Expeditioner's Joklumarkar: Survey Equipment

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The Collapsals' presence causes disruptions to communications and navigation equipment, making it difficult to know what's ahead. This is where the Survey Equipment came in, as it could clear the interference and makes pathfinding easier, represented by the Anti-Interference Index that is displayed at the top of the screen.


The Survey Equipment starts with 3 Anti-Interference Index, which can be increased or decreased through certain means but will never go below 0 and above 6 (unless with the Scarred Amber.png Scarred Amber, which removes this cap). 1 Index can be spent to enter the node above or below the current one and entering the secret floor through Bosky Passage, and certain events will have more options at higher Index values or even when the Index is at 0, making Anti-Interference Index function like a combined analogue of Key.png Key and die in Mizuki & Caerula Arbor.

Depending on the Index, nodes can be in the obscured, standard, or fully surveyed state, which will be explained below.

At lower Anti-Interference Index, the Survey Equipment starts to malfunction, indicated by black filaments on the edges of the screen. At higher Index, the Equipment performs optimally, indicated by white lights and rings on the edges of the screen.

0: Equipment Failure
You can only manually conduct a limited survey. (All nodes are obscured)
1–2: Equipment Damaged
The scope of your survey has shrunk sharply. (The next node is in the standard state while the rest is obscured)
3: Operating Normally
Smoothly receives information from your surroundings. (The next two nodes are in the standard state while the rest is obscured)
4–5: Operating Well
Has already automatically integrated with data from this area. (The next three nodes are in the standard state while the rest is obscured.)
6+: Professionally Tuned
Provides real-time updates of information from across the entire region. (The next node is fully surveyed while the rest are in the standard state)

Node states


When your Anti-Interference Index is at 0, your equipment status becomes "Equipment Failure," making it impossible to see the nodes in front of you clearly.
—Loading screen tip in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar

Obscured nodes cannot be identified even when they are accessible, unlike Dense Fog nodes in previous themes, but has two labels to give a rough estimate on what's ahead although what the obscured node actually is will not be shown until actually entered.

IS Node-Premonition of Ferocity.png
Premonition of Ferocity
The hunter has his instincts, and the prey can hear the sound of the bow strings. You never know which one you are.

The obscured node is a combat one. Should the node turned out to be an Emergency Operation, the player will be notified as soon as the operation starts.
IS Node-Premonition of Mystery.png
Premonition of Mystery
The cold makes old wounds ache, but at least it is not blowing past an unsheathed blade.

The obscured node is a non-combat one.

Prophecies will never be obscured; they remain on the standard state even at 0 Anti-Interference Index.


Nodes in the standard state can be identified as usual.

Dreadful Foes are always on the standard state.

Fully surveyed

When your Anti-Interference Index is at 6, your equipment status becomes "Professionally Tuned," letting you lookup a node's information in advance.
—Loading screen tip in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar

Fully surveyed nodes, also known as Panoptic Survey, not only identifiable as usual, but also shows helpful information on what to expect from it which depends on the node's type listed below.

Node Information
(Emergency) Operation Gives a sneak peek on the Foldartal that will be awarded from clearing the operation.
If no Foldartal would be awarded, the following will be shown instead: Sami has not revealed anything to you.
Gives a hint of the possible outcomes.
  • The trees' shadows sway gently in the wind, as if a hunt is waiting for you to arrive. You will fight some familiar adversaries/You will fight some special enemies
  • The firelight flickers. Perhaps you might unexpectedly discover something. Can obtain Hope/Can recover HP/Can increase Anti-Interference Index/Can obtain a Foldartal/Can recruit an Operator/Can lower Collapse value
  • The instrument is reacting a bit. Perhaps you can find something strange and useful nearby? Can obtain a random Collectible/Can obtain a special Collectible
Safe House
Gives a hint that one of the following options would be present.
  • The walls of this research station seem to be very sturdy. We can relax and have a good rest. Can increase Max Life Points
  • This research station seems to have a wide range of facilities, and you can practice your skills here. Can promote an Operator
  • This research station seems to have some scientific records left behind by your forebears, and you can share their experiences with your fellow travelers. Can obtain Hope
  • This research station seems to have an abundance of supplies. You can consider how to distribute these into more hands. Can increase Squad Size Limit
Downtime Recreation
Gives a hint of what resource that can be spent.
  • There seems to be a Sami gesturing at you, asking if you have any extra coins. Don't try to fool anyone with stones. Spend Originium Ingots for a chance to win rewards
  • Some Sami customs can temporarily relieve worries, but they might also cause outsiders some discomfort. Spend Life Points for a chance to win rewards
  • The wonderful sights of nature are worth taking a risk for, and technology has usually been invented for this very purpose. Spend Anti-Interference Index for a chance to win rewards
Rogue Trader Gives a sneak peek on some of the wares.
Wish Fulfilled Gives a sneak peek on the Collectibles that can be chosen, labeled as "items from Bob's shop that are not selling well".
Scout There is a trail hidden in the snow. Perhaps you can send someone to take a look.
Lost and Found
Gives a hint of what item which can be exchanged.
  • Your trash may be someone's treasure. Can exchange a Collectible
  • Sami is waiting to speak with you. Can exchange a Foldartal
Bosky Passage
Gives a hint of the secret floor's layout.
  • Sharp branches obstruct your route, and you can hear the indistinct roar of nature. Will encounter combats
  • The forest forms a pleasant shade, and you can hear the indistinct sound of human cheer. Will encounter any kind of event
  • The overgrown vegetation makes your path unclear, but where you want to go is definitely up ahead. Will arrive at a special location
Prophecy An intricate fate unfolds before your eyes.