Operation story: TW-4

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Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Female Leithanian Villager icon.png
Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Burnt Campsite
Mansion Room
Leithanian Back Alley
Leithanian Square

Before operation

<Background 1>
GreyThroat How...?
Atro's Case.png
Click It's... awful...
Ayerscarpe A fire. It's already been dealt with. And some time has passed. But...
Here. Rhodes Island supply crates. With dates, serial numbers, everything.
Click There's an outline in the ash. Looks like there was something rectangular sitting on the box?
<Background 1>
GreyThroat Maybe Atro's ID badge. She didn't like to wear it.
Operator Click, Operator Ayerscarpe, our situation has changed.
Click Y-yeah, I know already!
Since you and Ayers rescued me from the mountain, I'm more than glad to help!
Ayerscarpe Don't call me Ayers... *Sigh*. What has Leonhardt been telling you...?
The Catastrophe was immensely destructive. Wolumonde will not be in better shape now. What were their Catastrophe Messengers doing?
Things wouldn't have gotten so bad if Leonhardt or Earthspirit was there...
GreyThroat No point thinking about that now... we should prepare for the worst.
Any objections to setting up camp outside the town?
Click None whatsoever!
Ayerscarpe I am after all a professional Catastrophe Messenger bodyguard. And this is the "wunderkind" who nearly got herself killed shooting videos deep in the Winterwisp Mountains.
Click Why are you still rubbing salt into my wounded pride?!
Ayerscarpe Just kidding. But... GreyThroat wouldn't want us to storm the town and kick in the doors of the mayor's office, would she?
GreyThroat Sorry. Please be patient. I have to confirm what happened to Atro.
I'll be right back.
<Background 2>
Folinic ...Famine?
Severin Yes. Famine ruins everyone.
I know what you're going to say. A town the size of Wolumonde should be self-sufficient.
The day the Great Rift happened, there wasn't so much Originium breaking through the ground, carving the land up, ruining farms and granaries.
Councilor We've been very lucky, in fact. There haven't been any explosions in the town center or any of the very populated areas. But even so, the losses have been severe...
Severin That, on top of an inopportune season. We're well into autumn and we're on a course for the Winterwisp Mountains. Winter's coming early this year.
Councilor We haven't announced it to the public yet, as to not cause a panic.
Severin And then we were stabbed in the back by our own people, unwitting as they may be.
Councilor What do we do then... about the traitors?
Severin Tatjana took the young people to survey the situation. No one could reach the power plant without a guide.
Each district should have its own auxiliary hauling equipment. What's the situation?
Councilor Too slow. At best an eighth the speed of the other towns. We wouldn't get out of the mountains before winter.
Severin We can't let anything happen to the granary. Send more men.
Councilor Men...? Even if we're talking old folks and children, anyone who's willing to carry a weapon is already...
But they wouldn't go so far as to attack the granary. That's tantamount to killing every last person in Wolumonde!
Severin You give them too much credit.
Suzuran Um...
Severin Go ahead.
Suzuran Zwölftontechnik Strasse, the quarantine zone, is it as bleak as it is because...?
Severin Would you believe me if I told you we had to cut down on rations entirely because of the Infected population?
No, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Would they believe me?
They would tear down the granary doors and count every last grain before they believed anything that came out of us.
So, do we let them tear it down?
Suzuran ......
Severin I wouldn't mind a little open honesty if they really just wanted to take a look. But not everyone's going to let it end there.
Even without an official announcement, anyone smart enough would be able to figure it out with a calendar and a look at our route that Wolumonde is bound for a terrible winter famine.
They stirred the people up into a frenzy, they looted. They're just thinking of themselves, making sure they can survive, whether or not it means someone else has to starve. To put it bluntly, they want an excuse to steal.
I believe Rhodes Island has the expertise of dealing with the Infected, like you say. Dr. Atro's professionalism and your combat skills proved that much.
Is Oripathy the only problem in the world?
Folinic ......
Even at a time like this, I have to ask after Atro.
That was a murder.
Councilor Everyone out! The Rhodes Islanders have something important to discuss with the Schultz!
Severin I know.
Councilor Then, I leave it to you.
<Background fades out and in>
Folinic I guess this isn't a topic you can put on the agenda?
Severin Should I have added "murder" as "old business" or "new business?"
Folinic It's all a consequence of your coverup. No, no need for formalities. I'm disgusted with you.
Rhodes Island Operator Atro was murdered in the course of her duties here in Wolumonde. And I need answers.
And, according to a particular Infected resident, they are also hunting this "murderer."
Severin Maybe the killer is one of those Infected. Like when a thief cries out "thief!" Oldest trick in the book.
Folinic Maybe...
But before we discuss the murderer, I'd like–
Severin Stop. You don't have to say it.
I do have enough of a conscience left that your request would wound me.
But Wolumonde needs Rhodes Island's help to get out of this mess. And there's no point in making things hard for you anymore.
Come with me.
[Severin takes Folinic and Suzuran to where the dead Infected are being kept.]
Folinic and The Dead.png
Folinic What is this place...
Suzuran ......
Severin Sorry about the... hasty handling. But they're mostly Infected. We had to put them somewhere underground to keep the others from panicking.
Folinic ...It's cold.
Severin I make sure to keep the refrigeration units running.
Folinic Impressive Arts. As to be expected from a Leithanian officer.
Severin Eight victims.
Four from Wolumonde, Dr. Atro, and three Infected outlanders.
Suzuran Including your son... Mr. Thorwald.
Severin Tatjana told you that too, huh?
It's true.
Because I wasn't there...
[Folinic identified one of the bodies as Atro's.]
Folinic Here you are... Atro.
You... You really gave me the runaround here... Stupid cat.
Severin Incredible... how can she tell...?
Suzuran (Could we... give them some space?)
Severin Alright.
[Severin and Suzuran leaves to give Folinic some time with Atro.]
<Background 2>
Severin As strong as she is, I forgot she's just another girl trying her hardest to move on. Same age as Tatjana too.
Suzuran Tatjana is... holding up.
Severin I know.
Suzuran Hey! I told you to quit smoking!
Severin Maybe...
Suzuran Smoking will only make your bronchitis worse!
Are... are you...?
Severin You got it, little fox. You're sharper than I expected.
But do me a favor and keep it to yourself.
<Background fades out and in>
Folinic ......
Suzuran Do you... feel any better, Miss Folinic?
Folinic Yes.
Severin Quite impressive, exhibiting such resilience at your age.
Folinic I know my eyes are swollen. Are you mocking me?
Severin You lost a good friend and you're still keeping your calm. What could I possibly mock you about?
Folinic ......
...Things aren't over yet.
Severin You're right, it isn't. Now, I hope we can work together.
Gramophone Core.png
Folinic What is this?
Severin The Arts core of the L-44 "Gramophone" autonomous defense device. To put it bluntly, this is your murder weapon.
Of course, civilians aren't allowed to possess destructive power like this. But any educated Leithanian would know how to drive this core.
Overloading, heating, and igniting are all features of our town's defensive equipment. Originium Arts engineering is complex. Not everyone can use it.
Folinic So this is it. Someone used this to kill Atro...
Suzuran .......
Folinic We have to find the murderer.
Severin And then what?
Folinic And then... I'll make them pay.
Severin How about that. You move past restlessness and sorrow, and you choose revenge.
Suzuran Miss Folinic... we shouldn't...
Folinic I know.
Of course I know. As a Rhodes Island Operator, as Dr. Kal'tsit's student, I should know better than anyone.
But the murderer, and the murderer alone, must face justice!
What did Atro do? She was helping the Infected! What did she do to deserve this?!
At least...
At least let me ask them... I have to know why...
Severin I understand.
<Background 2>
[Tatjana rushes to meet Folinic, Suzuran, and Severin.]
Tatjana Schultz Severin, Miss Suzuran, Miss Fol–
Oh... Miss Folinic has already seen...
Severin They had their time together. You look flustered. Did something happen?
Tatjana Yes. During our inspection, a fight broke out between the Infected and the non-infected...
Severin Again.
Tatjana But this time... the councilors weren't even able to calm them down. They're demanding a declaration of war against the armed Infected.
Severin People must be starting to understand what it means to have our town's movement basically crippled... They can't hold it in any longer.
Tatjana But there's more... Many of the residents who were working with the Infected were themselves uninfected. They...
Severin I already figured as much.
Tatjana Huh?
Severin The Winterwisps. Those damned savages. They're back to haunt Wolumonde again.

During operation

Folinic I didn't expect there to be this many rioters, and they've taken over the town. I promised Amiya that I wouldn't get you involved in any intense battles, but...
Suzuran –Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself. I'll protect you too, Miss Folinic.
Folinic ...Huh?
Suzuran Because, the face you're making right now... is making me a bit uneasy.
Folinic Fine... What face am I making though...? Is it really that scary...? Sorry.

After operation

Folinic, despondent after the loss of Atro, is consoled by Suzuran. The two begin to search for clues about Winterwisp. At the same time, GreyThroat's team encounter Mudrock, the Reunion leader in charge of the armed Infected.
<Background black>
Mama? Mama, where are you going?
To the highlands? The flowery highlands?
But that's where the bad man who hurt Papa is? Are you going to punish him?
Will that bring Papa back?
Then... I don't want you to go.
You have to go? But I don't want you to go back to Ursus... The bread there is so hard. And winter is so cold.
Mama never came back either.
I used the money she left me to continue my studies in Ursus, and to live.
I waited alone for years. I lived alone for years.
Until Dr. Kal'tsit appeared before me. She said she was the head of a research institute, and she came to get me.
Dr. Kal'tsit was tired then. Even more tired than she is now. I later learned she had just returned from some faraway place when she found me.
After that, I joined Rhodes Island.
I asked Dr. Kal'tsit where Mama went. She didn't say much, just that Mama and Papa were together, buried deep inside Ursus.
She is my most respected teacher, my most honored leader. She guided me, educated me, not only with her words, but also through what she and her countless operators did for the Infected.
But the one thing Dr. Kal'tsit never did... was answer my simplest question...
On whom, or what, do I take my revenge?
<Background 3>
[Suzuran catches up with Folinic.]
Folinic Lisa, you don't have to come with me.
Suzuran I'm worried.
Folinic You shouldn't be. I'm just going to look around and see if maybe there are some clues about that armed Infected group.
Suzuran Do you think they're behind it?
Folinic I'm not sure. That's the obvious answer, since we have no evidence.
But with the town as it is, they're the most likely suspects, aren't they?
And "Winterwisp." Severin wouldn't say much about it, so I can't be sure exactly what it means. But since they're in cahoots with the militia group, they're at the top of the list too.
Suzuran The mountain range near here is called the Winterwisp Mountains. It's a barren place, covered with ice and snow year round... could that have to do with anything?
Folinic I really don't know. All I can say for sure is I have to find our murderer, and then pull my answers out of them.
Suzuran Folinic, you've been really... scary. Since yesterday.
Folinic I'm sorry, Lisa.
Not everyone is so easily calmed.
This is the second time I've had to say goodbye to someone like that. And this time, I'm not leaving with regrets.
<Background 1>
Mudrock Hm...
Come out. I won't hurt you.
[Click comes out of hiding nearby.]
Click Aww. I like to think I'm pretty good at hiding. How did you see me?
Mudrock Hmm... Intuition? Let's call it that...
Who are you?
Click (Oof. This guy seems like a pain in the ass.)
Ayerscarpe (Then stop talking to him.)
I've gone through some of Rhodes Island's combat records. You're no ordinary Infected.
Mudrock Rhodes Island? So you are Rhodes Island Operators...?
Click What do we do? Fight?
Ayerscarpe GreyThroat isn't back yet... We have to stall him, at least.
[Mudrock's presence apparently stresses Click, as her eyes briefly turns red due to her albinism.]
Click —!
Ayerscarpe Calm down. Don't attack him. Click!
Don't do anything stupid!
Click Gah! I– I'm sorry!
Mudrock Hm...? Did I see your pupils flash red for a moment? Is that some kind of stress reaction?
Did I scare you? Sorry. I just wanted you two to know, you can't fight me.
If you are from Wolumonde, you'd better leave. It's dangerous. If angry Winterwisps or Infected found you... You'd be in mortal danger.
Ayerscarpe Thanks for the warning.
But why are you here?
Mudrock I just came to lay some flowers. And then I'll leave.
Ayerscarpe Is that an ordinary wildflower you're holding there?
Mudrock It's cold here in the fall. I dream a lot... I dream of these flowers. They're like the children of that snowy mountain... icy cold.
Rest in peace.
Click (Did he really just come to pray? He wouldn't just be using this as a cover for some kind of Originium Arts, would he?)
Ayerscarpe (With his face hidden, I can't tell whether he's lying or not. But...)
(He does seem genuinely sad.)
Mudrock —?
[GreyThroat appears and puts Mudrock at gunpoint.]
GreyThroat Don't move. Don't turn around. Put your hands up.
Click GreyThroat!
Mudrock When did you get here? You're pretty smooth...
Whatever. Your bolts can't hurt me, Rhodes Island crossbowman.
GreyThroat I said don't move. I just want to ask you something.
Mudrock A conversation doesn't reveal your strength... what's the point?
GreyThroat Don't say I didn't warn you!
[GreyThroat fires, but Mudrock catches the bolts.]
Mudrock Look. I've caught your bolt. You can't put a scratch on me.
Ayerscarpe He blocked her shot with a rock?!
Click N– no! It's Arts! He actually "caught" the bolt! With mud!
GreyThroat Oh?
Mudrock No.
At least you didn't shoot without warning. I hate sneak attacks. You're not so bad.
And... Hm, if you wound up that second bolt... what would've happened?
GreyThroat That depends on whether or not you have time to protect your neck with your Arts.
Mudrock Hm... Even if I don't, I do have a very thick suit of armor...
Doesn't matter. Since you have no intention of fighting to the death, I've had enough.
Can I go?
GreyThroat Sorry, but no.
Mudrock ...As expected. *Sigh*.
So many Leithanians have joined us, and our ranks have grown bountiful and diverse...
But... You, a crossbowman, you would not have missed this symbol. This is a symbol that once belonged to the Infected.
GreyThroat Reunion lit the fire that was, is, and will always be burning across all corners of Terra.
But, Reunion does not represent all Infected.
So, what about you? Are you from Leithanien yourself? Or are you an exile who wandered here, weighed down by sin and intrigue?
Mudrock Me...? Hm... I guess so. Our aimless journey began in Kazdel. And we've been on the run ever since.
GreyThroat Wolumonde is a mess. And I'm sure you had something to do with it.
Mudrock Right. There's no way we wouldn't.
But I... am not Reunion either. Not anymore. I'm just the captain of Mudrock Squad. A... mercenary? No, let's say I'm just an Infected.
Click (Why does it seems like he's always talking to himself? What kind of Reunion guy thinks like that?)
Ayerscarpe (Please be quiet while the team leader negotiates. If you really have nothing better to do, you can record it.)
Click (Oh yeah! Fire up the camera...)
Mudrock But, really... What am I? I'm not a mercenary. I'm not Reunion. As things are now, I'm...
GreyThroat What?
Mudrock My Arts dirtied the flowers... They're so hard to find, this time of year.
If you want to fight, can we do it somewhere else?
GreyThroat You have a way with words... But no.
Click, Ayerscarpe, keep your guard up. But don't attack him. Stay clear.
Click Phew...
Ayerscarpe Roger.
Mudrock Thanks.
GreyThroat One of our operators seems to have gotten caught up in this fire. I need answers.
Mudrock My condolences, but... We also lost four of ours to the fire.
We're not so good with crime scene investigation or anything like that... But there are a lot of Leithanians with us.
They've all been educated, and they have a natural talent for Arts unlike people from other countries.
At least... I am sure someone did this. And it was no accident.
GreyThroat Who?
Mudrock If we knew, he'd already be dead and the town would be at peace.
GreyThroat Then tell me what you do know. Like, what was that Winterwisp you just mentioned?
Mudrock I think you misunderstood. I am not your enemy. I'm only here to pay respects to my people.
But maybe someday we will fight each other. I have no reason to... trust you, or share information with you.
GreyThroat So that's it then. But it doesn't matter. I've gleaned a lot from your attitude alone.
Mudrock By the way, have you been to the town?
GreyThroat Yes.
Mudrock What did you think of it?
GreyThroat It's a mess. The Infected have risen up in protest, and they're fighting with the non-infected.
Your people whipped them into a frenzy.
Mudrock That's not good. So many innocent people hurt... But...
But until Wolumonde admits its guilt, and until they hand over the murderer, there can't be peace.
How could I convince them to stop, when they're outraged by the deaths of their people...?
GreyThroat It sounds like things have spun out of your ability to control them.
Mudrock Yes... More and more people keep getting sucked into it. Sooner or later, so will we...
We are not in a position to move around so easily, but you are.
Oh... I've said enough. I still can't completely trust you, Rhodes Island.
Right. Still not enough trust. So that's it... goodbye.
[Mudrock leaves.]
GreyThroat ......
Click GreyThroat! That guy's really scary! Even scarier than all those big Felines back at Rhodes Island!
GreyThroat At least he wasn't being very aggressive. But if he does have a whole squad with him... Wolumonde is in no condition to fight them.
Ayerscarpe So we let him go?
GreyThroat A direct attack is out of the question, and agitating them will only make Wolumonde's situation worse. Not to mention, we still don't know where Atro is.
Ayerscarpe If this does have something to do with Reunion, things will be much more difficult.
Have we made contact with Operators Folinic and Suzuran?
GreyThroat No. The town is so chaotic I was reluctant to even visit the town hall as an official representative of Rhodes Island.
But I found something very concerning. This doesn't seem to be a typical Infected conflict.
Ayerscarpe True. Leithanien has always been rather gentle in its treatment of the Infected. Something very unusual must have happened to push things this far.
GreyThroat That "Winterwisp" is an important clue. We might have to investigate it further. Ayerscarpe, you come with me. Click, I'd like you to scout out their camp.
We need to get a handle on the size of their team, and their modus operandi. Just a quick look. Carefully.
Click Roger!
Ayerscarpe *Sigh*. If I'd known it would turn out like this, I would have stayed in the dormitory to watch Leonhardt play with rocks...
<Background black>
Mmm—♪ Mmmhmm—♪
Winterwisp, oh, Winterwisp♪
<Background 3>
Townsfolk Winterwisp? Where did you hear that word?
<Background fades out and in>
Townsfolk Who are you? Rhodes Island? Outlanders shouldn't be meddling. This has nothing to do with you.
<Background 4>
Townsfolk I don't know of any "Winterwisp." Leave me alone.
<Background fades out and in>
Townsfolk Winterwisp? No, there are no Winterwisps in Wolumonde. Haven't been for a long time.
Folinic A long time?
Townsfolk No, I mean... Oh, I shouldn't be talking to you.
Listen, I don't care what it is you're doing. But Wolumonde is a tighter community than you can imagine.
Most folks won't even tell you this rule, but I'll make an exception and explain it to you.
The "Winterwisps" are part of Wolumonde's history. But they're a pretty controversial topic.
Folinic Seems to me there's a big controversy over the "Winterwisps" right now.
Townsfolk You mean the power plant getting destroyed the other day? There's worse than that...
Folinic Worse than leaving Wolumonde stranded in this wasteland in the dead of winter?
Wolumonde was hard-hit by the Catastrophe, and enduring the winter will be much more difficult.
Townsfolk Don't get ahead of yourself, outsider. This issue is absolutely taboo. The noble lords come down hard. And I don't want any trouble.
If you really want to know about the Winterwisps, go ask them yourselves.
Suzuran Huh... How can we find a Winterwisp if we don't know what it is? That doesn't make any sense...
Townsfolk Enough!
Figure it out yourselves. I don't know anything.
[The townsfolk runs off.]
Folinic Hey...
Suzuran He's gone. Can you believe that guy?!
Folinic A tight community? It is really tight-knit.
Suzuran Maybe we should go ask Mr. Severin...?
Folinic Well, we did make a major breakthrough. I just hope he doesn't dodge the subject like he did last time.
But the sun is already going down...
Blyat![note 1] How is it another day goes by and we're still none the wiser?!
Suzuran Please calm down, Miss Folinic...
Folinic I'm calm! I just... I...
There's something wrong here... I know it... But Atro... She... What the hell am I going to do...?
What can I do? Mama...
Mmm—♪ Mmmhmm—♪
Such a brittle little branch~♪
Winterwisp, oh, Winterwisp♪
Weary of a long life, weary of a long death~♪
Sing out your song, firm and strong~♪
Singing through summer~♪
And on through winter~♪
Winterwisp, oh, Winterwisp♪


  1. Cyrillic: Блядь; "F**k" in Russian