"Numbness and Obscenity"

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The "Numbness and Obscenity" is a Collectible in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
All friendly units have +5 RES

A famous art piece and the final piece created by an insane Leithanian sculptor two hundred years ago. The sculptor was known for his extraordinary talent and his participation in multiple cruel homicides. However, historical records show that few people took notice of his work. He was instead known for his features and beauty.


Increases the RES of friendly units by 5.

The option to obtain 5 Originium Ingot icon.png will be available if the player have the Numbness and Obscenity upon entering Encounter: Junkyard Bazaar. If the player also have Flowers of Quinde.png "Flowers of Quinde", the option to receive Beauty and Ugliness in the Age of Terra.png "Beauty and Ugliness in the Age of Terra" will be available on Encounter: Art Connoisseur.


The Numbness and Obscenity may be obtained from Encounter: Secret Chamber.