Operation story: HE-5

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Sal Vientian B icon.png
Anxious Inhabitant
Female Ambrosian Sankta A icon.png
Calm Inhabitant
Male Ambrosian Sarkaz A icon.png
Cautious Sarkaz Inhabitant
Male Ambrosian Sarkaz B icon.png
Sal Vientian A icon.png
Panicked Inhabitant
Ambrosii Sacrarium Ruined
Ambrosii Shantytown Alley Night
Ambrosii Cellar
Village House
Ambrosii Facade

Before operation

Lemuen picks up her gun. The sharp blade of the past cuts through the gentile facade.
<Background 1>
Raimund What do you mean?
You're accusing me?
Panicked Inhabitant That's not what I meant...
Raimund What about you? Are you going to accuse me too?
Calm Inhabitant ......
Anxious Inhabitant Come now, Raimund, no one's making any accusations...
Raimund I didn't start any fires.
Panicked Inhabitant Then why are you here at this hour?
You don't pray with us. You don't come to the sacrarium. You... you people don't have any faith!
Raimund We may not have faith. But that doesn't mean we have anything to do with the fire.
I had some personal business that took me past this place. Believe me or don't.
Panicked Inhabitant What sort of business?
Raimund Nothing to do with you.
Panicked Inhabitant Hey...!
Fernand Enough. Is there some rule against us being here? You just want to accuse us of starting the fire, don't you?
We shouldn't have helped them fight the fire. We should have let the place burn to the ground.
Anxious Inhabitant What did you say?!
Calm Inhabitant Fires have happened before, at this time of year. It could just be a coincidence.
Panicked Inhabitant What a coincidence it would be! You there, didn't you say someone started the fire? Come here...
Federico Yes, I believe this was an intentional act.
Raimund And you think I did it?
Federico No, I don't.
Raimund You're lying.
Federico I have no reason to lie.
The fire spread quickly. It can be inferred that the arsonist was near the sacrarium.
Panicked Inhabitant And Raimund was–
Federico Do not jump to conclusions. What I meant was that anyone who was near the scene is a suspect.
That includes all of you, and myself.
Panicked Inhabitant Wh-What are you talking about?
Calm Inhabitant You think we started the fire? We're Sankta. Why would we burn our own sacrarium?
Federico Race is not proof of innocence. I would not hesitate to destroy the sacrarium, if I thought it necessary.
Calm Inhabitant ......
Federico I did not find any evidence implicating this Sarkaz.
Fernand Hmph, at least you're talking sense.
Clément Senior[note 1] Federico is right... we can't accuse anybody without evidence.
Panicked Inhabitant You're gonna just let this go?! It's the sacrarium! And all those flowers that you so painstakingly grew...
Clément Please, that's enough!
I don't want to suspect any of us.
Panicked Inhabitant Clément...
Federico The arguing must stop.
The possibility of the Sankta burning their own sacrarium cannot be eliminated. I will continue to investigate until I discover the true culprit.
<Background fades out and in>
Raimund Hey, wing-man, about what just happened...
Federico Yes?
Raimund You're the one who started all that, alright? You're the one who first said that someone started the fire!
And you don't fully trust me, do you?
Federico Yes.
Raimund Can you give me a little more than that?
Ahem. Anyway, what I mean is...
...Don't expect me to thank you.
Federico I don't.
Erendel (He doesn't know how to say gratias,[note 2] Sara.)
Estara (Poor thing...)
Erendel (We can teach him! It's not hard.)
Estara (But I'm a little scared of him...)
Raimund Who are you saying doesn't know how to say gratias?!
Hey, wing-man! Where did these kids come from? I've never seen them before!
Estara & Erendel Eek!
[Erendel and Estara stays away from Raimund.]
Federico You don't know them?
Estara & Erendel ......
Raimund Should I?
Federico Very good. I want to ask you about the Sarkaz population here, and about these two children.
Raimund What? You...
[Gerald joins in.]
Gerald I'll answer your questions.
Raimund Gerald! The fire...
Gerald I saw it all. You did well, Raimund.
And... we meet again, Reverend Executor.
Federico I don't understand.
You were standing there for a long time. I thought you didn't intend to show your face.
Gerald Guess there's no hiding from you.
Federico Why did you change your mind?
I believed you did not want to see me again.
Gerald Peace makes one timid.
Would you like to pay a visit to our place, Executor?
We don't have much, but there's a place to sit down, and you can see with your own eyes how the Sarkaz live here.
As for your questions... I'll do my best to answer them.
<Background 2>
[Lemuen moves through the alleys.]
Lemuen Phew...
I haven't been so active in a long time. I've never been good at pursuit.
[Lemuen stops and loads her rifle as she saw the twisted monster from before.]
Lemuen I've got you!
Twisted Monster (Bizarre cry)
Lemuen Quiet. This is a residential area. You'll bother the others.
Twisted Monster (Growls)
Eat... hungry...
Lemuen Oh, you can talk? This will be much easier if we can communicate.
Twisted Monster (Strange roar)
Lemuen I guess it's not that simple.
I'm sorry, but you'll have to stay put. It's dangerous.
I'll contact the Iberian Inquisition. I'm sure they know more about you than I would. If you're really sapient, maybe you can talk to their priests...
[Suddenly a sword flies past Lemuen...]
Lemuen Whoa!
Who's that?!
[...distracting Lemuen for the monster to run away...]
Lemuen Stop right there!
[...as the attacker puts her at swordpoint.]
??? I must ask you to stay.
The night is cut open by a pulse of light.
Lemuen feels a heavy weight that forces her gun down.
The shadow that wields the light stands silently, drawing back the exotic sword before the gun that is slowly pointing towards him.
As the clouds disperse to reveal the moon, Lemuen begins to see who it is.
[The attacker is revealed to be Bishop Aulus.]
Lemuen Well, there have been a lot of unwelcome visitors today.
Can I ask you to stop bothering me? I will be very, very angry if someone gets hurt because we wasted too much time here.
Aulus I'm afraid I cannot give way.
I must ask you not to stop that pitiful soul.
<Background fades out and in>
[Federico heard the sound of someone running.]
Federico Hm?
Gerald What is it?
Federico A noise. Source unclear.
You don't have a lot of people.
Gerald More than you think. Some went out and haven't returned.
It's getting late. Go back and have some rest.
Cautious Sarkaz Inhabitant Are you sure we're leaving tomorrow? Some people haven't come back yet.
Gerald We follow the plan as it is. We set out tomorrow morning.
Cautious Sarkaz Inhabitant Alright.
Erendel Senior Federico.
Federico What is it?
Estara I'm sleepy...
Erendel I'm sleepy, and hungry too!
Are you gonna take us home?
Estara I want to go home... I want Mamma...
Gerald Have gone all day without food?
Estara Yeah...
Mamma never eats. She says she's not hungry.
Erendel But we haven't eaten today. My tummy hurts.
Estara It's so weird.
Federico It's not weird. Food is one of the body's basic needs, and being deprived of it leads to discomfort and pain.
Estara & Erendel Mmm...
That's so complicated!
Erendel Is it normal to feel pain if you don't eat?
Estara Has Mamma been hurting when she doesn't eat?
Federico If what you say is true, yes, your mother has been suffering physical torment.
Gerald Enough, Reverend Executor!
Federico This is a fact.
Estara & Erendel ...*sob*
Gerald Sometimes, the truth is better left unsaid.
Federico ......
Erendel *sniffles*...
Estara Is Mamma hurting now?
Federico ......
Federico I cannot confirm your mother's current status.
The Executor kneels down. No one pays attention to the dirt on the edge of his robe, and the adornments that represent his status.
Federico Giallo gazes straight into the children's eyes.
Federico I am here as an executor of the Notarial Hall to investigate the truth of what is happening here at the monastery, and to maintain its peace and order.
The disappearance of an inhabitant is within the scope of my mission.
Erendel Do you mean...?
Estara You'll help us find Mamma?
Federico Yes, I will find your mother.
Estara & Erendel Really?
Gerald I never would've thought...
Will you leave these children in my care for now, Reverend Executor?
[Federico grabs the twins.]
Federico I cannot make the decision for them.
Gerald You're right.
Will you go with this young man over here, children?
Raimund Me?
But I have to... well, I guess I can do it, now that the sacrarium's all burned up.
Erendel (It's the one even scarier than Senior Federico.)
Estara (Yeah, he's so scary...)
Raimund You two...
Gerald That will do, Raimund.
He'll take you kids to supper, then it's off to bed, okay?
Estara But I want to stay with Senior Federico...
Erendel Sara, Federico's busy! We need to be good.
Estara O-Okay, we'll go with the scary guy...
Gerald Hahaha!
Raimund Boss!
Gerald A-Ahem.
Can you get the kids something to eat, then put them to bed?
Raimund I can... but where do I take them?
Gerald Hyman's house.
Raimund Hyman's? I guess there's nobody there right now... but what if Hyman comes back tonight?
Gerald It'll be fine.
Raimund Alright, then.
Erendel See you tomorrow, Senior Federico!
Estara I hope we find Mamma tomorrow...
Federico I will come for you in the morning.
Erendel Yay! Good night, Senior Federico.
Estara Senior Federico, Senior Federico...
Federico Yes?
Estara I-I can't reach you!
Come down a little lower!
[Federico puts down Estara...]
Federico What?
[...as she kisses his cheek...]
Estara Hehe...
G-Good night!
[...before running off with Erendel.]
Federico ......
Raimund Hmph.
Gerald Quite the lady's man, aren't you?
Raimund Kids these days... what's so great about that guy?
Hey, wait up, you two! Don't run!
[Raimund goes after the twins as Federico fixes his attire.]
Federico ......
...Good night.
<Background fades out and in>
Lemuen I thought this was going to be an easy trip, almost like a vacation, welcoming some brethren back to Laterano. It didn't sound hard at all, did it?
Well, I guess I did have to deal with Oren.
But that wasn't too much of a problem. It's not like you can't talk to him.
Aulus Certainly, your skills with a gun can solve many problems.
Lemuen Not quite enough to deal with you, though.
Aulus You flatter me.
Lemuen I'm not flattering you... should I call you Father?
You came to protect that... curious visitor of ours, didn't you? I suppose you're from Iberia?
Aulus I am.
Lemuen You wear a cleric's robe, but you feel completely different to believers of the Lateran faith.
Aulus You're sharp.
Lemuen Honest, aren't you?
I won't beat around the bush, then. I don't normally like to be so direct, but...
Not one more step forward. Leave, now.
You are not fit to set foot in Paradise.
Aulus I'm afraid I can't comply.
I am needed here, for a little longer.
[Lemuen fires, but Aulus deflected the shots with a suspiciously similar Iberian swordsmanship.]
Lemuen (Tough customer.)
(An unusual sword. The style is Iberian...)
Aulus Your attacks are even sharper than your words.
I still harbor hope for mutual understanding, but I concede that you're acting appropriately, given your position.
I'm curious, though... how do you define Paradise?
Lemuen A place where everyone lives in peace and happiness.
Preferably with less unwelcome visitors.
[Lemuen fires, but Aulus dodges the shots.]
Aulus Would you call this place Paradise, then?
Lemuen You're enjoying this chit-chat, aren't you?
A group of people have found peace away from the world for sixty years. What do you call this, if not Paradise?
Aulus Even if their lives are endless cold, hunger and suffering?
Lemuen They may be wanting for material comforts... but it's far from endless.
Aulus Ah, yes. Laterano will bring salvation. The hard days will soon come to an end.
At the price of abandoning some.
Lemuen ...This isn't anyone's fault.
Aulus Please, don't get me wrong. I'm not accusing anyone.
But I've been thinking: What is the difference between us? Is it physical, or something else?
From the individual's very birth, all that makes us who we are causes our thinking to go in divergent ways and reach divergent conclusions...
Is there really such a thing as mutual understanding within this?
Lemuen Are you really going to ask this to a Sankta?
You could try it yourself in your next life, if you happen to become a Sankta.
[Aulus strikes Lemuen before she could fix her sights on him.]
Lemuen ...*cough*!
(This has taken too long. Can't let that thing attack the residents.)
(I need to take care of this quickly...)
Aulus No need to be anxious. I don't really plan on doing anything.
I'm here because my kin need help.
Lemuen You sound sincere, but I'm not in a position to trust you.
*cough* *cough*...
Aulus *sigh*
You're as stubborn as a former student of mine. It can be a virtue, but it can also be trouble.
Lemuen I'm curious about a student who could cause you trouble.
Aulus One of the best I've ever had. We never saw each other again, after he left Iberia.
<Background black>
Lemuen ......
I didn't want to do this... I'm so getting in trouble for it.
[Lemuen surprisingly gets off her wheelchair, and...]
Angelus Arcu.png
Lemuen Negotiations failed.
Can't say I regret it.
Lemuen movement is as light as her voice.
She pushes away the movement-aiding device beneath her. The lamp that hung on the handle sways in the night wind, falls, then shatters.
Light leaks out haphazardly, splashing on the silhouette slowly standing up in front.
The dark veil of night is lifted.
Aulus You can stand?
Lemuen Not yet, really.
Rehabilitation is going to get longer, and I'm going to get scolded.
Aulus I trust you won't push yourself too hard.
You're not in good physical shape, nor are you used to this kind of battle–
[Lemuen shoots Aulus, which narrowly misses him.]
Aulus Oh!
Lemuen Thanks for the compliment. That was aimed for your mouth.
The people tune out the sermon, when it gets too long.
Especially if they're already fuming after a long and not very good day.
I think I can justify my response based on the provocation.
The cardinal aide narrows her eyes. The facade of meekness that built up from years of being bedridden falls apart in the sound of her gun being loaded.
Lemuen's light laugh has no warmth in it.
Lemuen I'm tired. Let's do this quick.
I'll say it again–
–Get out of my way, Father.
You may not set foot in Paradise.
<Background 2>
[Meanwhile, the monster walks through the alleys...]
Twisted Monster Hungry... so hungry...
[...and opens the door to a house.]
Perversa Materno Amore A.png
The thin door plank is pushed open from the outside.
The children are still sleeping.
The cold wind pours into the tiny, battered house through the gap. The unknown threat sneaks in soundlessly, and slowly approaches...
Perversa Materno Amore B.png
Twisted Monster ......
Hungry... eat, eat...
Oh... oh...

After operation

Hunger creates monsters, but even a monster can return to motherhood.
<Background black>
I rarely prayed when I was in Laterano.
This is not to say that my faith was flawed then, or that I was more arrogant or lazier than I am now. Nor can I prove that I am more devout, humble or diligent now.
Because of the environment, though, there were many things that I thought were not necessary when I was in Laterano.
In Laterano, all that the people sought was right there. The Holy City's blessing was right there.
It was everywhere.
The Sankta knew it.
"Lord, I seek your forgiveness..."
"I swore to welcome all who asked for help, treat all of them with equal kindness, and help them to the best of my ability."
"But I did not keep my word."
"I can no longer answer the calls for help. I cannot ask them to stay, for we are short on supplies and cannot afford it."
"I must choose between one group and another."
"Choose, yes, I have made many choices."
"But choosing is wrong. And I cannot bear any more wrongs."
"I cannot go back on my faith, abandon one to save another, save the many and condemn the few."
"Laterano... my absent home..."
"Why is Laterano the only home?"
"If betraying the high guidance is the path to what I believe in; if only by accepting the heathen can obstacles be truly cleared..."
"...All will be revealed soon."
"My Lord, forgive my sins... if you truly exist."
[Sounds of movement are heard.]
<Background 3>
Abbot Who's there?!
[Footsteps echo throughout the cellar.]
Abbot ......
[Abbot Stefano stands ready as the visitor approaches him.]
??? Come, now, there's no need for violence.
I've been looking for you, Most Reverend Abbot.
<Background 4>
Gerald Food is in short supply these days. I hope you don't mind.
Not that minding would do any good. At least it fills the stomach, even if the taste is nothing to write home about.
Federico I don't need to eat right now.
Gerald Eat. Don't let it go to waste.
Federico ......
Gerald, leader of Sarkaz. You knew the two Liberi children.
Gerald Are you always so direct?
Don't call me a leader. I've seen the true King of Sarkaz. A humble hunter is not worthy of the title.
Federico Why do you call yourself a hunter?
Gerald Because that's what I am. I hunt to feed myself and others.
I think you have an idea of what's going on here, even though you just arrived today.
Federico Not the full picture.
You lead the group of Sarkaz that lives here. You were latecomers, but at one point you got along well with each other.
Gerald Yes. At one point.
Federico Now, conflict has arisen, and it is likely to escalate, given the circumstances.
Gerald Yeah, which is why we're leaving.
Federico Normally, you would have the advantage in conflict with the other inhabitants.
There are few able combatants amongst them, which is one of the reasons they took you in.
But Laterano's intervention has taken away your martial advantage. Leaving is the logical choice.
Gerald You're good with those logical conclusions.
But I learned a long time ago–
Our lives are not logical–and I get reminders about that all the time.
The candlelight flickers.
The aging Sarkaz casts his gaze on the wall. The shadows reflected upon it have become blurred, one fading into another.
Gerald We didn't choose to leave because we couldn't live anymore.
Before I came here, I never thought we would have a life like this.
There were dangers, there was conflict, but we were accepted, we built our own homes, worked for our daily bread...
That all might seem normal to you, but it was beyond our wildest dreams.
Federico What is the true reason you chose to leave?
Gerald It's simple.
We see the writing on the wall, just like you do. The rift can no longer be repaired. All that's left is to watch things get worse.
Today it's just an argument, an accusation, but what about tomorrow?
Federico Violent confrontation between the natives and the Sarkaz is likely.
Gerald Today's fire was a warning.
Leave now, and we remain friends to be missed.
But if we allow ourselves to be burdened by attachment and fail to make a decision...
We will become the Sarkaz that the rest of the world knows–a band of vagabonds who bring conflict with them wherever they go, who are not welcome anywhere, who have no place to call home, and no place to go.
Federico That's just prejudice.
Gerald To us, it's a fact.
The Sankta have Laterano.
But where do the Sarkaz belong to?
Federico ......
Gerald It's time.
It may take a while for the little ones to get used to life without a roof over their heads, but it'll happen.
As for those two children...
Federico You knew them.
Gerald ...I know a little about where they came from.
Federico The people at the abbey and Raimund don't.
Gerald Very few do.
I guess they're wanderers who came from the outside. Their family could be dead, or they could have abandoned their children.
Stefano has taken in other wanderers before, but this place could hardly accommodate any more inhabitants these days.
But someone secretly took the children in.
Federico You know who it was.
Gerald Few secrets can truly be kept forever, especially now, when every single grain counts.
Hyman took them in. She set aside a part of her own rations each day, and stole from the hunted game a few times. I covered it up for her when I discovered it.
Even then, life isn't easy for them.
Federico Where is she now?
Gerald That's what I'm wondering. She should have come back with game today, but I haven't heard from her.
She's missing. We don't know where she is.
Whatever happened, I hope she doesn't do anything stupid.
Federico Missing? No, this isn't right.
Gerald What do you mean?
Federico Hyman would not allow the children to go out, in order to keep their existence a secret. Erendel and Estara's appearance at the sacrarium was not an accident.
Gerald Someone brought them outside.
Federico Where is Hyman's home? I want to see it for myself.
<Background black>
The battered wooden hut was a shelter in the storm for the young children.
Abandoned by adults who lacked the means to raised them, they wandered the wastelands and were picked up by a Sarkaz on death's door.
The battered hut was leaky and cold, but there were clean clothes, even if a little tattered, and food, even if the taste was not great.
The walls did a poor job of keeping the cold out. They could gather all the fabric in the house and wear the thickest winter clothes they had, and they would still shiver at night.
But it was home. Mamma was there.
That was where the children felt safe.
Perversa Materno Amore B.png
The unexpected visitors do not disturb their soft breathing.
They remain slow and steady.
A twisted shadow is cast over the children.
Twisted Monster (Incomprehensible whisper))
Hungry... eat...
Erendel Mm...
Estara (Rolls over)
Twisted Monster Eat, eat...
The misshapen monster murmurs incomprehensibly.
The stationary shadow begins to move.
In the moonlight, the monster's powerful tail reaches forward. It brushes the children's soft cheeks, leaving behind a wet scent, then–
Perversa Materno Amore C.png
It falls into the soft, meek little "prison."
Still sleeping soundly, Estara and Erendel instinctively lean towards the comforting scent.
Twisted Monster Cold...
Erendel Zzz... zzz...
Estara Mamma...
"Twisted Monster" Oh... hungry... eat, eat... cold...
Cover... cover...
Cold... cover...
Eren... Sara...
<Background 3>
Richele What have you done, Your Excellency?
Abbot It is improper to eavesdrop on a confession, Reverend Executor.
Richele Oh, don't get me wrong, I wasn't listening to your confession.
Of course, you also know that's not what I'm talking about. Nor am I asking who you sent to ring the bell, how you plan meals for the monastery...
I'm asking about the smell coming from the sacrarium up there.
Abbot You can tell by the smell...? Is the Griffin Arsenal still in business?
Richele As far as I know, it still supplies practice equipment for various educational institutions.
Including firebombs.
Abbot ...Only the Holy City endures.
Richele I feel your pain. If only Federico learned subtlety and discretion, right?
Still, it's just a corner of a building. It's far from over. Everyone can return to Laterano safely. What do you think?
Abbot You're talking to the wrong man.
I taught everyone how to dismantle the abbey's old weapons and make use of them. Fuel is short, while the winter is long.
But if you think I instigated the fire... I won't argue.
Richele Come now, don't talk like that. Why don't we sit down and have a chat? Find a solution that we can all accept?
Abbot Chat? Solution? Ha.
Is there a solution that doesn't involve turning my back on a human being? I already explained my convictions. Would you truly accept a compromise?
A group of refugees sought sanctuary at the monastery seven years ago during a great drought. I closed the doors to them.
They stumbled, almost crawling, back to the wastes. It wasn't the first time I saw a sight like that.
But I swore before the Lord that it would be the last.
Am I wrong in my convictions, Executor?
Richele No, of course you're right. I understand your pain.
There are limits to Laterano's power.
The laws are imperfect.
Abbot You...
Richele I think, and therefore, I doubt.
For all its imperfections, though, Laterano is good enough for me. I don't want to see her peace and harmony to be threatened by anyone or anything.
I'm sure you can understand that.
Abbot ......
Richele It would be easier for me to persuade my colleagues if we reach an agreement here, and if you refrain from causing any complications.
My mission would be easier if none of you lifted a finger.
Just because not everyone can go back to Laterano, doesn't mean that no one should.
Abbot Laterano is to you as this place is to me.
There is no need for any further talk between us.
I ask you to leave me to my confession.
<Background 5>
Clément Raimund? It's getting late. You should get some rest.
Raimund ...Clément.
I just had something to do.
Clément I'm really sorry about today...
Raimund Don't think too much about it. We're leaving anyway.
Clément ...Right.
When is that...?
Raimund Depends on Gerald. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning, no matter what.
Probably after Matins.
Clément Matins...
Raimund Oh! Do you know where Fortuna and Delfina are?
I was going to... well, I was looking for them.
Clément Did... Gerald not tell you?
Raimund What? What are you talking about?
Clément ......
Delfina... she's gone.
<Background 2>
[The monster, which is highly implied to be Hyman (or what's left of her) – Erendel and Estara's guardian, leaves the house.]
"Twisted Monster" ......
Good... bye...
??? Was that a word of farewell? Or am I mistaken?
"Twisted Monster" –!
[Federico reveals himself.]
Federico You possess basic language skills. It seems my previous assessment was incorrect.
"Twisted Monster" You... are...
Sank... ta.
Federico Indicating a certain level of sapience and cognitive thinking.
Communication appears possible, despite deviation of physical form.
"Twisted Monster" ......
[Federico loads his gun.]
Federico Unknown level of contagion. Unclear if movement patterns change over time. Unknown level of danger.
Notarial Hall regulations permit elimination of potential threats of unknown danger level in order to safeguard the rights of the citizenry.
"Twisted Monster" ......
Federico No sign of resistance. No apparent will to survive.
I'll try to make this quick and painless.
The monster stands in place.
The path before it is blocked. It cannot go back to the past behind.
Justification, anger, pain, all consumed within the no-longer-human body, before it can manifest itself on the hardened hide.
Before an obstacle it cannot surmount, the monster loses the strength to fight, but cannot let go of its last bit of pride.
It stands, silent.
Like a statue.
Gerald Wait!
[Gerald runs toward Federico.]
Gerald Executor, no!
"Twisted Monster" ......
Gerald Hyman... I had half a mind to start praying like Stefano, praying that the monster the Executor was talking about wasn't you.
Hyman ......
Federico It was the logical hypothesis. It has now been confirmed.
Move aside, Gerald.
Gerald No.
Federico You're interfering with official business.
Gerald I know. You can point your gun at me, pull the trigger, bump off a Sarkaz criminal. You won't get any complaints from me.
But I can't let you kill Hyman.
Federico ...Explain.
Gerald I can't give you a "correct" or "proper" explanation.
All I can say is–
Look behind Hyman. There are two children sleeping beyond that door.
Hyman Children...
My, children...
Federico ......
Gerald They have no idea what happened. They're full of hope that you will find their mother.
They trust you.
The Sarkaz's rough, weathered hand presses against that of a Sankta.
There is no brotherly intimacy, no trust or understanding between friends.
But the Sarkaz's hand presses the Sankta's.
The muzzle of the gun drops, inch by inch.
Gerald Don't do it, Executor.
Don't do it, unless you've reached a conclusion that you're satisfied with.


  1. "Mr." in Latin
  2. "Thank you" in Latin