Operation story: IW-5

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Female Yanese icon.png
Startled Customer
Grindstone Waregeist icon.png
Strange Object (Waregeist)
Yanese Villager Male icon.png
Teahouse Assistant
Shangshu Street
Yan Street Day
Yan Inn
Shangshu Teahouse
Yan Indoor B
Shangshu Pass

Before operation

Innkeeper Zheng preemptively intercepts the thief known as Blacknight, only to be accosted by the pole-carrier Shang Zhong, who snatches the goblet. Kroos's party finds the boatman, and looks to link up with Lee.
<Background 1>
The breeze in the mountains is ever crisp and cool.
And mornings as refreshing as these are always fine for settling muddy, murky matters.
In a mountain-sat village, when kitchen's smoke has just sprung up, the snow still unreceded in spring, one old and one young stand off against each other.
The only sound, the single strike of a faraway gong.
[Zheng the innkeeper stands before Blacknight...]
Innkeeper Zheng You've kept me waiting.
[...forcing her to stand down.]
Blacknight Tch. Bloody lout... Light, stay cool for the moment.
Innkeeper Zheng I've seen you before. Hmm. So it was you.
Unexpected, for sure. A Rim Billitonian, silently lurking in Shangshu since the very beginning.
Blacknight I can't understand you, sorry.
Innkeeper Zheng Hmph.
Blacknight Light!
Innkeeper Zheng A snare?
You train these slumberfoots well. An ordinary woman would be headfirst in the ground by now.
Blacknight (He didn't just notice the snare behind him, he stepped on the rope without hesitation... Bastard...)
Innkeeper Zheng Don't worry, I won't make this hard for you, girl.
Do you know what that goblet you're holding is?
Blacknight It's not my concern, or my interest. It's newbie bounty hunters that ask too many questions.
Innkeeper Zheng Then you have only yourself to blame.
Blacknight Don't get so full of yourself! Helmet! Drill!
[Blacknight commanded her slumberfoots Helmet and Drill to attack Zheng, who easily punches them down.]
Innkeeper Zheng If you don't know what it is, then be wise and hand it over. Don't be used for nothing.
Blacknight H-How dare you do that to Helmet—! You asked for it!
[Blacknight fires her crossbow at Zheng, who catches its bolts mid-air.]
Innkeeper Zheng ...A headless bolt.
Blacknight (H-He caught it barehanded? At this distance?! And I *just* changed the string on my crossbow—!)
Innkeeper Zheng Fine.
Seeing how you're unwilling to take my life, I'll give you one chance.
Hand over the goblet to me, and then tell the one instructing you: Tread carefully. Don't be selfish.
Blacknight Hmph. You know who hired me?
Innkeeper Zheng Whether I know or not doesn't matter. What matters is I can stop you, right here.
Blacknight Why should I listen to you?
Innkeeper Zheng You have no choice.
Maybe you can run, but you could never bear to see these beasts of yours meet a sorry fate.
Blacknight You're threatening me?
Innkeeper Zheng You have skill. But aside from your crossbow, you've got nothing in a fight.
You can pull out before you're in too deep. You need a good eye and the right people, if you want to survive here.
Blacknight True. They never told me someone as capable as you would get in the way.
Innkeeper Zheng If I had someone do something dangerous for me, I wouldn't give them the whole picture either.
It's just a job to you, stranger. Why stake your life on it?
Give the cup to me, and I vow on the Escorts' name that whatever they're paying you, we'll double it.
Blacknight Hah, I was taking a loss anyway with all my volunteer work.
Call this a favor for a friend.
Innkeeper Zheng A friend.
So even you bandits of the wild don't mind a sacrifice for a friend.
Blacknight Sounds like you've got something against us.
Innkeeper Zheng No... not at all.
The longer you do business, the more fine people you meet, the less friends you end up with.
Blacknight Then be smart, and go back to your business.
Innkeeper Zheng Yes, business is always easiest done in the mountains.
Three Mounts, Seventeen Peaks, hundreds of passes. Is there any road without a teahouse and station for travelers to rest their feet? Is there any road... without our people?
Blacknight ......
Innkeeper Zheng I hope you see clear now, girl.
Blacknight You really don't think anything of me.
A direct confrontation might not be my style, but you've pissed me off just far enough... isn't that right, my darlings?
(Rim Billitonian) The old todger wants to have a go, let's give 'im a go! We've been around the paddock a few times, we're no strangers!
Innkeeper Zheng *Sigh*...
Some just refuse to learn.
If that's your answer, then you'll pay the—
Even if a third party was stood there watching, they wouldn't have a clue just how the coming step came to land.
Simply put, the man is adept in walking passes, in climbing mountains. The steps he lifts and places, day after day after day, are truly too many to count.
In one clean noise, clay bricks shatter in the ground. Before him, dust drifts down. By his gaze is a simple, common bamboo-wood carrying pole. His gaze itself, faint rage.
Far away, the gong strikes again.
Innkeeper Zheng ......
Blacknight —H-How... Where did he come from... Wait, Light, calm down! And Drill! Back to me...!
Innkeeper Zheng ...It's you.
[Shang the pole-carrier joins in.]
Pole-Carrier You finally came to the mountains.
So I came to find you.
Innkeeper Zheng *Sigh*...
What comes will come. Nothing's avoidable forever. Is there a need to be so hasty?
Pole-Carrier Hey. Miss.
Blacknight ...Are you talking to me?
(His movement—is that wooden stick one of their carrying poles? What did he do just now... to shatter bricks made of stone?)
Pole-Carrier Do you know him?
Blacknight No.
Pole-Carrier Then there's some problem between you.
Innkeeper Zheng I only see you between us.
Pole-Carrier You're right. I'm your problem, then.
Innkeeper Zheng When I'm done here, I'll come see you. But not now.
Pole-Carrier Miss. Does this relate to the item in your hands?
Blacknight Uh... it does...
Innkeeper Zheng This is personal business. And major at that. Stay out of it.
Pole-Carrier How major?
Innkeeper Zheng The safety of the nation is at stake! Life and death!
Blacknight ......!
Pole-Carrier Since that rainy night those years ago, I've rarely heard you use such a tone.
I see. How could you be the villain here? What a chivalrous swordsman. What a dutiful innkeeper.
Innkeeper Zheng Then get out of the way—
Pole-Carrier —But I know just who you are, and that's why you'll never see me.
And if you won't, then it changes nothing if I find you. That's why I never came down from the mountains.
So. If...
[Shang grabs the cup from Blacknight.]
Blacknight Hey! You—!
Pole-Carrier ......
Blacknight Give that back!
Pole-Carrier ......
It was ten years.
Ten years ago, you watched as my son died... so you could protect this goblet.
Innkeeper Zheng Shang Zhong!
Pole-Carrier Miss. This is nothing to do with you now.
Blacknight You steal my things while I'm not looking, and then tell me it's not my business?!
Pole-Carrier This was never yours.
Blacknight Hmm...
Innkeeper Zheng Shang Zhong, have you lost it?!
Pole-Carrier You're free to go now.
Innkeeper Zheng Shang Zhong!
Pole-Carrier Leave!
Blacknight Grr...!
Mark my words, you two... I'll be back for it!
[Blacknight runs away.]
Pole-Carrier Zheng Qingyue... Where's your blade?
Innkeeper Zheng At home.
Pole-Carrier I see. At home.
That rainy night, in the escort, over a dozen lost their lives. There was a boy among them, and a father.
The boy was a Shang. My boy. The father was a Du. Du Yaoye's father.
That's why you don't carry your blade.
What a tremendous joke.
Innkeeper Zheng You still hate me to this day.
Pole-Carrier I don't hate you. I know you didn't mean to. The blame lies with you, but no fault.
"Save the goods, then the men," hm?
Yet the goods are gone now, and so are the men. Am I still not allowed to condemn you?
I must ask you give justification, or else I cannot live on.
Innkeeper Zheng I will. Give me the goblet. Do you know what it entails—
Pole-Carrier No. He died for this cup then. I'll bury it beside him today.
I'll be waiting atop the mountain, for you to fetch your blade.
<Background 2>
Kroos Master Shen!
Boatman Mm? What brought you over here? I was about to look for you at Liang's.
Where's young Lee?
Kroos The goblet got stolen. Mr. Lee sent us to fetch you.
Did he tell you anything about this?
Boatman He asked you to come get me, but not to first find Mr. Liang?
To be clear, you came from the Liang residence?
Kroos Er... yeah.
Boatman ...*Sigh*. The fact he didn't send you to find Liang Xun means deep down, he already knows...
Gifted, how gifted. How truly gifted.
<Background 3>
[Taihe walks to Zuo Le.]
Zuo Le You're back, Uncle?
How were things?
Taihe In regards to her, thoughtful of etiquette, true as can be.
Zuo Le If she was so ready to display etiquette, that shows there's still room for mediation.
This is regardless of how she acts, or what intentions she harbors. Master Tai's instructions lie here, and they can't be false.
Taihe She's clever.
Since I visited in an official's capacity, she should have realized to some extent.
Zuo Le Very well.
Taihe Both sides are now strained to breaking point. We stand on a hair trigger.
We can only resolve this incident before we draw even more dispute.
Zuo Le If we really do want everyone to trust that our methods can forever rid Yan of the sword hanging over her head, then we naturally must obey those magic words—
Frank and forthright.

After operation

The spirits, dubbed Waregeists by Zuo Le, begin besieging the masses. Liang Xun has sought out Miss Ning due to the goblet affair, and is deeply concerned. Mr. Nothing suffers an attack from the rear, and who should come to his rescue but Zuo Le?
<Background 4>
Pole-Carrier One noon tea.
Teahouse Assistant Alright! Take a seat, Master Shang!
Why so late to work today?
Pole-Carrier Met an old acquaintance in the morning.
Lee Which acquaintance?
Pole-Carrier Lungmenite.
Lee Fine day. Fancy meeting you again, Master.
Pole-Carrier What, still looking for that pavilion?
Lee You helped me considerably by narrowing things down, but I'm still meant to find a person and not just a pavilion, so there's yet more to do.
Pole-Carrier Is that your sweetheart, sitting over there?
Miss Du What...?!
Lee Ahem. No, I'm not that brave...
Pole-Carrier Oh, your daughter, then?
Lee I hardly seem the fathering kind, don't I?
Pole-Carrier That's true.
Miss Du Hey, what did you just say?! Me and that Lungmenite conman are what?!
Pole-Carrier A man and woman going up the mountains at this hour, in early spring. Nothing else to do, probably.
Miss Du I—
Teahouse Assistant Master Shang, your noon tea.
Pole-Carrier Thank you.
Lee Noon tea? Not sure if it's noon yet.
Pole-Carrier Every Shangshu pole-carrier gets two free servings of tea in the mountain teahouses. A noon tea in the morning, a sunset tea in the afternoon, each with some small sides.
Lee The taste of a free tea is always fine.
Pole-Carrier It's tea, nothing more.
Lee But it's in the mountains, see. Mountain tea's always a bit more expensive. And if it's complimentary, you've made out like a bandit.
Pole-Carrier You manage your books well.
Lee Are the shopkeepers really that kind, though? Is it all out of benevolence?
Miss Du The authorities subsidize it, duh.
Pole-Carrier ...And you'd know?
Miss Du My home happens to be a food service establishment too. Of course I've got some idea.
Pole-Carrier ...I see.
Lee Are you close with the Shangshu authorities?
Miss Du Have been since Mr. Liang took up office.
The last few Shangshu governors were about construction, civil projects, developing the mountains and forests—not just recovering the city from all its troubles, but breathing even more life into it.
Maybe Governor Liang Xun thought the city was renewed enough when he came in, because his agenda was peace and love for the citizens instead... Whatever you think of this, you've seen nothing yet.
Lee ......
Pole-Carrier You're wise, for your young age.
Miss Du My dad does business. It's all just osmosis.
Pole-Carrier You have a fine father.
I've finished my tea. I should be on my way now.
Lee See you again, Master Shang.
Pole-Carrier See you again.
[Shang leaves.]
Miss Du —Hey! Lee, what's he doing with the goblet?!
Lee Not sure. But he's got no motive to hide, hanging it off his belt for anyone to see. It's like...
Miss Du He's asking for someone to come at him?
Lee Ignore it. Let's have some tea ourselves, and see how this plays out.
Waiter! Two pots of tea, and two of the shredded meat noodles.
Miss Du I'm not having anything.
Lee I'll be eating them both.
Teahouse Assistant Your two pots of tea, sir. The noodles will be a bit longer; we're busy today.
Lee Thank you...
[Lee noticed a creature that followed him before.]
Strange Object Ao?
Lee Why follow us all the way here?
Strange Object Phhh... ao!
Miss Du Hey. Lee. I'm going to ask you something, and you can't laugh.
Did that teapot—just move by itself...?
Teahouse Assistant Shredded meat noodles—
Whoa! Mind it, sir, I'm carrying your noodles here!
[Suddenly the objets in the teahouse turned into creatures.]
Strange Object Aoww?
Teahouse Assistant What the hell is this?!
Lee Careful!
[Lee swiftly jumps to Du...]
Miss Du Huh?
[...and is struck by a creature in the process.]
Lee Urgh!
Miss Du —Hey, are you okay there?
The stuff in the kitchen, the cloth and the brushwork... they're all... jumping out!
Startled Customer Yaaagh! What is that?!
Teahouse Assistant Fire! Fire, this monster's on fire!
Lee They're charging at us.
Miss Du Hey, Lee! Tell me what the hell's going on?!
Lee So the rumors about that goblet were true... There's too many people in here, let's move!
<Background 2>
Boatman How do we reach young Lee?
Kroos He told us in the letter he left. After we meet up, we find him at the summit of Qujiang Peak. If he's not there yet, we wait until sundown.
Boatman Good. We'll stick to it. We can't let the goblet fall into anyone else's hands.
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, how should we respond to those Ink Spirit-esque manifestations from earlier?
Kroos Chances are it's linked to the cup... We'll rendezvous with Mr. Lee first.
[Waregeists show up before Kroos, Mr. Nothing, and Shen.]
Strange Object Aoww—
Mr. Nothing Benefactor, would you say they've—er—proliferated?
Boatman Hm? What breed of beast is this? Why have they been everywhere for the last two days?
Kroos We've been surrounded, haven't we...
Strange Object Ao!
Boatman Oh, you're feisty ones.
Mr. Nothing —There's no other way! Benefactor, you and Master Shen take your leave for now, and I'll handle these miscreants!
Kroos —You alright with that?
Mr. Nothing They act more or less as the Ink Spirits do. Reason says I should cope.
Kroos Master Shen! This way!
<Background 5>
Liang Xun ......
Miss Ning What troubles you? You seem so ill at ease.
Liang Xun Nothing.
Miss Ning Your brows always wrinkle when you worry for people.
Liang Xun Do they?
Miss Ning They do. Who garners such concern from you, my Lord?
Liang Xun I'm worried for that friend of mine.
Miss Ning What has become of him?
Liang Xun He's gotten into a gamble.
Miss Ning One you asked him to take.
Liang Xun ...True.
Miss Ning Are you now remorseful?
Liang Xun I still believe this was the best option.
I'm simply not sure...
Miss Ning You are very clever, my Lord.
Liang Xun I wouldn't claim to be.
Liang Xun I just chose a stupid method.
<Background 6>
Blacknight Is every beast in Yan like this?
Strange Object ......
Blacknight ......
Strange Object Ao?
Blacknight Hm? Light? Oh, don't worry... mm, I'm happy as long as I have you all with me.
Still, though...
Strange Object ...?!
Blacknight Drill! Keep a hold on it, now!
Completely new Yanese beasts... you might just make for some unexpected traps!
<Background 2>
[Mr. Nothing fights off the creatures.]
Mr. Nothing Dear me! What's going on? Did I offend some horror in recent times? Why are my days filled with contesting these menageries of creatures?!
Strange Object Wrrao!
[One of the creatures reverted to what they transformed from.]
Mr. Nothing ...On closer inspection, these things are...
[More creatures show up...]
Strange Object Wrr—
Mr. Nothing (Damned—)
[...but they are slashed down by Zuo Le.]
Zuo Le Close call.
Are you hurt, sir?
Mr. Nothing You must be... from the other day—
[Taihe joins in.]
Taihe Don't ask.
Mr. Nothing ......!
Zuo Le No need to be so cold, Uncle Taihe...
Strange Object —!
Mr. Nothing Would you know where these things arose from?
Zuo Le Wherever the goblet goes, Waregeists spring up. Ironically, it's proving the Sui Regulator's conjectures.
Does this mean...
Taihe Mind your words, young man.
Zuo Le As you instruct, Uncle Taihe.
Strange Object Wrrao—wrr!
Mr. Nothing (These sprites—er, Waregeists... are they scared of these two? No, is it specifically the boy that cowers them...?)
Zuo Le *Sigh*...
Take a look at these Waregeists. How many incidents like this have we had?
Taihe Ten, twenty-five, and a full sixty years ago, with several more still.
Zuo Le While we have wrongdoers wreaking havoc with Originium Arts on occasion, things really don't come any better than this.
But Sui in the end is Sui, and a beast in the end is a beast. If your people carry intent to harm the realm, then Heaven knows how great the disaster will be.
Waregeist Ao—
Zuo Le The Sui Regulator has no desire to see such things come to pass.
Which is why we need to settle this millennium-long mess swiftly and cleanly.
[Zuo Le uses Arts on the creatures, now known as Waregeists...]
[...reverting them back into inanimate objects.]
Zuo Le ...No more than detritus.
Mr. Nothing Those things... reverted back into common wares...
Zuo Le Mr. Nothing.
Mr. Nothing ...Hmm.
Zuo Le Please, convey this to Ms. Kroos for me. I want her to reconsider what I've said.
We can be on good terms regardless. Even if she should ultimately have her own considerations, my side still has a matter it wishes to entrust to Rhodes Island irrespective of position.
Mr. Nothing I can assent to passing it on, but why didn't you convey this to her yourself when the moment was ripe?
Zuo Le Haha... well, at that moment...
I was a little tensed up. I didn't get everything out.
Taihe Lord Zuo.
Zuo Le Well, then... It seems we can't delay any longer. Mr. Nothing, we bid you farewell.
[Zuo Le and Taihe leave.]
Mr. Nothing Seems tense?
So a young nobleman who scampers about with the Deputy Imperial Censor in tow has a case of the nerves?