Operation story: TW-5

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Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Stubborn Townsfolk
Female Leithanian Villager icon.png
Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Leithanian Rebel icon.png
Armed Infected
Leithanian Back Alley
Leithanian Square

Before operation

A song echoes across the city as the sun begins to set, and Severin launches a search thinking that this was a signal for colluding enemies. Suzuran and Folinic have a dispute over whether to stop fighting and expand rescue efforts, or to continue searching for the perpetrator of the murder.
<Background black>
Folinic Singing...?
Suzuran Wow, it's echoing through the whole town...
A pale blue light spills over the desolate streets. In amongst the flickers of illumination, are people and the lives they led.
The two stand alone in an otherwise empty town. The hazy song weaves into a web, and the sun continues to set.
<Background 2>
Exposed Originium clusters, restless protesters, pale starlight, and mud bricks all fall silent together.
All that remains... is the song...
<Background 1>
Folinic What is this... what am I seeing? Are these Originium Arts?
A folk song...? Or a poem? At sunset?
Is this a Wolumonde tradition?
Suzuran Um... Miss Folinic, do you understand the lyrics?
Folinic No... is that the Leithanian tongue? It doesn't sound like modern Leithanian pronunciation...
Suzuran But... it sounds nice.
It reminds me of looking out over the plains from the bridge of Rhodes Island for the very first time. It's melodious... ancient...
This is... also Arts... but the same kind as the ancient Arts of Higashi!
<Background fades out and in>
[Severin appears.]
Severin Find them.
Townsfolk Sure, but then what? Arrest them?
Severin Yes.
Townsfolk That'll just stir up even more resentment.
Severin We're doing this to keep them from fomenting animosity between Infected and non-infected. The Winterwisps may well have been behind all this.
Suzuran Mr. Severin?! Wh-what is this?
Severin It's a Winterwisp ballad, for rituals and funerals.
The Winterwisps are responsible for agitating Infected conflicts and leading the partisans to destroy our power plant.
Now is not the time for leniency. They're trying to tell us something.
They wouldn't tip their hand for no reason. There must be others out there in the shadows. Probably casters. Keep an eye out.
Folinic What exactly is a Winterwisp?
Severin Local Caprinae. They were the people of these mountains, centuries ago.
Folinic What happened to them?
Severin Wolumonde clashed with the Winterwisp. Nothing more.
Folinic No. There's more to it than that.
Columbia and Rim Billiton, pretty much every country has some kind of history of settler colonialism. There's another force at work here.
You're just looking for a simple answer to dodge the question, aren't you? You'll just leave it as "conflicts" and "clashes?"
Severin I'm not sure I should be talking about this with you. It goes beyond what Rhodes Island has a need to know...
A Gendarmerie telling these things to a foreign enterprise will make certain aristocrats very unhappy.
Folinic You're... worried about unhappy aristocrats...?!
Atro sacrificed herself for you! And you're talking about saving face?!
Suzuran M-Miss Folinic! Her sacrifice... shouldn't be ammunition for an argument.
Mr. Severin...! Can you please stop this manhunt? It's only agitating people. It's only going to make things worse!
Folinic ...
No... We're following our only lead. We can't afford to lose it.
Suzuran Huh...?
Folinic Severin, with as many nomadic cities as there are in Leithania, do you really think any of those nobles give a shit about you from atop their ivory towers?
Even considering the Great Rift, if a nearby city were to offer support, would there really be a famine?
Severin, look at the situation. See for yourself who is really here to help you!
Severin I know... Miss Folinic. I know better than anyone.
But I also know Rhodes Island can't help us forever. Once we're safe again and Wolumonde is back on course, I don't want to be getting letters from those ivory towers.
You have to understand that.
Suzuran But Miss Folinic, we–
[An explosion is heard.]
Suzuran –An explosion?! Another attack?
Townsfolk Schultz! Help! We need help!
Severin Slow down. What happened?
Townsfolk They, they activated those town defense things! They exploded, and everything's burning, they–!
Severin Calm down!
[Tatjana rushes to Severin.]
Tatjana Schultz! The Infected... they've captured all of the Gendarmerie patrolling Zwölftontechnik Strasse! We lost contact with them!
They're using the Gramophones to push us back. The whole district is out of control!
Severin They shouldn't be so well-organized. Who's leading them?
Tatjana We don't know. But a lot of the non-infected have joined the protest. Wolumonde is completely divided!
Severin Ugh. Damn you, Winterwisps...
Surround the district. Control the crowd. We have to take the town back.
*Cough* *cough*, *hack* *cough*!
Tatjana Schultz!
Severin Damn it... You get back to the Rathaus and sound the alarm. This has devolved into something far worse than just a dispute between the Infected.
I'm putting Wolumonde under martial law. Raise the entire militia.
Tatjana But if we start killing each other now, Wolumonde won't survive the winter!
Severin I gave you an order!
Tatjana Y-yes sir!
Severin ......
As for you Rhodes Islanders... Do what you feel is right.
To be frank, I don't have time to keep an eye on you.
Folinic I still need more information.
Suzuran B-but we should do what we can to help people first... A lot of innocent civilians are getting caught up in this mess...
Folinic We'll find the killer. That takes priority.
Severin ...I promise, Wolumonde will provide Rhodes Island with a satisfactory answer.
Folinic I hope you'll keep that promise.
Severin If I'm still alive by then.
<Background 2>
Suzuran ...Miss Folinic, we should have stopped Mr. Severin.
Folinic No use. You saw them. The pressure's gotten to them.
Suzuran Oh... is that so?
But if a famine really is as imminent as the officer says, we'll still have to...
Folinic ...The only way to calm everyone down is to find the murderer as soon as possible. And letting our one lead go cold isn't an option.
Suzuran That's not what I meant...
Miss Folinic, do you really think finding the killer will solve all our problems?
Folinic I...
Suzuran Try to stay calm, Miss Folinic.
Folinic ...Suzuran?
Suzuran You know... everyone is burning with rage right now. Nobody has a clear head.
I think... it's just my gut feeling, but my intuition is usually pretty accurate!
I think maybe... something even worse is starting to happen. The kind of thing that you can't be sure if it's right or wrong...
What we have to do is try to help as many innocent people as we can.
Miss Folinic... If we don't stop Mr. Severin, things are going to get really, really bad.
Folinic ...Maybe you're right.
Suzuran I...

After operation

Tatjana risks her life to protect the citizenry by rushing out into the middle of the riot. Fortunately, GreyThroat and Ayerscarpe join in the nick of time, but the riot is still on the verge of escalating out of control.
<Background 1>
Suzuran Hurry! This way!
Townsfolk Thanks!
[The townsfolk evacuates.]
Suzuran Folinic!
Folinic Lisa! Take the civilians and get out of here!
[The rioters attacked.]
Folinic Gah–!
Are the rioters... just attacking at random?
Armed Infected A Hey! It wasn't easy to get that gizmo. You better shoot straight!
Armed Infected B Shut it! This thing isn't easy to use! Luckily I studied at the conservatory!
Armed Infected A Which one?! Hey, Gendarmerie! Don't do anything stupid. We got hostages!
Armed Infected B What hostages?!
Armed Infected A Arschgeige![note 1] The ones running down the street!
Folinic Hmph!
Tatjana Miss Folinic! You have to stop them!
Everything here is made of wood. This whole block will go up in flames!
[The townsfolk runs away from a fire that had broken out.]
Townsfolk Fire! Put it out! Everyone else, get out of here!
Tatjana So many innocent people won't make it out in time. We must save them!
Folinic How are we supposed to get over there?!
Tatjana Gah! The fire!
Folinic! Please tend to the wounded!
[Tatjana rushes to put out the fire.]
Folinic Hey!
Stubborn Townsfolk Winterwisps! Infected! Vermin!
Why did you burn my home?! Why?! We did so much for you!
Tatjana Watch your head.
Stubborn Townsfolk Huh?
[The townsfolk was saved from a collapsing building...]
Stubborn Townsfolk Hmm... Oh. Tatjana? A-are you okay?!
[...by Tatjana.]
Tatjana Ugh... I'm fine. But they can't control those automatic Arts units. We're in danger here!
Stubborn Townsfolk We'll fight back together! Push them out!
Tatjana Now... isn't the time...! Gah...!
Stubborn Townsfolk Your foot...! F-fine, I'll listen to you!
Tatjana Get out of here!
[The townsfolk evacuates.]
Tatjana (This terrible pain in my ankle... is my bone broken? Damn it...)
(I have to get back to the others...)
Armed Infected You! Noble puppet!
Tatjana Huh?!
[A rioter attacks the crippled Tatjana.]
<Background 2>
Severin They all routed?
Townsfolk Y– yes!
[Suzuran rushes to Severin.]
Suzuran Mr. Severin, we have a lot of wounded. We need help...!
Severin Medics, you are to obey this young Vulpo's every word. Able-bodied youth will help as well.
Townsfolk Yes, sir!
[The townsfolk leaves.]
Suzuran If only Miss Folinic was here...
Severin Wait... she isn't back yet?
Oi! Where are Folinic and Tatjana?
Townsfolk They, I think they're still at Zwölftontechnik Strasse...
Severin Did I not just ask if they all routed?!
Townsfolk Er! S– sorry, sir! But Folinic and Tatjana should be alright. They've saved many lives!
Severin What do you mean they'll be alright? The insurgents have control of our town's defenses, we have no regular troops, and—*cough* *cough* *cough*!
—*cough*, get some heavies and come with me.
Townsfolk But they have firepower, and maybe hostages. We shouldn't provoke them any more. Let's wait for a chance to parley.
Severin A chance? You're going to wait for the enemy to give you a chance? Have you ever fought a battle?!
Townsfolk S-sorry!
[Someone approaches Severin.]
??? But his concerns are reasonable. The active Originium left behind by the Great Rift are likely still in the foundation of Wolumonde. The consequences of letting them destroy it would be unthinkable.
Townsfolk Where did you come from? You shouldn't be here!
Severin No.
With no Gendarmerie, we're the ones who shouldn't be here... I've seen you before, Rhodes Island Operators.
GreyThroat Thank you for understanding. Ayerscarpe?
Ayerscarpe A quick, on-the-spot assessment: if they continue to bombard the area with that device, we have ten to thirty minutes before Wolumonde comes to a halt.
The best way to handle this would be to sever the link between this district and the rest of the city, but Wolumonde is no nomadic city. Individual districts do not have the power to move autonomously.
Severin Actually, a tractor could do it... But not when the streets are full of rebels.
GreyThroat Is there an application procedure for an armed intervention?
Severin ...Go nuts.
And please... Be sure to save Tatjana and Folinic.
Suzuran Mr. Severin, we need– Ah!
GreyThroat ...Lisa?
Suzuran Is... is that Operator GreyThroat? And who's this?
Ayerscarpe Operator Ayerscarpe, bodyguard of Catastrophe Messenger Leonhardt. He is out on another mission, so I got dragged over here.
GreyThroat Lisa, where are Atro and Folinic?
Suzuran Miss Folinic is still in there! But Miss Atro... she's... um...
GreyThroat It's okay. I understand. I just had to be sure... We'll talk about it later.
Suzuran Mmm... It's, it's nice to have some senior operators coming to help...
B-but I still need to stay focused!
I'll take care of the wounded. Whatever you do, please bring Miss Folinic back safely!
GreyThroat Right. I will.
<Background 1>
[Ayerscarpe and GreyThroat rushes to the Zwölftontechnik Strasse to look after Folinic.]
Ayerscarpe Such a young child... she's an operator?
GreyThroat Amiya isn't much older than Lisa, you know.
Ayerscarpe Yeah...
We did not plan for this rescue, nor do we have the protective equipment. Are you going to be okay?
GreyThroat Yes.
Ayerscarpe What a surprise. They always said you couldn't handle working around Originium. I was worried.
GreyThroat I've had enough of tragedy is all. Saving lives is what matters. Cut the chatter.
Armed Infected What the? More people coming in?
And they're fast! G-get rid of them!
Ayerscarpe So many locals. You fine with that?
GreyThroat Avoid the vitals. Engage.


  1. "Dumbass!" or "Idiot!" in German