Useless Scissors

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The Useless Scissors is a Collectible in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
Immediately adds +11 Originium Ingots and +3 Hope

This pair of scissors has been used for far, far too long. So long that it can no longer cut anything tangible, and so long that it can cut all things intangible to shreds.


Gives 11 Originium Ingot.png Originium Ingot and 3 Hope.png Hope when obtained.

The player must have the Useless Scissors and Worn-out Puppet.png Worn-out Puppet for Encounter: Reprieve where Blank Suicide Note.png Blank Suicide Note is obtained to appear.

How to obtain

The Useless Scissors is obtained from Encounter: Crazy Puppets after losing a total of 3 Life Points.png.

Since Encounter: Crazy Puppets will only appear when the player have the Worn-out Puppet which is obtained from Encounter: Reprieve? that will only appear in the following runs after the player had completed a Formal Investigation run, it is impossible to obtain the Useless Scissors before then.

See also