Phantom & Crimson Solitaire ending: Grand Opening

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IS-The Castle's Doors
The show has begun.
<Background 1>
The "Troupe Mouthpiece" collapses on the stage.
The strings in his hand scatter all over the ground, tangling together like a spiderweb.
Once, he used these to control the mechanisms of the castle and his evil puppets.
But now, with the fall of this former troupe member, everything has at last come to an end.
Phantom lets out a sigh of relief.
Half of his life has been under the troupe's control, and he has finally broken free of their hold once more.
"The curtain has fallen on the charade. It is time to return to a peaceful life."
Phantom thinks to himself so.
The lights turn on, and the curtains are drawn open.
The stage is waiting for something still.
Unable to help himself, he takes the Mouthpiece's chair and places it in the center of the stage.
He sits down and thinks to himself in silence.
"Sing. Sing."
A low voice echoes in his head.
"It's for your own good."
A note comes out of Phantom's mouth.
One after another.
Next comes the words. An aria.
The stage is silent no longer. The lead is singing at the top of his voice.
Hearing the gently flowing melody, a few almost inaudible voices can be faintly heard in the shadows.
They are all singing in unison.
The host climbs up from the floor and casts aside the strings in his hands. He walks onto the stage to his position.
"Troupe Mouthpiece" The actors are all in place.
And I must fulfill my responsibilities too.
<Background fades out>
Shalem can hear his voice. Once he finds Phantom, the mission will come to an end.
He swings the door open.
<Background fades in>
"Troupe Mouthpiece" Ah, our first guest.
Shalem This... How could you...
"Troupe Mouthpiece" Now two souls who have gone astray has returned to the troupe's embrace.
How marvelous.
Well, then, I hereby announce...
The show has begun.
Start of the Show.png
Before Shalem's eyes, the nightmares of his past have all taken the stage.
The carriage driver raises his whip.
The host stands unyieldingly firm.
The prop master adjusts his props.
The lighting technician gives out instructions.
The head chef sharpens his knife.
The butler stands in silence.
The playwright scribbles away.
The "Shadow" drifts unsteadily.
The "Bladedance" shines under the cold light.
The "Whiteflower" grins ear to ear.
As for the troupe's leader himself, he gazes straight at Shalem.
All the troupe's members are hiding in the stage's shadows, their eyes glittering with a red color.
The only man who is directly illuminated by the spotlights is Lucian, the Blood Diamond.
He clears his throat.
He prepares to sing.