Phantom & Crimson Solitaire ending: Ridiculous Comedy

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What does Ms. Christine see?
And so, the story has reached its conclusion.
The lights turn off, the actors leave the stage, and the red curtains are slowly drawn.
The crowd has dissipated, and everything has once again returned to silence.
IS-The Castle's Doors.png
A giant puppet lies on the stage. There is not a peep of sound to be heard.
Ms. Christine would very much enjoy scratching her claws with its pliable fabric or burrowing into the exposed cotton for a quick rest.
However, the mission at hand comes first. She must find out how Phantom is doing.
Ever since the moment Phantom lost his mind, Ms. Christine has been leaving behind clues for Rhodes Island's operators.
She isn't sure the idiots will be able to understand the meaning behind her pawprints, claw marks, and tooth marks...
However, considering the results, she is more than satisfied.
The elegant lady mumbles quietly to herself.
The Phidia is still checking on the puppet. The lady knows that he is worried the one controlling the puppet would appear any moment to drag Phantom back into the troupe's dark shadows.
However, the lady already knows that will not happen.
After a futile search, the Phidia helps Phantom up. At first, the Phidia's tone hides a hint of prudence.
He, too, was once a member of the troupe. Until today, he was terrified of everything about the troupe.
Once he is certain Phantom has regained his true self, he relaxes and returns to his normal gentle, melancholic composure.
He walks down the stage and heads toward the exit of the castle.
Phantom stops at the top of the stairs, trying to put his disorderly emotions together.
As for the lady, she simply licks her paws next to his feet.
She naturally looks around her surroundings, and when she feels an itch in her back, she naturally turns around to scratch her back.
However, the moment her head begins to turn, she stops in her tracks.
She stands horrified at what she sees...
True Mastermind.png
An unexpected guest.