Operation story: 7-3

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Officer
RI Operator icon.png
Rhodes Island Operator
Possessed Junkman icon.png
Lungmen Flats
Lungmen Alley Misty
Lungmen Bridges
Lungmen Office

Before operation

Based upon what other operators have said, Rosmontis's attitude towards the outside world seems to be different from that of ordinary people.
Elsewhere, as Ch'en prepares to take her leave, she finds her road forward blocked by Hoshiguma.
<Background 1>
Uptown Lungmen 7:00 PM, Dusk
L.G.D. Officer A secret arrest warrant? For Ch'en Sir?!
It's gotta be a mistake? There's no way...
Hey! Get back here! I asked you if this was a mistake or not!
Damn it, Ch'en Sir, what the hell... who's behind this?!
I have to find her. I have to hear her side of the story!
<Background 2>
Rat King ...Yes. I understand.
Greytail Anything else, Master?
Rat King No. Go and do what I told you for now. When you're finished, find somewhere to lay low for a while.
Greytail Got it.
Rat King Now go. Hurry.
—*Sigh*. It turns out there really is someone who can outplay Wei Yenwu.
Talulah, Talulah... is this really just fate?
Oh, Young Master, if you could see us now from up there, you also would not wish to see this, would you?
But alas, Lungmen's finally come to this.
But Hui-chieh... Hui-chieh! Be careful, Hui-chieh... You mustn't get yourself killed!
<Background 3>
Lungmen Harbor Dock 7:20 PM
Herd Guh... agh! Nng... grrgh...
Rhodes Island Operator Damnit, there's still so many of them out there... I thought the L.G.D. was supposed to have this area under control?
Yesterday it was Reunion, today it's these weird Infected. Even we can't hold them off. And we can't use heavy-duty weapons inside the city...
[Rosmontis appears.]
Rosmontis Hello, Operators. Is that who we're fighting today?
Rhodes Island Operator Rosmontis! Thank goodness, we're saved.
Rosmontis They're Infected who have been twisted by Arts...? And we can't stop them?
Rhodes Island Operator That's right. We mostly brought defense equipment, but I never expected that they'd shred through our steel cables and polyfiber nets like paper. We might have to bring in some military-grade weapons.
We're at our limits here, so we had no choice but to ask for backup from the landship. Thankfully, now that you're here, we might be able to turn the tides.
The Originium structure inside makes their bodies incredibly tough. We use suppressing fire to keep them under control. Also... our scans aren't picking up any signs of brain activity at all.
The main point there is, they're pretty much... already physically dead. They're just empty husks, propped up by Arts. It's unbelievably cruel...
Rosmontis Whoever did this... has to pay.
But more importantly, at least you all are safe.
Let's make a plan. I'll... get them to settle down.
Doctor You're going to fight?
Rosmontis Yes.
Doctor But you look...
Rhodes Island Operator Doctor... have you never met Rosmontis before?
Rosmontis Please stand aside, Doctor.
Rhodes Island Operator Then, you might want to take a step back. I guarantee you've never seen anything like this.
Doctor (1) Is that a metal box from the landship flying by?!
(2) ...?
(3) That thing floating in the air there, is your equipment?
Rosmontis It's mine.
Operator, please describe your impressions of the target.
Rhodes Island Operator Hold on, I'll check the manual... Okay, the target's, uh, a large group of active, restless individuals?
They're moving as a group with no clear objective. Their general trend is clear, but with no set route. That should be good enough, right?
Rosmontis Received. I'll handle this.
Dr. Kal'tsit was very clear, once we finish with this, Rhodes Island is to leave Lungmen immediately...!
<Background 1>
[Ch'en rushes through the flats...]
Hoshiguma Evening, old friend.
[...until Hoshiguma shows up before her.]
Ch'en Hoshiguma...? What are you doing here? How about your injuries?
Hoshiguma I'm an Oni. Those scratches are long gone.
Ch'en Good. Now, I–
Hold on. Were you waiting for me here?
Hoshiguma That dune buggy you're pushing is a new model from Rim Billiton, right?
"Great for off-road performance. Dustproof, climbs hills with ease, incredible range and fuel efficiency. Minimal environmental impact with maximum comfort." That one?
Ch'en ...
Hoshiguma Yeah, sorry. I saw that ad on the terminal a million times. Guess it got stuck in the old noggin.
It's a damn good buggy though. I'm not even into off-roading and I'd like to get one.
Ch'en What are you trying to say?
Hoshiguma Stops Ch'en.png
Hoshiguma You look like hell, Ch'en. Where do you plan on going?
Ch'en How did you know I'd be here...?
Hoshiguma You come here every time you want to sneak out of the city. Remember, I also know every nook and cranny of this place.
Ch'en But that's not what you're here for.
Hoshiguma Of course not. I know exactly what kind of person you are.
Ch'en This is my only way out of Lungmen.
I stayed dark the whole way. If the whole L.G.D. knew me half as well as you do...
Hoshiguma Then you'll never make it out of Lungmen.
Ch'en ...Excuse me?
What do you mean by that?
Hoshiguma They're just like me. They don't want you to go.
Ch'en Hoshiguma... are you going to stop me?
Why you, of all people, Hoshiguma?!
Hoshiguma Of course I am, Ch'en. I'm an L.G.D. inspector, and more importantly, your friend.
Did you serious plan to wander off and play the lone hero on a grand adventure? That is precisely why I cannot let you leave.
Ch'en You're a Lungmenite, Hoshiguma!
This is our last chance. If Wei Yenwu has it his way, more people are going to die!
Hoshiguma And your way is better?
Ch'en ...
They call you "Madame Oni." They trust you to take care of the Lungmen they love so much. Let me go, Hoshiguma.
Hoshiguma ...Hah.
Do they really love Lungmen, Ch'en?
Ch'en You–
Hoshiguma Me? I'm old school.
Comics, movies, booze, rainy streets, some guy running by without an umbrella. I like my stuff retro, just not bikes.
People say some stuff goes out of style quick. Ch'en, can we really outrun time itself?
I can't. No way. It moves too fast. That chase has crushed so much of what I cared about.
This is all I have left. A yellowed splotch, a tear, a dog-eared page. I've got names for 'em all.
And it sucks. I hate how time took all these people from me.
They died horrible, miserable deaths, sacrificing themselves to try to find a place in this world. But me?
I simply watched them all vanish into dust. Some of them? I smashed their dreams to pieces with these very two hands.
They didn't love Lungmen. They simply had nowhere else to go. And in the end, that was my fault.
You're not going anywhere, Ch'en.
Ch'en ...
Ah Faat died, all those people died for Lungmen... You're going to pretend you never saw any of that?
Hoshiguma Don't act like you knew them.
They were with me a lot longer than you. I knew them much better than you.
Ch'en It's my duty to protect Lungmen. No matter who stands in my way, it's my duty. That hasn't changed.
Hoshiguma So you're still Superintendent Ch'en? And who gave you this duty?
Ch'en I did.
Hoshiguma ...Is that just something you wanted to hear yourself say?
Look at you. You're gonna save Lungmen all by yourself? One woman against all of Reunion? Your temper tantrum won't get you that far.
It's funny. You're the one who always carried out Mr. Wei's orders, because you could relate with him. Now I'm the one who relates with him a bit better, and I'm the one carrying out his orders. How the tables have turned.
I've seen the gist of Mr. Wei's plans. If someone has to die, Mr. Wei thinks it ought to be him. You're carrying the Ch'en family's blood. Once all this blows over, no one's coming after you.
Ch'en You mean, he–
Hoshiguma Mr. Wei would rather he die than you.
Ch'en You give him too much credit.
Hoshiguma Maybe you don't give him enough, Ch'en.
Ch'en If he wants to die, he's welcome to it. But what will that get us? What's the point? Will it prevent a war? Will it get Lungmen out of this mess?
Hoshiguma If he dies, it'll get some of the blame off Lungmen. I think all the blame will pretty much vanish into thin air, actually.
Ch'en You really think it'll be that easy?
Hoshiguma Nothing's ever that easy. That's why he wants you running the L.G.D.
You'll get his job and be Chief of the L.G.D. sooner or later. After that, you'll become the boss of the entire city.
There's been a lot of rot left behind, and you should be the one to clean it out.
I get what Mr. Wei wants from you. Though he's been waiting for a long time, I can tell that his beliefs and methods haven't changed from the day I met him.
Ch'en ...
Hoshiguma Lungmen still needs you. And she doesn't want you in danger.
Ch'en I'm just so disgusted.
Hoshiguma Mr. Wei's death may not matter to you. But once he's gone, you can change this city.
Ch'en I have to tell you something, Hoshiguma. It's the reason I don't belong here.
Hoshiguma Don't mess with me, Ch'en. No one's more Lungmen than you.
Ch'en I'm an Infected.
Hoshiguma ...What?
...Since when...?
Ch'en Three years ago.
Hoshiguma You've been hiding it from me?
Ch'en I didn't mean to...
Hoshiguma How come you didn't even tell me...?
Ch'en Wei Yenwu didn't want anyone to know. We couldn't have an Infected in the L.G.D. So I couldn't be Infected.
Hoshiguma, there is no place for the Infected here. Or anywhere else in the world.
I've had enough of Wei Yenwu controlling us. I'm not going to be his tool anymore.
Hoshiguma No. I get it.
I finally... actually, really get it, Ch'en. I know exactly why you can't leave Lungmen.
Ch'en ...What?
Hoshiguma If you leave and go to that core city, Mr. Wei would have to brand you an enemy. Not just an enemy, but a dangerous Infected enemy working against Lungmen...
The whole city would know you're Infected. They might even think you're working with Reunion.
And that'll be the end of it. You'll never be able to come back.
Ch'en I don't care.
Hoshiguma That's my line.
"You're Infected? I don't care."
I don't care. Missy doesn't care. Nine doesn't care. The L.G.D. doesn't care.
Not even Mr. Wei cares. He wants you to change this place. He doesn't want you gone.
Ch'en You didn't see how ruthlessly he treated the Infected. I did.
And Nine? She's already gone. She quit the L.G.D. because she was Infected too.
Hoshiguma ...Nine too...?
Ch'en You know, Nine and I might've contracted Oripathy on the same mission.
She went undercover for me in Reunion... And then, because of Reunion, she abandoned Lungmen.
Because she saw the truth of this city.
Hoshiguma But you didn't betray Lungmen. I'm not letting you take the fall for a crime you didn't commit.
Ch'en Hoshiguma, why do you think... I'm going to the core city?
Hoshiguma I've never been good at guessing games. Just get to the point.
Ch'en Heh...
Do you know who's leading Reunion?
Hoshiguma I forgot her name.
Ch'en Talulah.
Missy didn't tell you?
Hoshiguma Tell me what?
Ch'en Talulah is my sister.
<Background 1>
Hoshiguma Oh. Ohhh... Hah. I get it.
Ch'en, you're not going today.
Ch'en ...Why...? Is my sister, my family... not important enough?!
Hoshiguma That's why...
That's why I can't let you go.
Even if I have to die here. I'm not letting you go.
Ch'en ...
That's not for you to decide, Hoshiguma.
Hoshiguma Hannya can decide.
Ch'en –No matter what stands in my way, whether it's a Catastrophe, a shield, or an Oni, I'm not giving in!
Hoshiguma The blacksmith who cast this shield had his whole family killed by a gang of wandering Onis. His fury is much more toxic than any Catastrophe.
The blood that stains this shield, and the tragedy it represents... is much more wicked than any Catastrophe.
Ch'en, Mr. Wei isn't a good man. We can kick his ass together.
Whatever you want to do, I'll do it with you. You want my Columbian Big Single 70 vv? It's yours.
Ch'en, now's not the time. Don't go. Don't force me to do this. It's all I ask.
Ch'en Force you? Why are you talking like Wei Yenwu...? I don't like it.
When Wei did what he did... no.
When he betrayed his brother, failed my mother, and put this city to sleep under his cloud of wickedness, that's when I decided to do this.
Hoshiguma You might think that stuff has anything to do with you, but I don't think so.
Ch'en What do you mean...?
Hoshiguma What he did, what he did for you, and what you should be doing, none of it is connected.
That's what Mr. Wei was hoping for. He didn't want to play the bad guy. He's not power-hungry...
He gave you the sword.
Ch'en ...You don't get it.
Hoshiguma Understand what?
It wasn't just one time. It happened again, and again, and again... I destroyed my home, I destroyed my family.
Covered horn to toe in blood every time, I fought to the bitter end, until I was the only one left standing.
Because that's what I thought was right. And they were wrong.
I found myself asking a lot if I really deserved to live.
I don't. But I lived anyway. I just can't live for myself anymore.
Putting yourself out because of some concept of right and wrong... that's the dumbest thing a person can do.
And I've dealt with the regret my whole life.
You think you're the only one who's got a lot of baggage, Miss Ch'en?
Ch'en Stop talking like that!
Hoshiguma ...So why can't you understand me, even a little bit?
We've been through so much together, all these years. There's still something you can't tell me?
Ch'en I've got my baggage and you've got yours. We both know that. Even so...
What is there you still don't understand? I never pulled any of you into this! How can you say I don't understand you?!
Hoshiguma Because I've seen too many people die for nothing.
I don't care who you are. I just care where you're going.
I'm not letting you go. This is all on the leader of Reunion. You can't change the situation. You'll just die for nothing too.
No one wants to see that. Not the L.G.D., not Lungmen.
Ch'en –Thank you, Hoshiguma.
But I'm still going.
Hoshiguma Really?
Ch'en If we have to fight, you should know I'm not scared of you.
Hoshiguma You really have to go, huh? You feeling like your heart is hard as iron right now?
I told you before, you're lost in your own thoughts, you lost sight of everything around you, of everything everyone's done for you.
Your stubbornness is only gonna get you hurt.
Ch'en Hmph.
Hoshiguma Fine. I guess you'll have to take a beating before you can learn, like a young Hoshiguma, that being a stubborn ass is just a stupid impulse.
If you want to fight, Ch'en... Then let's do it. Show me everything you've learned in the last two years.
Ch'en Stop. Talking. Like. That.
<Background black>
Rosmontis EX-42 Long-Range Originium Arts Control Device, Operator Rosmontis, requesting approval.
PRTS Approved for use in defensive operations. Removal approved.
User: Annihilation Specialist, Elite Operator Rosmontis. Activation approved.
Rosmontis Okay. I'm going.
Please tell Closure for me, about the Rhodes Island landship startup.
Rhodes Island Operator Hurry, Doctor, get in the cabin. Don't watch.
If you get hit by Rosmontis's shrapnel, you’re pretty much a goner.

After operation

Hoshiguma is powerless to stop Ch'en.
In Wei Yenwu's office, Rhodes Island finally reaches a deal with the Chief, thanks to some help from Fumizuki. Rhodes Island will assist Lungmen, and Ch'en.
<Background black>
Uptown Lungmen 7:20 PM
<Background 1>
[Ch'en was forced to fight Hoshiguma.]
Ch'en *Pant* *pant*...
Hoshiguma ...You're pretty serious about this.
Real unexpected. Never would've thought... that you'd be able to make me bleed.
Hannya Sliced.png
Ch'en We... have never... been able to walk away... from our past.
Hoshiguma, you've always been a part of this city. But... not me. I've always been running.
I don't think I'll ever be able to stand this place.
Hoshiguma It turned into another one of these in the end.
I can't stop you. Go.
Ch'en's Farewell.png
Ch'en ...
Sorry, Hoshiguma.
After I'm gone, please go to the slums for me. The people there are panicked and confused. Someone from the L.G.D. has to protect them.
If some Infected kids give you a toy bear...
Keep it. An Ursus girl named Misha taught them how to make those bears. She died, because we failed her.
Hoshiguma Okay. I will.
Ch'en I'm sorry. I owe you one.
Hoshiguma I don't need your apologies. Honestly, you're no good at them.
Ch'en Hoshiguma...
Hoshiguma ...I think we're done here.
Go! And don't come back.
...Take care of yourself.
<Background black>
Hoshiguma "Can't stand this place?"
...How many people care about this city as much as you do?
<Background 1>
[An L.G.D. officer rushes into Hoshiguma.]
L.G.D. Officer Inspector Hoshiguma!
...Huh? Inspector, y-you're hurt? Who could have...
Oh, yes, we just saw, err, Madame Ch'en—
Hoshiguma Oh, that, sorry.
Do you guys have a second to talk?
L.G.D. Officer Inspector... you're disobeying orders too?
Hoshiguma ...I wouldn't put it that way.
<Background 4>
Wei Yenwu Get out.
??? Yes, Lord Wei.
Wei Yenwu I told you... not to call me that.
??? As you wish. We await your orders.
[The Shadow Guards leave.]
Fumizuki ...
Miss Kal'tsit and Young Amiya, before you speak, could I have a word with him?
Amiya Yes, go ahead, Miss Fumizuki.
Kal'tsit All yours.
Fumizuki We've been together for years now, Wei Yenwu.
Wei Yenwu Why talk about this– Why now?
Fumizuki One look in your eyes and I can tell what you're thinking.
Wei Yenwu ...Fumizuki.
Fumizuki Now, now. I've always been able to tell.
I know Lungmen means the world to you. I know all that you've given her. I know about the dreams you have for her.
Wei Yenwu No, Fumizuki...
Fumizuki But this, today, this isn't what you want, is it?
Ah, gomen.[note 1] I'm not referring to our current dilemma.
What I mean is... this prosperity that you've given everything for.
You lost two loved ones. Actually, I think you said it was three. Maybe dozens?
Surely you couldn't bear to lose your niece as well.
Wei Yenwu She loathes the Shadow Guard. If I send them to retrieve her, she will fight them to the death.
Fumizuki No, Wei Yenwu... That's not what I mean.
Won't you regret it? If you let them both die in some foreign city?
So what if they're Infected? Are they not your nieces?
If we had children of our own, is this how you would treat them...?
Wei Yenwu All that I've done, I've done for the sake of our land. I never intended for Ch'en Hui-chieh to do my work for me.
Fumizuki But that's how she is!
No. Keeping the truth from her only deepens the cut. It only makes her feel like she doesn't belong here...
Your expectations of her, they're too distant, and too difficult.
Wei Yenwu But can I stop, at this point?
I have struggled against the men behind me and the city below me for so long, and this is all I have to show for it.
Would Lungmen allow me to stop?
That is what she wanted. To get to the source of our problems. She wanted to change this city into something completely unlike the city under my rule.
All I did was teach her how to get there, what she would have to do, and what she would have to give up.
Fumizuki All right, that's enough rationalizing. You're giving me a headache.
I'll go bring her home myself. I won't sit back and watch her die.
I will do what you cannot.
Wei Yenwu Nonsense! I won't allow it...!
I have plans to bring her back. And you, Fumizuki, are not to set foot outside this building.
Fumizuki Oh? You'll stop me?
Damare, kono yarou![note 2]
Kal'tsit Whew.
Amiya Huh? Doctor, what did Miss Fumizuki say?
Kal'tsit It's been a long time since I've heard such angry Higashinese.
Fumizuki Have you forgotten who I am, Wei Yenwu?
Wei Yenwu Even I have my limits, Fumizuki.
Fumizuki Have you forgotten who you are?
Wei Yenwu Fumizuki...!
Amiya ...Doctor, I think...
(Mr. Wei might really care for Miss Fumizuki?)
Kal'tsit (The same may also go for Fumizuki. Maybe...)
<Background fades out and in>
Fumizuki Now then, on to our friends from Rhodes Island. How much will it cost for you to help Lungmen, and our Ch'en?
I'll cover it myself.
Wei Yenwu You...
Amiya You're really going to hire us like this, Miss Fumizuki?
Fumizuki I am.
It may be improper to say, but my husband is not exactly in top form today.
Or I might say, our opponent's plans have gone beyond anything we might have predicted, and included all that he holds dear.
They have a complete understanding of both Lungmen, and Wei Yenwu.
Wei Yenwu Fumizuki, that's enough!
Fumizuki Who are you to say what's enough?!
Doctor, name your price. I can pay.
Kal'tsit I understand everything you've said here, Miss Fumizuki. And money won't be necessary. But I need you two to hear me out.
Wei Yenwu ...Doctor.
Kal'tsit Maybe this isn't the place to say it, but if I can speak freely, Lungmen needs some outside assistance.
Can I continue, Miss Fumizuki?
Fumizuki By all means. I don't let words get to me.
Wei Yenwu ...Nonsense...
Kal'tsit Rhodes Island is only a pharmaceutical company.
But the world is a tough place. It doesn't let up on any of us. Especially a pharmaceutical company like ours that tends to make a lot of enemies be it in business, geopolitics, or otherwise.
We wander the cracks between countries because we have no other choice.
When all the forces of the world align to put pressure on us, we need our own special methods to handle them...
But if our methods are to work– We need the forces acting against us to have a shred of sense left in their thick skulls.
So when there comes a day like today, where anything could happen, Rhodes Island has to be ready with the right response.
Wei Yenwu Get to the point.
Kal'tsit I have a proposal.
Wei Yenwu I hope it's a good one.
Kal'tsit I'm not sure if I should be disclosing this information to you, Mr. Wei.
You must know, with Lungmen's strength and your talents, you could annihilate Rhodes Island with a snap of your fingers.
No matter how advanced our equipment may be, there is nothing we could do against your forces.
If we act against you, Rhodes Island is as good as dead.
Wei Yenwu Go on. Dr. Kal'tsit, Miss Amiya, rest assured I have no energy to direct at Rhodes Island anymore.
So please, proceed.
Kal'tsit Very well.
When we first met, Mr. Wei, you were very curious about our military capabilities.
I can admit now, as I just said, Rhodes Island is no match for Lungmen in this respect.
However, no matter how strong a force may be, it can be limited by the circumstances it finds itself in. It's largely a difference of degree.
Even your men can't project power with their hands tied. Even if you step onto the battlefield personally, the enemy still has something to use against you.
The truth is, a colleague of mine once saw the Duke of Kashchey at a fundraising banquet with his adopted daughter.
This wasn't a slave market or some noble bacchanal. It was an event for those who represent the many movers and shakers of our world.
Wei Yenwu ...
Kal'tsit I'm sure you can guess what happened next, Mr. Wei. Many young people proved their value that night, with the ideas and theories that they espoused–
But Talulah did not. Neither my colleagues nor I ever expected that she would become the leader of Reunion.
In fact... we should have realized that the Duke of Kashchey only shows himself when necessary, to do what is necessary. Otherwise, he stays out of sight.
Kashchey won't tip his hand in exchange for assistance, and neither will Talulah. I'm sure you know their relationship much better than we do, Mr. Wei.
The Duke of Kashchey never made her a slave or a hostage.
Wei Yenwu She is his successor.
Fumizuki Oh?
Wei Yenwu Your observations confirm my suspicions, Dr. Kal'tsit. Talulah is Kashchey's successor.
Kal'tsit Correct. Mr. Wei...
The Duke of Kashchey knows what you have, and what you're capable of. Talulah may as well.
You can leave this in our hands now, Mr. Wei. We have what it takes to handle this situation.
Like Amiya told you before, the official agreement between Lungmen and Rhodes Island is over.
By now, the Rhodes Island landship has left Lungmen's port. What we do from here on has nothing to do with Lungmen.
Is that acceptable, Amiya?
Amiya ...Yes.
Mr. Wei. We... won't concern ourselves with the future of Lungmen, or your personal business.
But all this is the result of someone conspiring to exploit the Infected, and we will fight it with all our might.
If you'll permit us to act, and if you can promise you won't act against us in any way—
Then the battle to come is our battle, Rhodes Island's battle.
Wei Yenwu I won't rely on the Infected. I don't trust the Infected. The only difference between you and Reunion is that you haven't turned against Lungmen... yet.
What was Reunion like before? Even if we don't remember, someone does. They weren't anything like this.
You can dress up your schemes in fancy words, just as Reunion can shout from the rooftops that they will be the ones to deliver the Infected from their fate. In the end, they still ended up being cannon fodder for Ursus.
In short order, Ursus will snuff out the fire that is Reunion.
Will you be the next Reunion? Who can say? When will you bare your fangs and turn against us?
What's more, I doubt you have the strength to deal with Kashchey's successor.
That Duke of Kashchey... only Lungmen has successfully opposed him over all these years.
Kal'tsit Mr. Wei, you intend to personally lead your forces to attack the Chernobog core city, correct?
Wei Yenwu Don't make blind conjectures.
Kal'tsit What you just told me, Mr. Wei, is revealing. You think you're the only one who can handle this situation.
It's true that Lungmen has the raw power to do it, and you've also overcome the machinations of Ursus.
And this time, you intend to sacrifice yourself to nullify the declaration of war on Ursus.
As Miss Fumizuki said, you feel you've betrayed your principles, and you hope to end it all with your death.
Wei Yenwu I've made so many mistakes. My death can't pay for them all. I don't even know who I'd be paying.
Kal'tsit Nevertheless, Mr. Wei, are you so certain that, after your death, no one will bear you any ill will?
Wei Yenwu Lungmen is strategically important to Yan. Thanks to my protection, it will continue to prosper.
Kal'tsit I was referring to Lady Fumizuki.
Amiya (Dr. Kal'tsit... Show some tact!)
Fumizuki Dr. Kal'tsit?! What are you saying?!
Kal'tsit I meant what I said, Mr. Wei. I'm afraid your wife will suffer because of your actions. Even if you're dead, she is your widow. She'll still know everything you knew.
Since someone is forcing you to act against your will, I believe, this sort of thing... is to be expected.
I have a feeling that particular individual won't be so magnanimous.
Fumizuki That's enough, Dr. Kal'tsit! You're way out of line. I can't...
Wei Yenwu You're saying that even if I do this, I still won't be able to protect Fumizuki.
Kal'tsit And it may not end with Miss Fumizuki.
Fumizuki ...I can go too. Death is the worst that can happen...
Wei Yenwu Fumizuki!
Fumizuki *Sigh*.
Wei Yenwu Speak, Dr. Kal'tsit.
Kal'tsit For the sake of your beloved city... And your beloved people...
I am begging you, Lord Wei. Leave this to the experts.
We may be powerless against a standing army, but we know the Infected.
We know what they want, and what they don't.
Only the Infected can face the Infected.
Wei Yenwu
So, what do you want? Leader of Rhodes Island, Dr. Kal'tsit?
You're not a charity. Attacking the core city is tantamount to throwing an egg at a boulder. It will be ruinously expensive, and may be utterly futile.
Kal'tsit You understand our position, Mr. Wei.
Wei Yenwu At this point, it benefits us both to speak plainly.
Amiya More than your agreement with our battle plan, Mr. Wei, we need your guarantee.
Considering you may change your mind in the future... We need your promise, for now.
Because I believe that Lungmen and your family, and Madame Ch'en, are worth that promise.
Wei Yenwu ...
Amiya We don't need your money, Miss Fumizuki. Your kindness and your attitude toward the Infected are enough for us to execute this operation free of charge.
Fumizuki (Little rabbit...)
Amiya Huh?
Fumizuki (Gives a thumbs-up)
Amiya ...??
Wei Yenwu I agree. Until the end of the Lungmen-Chernobog conflict, we, Lungmen, will not in any way interfere in Rhodes Island's affairs.
And it looks to me like the good Dr. Kal'tsit has more yet to say.
Speak up. I can endure it, for the time being. Because I need Rhodes Island to save one very specific Infected.
Kal'tsit ...Then, I have another proposal.
Wei Yenwu Name your price.
Kal'tsit Twenty years ago, Edward Artorius, father of Talulah Artorius, died here in Lungmen.
I would like Mr. Wei to lend us his remains.


  1. ごめん; "Sorry" in Japanese
  2. だまれ、この野郎やろう!; "Shut up, you bastard!" in Japanese)