Operation story: 6-2

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Officer
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
RI Corridor
Lungmen Downtown Warzone
Lungmen Uptown Rainy

Before operation

The old memories that GreyThroat stirred up cause Blaze to have second thoughts.
However, the top priority is to deal with Reunion.
<Background 1>
Oh... Rosmontis, what are you doing?
Rosmontis I... I wanna fix this terminal.
Six years of memories up to last year... I saved them all in here...
This morning, I went to read the log from June 12, but the screen wouldn't turn on.
What if... what if I can't ever read them again...?
The March 14th log, when I went to the botanical gardens with daddy, or hiking in July, or the time when mommy...
D– don't cry! Listen, you're not great with screens, right?
Why not wait until Scout can help you fix it? Or Closure?
I'll take it to Closure for you. She'll fix it up lickety-split!
Rosmontis Scout...
Is Scout that one operator who moves around all quiet?
That's him! You know him?
Rosmontis Yeah.
With that perfectly polished look... like a porcelain doll.
There he is.
Scout I had yet to hear your estimation of me. I now understand how weak it is.
When did you get here?!
Scout You could say I have always been here. I am used to concealing myself.
Rosmontis So Mr. Scout was here all along.
Why didn't Blaze sense it?
I... I wasn't paying attention. I just didn't notice!
Hey, if you were standing here all this time, why didn't you help her fix it?
Scout Forgive me. We are mere moments from undertaking a mission. I must focus my energy on calibrating my weaponry.
You might ask Closure, or the good Mechanist to assist you.
Are you about to go save Dr. {nickname}?
[Ace appears.]
Ace Yes.
Oh. You're going too.
Ace It's me we're talking about. If I didn't go, what kind of joke would Rhodes Island's elite operators be?
Scout And what did Ascalon say?
Ace The usual. She's not going. Always there with Kal'tsit, that one.
Scout Did it ever occur to you... That now is perhaps not the optimal time?
Ace But it might be our last chance.
Chernobog is probably going to turn back deep into Ursus to avoid that Catastrophe. And a rescue operation in the Ursus interior is going to be damn near impossible.
I keep hearing you talk about it, but is this Dr. {nickname} really worth all this?
Ace Worth as much as Amiya and Kal'tsit.
Rosmontis Have I met the Doctor?
Ace Not yet. But you will soon.
Rosmontis Good. I want to know what the Doctor is like too.
I really, really want to.
Scout You will, kitten.
By the way, Ace, there's an uninfected girl named GreyThroat on your team.
Ace I'm aware. She's been training in isolation.
Listen, Blaze. I've been working with her for a few months now. She has trouble expressing herself, but she's not a bad person.
She looked my teammate in the eye and asked, "How hard could it be to be Infected?"
Ace I know. But it might have been a legitimate question to her. She might really be curious.
It's not my place to demand an operator turn her opinion on a dime. And GreyThroat has never once questioned orders.
I don't care. I'm not going to stand by and let her insult my teammates, and I sure as hell won't let her disgrace the struggle of the Infected.
Ace Now's not the time. I can see the rage you're holding back. But really, not now.
She said it right in front of me!
Scout Take a breath, Big Cat.
You have a task at hand yourself.
...I do.
Fine. We'll deal with it when you get back.
Since when is Ace more senior than me?
Ace When you take that tone, I start to think maybe you're screwing around.
Scout She may very well be mocking you.
When he goes two days without shaving, he'll definitely look way more senior.
Rosmontis Ace's beard is very manly.
Ace ...Hm.
Hahaha! I have to go move some stuff around. Got my own job to do, you know. Later.
Let's get a drink when I'm done!
Scout Try not to puke this time.
Misery spent two hours scrubbing the floor. I wager he would vomit himself when faced with that task again.
Who knew you could hold your liquor so well!
Rosmontis, Mechanist will give you back your terminal in a bit.
Be a good girl and wait patiently. But don't forget either!
Rosmontis I'll definitely remember! Bye bye!
Scout Don't burn yourself!
Relax. I can control my own Arts.
<Background 2>
Blaze ...How is it you went before me?
Ace, was some uninfected girl like GreyThroat really worth training?
How much trust did we earn? And how much trust did we give?
If the Doctor...
[Blaze runs off, but...]
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor What are you saying over there?!
Blaze I'm saying bad things about you. To your face.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Blaze If there's a Doctor hanging around here, hurry up and come out already. You'll need some fancy Arts to hide behind that wall if you don't want me to find you.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor If I don't believe in Rhodes Island...?
Blaze Then I'll string you up on a lamppost as bait for Reunion. Don't worry! You won't die. A few bolts and a knife or two never hurt anyone.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Blaze ....sigh.
Did Amiya send you?
Whatever. That's what she's best at. And what she's worst at...
I keep trying to remind her, to get her thinking about how she's still just a kid... it always seems to have the opposite effect.
I guess she'll never be able to put down that grown up persona of hers as long as she's the leader of Rhodes Island.
Of course, if it wasn't Amiya who sent you, if you decided to come keep me company all by yourself, I'm not against the idea.
...Hold me back? Haha! I could carry three of you on my back and I wouldn't even notice. One little Dr. {nickname} can't hold me back.
Hey, look over there.
<Background fades out and in>
Reunion Member Go on! Get out of here! We don't want to fight!
L. G. D. Officer Hmph... we won't yield to the Infected!
Reunion Member You're outnumbered! What's the point?
L. G. D. Officer Duty!
Reunion Member Don't blame us for what happens! You see those monsters behind us? Just run already!
L. G. D. Officer What monsters?!
<Background fades out and in>
Blaze See that Reunion group cutting through the alleys? They're picking at Lungmen's vanguard units. They won't hold for long...
Give me a path.
Doctor The usual, or...?
Blaze The fastest, of course!
Don't give me that look. It's not like I've never carried you before.
Here we go! Smash Reunion and save the Lungmenites!

After operation

After resolving the issue with Reunion, Blaze presses forward with the Doctor.
Elsewhere, Ch'en and Swire talk about a certain informant who seems to be a mutual acquaintance.
<Background 2>
Reunion Member Nnnng...
Blaze I'm sorry.
Now, me beating on you doesn't mean we aren't on the same side.
Haha! Yeah, no, seriously. It does. We're not on the same side.
This is Blaze. Come in, Team Blaze-4. Captured a dozen or so Reunion.
Come recover them when you can. Otherwise just hand them over to Lungmen.
Hey, Lungmenite, do me a favor and lower your crossbows. We're all friends here.
L. G. D. Officer ......
Blaze You still don't trust me? I saved your life.
L. G. D. Officer Get back...! I mean, y– you're... you're Infected...!
Blaze Yeah. Yeah I am.
Come on, Doctor.
Doctor ......
Blaze Move!
Sigh. All right, Dr. {nickname}. Hop on. It's faster this way.
Doctor Are you sure?
Blaze Hah. You've gotten used to my piggyback rides?
Don't look at me like that. How many times have we been treated like this? It's no big deal.
Let's head to Waang Saan Plaza in District 16. If Reunion wants to break through the line, that's where they'll have to do it.
If we're going to wipe out Reunion's main force, we can't let any of them slip through our zone of control.
The way Amiya and the cranky old cop lady worked it out, we'll just be whittling them away little by little until we can finally wipe them all out in one swift stroke.
So we go chase the bad guys out of Waang Saan Tower, herd them into a pincer attack, then meet up with Amiya and crush Reunion once and for all. Piece of cake, right?
...You and your faces. I told you I'm fine.
Fine. If you keep staring at me like that, I'm pulling this cat over.
Hold on tight.
Huh... Look over there.
[Several Possessed Junkmen appears.]
Blaze Isn't that Mephisto's herd? But how. They need Mephisto around, don't they?
Wait a minute. They're... they're killing their own?
<Background 3>
Ch'en ...What's going on?
I'm getting vitals, but no reports? And no sign of any distress signals either.
Something's not right...
Swire Shouldn't you be, like, commanding? What are you standing here staring at?
Ch'en None of your business, "Little Miss."
Swire Hey, shouldn't we be sharing intel?
Ch'en Not this time.
Swire I'm thinking you lost contact with a spy.
Ch'en Could you not waste your intuition on stuff like this?
Swire At least you own up to it when I guess right. Infected?
Ch'en Yep.
Swire You think he turned?
Ch'en Impossible.
Swire You think the impossible happened?
Ch'en If she turned... Well, I don't even want to think about it.
If she betrayed us, then there's absolutely no one left in Lungmen we can trust.
Swire I think I know who it is.
Wait... Would she really be willing to do this?
Her? Really?!