Ceobe: Tips For Beating Up Bad Guys

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Paradox Simulation
Tips For Beating Up Bad Guys
Ceobe icon.png
Ceobe PS map.png
Today Kay and Vulcan and also a lady with a metal box are gonna beat up bad guys together!
Vulcan said Kay's the main character today, yeah!
I wanna charge 'em and hit 'em, but Vulcan says staying back a bit and using really heavy spears to get rid of 'em is better.
So I guess I'll listen to Vulcan for now.
Okay, that's pretty much it, I understand everything! Now we all just wait for the bad guys to show up!

Unlock condition: Raise Ceobe to Elite 2 Level 1.


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
4 42 1 25


Normal Infused Originium Slug α ×8, Guerrilla Fighter ×12, Sponsor Drone ×1
Elite Sarkaz Caster ×2, Guerrilla Shieldguard ×2
The Sponsor Drone gives 1 Portable Supply Station when destroyed.


Squad composition
  • Ceobe
  • Jessica (Elite 2 Level 20, Skill-P2.png Power Strike β Level 7)
  • Vulcan (Elite 2 Level 40, Skill-Vulcan1.png Guardian Mode Level 7)
  • Ceobe's level, promotion, skill level/Specialization Level, Trust, and Potential will match with that of the player's.
  • Unless noted otherwise, all other Operators are at Potential 1.
  • Jessica and Vulcan have 100% Trust.