Phantom & Crimson Solitaire: Crimson Exhibition

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The Crimson Exhibition allows the player to view the content of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire they have unlocked thus far.

Communication Recorder

A log of Monthly Squads' conversations.

Past Performances

A gallery of Crimson Solitaire artworks.

Phonograph Collection

A jukebox of Crimson Solitaire soundtracks.

Longevity Box

A list of Collectibles in Crimson Solitaire.

Collectibles that are not yet unlocked will be named "???" instead until the condition is met, at which their name is revealed but their picture and description will only be revealed when they are actually obtained in-game; until then, the Collectible is described as "The unknown still lurks in the shadows."

Loose-Leaf Repertoire

A list of Plays the player have obtained.

Tactical Prop

A list of Tactical Props the player have obtained.

Drama Rehearsal

A list of Crimson Solitaire intro and endings' stories, introduced in Expansion II.