city...
Cora, how many years have we done Das Kaiserinnensfest?
Cora This year will be the twenty-third, Your Majesty.
Ewigegnade So he's been dead for about twenty-three years now.
How many of these people working tirelessly in his name have even seen him with his own eyes?
It's something I've always found saddening. Just what is it about the Leithanien of today that fills them with so much resentment?
Cora Resentment has never been rational, Your Majesty.
Ewigegnade Perhaps I should call off this year's event.
If they really intend on using the Movement to cause chaos in the capital... I don't want anyone who came for the celebration to come to any harm.
Gesatzswächter We still have three days to go.
I will find them and retrieve it.
Ewigegnade I should have dispatched several Voices to work on this together.
Viviana ...Allow me, Your Majesty.
The Empresses' Voice represents the glory and majesty of the Kaiserinnen, so if they were to suddenly show up across the city, they will naturally attract the attention of both civilians and the enemy.
But I... Or rather, what the people know me for has nothing whatsoever to do with this matter.
Ewigegnade An interesting proposal.
Gesatzswächter Your Majesty, I believe we shouldn't let an untrained―
Ewigegnade Brandt Reiner. I'm sure you and Viviana will be enough to solve this problem for me.
Gesatzswächter ...Ja.
Ewigegnade Also... Another Voice has just brought back a couple of interesting pieces from Kreis Wasserland. Ask Hildegard if she would like to come by my tower for a listening lesson.
After all, you're going to go see her after this, yes?
Gesatzswächter ...Ja, Your Majesty.
[The Gesatzswächter named Brandt solemnly leaves.]
Ewigegnade Grandmaster Ioleta has taught you well. I have a feeling you'll be my favorite Voice.
Viviana Danke schön.
Ewigegnade Anyway, I don't need an answer today, but I'll allow you to act as an Empresses' Voice in the meantime. Of course, any new Voices will only officially enter the Spires after the celebrations are over, as per usual.
Until then, I'll be anticipating your answer.
Viviana My true feelings...
[The bells toll in the distance.]
Ewigegnade Sadly, our meeting has been as brief as a sunset.
Ah, hold on.
It's time. Do you see it?
[Viviana turns her head, gazing across the city.]
Viviana The... fountain the plaza?
Ewigegnade Beautiful, no?
It is not simply water splashing along to a melody. The flowing water is itself the medium playing it.
Viviana I've heard that many of the buildings and streets in Zwillingstürme are themselves instruments.
Ewigegnade Back in the day, I took a bit of time to figure out a way to keep them stable for decades. It seems that was time well spent.
Viviana So you designed them personally?
Ewigegnade Viviana, no matter what choice you make in the end...
I do hope you'll fall in love with this place, as I have.
Until then, let Zwillingstürme's afterglow bring you some solace.
[Ewigegnade leaves to return to her spire.]
Viviana ...The afterglow.
Zwillingstürme, City of the Twin Spires.png
She had often imagined what kind of city Zwillingstürme would be like.
She had a good guess from the novels and poems she read as a child.
She understood what it really looked like from the news and foreign television programs.
But only now does she stand in the capital for the first time, experiencing the city's lights and shadows, its sounds and scents.
Viviana Colors out of a classical painting.
The timbre of accordions playing.
And the fragrance of marigolds.
It's just like a living poem... Surprisingly, the evening in Zwillingstürme is exactly how I imagined it.
Cora You didn't need to involve yourself in this.
Viviana Her Majesty never gave me a chance to excuse myself before they spoke about it. Which means I was already involved.
Besides, there are things I'm curious about too.
Cora You want to uncover the truth behind your father's death.
Viviana Not just that.
I also wish... to find myself, within the darkness about to descend upon us.
Cora Then, are you already prepared to step into the night?
Viviana Before I returned, I gave away my entire book collection to a friend of mine.
She, too, had just returned to the homeland that once expelled her, and carried with her a certain conviction.
I'm sure you'll laugh at me for saying this, but back then, I imagined countless times how she must have felt at that moment.
And now, I think I have the slightest inkling of that feeling.
<Background 3>
Grimmacht You have concerns about Lieselotte's decision.
Gesatzswächter The Empresses' Voices chosen by Ewigegnade have always been qualified, and I will not question her judgement in that regard.
Frau Viviana Droste is an excellent caster. I've seen recordings of her skilled manipulations of candleflames and shadows.
But... her experience in handling actual crises may be lacking. After all, all of her experience in battle has occurred on artificial stages.
Grimmacht Brandt Reiner.
Your allegiance no longer lies with the Hochberg family.
Gesatzswächter ...No one is more aware of that than I, Your Majesty.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have simply stood there with a blank stare that night, twenty-three years ago.
I lost the right to choose long ago. The blade and Arts of a Gesatzswächter belong only to the Güldenesgesatz and to Leithanien.
Grimmacht The Güldenesgesatz, and Leithanien.
What if you could only choose one?
Gesatzswächter The Güldenesgesatz defines Leithanien. In over a thousand years, the two have never diverged.
Grimmacht The Movement's melody was created by Leithaniens, and it's hardly impossible to alter it.
Herkunftshorn certainly did.
Gesatzswächter ...
Grimmacht Bearing but one part of the responsibility necessarily means abandoning the others.
Think it through, Brandt. No one in this land can refuse to make a choice forever.
Gesatzswächter I will... carefully consider your words.
There is one more thing. Ewigegnade wanted me to ask if you were free to listen to a performance by the Empresses' Voices.
Grimmacht I will be.
[The Gesatzswächter takes his leave.]
Grimmacht ...
Lieselotte will probably have fallen asleep by the time I head over, though.
[The dark-clothed Empress turns her head towards a dark corner.]
Grimmacht Michael.
??? Your Majesty. First things first, I don't want to go to the spire next door for dinner on your behalf anymore. I'm sure you kknow she doesn't like me at all.
Grimmacht Enough of your jests.
Continue keeping an eye on the happenings in the city.
??? Do you need me to "cooperate" with the Gesatzswächter and the... unofficial Empresses' Voice? Or the opposite?
Grimmacht I already told you.
??? "Continue", right? Got it.
<Background 4>
Art Gallery Spectator Did you see that just now?
Frau Seemann, she... and those black paintings too.
How horrid!
Everyone's saying that it's a curse from His Majesty...
[The Gendarmerie rush onto the scene.]
Gendarmerie Move, all of you. Don't crowd in here.
The road ahead is closed, and the gallery will not be opened to the public today.
[The Gendarmerie commander also steps onto the scene]
??? Send a reply to Graf Josef. The Gendarmerie will bear the costs of the gallery's damamges.
Gendarmerie Ja, Captain Loris.
Loris Right, did you save the contact details of the fräulein who lost her necklace the other day? That girl's the editor-in-chief for the Kunst der Zwillingstürme.[note 1]
Please ask her to leave some space in their next issue for a presentation on, well, Frau Seemann's "posthumous work."
Gendarmerie A... presentation?
Loris Invite the critics to use their imaginations.
Frau Seemann was creating a new work with her blood, sweat and tears, and unfortunately ended up also giving her life to the canvas and succumbing to exhaustion ― Her final piece is certainly deserving of some sort of praise.
"Unfortunately, this incomplete masterpiece will not be exhibited to the public, as per her final wishes."
I can only hope for the article to have no mention of His Majesty's name.
[Just then, the Candle Knight Viviana also arrives at the museum.]
??? So... what do you think is the actual reason for Frau Seemann's demise?
Gendarmerie Who let you in...? Wait, the C-Candle..!
Viviana Technically, the title issued by the Kazimierz Knights Association no longer belongs to me after retirement.
Gendarmerie I don't care what the Kazimerzians think!
A few years back, when they were hiding you in the snow, I wrote a few letters of protest to the Nova Knightclub! And when I later found out about your retirement, I drowned myself in drink for a few days, behind the Captain's back.
Loris So that's why you were slacking off back then?
But I'll overlook it, for the sake of our distinguished guest.
Viviana Guten Tag, Vizegraf Loris Bordin.
Loris A pleasure to meet you.
Pym, pass the order: this lovely lady is the gallery's sole visitor of the day. Tell the men to keep watch outside, and not to interfere with her movements.
Gendarmerie R-Right away, sir!
[The Gendarmerie named Pym hurries off.]
Loris When Frau Löwenstein greeted me earlier, I had no idea Their Majesties had actually appointed another special envoy.
Viviana I hope you can keep this a secret.
Loris Please rest assured.
Although... this is such a small accident, so why did it spring the Kaiserin's secret envoy into action?
Viviana An accident? Is that the conclusion of the Gendarmerie's investgation?
Loris We did the forensics, and Frau Seemann did indeed die from exhaustion.
According to her attendant, she went without food or rest for multiple days on end.
I can't help but admire her spirit. Such a dedicated artist is hard to come by, even in Leithanien.
Viviana This work must have been extremely important to her then.
Loris Frau Seemann has not presented a new work for more than two decades.
She then suddenly decided to work on this painting, even notifying the gallery in advance that would personally unveil it today, on the first day of the exhibition.
I'm sure you know what happened next. When the audience arrived, they were greeted only by the artist collapsing in front of her painting.
Viviana What about the painting itself?
Was it... completed?
Loris A difficult question to answer.
You'd better see it with your own eyes. I can only say that its subject was... an unexpected surprise.
<Background fades in and out>
Viviana Is this a brochure for the exhibition?
Der Tod des Hexenkönigs[note 2] ― Did the artist title her work before completing it?
Loris To be honest, many of the visitors came rushing here just because of the name.
Viviana I'd have thought Leithanien would find it quite unwelcome.
Loris I'm guessing you haven't been here for long?
Viviana Mhm. I only just returned a little while ago.
Loris No wonder. You may not be aware, but the fall of His Majesty is an enormously popular subject these days. Even counting operas alone, there are over a hundred depicting how the Kaiserinnen miraculously triumphed over their enemy.
Viviana How careless of me. So the actual protagonists of these stories are Their Majesties.
Loris Haha. In Leithanien, you're free to create anything, so... this is probably the result of the people revealing their true feelings.
Frau Seemann may have also wanted to take the celebration as a chance to add a bit of luster to this national holiday, by working with such a classic theme.
Viviana But even so, you said her painting was an "unexpected surprise"?
Loris It's up ahead, just around the corner.
Once you've had a look, I think you'll share my hope that this was just an accident.
[The sound of glass breaking suddenly rings in the museum]
Loris ...
Viviana An attack?
Loris Please wait here while I check the situation.
Viviana I could help you out.
Loris It might turn out to be just a couple of drunkards on the streets breaking in their new wands, and I'd rather not bother you with something so trifling.
<Background 5>
[Loris exits the art gallery and approaches the noise. Officer Pym comes to report to him.]
Gendarmerie Captain! We triangulated the source of the noise, and it's coming from the alley over there-
Loris Have you sent anyone over?
Gendarmerie The 2nd squad went in, but no one's come out yet.
Loris ...Are they still in there?
Gendarmerie It was the strangest fellow we've ever seen. He definitely heard us rushing over, but it seemed like he was still trying to break into the gallery instead of fleeing.
Could this be something big? Do you want me to bring a few more men along, Captain?
Loris No need for that.
Like I said, it's nothing major. Just some crazy punks stirring up trouble for us to vent their frustrations.
Right, that lady you fancy... the competition knight, what was her surname?
Gendarmerie Can...Candle... Droste!
Loris ...A name I've never heard of.
Tell the others to keep the chase while we return to the gallery to make sure Frau Droste hasn't come to any harm.
A noblewoman with the Kaiserin's trust is far more valuable than all the works and secrets in that gallery combined.
<Background 4>
Viviana ...
[A low noise close by alerts Viviana.]
Viviana Footsteps?
Is there someone up ahead? Isn't the gallery closed off to the public?
Der Tod des Hexenkönig.png
Viviana So this is the painting.
And the subject is... the Death of the Witch King?
No, this isn't Der Tod des Hexenkönigs[note 2] at all...
This is... ugh...
[As she stares at the painting, a sudden headache seizes Viviana.]
Black and disorderly, the lines twist into infinity.
Der Tod des Hexenkönigs[note 2] sitting at the center isn't the only thing to have those twisted lines painted over it ― every other painting on the wall sports the same lookk.
The black spirals resemble vortices, breaking out of the frames one after another and filling the entire space.
The lines seem to twist and burrow into her eyes, erupting into a series of mournful sobs in the depths of her mind.
Her consciousness is pulled, deformed, fractured, and plunged into chaos.
Shadows sway behind Viviana. She can hardly control her Arts. She wants to preserve herself, to escape.
This terrifying power needs no concrete descriptor, image, or sound to remind of anyone of what it is.
Much like its title, it forcefully crams itself directly into its audience's cognition, reflecting its very meaning into their minds-
"The Witch King."
<Background fades to black>
Arturia What a beautiful piece of art.
<Background fades back to the scene>
A calm voice can suddenly be heard in the center of the exhibition hall.
The noise comes to a halt, and the black spirals retreat into the paintings.
Viviana This painting...
There's no obvious trace of Originium Arts... so why?
Arturia Arts aren't the only thing that can affect the mind.
Something need only be true enough to tug at one's heartstrings, be it a picture or a melody.
But please, don't fear it... feel it.
Viviana ...It's very intense.
A rich and deep emotion flows in these seemingly messy brushstrokes.
It's... hard to keep looking.
Arturia That's because you're looking at a person's soul.
She put both the Witch King in her heart and her very life onto the canvas.
Viviana Frau Seemann... What connection did she have with His Majesty?
Arturia His death changed her entire life.
As a young woman, she revered the man on the throne. She was in love with a symbol, a god.
And then that god fell right before her eyes.
She was confused, bewildered by his mortality. She lost her love, her purest emotions, and very nearly her ability to create as well.
She was... trapped.
And only when her life was nearing its end did she realize this.
Viviana You speak as if you were her.
Arturia Her innermost emotions resonated with my melody. I went into the depths of her soul and heard her cry for help.
Viviana Cry for help?
Arturia It's the same everywhere you go.
Many people are trapped in whatever fateful moment changed the course of their lives, walking along an endless spiral staircase.
Just like...
...Your father. And you as well.

After operation

A well-known painter dies after finishing a work titled "Death of the Witch King." Viviana runs into Arturia in front of the painting. The art gallery is attacked, and the Gendarmerie captain discovers it is Federico's doing as he pursues Arturia.
The nights spent up in the spire were always quiet, compared to the clamor of the city.
The cheers grow increasingly loud as elegantly dressed musicians leave one by one with their instruments in tow. She remains the last one in the vehicle.
"Don't be afraid, Viviana." Someone walks over and holds her hand. "Kazimierz and Leithanien aren't the same, but you'll get used to it."
She nods obediently and follows the crowd out of the car.
Still, she subconsciously closes her eyes as the neon lights of the Grand Knight Territory pierce her vision.
She's never told this to anyone, but back then, it wasn't the strange new country she was so afraid of.
After all, her impression of Leithanien came solely from the window in her room, less than a square meter wide. It's hard to say that she knew the country all that well.
What she found so frightening was that the seemingly noisy evening outside might not actually be so different from the small slice of the night in her memories.
<Background 4>
??? Viviana.
Are you alright, Viviana?
[Viviana snaps from her daze.]
Viviana ...Frau Löwenstein.
I'm reminded of when I first arrived in Kazimierz. Back then... you were holding my hand, just like now.
Cora Your palms are all sweaty. What happened?
Viviana I... It's nothing. I just chatted with a strange woman.
Cora I stopped by Graf Josef's office earlier, but I only sensed your presence when I arrived here.
Viviana She didn't do anything to me, and showed no hostility either. I think she simply came for the paintings too.
Right, about the paintings...
Cora Hmm.
Viviana Ah, I'm sorry. Should I describe what they look like for you?
Cora No, please avert your eyes from them.
Viviana Is there something wrong with them?
Cora Their odor.
During the Witch King's reign, people were far more enthusiastic about Originium research than they are today. The casters, or should I say, artists on the side of the Witch King, saw it more than just an energy source, or a material for conducting Arts.
They believed that Originium was another form of flesh and blood, and could serve as a medium for the soul.
Viviana So you're saying, the black substance on the paintings is...
Cora Refined Originium crystals mixed with the artist's blood.
Viviana ...
It sounds like this "exhibit" was rather well thought out.
[Captain Loris steps into the exhibition hall with his subordinate Pym.]
Loris Go cover up the paintings. Use the heaviest fabric you can, and be sure not to touch the frames.
Gendarmerie Understood.
Loris I think the two of you should leave as soon as possible. The intruder has yet to be found, so the art gallery isn't safe.
Viviana It's not just us who are in danger.
The people living in this city... everyone needs to be alerted.
The ones who caused Frau Seemann's death and used her to paint these works are most likely...
Loris Please, don't say the name.
Frau Löwenstein, Das Kaiserinnensfest is just around the corner, and you know better than anyone that Their Majesties wouldn't want to see Zwillingstürme fall into chaos.
Cora Which is why we're here.
Viviana ...Can you at least inform the people who came to the gallery earlier?
I worry for their mental state after seeing such horrific paintings.
Loris How kind of you.
I've already dispatched people to check on the crowd who came today, so don't worry. I also hope they didn't get too close a look.
Viviana ...Herr Vizegraf.
I don't want Frau Seemann to have died a dubious death.
She was a guest at His Majesty's spire on that night twenty-three years ago, correct?
She witnessed firsthand the fall of the Witch King, and the birth of our national heroes.
Loris ...I see.
But what of it?
Believe me, meine Dame, on that night, the youths congregating before that pitch-black spiral spire weren't the only ones thirsting for dawn to break... There were many, many more.
Moreover, most of them did not become the heroes they thought they would be, the brave souls delivering Leithanien's rebirth.
[A transmission is sent to Loris' terminal.]
Loris Now, I've gotten an update on my intruder, so if you'll excuse me.
[Loris exits the building.]
Cora He's right. That night changed many things, but change... isn't necessarily good.
The remnants may have planned Frieda Seemann's death as punishment for "betraying" the Witch King, or maybe it was meant to send a signal announcing a major move.
Viviana ...Did they kill my father for the same reason?
<Background 6>
Arturia ...
Strange Voice From A Sculpture Meine Dame.
Arturia Shh.
Let me finish listening to this piece.
Strange Voice From A Sculpture It's just the performance of a vagrant.
Arturia He was playing the same melody this morning, but now with such a different mood.
He expected the gallery to be full of visitors today, and was planning to have a sandwich for dinner with an extra bratwurst to go.
But now he realizes that he might have to go to bed hungry, yet again.
Strange Voice From A Sculpture Did you... probe into his mind with your Arts?
Arturia No need for that. Haven't you noticed? The homeless gentleman is telling his story right now through his music, again and again. All I'm doing is paying attention.
Strange Voice From A Sculpture ...His story has nothing to do with us though. The next stage has already been set.
The stone sculpture by the flowerbed ceases to speak.
Instead of words, it now hums a tune, smooth and deep, from the vibrating structure within.
Arturia You Leithaniens really do fancy your sound-producing sculptures.
They give a "perfect" performance every time, but it lacks soul... just like the people trapped in the spires.
Arturia gently blows a petal towards the mouthpiece of a large musical instrument carved into a sculpture.
It rises and falls with the airflow, and the formerly uniform tune immediately changes, ever so slightly.
Arturia Much better.
<Background 7>
Gendarmerie Captain! We were so close to catching the intruder, but he suddenly disappeared on us!
Loris Are the roads outside still under lockdown?
Gendarmerie Ja. He can't possibly have grown wings and flown over us, can he?
Loris Wings... heh, hard to say.
Gendarmerie We... We've really let you down, Captain. Encountering such a setback just when you're about to-
Loris It's fine, Pym. Go find Graf Josef and tell him what's going on with the art gallery.
[Gendarmerie Pym walks out of Loris' office.]
Loris Incidentally... I haven't heard the sound of gunfire in a long, long time.
I've never been qualified to wield one, even back in my Laterano days. But I can assure you that the wands we use in the Gendarmerie hit just as hard and true.
So, before my men return, you'd best put away your firearm... and your other weapons.
And then, explain-
What business brings a Sankta like you to Zwillingstürme?
[Executor Federico steps out of the shadows.]
Federico ...
Loris Bordin.
Loris Oh? You recognise me.
Federico Former Lateran citizen. Twenty-eight years ago, you came to Leithanien from Laterano and joined the Gendarmerie.
Twenty-three years ago, the Twin Empresses conferred you the title of Vizegraf, and afterwards you became the commander of the Gendarmerie, a position you still occupy to this day.
Loris ...Hah. I was counting on you to introduce yourself first.
Federico I require your assistance in bringing an important fugitive back to Laterano.
Loris Fugitive?
Federico Her name is Arturia.
Loris ...Now I remember.
You're that... executor from the Curia's Fifth Tribunal, the Notarial Hall's Fe... Fe... I'm sorry, the list of titles on your sign-offs is always so long, I can't recall your actual name.
Federico Federico Giallo.
Our dealings are considered international affairs, so according to protocol, signatures are to be as meticulous as possible.
Loris Ha... haha... The dozen or so letters you sent to me are still-
Federico Twenty-seven letters.
Did you read them properly? Did you even open them at all?
Loris *ahem!* How could I... Anyway, you wrote all those letters over the past few years, and even personally came to Leithanien, just to hunt down this fugitive, yes?
Federico She has been active in Leithanien for many years now. I have reason to believe she is related to numerous unusual cases occurring here, including many of the cases you're currently working on.
Loris First it was His late Majesty, and now a fugitive from Laterano... When it rains, it pours, I suppose.
Federico Do you require a briefing on the suspect and her situation from the very beginning? Alternatively, you may read any of the letters I sent you.
Loris Ah...
[Loris receives a transmission on his terminal.]
Loris Reverend Executor, if I could just have a moment.
...Baron Lukas. Please go ahead.
Those... violent thugs disturbing the peace on the streets are back?
Alright, I got it. I'll send men over right away.
Uh... Of course, absolutely. I'll be there in person. Please rest assured that the Gendarmerie will keep you safe and maintain Leithanien's untarnished glory.
[Transmission ends.]
Loris ...As you can see, I'm a very busy man.
Federico I disagree. The social status of the informant should not be a criteria in determining the priority of your tasks.
Loris Look, we're not in Laterano. Speaking of which, you're not allowed to freely fire your gun - or any other weapons - to intimidate the residents here.
No, more than that. You'd best stay in my sight while you're operating in Zwillingstürme.
Federico I'm not aware of any such procedure.
Loris You mean the rules? Rules are set by people.
Federico I'd like to raise an objection.
Loris Then I'll have to arrest you at the first opportunity, Herr Federico.
As someone who's fired multiple shots near a noble's private art gallery, many would see you as the biggest to Zwillingstürme's order.
<Background 8>
Federico District of Bodenshof, Karl Schmidt Street.
Frieda Seemann, the deceased at the exhibition, resided here for many years.
Loris Right. "Marigold Alley," a place beloved by both painters and poets.
Baron Lukas moved here two years ago. He claims he wanted to be closer to an "increasingly rare artistic milieu," but of course the real reason might be that the homes here are far cheaper than the ones on Innere Stadt.
Federico I find it very likely that my target has been here before.
Loris Don't be rash. Remember our agreement? Arturia Giallo is a beloved and highly esteemed musician here in Leithanien.
You're currently "assisting" the Gendarmerie with an unrelated case, under the premise that whatever you find has nothing to do with me or my men.
[A rowdy crowd is gathered in front of the two men. They seem to be vandalizing some street sculptures.]
Federico I have discovered the alleged gang of violent thugs reported to be disturbing the peace.
Immediately executing-
Loris Stay put!
Federico I suggest we immediately initiate arrest procedures.
Loris It's just a bunch of kids who don't want to attend classes.
Loris Get moving, all of you. No loitering.
Stubborn Apprentice ...
Loris So you were here too. The instrument sculptures were built under the Kaiserinnen's orders, and vandalism will not be tolerated. You're also bothering everyone in the neighbourhood with the sound of chiselling.
Still not stopping your Arts?
Stubborn Apprentice ...
Loris What the hell are you carving?!
Stubborn Apprentice Can't you see? I'm just transforming the street back into its proper form.
Loris Twisted horns like those aren't allowed in Zwillingstürme... No, they're forbidden across all of Leithanien.
Step aside. We have to destroy them before the Empresses' Voices find out.
Stubborn Apprentice Destroy? What makes you think you're brave enough to destroy a symbol of Herkunftshorn?
Loris Herkunft- where did you learn that name?
Stubborn Apprentice Plenty of people already know. He'll be back soon, after all.
Loris He was dethroned before you even learned to speak. You have no idea what those horns signify. Back then, he'd erect a sculpture like that on the streets whenever he killed a dissident!
Stubborn Apprentice ...Someone's already dead, aren't they?
The painter who lived down the street. She was the first.
Run away with your tail between your legs, meine Herr. Whatever courage you once had is ancient history.
'The first solider to set foot in the Witch King's Spire' - do you really think you're that same hero?
Loris ...
Don't think I'll let you off just because you hit a nerve, schlingel...
Federico He's gone.
Loris Hmph, let him run.
Federico Why did you not arrest him immediately?
Loris Is there a point in rushing to fill up our prisons?
Federico May I assume that your reluctance to arrest the boy was due to your personal feelings?
Loris ...I'm almost regretting my decision to bring you along, Reverend Executor.
Federico Agreed. Freedom of movement would allow me to lock down the target as soon as possible.
Loris No, I meant I should have detained you in our office instead.
<Background fades in and out>
Serene Apprentice ...
Loris Why's there another one still here? Hey, junge. Make any more noise and I'll really bring you in.
Serene Apprentice ...The twisted horn sculptures. Are you not going to clean them up?
Loris Right, I still have these troublesome things to deal with. I really don't get what youngsters have in their heads these days.
Serene Apprentice They're nostalgic for an era they never got to experience in person. But there's nothing wrong with that. All Leithaniens are entitled to feel disappointed with how things are today.
For example... the coachmen casters who lost their jobs to Victorian automobiles, or the owners of the community theaters that closed down thanks to Wrankwood's film industry. Or their children, of course.
When people see no way out, the only way they can imagine a future is by looking back at the past.
Loris Hah. Did you hear all that from some adult at home?
Serene Apprentice As if. I'd guarantee you she'd never say anything like that.
All she knows is how to eliminate any threat to Leithanien at its source.
[The young apprentice casts some Arts at the twisted sculpture, which instantly shatters into pieces. He then quietly leaves.]
Loris The sculpture... shattered? And so easily...
Federico He is clearly no ordinary student. I would recommend stopping him for questioning.
Loris Hm. Nothing ordinary about him, that's for sure. But all the more reason to keep our mouths shut.
<Background 9>
Loris ...And now it's actually raining, hah.
Want a drink? Coffee, or maybe beer? If we're drinking at this place, I recommend the former.
Federico I do not make a habit of consuming fluids that affect my central nervous system while on a mission.
Loris Alright, beer for me then.
Federico You are also-
Loris On a mission, ja. Why else would I be drinking at this hour?
Federico The child from earlier said that you were "the first solider to set foot in the Witch King's Spire."
Loris He's not wrong. What, want me to sign a napkin for you?
Federico I would rather you sign the cooperation agreement I sent you.
Loris Reverend Executor, how old were you twenty-three years ago? The news coverage on the coup can't have been bigger than the ads for some new dessert shop, can they?
Federico "The Lateran who became the captain of Zwillingstürme's Gendarmerie." That's how the headline went.
Loris You sure did your homework.
Federico I've paid no attention to your ties to the Witch King. The Loris Bordin I read about was a law enforcement officer worth working with, having solved one strange case after another.
Loris Is that why you wrote me so many letters?
Federico Arturia's Arts are unusual, and you are well versed in handling similarly strange cases.
In the year 1079, you arrested a gang of thieves proficient in casting illusions for romance scams. In 1085, you shot dead a dangerous hypnotist. In-
Loris Wait. Stop right there. Please don't take me for the protagonist of some detective drama.
Federico You appear to be avoiding the topic, Loris Bordin.
Loris And why would I do that? It's just that I accepted early on that I'm a loser.
Did you know? Jan, he... That uncooperative kid we ran into in Marigold Alley earlier, he had a sister who used to work here.
She went missing fifteen years ago.
Federico Judging by your special treatment of the young man, I assume the case remains unsolved.
Loris And that's not the only case I haven't been able to crack. Not the first, and definitely not the last.
There's nothing special about it at all.
It just... is.
Heh... A Notarial Hall executor like you probably hasn't experienced failure like that.
Shopkeeper Herr Bordin! You're here again. How are things lately?
Loris The doctor told me to give up drinking.
Shopkeeper That's a shame. To make a Leithanian man in his prime cut off his alcohol intake is just as bad as making him go deaf!
I even thought I'd give you a 50% discount if you brought the Damen und Herren[note 3] from the Gendarmerie here for your retirement party.
Federico You're retiring?
Loris I'm leaving Leithanien once Das Kaiserinnensfest is over.
Thiem, what's that kid been up to lately?
Shopkeeper Jan? The Universität he applied to rejected him, so he probably went off to learn a proper trade.
Loris He's pretty talented with Arts, and his grades in secondary school weren't bad either. So why wasn't he scouted by any of the universities?
Shopkeeper Because he threw away your recommendation letter.
Loris That bengel...
Shopkeeper He said that you should be trying harder to find Yulia, rather than worrying about which school he's going to.
Loris ...
Shopkeeper And also... *sigh* Actually, now that I've gone and said it, I think something's not quite right with the boy lately.
On the day he got your recommendation letter, he asked why his father didn't need one back in the day. Said he'd entered a certain Graf's spire solely by his own abilties.
"Talent was more important than lineage back when His Majesty was still around." His words.
Loris ...Where exactly has he been hanging out these days?
Shopkeeper Not sure.
Federico The twisted horn sculptures.
As you implied, Jan shouldn't have even known what they looked like. Which means someone else showed him first.
Loris Oh, right. Which area used to have the highest concentration of those twisted horn sculptures?
Shopkeeper Hm, Gustav Park? Not far from here. They call it Forest Park these days.
Loris You should head home early today, Thiem.
Shopkeeper Huh? Sure. Wait, Herr Bordin? Why did you give me your wallet? You could buy a whole year's worth of beer with this much!
Loris Keep it. It's for Jan.
He's a clever kid, and should go to a good university. That should be enough for him to leave Leithanien and go polish himself in Victoria or Columbia.
<Background 10>
The rain stops.
The park fountains do not, not even when the rain was still falling earlier.
There are people sitting or standing under the trees in groups of two or three, most holding an instrument. Violins, flutes, cellos. They seem to be playing indepently, but the resulting performance is a harmonious ensemble.
Melodies both soothing and mournful dance on the water and float through the trees.
Ebenholz When I was a child, I heard that Einwald was a vast stretch of black forest before the nomadic cities were built.
And whenever someone important passed away, people would go deep into the woods to remember the departed while playing their favourite music.
Bereaved Youth I don't see you holding an instrument.
Ebenholz When I returned to Leithanien, I brought nothing with me.
I used to believe I could play all manner of instruments, but later I met a teacher I respect, who was keen to tell me that I didn't understand the first thing about music.
But what he meant was... I didn't understand emotions.
Back then, I couldn't comprehend how that was possible. My short life had clearly been brimming with more than enough loss and suffering.
Bereaved Youth And then?
Ebenholz And then... my friend died.
Bereaved Youth Then you must have felt true pain.
Ebenholz To be honest, I'm still not sure I truly understood.
Then I left Leithanien and travelled the lands. I would play for the people I met, and their praise grew only more enthusiastic with every place I visited.
But I haven't played anything specifically for my dear friend in a long, long time.
Bereaved Youth I'm sure they'd love to hear your performance, no matter what level you're at.
Ebenholz I know. And precisely because I know, I hope I can improve.
Have I ever actually tried to stand up to anything in my life?
Can I honestly tell him, with my back straight and my head held high, that I lived a life full enough, rich enough... that it was worth of his sacrifice?
I can't imagine how he would reply... because I'm not even sure what to say to him in the first place.
And you, sir? Who do you hold in your heart when you come here?
Bereaved Youth A mentor. He left us twenty-three years ago, but I never forgot him.
Ebenholz He must have been a great man.
I heard that this park was established to commemorate the victims from twenty-three years ago. Every tree standing here replaced a twisted horn sculpture made of flesh and blood.
I have to admire them. During those dark times, they had the courage to stand up and resist fate.
Bereaved Youth Perhaps you're the same.
A lot of the music we listen to is much older than even the entire history of Leithanien. The wills of the departed continue to live on in us, through their music.
Ebenholz Live on in us... Right. I want to believe that.
Do you see that man standing over there?
Bereaved Youth You mean... the one carrying a sword, who's been following you?
[The suspicious individual walks steadily behind the two men, silently watching.]
Ebenholz That's the one.
Bereaved Youth Do you know him?
Ebenholz Serious, calm, lacking emotion.
Their faces always look so alike I don't even bother distinguishing them anymore.
[Ebenholz decides to stop and walk up to the suspicious man first.]
Stern Youth ...
Ebenholz My time's up, isn't it?
Stern Youth ...You certainly enjoy wasting time, "Graf Urtica."
Ebenholz Wunderbar. So I didn't mistake you for someone else.
Truth be told, Herr Overseer, I did think I was ready for you when I first walked into the park.
"If Their Majesties want my life, then they can have it."
After all... from then 'til now, and even for the foreseeable future― my life has never truly been a boon to anyone.
Stern Youth Did you come here to plan your suicide?
Ebenholz I only considered it for a moment. Besides, if I'd pointed my wand at my throat you'd rush in to stop me, no?
Stern Youth The Voice of Mundane has yet to play. So you cannot die.
Ebenholz What a shame... No matter who I hear that from, it never makes me the slightest bit happy.
Can you hear that cello? I spent the afternoon reviewing my past through the sound of music, and myself on the water's surface.
And my conclusion? My life really isn't worth any more than it was a few years ago.
However, just like back then, no one can use it or manipulate it. Especially not-
You people.
[Ebenholz raises his wand.]
Stern Youth What are you saying-
An ambush?!
[Arts suddenly flies toward the Stern Youth.]
Several black spheres conjured with Arts leap from the puddles in the area.
They had been camouflaged within the reflections of the trees in water, and accompanied the melodies drifting through the air as they accumulated energy from the wobbly ripples.
[The Stern Youth is unable to avoid the attack and gets hit.]
Stern Youth -Ugh!
[The Stern Youth falls to the ground unconscious.]
Ebenholz So they sent a whole party just to execute me. Would you like me to perform a deep bow in appreciation of Their Majesties?
Sadly, I'm doomed to disappoint them.
I still haven't figured out when I'll play for him.
But there is one thing I will absolutely tell him myself.
"I tried. I was always trying."
"I never stopped resisting."


  1. German for Arts of Zwillingstürme
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "The Death of the Witch King" in German
  3. "Ladies and gentlemen" in German