Stand-in Actor

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The Stand-in Actor is a Collectible in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
All friendly units have +3% ATK, DEF, and Max HP

The playwright never approved of his inauguration of these shows. No matter, though. The master of ceremonies is not discouraged. He has as many understudies at his disposal.


Increases the maximum HP, ATK, and DEF of friendly units by 3%.


The player must have Stand-in Actor together with Mantle of the Wrongly Condemned.png Mantle of the Wrongly Condemned for Encounter: A Gathering of Followers where Abrupt Realization.png Abrupt Realization may be obtained to appear.



The Stand-in Actor is obtained by clearing the 3F Dreadful Foe while having the Mantle of the Wrongly Condemned.

Since Encounter: Attending a Banquet where the Mantle of the Wrongly Condemned is obtained will only appear in the following runs after the player had completed a run with the Ridiculous Comedy ending, it is impossible to obtain the Stand-in Actor before then.

See also