Dur-nar: Hold Fast as Lightning
< Dur-nar
Paradox Simulation Hold Fast as Lightning |
Raising a firm shield and facing the enemy is only the first step. When to draw, when to ram, when to defend–every step requires consideration, and for Dur-nar, these considerations have long since become conditioned reflexes. As a soldier, she never feared standing against might nor skill, and as an Operator, she uses her shield to bring protection to others. Her blade is still keen as ever, her shield still as firm. Unlock condition: Raise Dur-nar to Elite 2 Level 1.
Unit Limit | Initial DP | Life Points | Enemies |
3 | 30 | 1 | 46 |
Normal | Rioter Leader ×22, Shielded Soldier Leader ×17 |
Elite | Heavy Defender ×5, Butcher ×2 |
Squad composition | |
Addendum | |