Ceobe's Fungimist ending: Dust of Dreams

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At the terminus of everything is an empty wilderness, the dusty ground shrouded in a sky filled with thick, gray fog. No longer are there dense forests or the din and clamor of wilderness dwellers. There is nothing here.
She stares at the endless wilds, immersed in complete silence of nothingness. In this moment, her previous adventures and her fatigue all feeling meaningless. She has arrived at the end. The conclusion of her journey.
In an instant, the sky begins to melt, gushing downwards like a liquid. The ground softens, uneven bumps appearing here and there.
The thick fog turns into a fluffy wool that brushes past everything in her field of view. The horizon shifts and bends. Everything is mixing together. Nothing is clear.
In a deep and unfathomable place, rays of light burst forth, impossibly colorful, indescribably beautiful.
Slowly, the light forms into twisting outlines of human beings, jumping up and down as they float in the chaotic space. Like an irresistibly wonderful carnival, it draws her in. Floating amongst the shapeless lights, peace and chaos coexist.
Yet the gray fog transforms once more into several large boulders. They strike her head. Hard.
She feels herself falling. Perhaps she has merged with the boulder. Perhaps she is the boulder.
She wants to reach out. The fog and bright lights recede steadily, along with the peace and chaos.
Background-Acahualla Village B.png
Ceobe opens her eyes and sees people familiar to her. Her companions are staring at her with expressions of confusion.
Is this reality? The pain from the blow to her head reminds her.
She looks around, gazing at her companions and unfamiliar surroundings, and lets slip a smile.
Everything that happened in her dream slowly fades away from that little brain of hers.
Before it's gone, she smiles happily.