Ceobe's Fungimist ending: Return to the Wild

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This article contains story information that are non-canonical to the plot of Arknights.
At the end of the temple, honey biscuits form a trail that falls off into the deep sky, the sweet scent leading Ceobe onward. She lifts her head and her vision clears.
As she steps towards the deep sky, the scenery instantly changes, and a low voice resounds within the nothingness——you've returned, you've returned!
The frozen earth and gravel recede. The many mountains and rivers she once gazed upon become a puzzle, forming an intricate pattern in her footsteps.
A throne stands in front of her. Though she knows not why, she already understands. This throne belongs to her.
She sits on the throne. It is hard and uncomfortable. A crown of mushrooms floats before her. She places the crown upon her head, and in an instant everything changes——
Ceobe Returns to the Wild.png
An endless plain where golden sand clouds the skies and not a single blade of grass grows. It is reminiscent of the landscape she saw most often before coming to Rhodes Island.
Ceobe looks down, and discovers that she is in the embrace of a wild beast.
A gigantic wild beast. If it wished, none would ever lay gaze upon its countenance. Yet Ceobe sees it. She sees it all too clearly within her chaotic thoughts.
Curiously, she caresses its fur. It is a feeling of untamed wilderness.
The wild beast looks upon her with a benevolent gaze, as if responding to one's descendant. Ceobe suddenly smells the scent of intertwining bloodlines. She is struck by a sudden realization——She is home.
The wild beast carries her on its back, and bolts toward the distant horizon. The surrounding scenery is abandoned in the wake of rationality, and the false land is left behind on the plains of cognizance.
Slowly, she becomes a part of the plains. She mixes into the blood of the earth. She transforms into soil. She forms pathways...
She lives forever on this land.