Sigil of Tragodia

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The Sigil of Tragodia is a Collectible in Phantom & Crimson Solitaire.

Item description
All enemy units have +30% ATK, DEF, and Max HP; Deployment Limit -2

A symbol that can be seen everywhere within the Crimson Troupe. It burns the troupe leader and his pursuit of the arts into the eyes of all those who lay their eyes upon it.

Full description

This trace of history has long since eluded dating, as if it and history itself are equally as ancient. When the people imbibe the fine wine, when they break through reason's boundaries, when the arts are manifest—

It is then that it is born.

It has a fondness for the melodies woven by tools, for the quivering of vocal cords, for the swaying of the living's bodies.

But when its affections are melded together, and become the artform they call theater, not a thing more could ever tear its gaze.

Theater, ah! None but theater brings the light of art into this world of gloom.

The masses are immersed in it; the masses are reformed by it.

And thus, arose the smallest troupe.

A tent, some actors, plus a few devout attendants, and it set forth on the path of the arts.

It wished to produce, to produce theater of incomparable heart, and to elucidate, it wished to produce tragedies.

Indeed, tragedies, none but tragedies! Heartstrings atremble, scorching tears scattered, grief and regret longlasting and unshakeable.

The plays upon this land are ultimately limited, constrained by the playwrights' talents, by actors' skills, while it yearns ever to see more tragedies.

So it turned its eyes to life.

Yes, life is but the greatest of tragedies, for life's end is ordained to be death, and death ever brings sorrow to souls.

It began to be discontent with the developments on the stage. It wanted to produce life by its own desires, and to revel in the joy produced within, and the misery of death.

One, two, but its appetite cannot be met. It keeps producing, it keeps experimenting, and still it pursues the pinnacle of the arts.

So long as they remain, it will be pursuing, until time loses meaning, until the arts fade to naught nor sundry.

Its craving is forever, forever without end.


Increases the HP, ATK, and DEF of enemies by 30%, and reduces the Unit Limit by 2.

How to obtain

The Sigil of Tragodia is one of the six random "cursed" Collectibles given upon starting a Calamity Faceoff run, the others being Ursus Chachek.png Ursus Chachek, Victoria Crown.png Victoria Crown, Leithanien Sceptre.png Leithanien Sceptre, Gaul Mantle.png Gaul Mantle, and Half-Refined Diamond.png Half-Refined Diamond. As such, the player must have completed a Castle Sightseeing or Formal Investigation run first before the Sigil of Tragodia can be obtained.


  • "The Art is Deeply Rooted in the Hearts of the Art" is written in the Sigil of Tragodia.

See also