Operation story: CR-1

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Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Male Davistowner A icon.png
Community Resident
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Community Hawker
Male Leithanian A icon.png
Excited Leithanian Tourist
Female Leithanian B icon.png
Happy Leithanian Tourist
Male Siestan icon.png
Sneaky Siracusan Tourist
Mafioso icon.png
Suspicious Siracusan Tourist
Male Lateran Sankta icon.png
Sankta Passerby
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Male Tourist icon.png
Street Artist
Bodyguard icon.png
Guard Defender A
Blank icon.svg
Voice on TV
Blank icon.svg
Blank icon.svg
Blank icon.svg
Blank icon.svg
Casino Bouncer
Blank icon.svg
Security Guards
Blank icon.svg
Talkative Guard
Blank icon.svg
Guard Attacker A/B/C/D
Blank icon.svg
Guard Defender B/C/D
Slum Towers
Penthouse Roof Evening
Underground Club
Galería Krysztauowa Interior
Galería Krystauowa staircase
Mansion Room
Dossoles Street
Siesta Beach

Before operation

Reyenll houses Team Rainbow in gratitude for their help. Meanwhile, members of the street art community are furious at Reynell's televised speech.
<Background 1>
Community Resident I'll take a pack of dried cactus. Auntie Marco's, por favor.
Community Hawker Auntie Marco doesn't put as much additives! It's not as good as Uncle Marco's!
Community Resident One pack of dried cactus. I'm starving.
Community Hawker You look like you've been up all night. Developing photos?
Community Resident I can't help that inspiration likes to strike in the middle of the night.
Community Hawker So when are you gonna have my photo ready?
Community Resident Oh, I remember now... the one you said was a gift? For the girl who's into metal music?
Community Hawker She dumped me last month...
Community Resident Memories like to disappear in the middle of the night, too.
Community Hawker Of all the photographers here, I had to pick the one who could never make a deadline.
[A female Durin girl approaches the two residents.]
Community Hawker Back from the Galería, Tecno? How was it?
Tecno Get lost.
Community Hawker What's the matter, things didn't go well? Didn't you say last night that you were going to spraypaint the whole place?
Community Resident What does that palace of his look like on the inside? I heard it's a large collection of works from famous artists. I should have gone with you.
Tecno I hardly got a doodle in before I had to run for my life.
Community Hawker Tsk, tsk.
Community Resident Well, you'll get another chance. And bring me along next time.
Community Hawker Me too, hehe.
Tecno Enough of that, you two... where's the old man?
Community Resident He's in a bad mood. Holed himself up in his room all day.
I guess he's waiting for your "good news".
<Background 2>
Ela So, just to confirm, you don't know Levi?
Reynell Correct. And I should confirm that you don't know my uncle, right? Tall, wears glasses, smiles in the creepiest way you can imagine.
Ela Say any more and I'll start to wonder if your uncle is the one we're looking for.
Reynell Er, I think it's just another unpleasant coincidence.
[Reynell pours a glass.]
Reynell Now that we've resolved our misunderstandings, would you like a drink?
Ela No, thank you, Mr. Reynell. We have to go.
Why are you shaking, Iana?
Iana If we're not dreaming or hallucinating...
We've been "shot out" by some unknown power through time or space and landed in this place...
A far-away planet... or Earth in some unimaginable dimension of time...
I'm just excited, Ela.
Ela I get it, but we're not just facing a strange world, we have strange problems too.
So... stay calm, no matter how excited you feel.
Iana ...Sorry.
Doc Let's go, friends. Hopefully, we can a place to stay before nightfall.
Reynell Well, there's no need for doom and gloom. I'm not ungrateful for you saving my life.
I could at least offer a room with four walls and a roof.
Ela ...
Reynell Unless you really wanted to sleep on cardboard beneath the sky.
[Thunder rumbles as clouds gather in the sky.]
Ela ...
Iana It's going to rain.
Ela We won't take it for free, Mr. Reynell.
For as long as we accept your hospitality, we will protect you and ensure there won't be any other armed men charging into your room.
[Reynell's secretary walks to his side.]
Miłosz Or falling through the roof—
Reynell That will do, Miłosz. She knows what she's doing.
Miłosz (Whisper) But we don't know anything about them, Reynell.
Reynell (Whisper) This is our chance to learn.
Miłosz (Whisper) You're always so willful.
Reynell (Whisper) You know me.
Ela If you're going to turn us down, it would be nice to do it quickly.
Miłosz No, I have no objections.
Let's get your employment contract drafted before HR leaves for the day.
<Background 3>
[A door opens.]
Tecno Ahem. Diaz... I'm back.
Diaz ...
Tecno Er, I heard you were waiting for me.
I... I couldn't do it. But I didn't get hurt either.
Diaz Sit.
[Tecno obeys.]
Tecno What are you watching?
Diaz That.
Tecno Reynell? What is he blabbering about this time?
Voice on TV Mr. Reynell, as Galería Krysztauowa prepares for its grand opening, a local community is also planning an arts festival. What are your thought about it?
Voice on TV I have a lot of respect for art. The people who live there have good ideas and interesting creations, but an arts festival is not something that can be organized by just anybody. They don't have any professional buy-in.
It is silly to compare the two. The Galería has far more significance than their arts festival.
We have gathered artwork from across the world in Dossoles, demonstrating the diversity of culture and art, while providing a platform for art lovers everywhere.
The importance it poses to the development of art in Dossoles is not something that some amateur arts festival can hope to match.
Tecno That peddler called us amateurs?!
Diaz Not the first time we've been at odds.
All those organizations and critics have used our community as a tool to suck up to him on his first day in Dossoles.
He talks crap about us, using our works as comparison to promote his own garbage.
He's blocking us at every turn, from exhibitions, disc releases, even small performances.
Remember his so-called community development project? It was a hot mess and we eventually brought it down.
Tecno Yeah, the hate is mutual—
Diaz Like you. You went to tag up his Galería, didn't you?
Tecno He was the one who hired a writer to blast my friend's work in the papers...
Diaz Well, since when has he ever said anything good about us? Let him—
Voice on TV I have a couple of words that I want to say on behalf of all Dossoles artists.
Diaz ...?
Voice on TV Why has Galería Krysztauowa drawn so much attention and achieved so much? It's because we represent what is truly of value in the Dossoles art scene.
Absorbing the cultural nutrients of Dossoles, and representing her true spirit... that is the reason why I built Galería Krysztauowa.
Diaz Who did he say he's representing?! All Dossoles artists?!
Where was he when we put on a concert for the musicians who escaped the Singas Garden? Where was he when we were translating new Ursus novels?
What has he ever done for art on Dossoles? How dare he claim to represent Dossoles?!
Tecno Alright, old man, calm down, calm down...
Diaz Calm down?! Do you know he's opening his glass house on the same day as our arts festival?
Tecno What?
Diaz I didn't believe it when I heard about it this morning, but then he said it on air! It's the same day!
Tecno What do we do, then?
Diaz (Deep breath)
We do what we want. Who cares about him?
It's more important to stay focused on taking care of our own. Don't waste your time on him.
<Background 4>
[A soldier steps through the door.]
Commanding Officer ...Capitán Mateo.
Mateo Is this everyone who made it back?
Commanding Officer I...
Mateo Go on. What happened?
Commanding Officer Reynell's guards dropped down from the sky and stopped us. We lost a lot of men. I escaped with the survivors.
Mateo How many of them were there?
Commanding Officer Four.
Mateo Just four?
Commanding Officer Armed with guns. Very well-trained. The way they fought was unusual. We couldn't get through...
Mateo (Guns... Sankta? No mention of that in the report on Reynell... could it be Blacksteel?)
Commanding Officer S-Sir, I will take full responsibility for the failure. Please don't punish anyone else.
Mateo Hmph, you're loyal to your men.
Commanding Officer I...
Mateo No need to be so jittery. That's not a bad thing.
Our intel was insufficient, that's all. Now we know more.
Take that box on your way out. There's money and casino chips in it. Share it with your men and have some fun at the casino on me.
Commanding Officer C-Capitán? Are you sure?
Mateo Keep your ears open. Tongues are loose in a place like that.
Commanding Officer Yes, sir. I'll report if I hear anything.
What about that community? The brass are pushing... It's the last piece of the puzzle for the entertainment district project.
Mateo We've just got to find a way. If Reynell won't budge, we could start with the community directly.
Commanding Officer Yes, sir. I'll pay particular attention to anything about that place.
Mateo You're my first choice to manage the entertainment district once it's built. Don't disappoint me.
Commanding Officer I won't!
<Background 5>
[Miłosz approaches Ela at the Galería.]
Miłosz You're here earlier than I expected. Again.
Ela I don't like to make people wait.
Miłosz Sorry about that. There was a bit of traffic.
Ela It's nine o'clock on the dot. You're not too late.
Miłosz I used to be punctual, but then I realized that people here like to be fashionably late.
Ela No problem. I got time to check out the exhibits.
The Galeria's use of light is unique. Natural light during the day, and then bright as day again at night.
Miłosz Do you like art?
Ela No, just a little curious.
Miłosz Feel free to take a look around during your free time. You probably won't get a chance once the Galería is officially open.
Ela What? No employee tickets?
Miłosz Of course there are.
What I mean is you'll be able to take the time to appreciate a work you like, before the place is with crowds.
Ela Sometimes it's not the crowd that affects your mood. It's a particularly creepy painting.
Miłosz You mean the one at the end of the hallway?
That's not a famous piece. It's a portrait of Reynell's father.
He was the one who left behind the legacy that allowed us to build this Galeria, far from home, and collect masterpieces from all across Terra.
That's why Reynell always felt it was important to do something to commemorate his father.
Ela Like putting up a huge portrait here?
Miłosz Reynell wants everyone to see his father clearly. Anyway, it's just a portrait. Both Reynell and I believe Mr. Kowalski's merit goes far beyond that.
Ela A faithful son, I see.
Miłosz It's almost time. I'll take you to him.
<Background 6>
[The two climb up the stairs.]
Ela I've been meaning to ask, why do all visitors have to climb the stairs to get to the penthouse?
Miłosz He prefers people expend some kind of effort to come and find him. Everyone has to take at least one flight of stairs.
Ela I've never seen him do it himself.
Miłosz He has his personal elevator.
It's the only one in the Galería's office area, and these are the only stairs.
Ela Sounds like what a genius would do, alright.
The silver lining is that it makes security simpler. Anything else I need to know?
Miłosz No. You have one job: Keep him alive.
Ela What about at night? Do you need us to rotate shifts?
Miłosz No, I'll be there at night.

After operation

The members of Team Rainbow see their share of drama as they get to know Dossoles. Miłosz quietly shows up before the Capitán who planned the failed kidnapping.
<Background 7>
Reynell Miss Ela. Are your friends not with you?
Ela Your guards are very interested in Fuze and wouldn't stop asking questions. I left him there since you said you wanted to get them trained up.
Reynell You said there were four of you.
Ela Going by what we agreed on, two of us will protect you while the others continue our search here. They'll be on hand if we need them.
You're not going out in public today anyway.
Reynell Just curious. In fact, it's easier on me with fewer people around.
Ela I saw you have two top-secret meetings on your schedule.
Reynell I do? What meetings?
Clear Skies.png
Ela Bungee jumping? That's a meeting?
Reynell Of course. Miłosz wouldn't let me do this, but he's not here today. Why not seize the opportunity?
Ela As your bodyguard... I advise you to rethink this.
Reynell As your employer, I advise you to advise less.
Is my safety harness ready?
Staff Yes, sir. You're good to jump anytime.
Reynell See you later.
[Reynell jumps.]
Reynell Yahooo—!
Ela What an asshole.
Staff Nothing to worry about. Our equipment is first-rate. There's no danger at all.
Ela You wouldn't have had him sign that waiver if there was no danger.
Staff Would you like to come back and remove your safety harness, then?
Ela On the other hand, my boss did pay for it.
Ela backs up to the edge and feels nothing but air on her heels, a tingling feeling that goes straight up her spine along the harness.
She smiles at the worker and falls backwards, allowing the feeling of weightlessness to seize her heart.
Dossoles, the City of Two Suns.png
She waits for the rope to become fully stretched, then bounce back, pulling her back up.
Then she hears the sound of a splash in the roaring wind.
Staff Oh no, that Vulpo unlocked his own harness?!
Ela Gówno!
[Ela unlocks her harness to dive after him.]
<Background 8>
Ad Don't get sunburned when you enjoy the beach! Buy Sombrero Dude sunscreen now and get a free set of tail care oil...
[Meanwhile, Iana and Doc are strolling through Dossoles.]
Doc What is that?
Iana That girl with cat ears was handing them out. I took one.
Doc It's true that UV rays are strong around here.
Iana Not that, this.
Doc Polishing stone for horns? What are they babbl—
[Just then, an Elafian and Caprinae tourist with horns pass by.]
Excited Leithanian Tourist Who would have thought there would be such a wonderful vacation spot in war-torn Bolívar? I was dreading this business trip at first.
Happy Leithanian Tourist It's been great, except the salt water makes your horns rough. I need to polish mine when we get back to the hotel.
[The two continue chattering as Doc stares dumbfoundedly.]
Doc ...
And conditioner tailored to Vulpo, Lupo and Feline.
Iana Ten-liter set?! I mean, I know they have ears and tails and all...
[Two shady tourists with ears and tails pass by each other.]
Sneaky Siracusan Tourist. This batch is a good one. Let's talk details on the beach tomorrow.
Suspicious Siracusan Tourist They'd better be worth the price.
[The two quickly move away.]
Iana Okay, they need it.
Doc Nothing could surprise me now.
[Just then, an "angel" and "devil" pass by each other.]
Sankta Passerby (Frowns disapprovingly)
Sarkaz Mercenary (Goes around scornfully)
[The two avoid each other.]
Doc Sacré dieu...
Iana ...
Host Let's welcome our guest today, Mr. Reynell Kowalski, the new star of Dossoles's art scene!
Reynell's Voice Thank you, Dossoles TV, for giving me the chance to be scorned by thousands sitting in front of their television screens, and a way for them to let off some steam.
Iana Hey, isn't that the owner of Galería Krysztauowa?
Doc I didn't expect to hear his voice on the street.
I wonder if Ela and Fuze are getting along with him. I have a hunch he's one to get on your nerves.
Casino Bouncer If you're not playing, get lost! You're scaring away customers with that shabby outfit.
Iana Hm?
Street Artist I'm just advertising our community festival. I'm not bothering your guests.
Casino Bouncer You'd better not be.
[The bouncer kicks out the artist (literally).]
Street Artist Hey, folks! Wanna check out our festival? Take a flyer! It's a real special event in the street art community!
Doc Thanks, but I don't think we'll have the time...
Street Artist You're not going to that glass house opening, are you? Don't let that guy fool you with his fancy talk! He doesn't know anything about art!
Doc Er...
Street Artist Come on, take a flyer.
[Doc reluctantly takes one and the artist leaves.]
Iana What does it say?
Doc Hmm, I would be interested in checking it out, if they manage to pull it off.
Reynell's Voice ...This ceremony will stimulate Dossoles's artistic and cultural fields.
My staff and I have prepared extensive plans for acquisitions, business development, sector growth...
The opening of Galería Krysztauowa will be a turning point in Dossoles's economic history.
Iana Now I'm more interested in what's on the flyer.
<Background black>
[Ela breaks through the surface of the water.]
Ela *Cough* Are you out of your mind, you son of a vixen?!
[She drags Reynell out of the water.]
Ela Wake up, you bastard!
Stop playing dead! I can feel your pulse!
<Background 10>
Reynell *Cough* Haha... *cough*
[Reynell stands up.]
Reynell Just a moment of capriciousness. Releasing the shackles that bind me at the closest point to the surface, and falling freely into the water...
Isn't that so much more fun than just bouncing up and down on a rope?
Ela ...I'm sorry, Mr. Reynell, but I don't think I can continue to serve as your bodyguard. Thank you for giving us a place to stay. My squad and I will move out tomorrow.
Reynell Come on, I've fallen into water from even greater heights. See, I'm completely fine, am I not? No need to get angry.
Ela I can't protect a man who plays jokes with his life.
Reynell You're mistaken, Miss Ela. I have a goal that I've been working toward for many years. Until it's complete, no one values his life more than I do.
Remember to wipe yourself dry. I can tell your constitution is not as strong as "ours."
<Background 4>
[Miłosz steps into Capitan Mateo's office.]
Mateo Don't you know? Once you step through this door, it's not up to you whether you get to step back through it again.
Miłosz I come in good faith, Capitán Mateo.
Mateo Good faith? After the reception my men got from your boss?
Miłosz Why can't you and Reynell stop bickering with one another?
Mateo Interesting question. Is he going to hand over the plot of land where that street art community is squatting?
Get in my way, and you get in the way of Bolívar's Coalition government.
A Kazimierzian with nothing but money thinks he can negotiate with a government representative just because he hired a few mercenaries?
Miłosz Reynell doesn't want to fight you over that piece of land. If we can reach an agreement, he is happy to cede control of the land to you... or to the Coalition government. It makes no difference.
Mateo And you speak for him?
Miłosz I do.
We could have been talking about this under more amicable circumstances, if not for that ill-conceived kidnapping attempt.
Mateo You blame me for that?
Miłosz It was an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Mateo No need to make excuses for me. I don't care. Just tell me, what does Reynell want?
Miłosz One doesn't do business in Bolívar for long without the support of a powerful patron... someone like you.
Mateo I spent most of my years in the army, not the classroom. Get to the point.
Miłosz Well... that neighborhood is not so much a home for artists as a lawless place where gangs roam unchecked.
We had plans for its development, but the residents were utterly vicious. Even worse, there are Infected living among them.
Mateo Hmph. You thought money could solve all your problems in Dossoles.
Miłosz Yes. Only those who are can solve problems get to enjoy the ultimate fruit.
<Background 9>
[Meanwhile, Fuze is talking with Reynell's bodyguards.]
Fuze I don't know your style or skills, so I think the quickest way would be a simulated engagement.
Two teams, four in each team, best of three.
Attacking team tries to locate the hostage and rescue him, defending team tries to stop the attackers from rescuing the hostage.
Any questions?
Security Guards ...
Talkative Guard Who's the hostage?
Fuze For the sake of fairness, me.
<Background fades out and in>
[The Attacker team are moving through the warehouse.]
Guard Attacker A I'm in through the window!
Room's empty! Moving on to the next one.
[The guard bumps into his teammate.]
Guard Attacker B Hey, watch where you're going!
Guard Attacker A You watch where you're going!
[The Defender besides Fuze moves to survey the area.]
Guard Attacker B Quiet! I've already searched the direction you're going in. There's nobody there. Didn't you hear it on the radio?
Guard Attacker A Radio? Oh, I dropped my earpiece out the window. I was looking for you to get a new one.
[The two Attackers get knocked out by the vigilant Defender.]
Guard Defender A Two enemies down. I could hear them from a mile away.
<Background fades out and in>
Guard Defender B How about you crouch behind this board? Maybe show an inch or two of your head, so as to draw their attention.
Guard Defender C The three of us will guard the only door and take them out as they enter.
Fuze ...You're not concerned that I could get hurt?
Guard Defender D Get hurt? Nah, we got them the moment they step inside.
<Background flashes white>
Guard Defender B Dammit! The Originium Arts! I can't see!
Guard Defender C Th-They're coming in through the window! Stay back!
Guard Attacker C Hostage found. There were three idiots waiting by the door. Looks like they forgot there's more than one way in.
Guard Attacker D The bright flash looks like it works well... hey, what's that guy doing?
[One of the Defenders is firing their crossbow rapidly.]
Guard Defender C Get away from me! Dammit! Get away!
Guard Attacker C H-He's just shooting blindly! Where are my teammates? All down?!
[One of the bolts clinks against Fuze's armor.]
Fuze ...
[And then a second bolt.]
Fuze *Russian swearing*. Stop, stop!
You guys are a real eye-opener.
<Background 5>
Miłosz You're back early. I thought you would be out enjoying places I don't let you go.
Reynell There was an accident.
Miłosz You're hurt?
Reynell No, Miss Ela quit.
Miłosz ...This is the 32nd bodyguard who's had enough of you. I can't spend all day with you when I've got my own job to do.
Reynell What about your negotiations with the Capitán?
Miłosz He took the bait.
Reynell Good. Now we'll see how our "friends" in that community perform.
Miłosz He'll have his hands full.
Reynell I've spent long enough dealing with those artists to know that if there's one thing they do well, it's causing trouble.
[Ela and Fuze return.]
Reynell Miss Ela! Have you handed in your resignation papers yet?
Ela No one told me HR is closed today.
Reynell Ah, my staff have always been capricious. It's such a headache.
Ela ...
Before I go, you should know that the sculpture at the center of the special exhibit is a counterfeit.
It's a tiny bit different from the other works by the same sculptor. You should look into it.
Reynell Oh?
Ela Maybe your dealer ripped you off. I guess that's a fact of life for a businessman like you.
Reynell Hahaha! I'm starting to regret letting you go, Miss Ela.
Ela Oh yeah?
Reynell You have a good eye. I was the one who made the counterfeit. I kind of liked it, so I just left it out.
It's been there for a while. You're the first one to realize it's a fake.
Ela Maybe others just don't dare point it out.
Since that doesn't bother you, my friends and I will be going now.
Reynell Just a moment, Miss Ela.
Ela What is it?
Reynell Would you keep working for me if I promised to behave?
Miłosz (Mumble) Well, that's something you don't see every day...
Ela You're trying to persuade me to stay?
Reynell Yes.
Don't you want to see the authentic piece? You must have spent a lot of time with that sculptor's work to notice such tiny details.
Ela ...
I hope you can keep your promise.
<Background 11>
[Tequila and Catapult are driving a transport vehicle.]
Catapult How far to Dossoles, Ernesto?
Tequila We're almost there.
Catapult You've been saying that for days!
Tequila Yes, we're almost there... once I deliver this batch of medicine, I'll take you to a sunny beach where you can lie down for a whole day.
Far away from any casinos or bars.
Catapult I could live with bars. I understand that some people need to drink their troubles away... hey, how did you know I don't like casinos?
Tequila It's my first time taking a partner operator home to Dossoles, so I asked Orchid about you before we left.
Catapult Then you know what happened when I left my homeland...
Tequila A brave act.
Catapult And when I went back...
Tequila An honorable choice.
Catapult ...
Well, it's not something I'm ashamed of... it's just a little more fit to be shared over a drink or two, not like this...
Well, you can buy me a drink when we get to Dossoles. That's my price for hearing the story. Deal?
Tequila Deal.