Operation story: CR-2

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Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Gun-Wielding Soldier
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Squad Leader
Female Siracusan A icon.png
Community Resident
Male Lungmenite icon.png
Confused Community Resident
Male Kuranta B icon.png
Lazy Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Cautious Passerby
Blank icon.svg
Timid Taxi Driver
Blank icon.svg
Street Photographer
Blank icon.svg
Diaz's Aide
Dossoles Street
Lungmen Back Alley
Slum Towers
Underground Club
Leithanian Back Alley

Before operation

While transporting medicine to Dossoles, Tequila and Catapult are ambushed by the Capitán's men as soon as they enter the city. The pair manage to escape, but the medicine is stolen with tactics similar to those of Team Rainbow.
<Background 1>
[A Bolívarian officer enters Mateo's office.]
Commanding Officer Sir!
Mateo What is it?
Commanding Officer I believe I found a lead on that thing you asked me to look into.
Word around the casino is that a shipment of Oripathy suppressants is being delivered to that artist community. There are a lot of Infected in there. If we can stop the shipment, maybe...
Mateo Who's delivering it?
Commanding Officer A pharmaceutical company by the name of Rhodes Island. It has a bit of a reputation in Dossoles and is linked to Lady Candela... is it dangerous?
Mateo Dangerous...? Let me think...
By the way, did you get anything on the men who showed up at Reynell's office the other day?
Commanding Officer Sorry, sir, we tried, but we couldn't find anything...
Mateo What about our old rivals? The people behind them?
Commanding Officer Nothing there either.
Mateo Are you telling me they just dropped from the sky?
Commanding Officer Maybe someone doesn't want us digging up their background?
Mateo Then who is that someone?
Ah... I see... why didn't I think of it?
Commanding Officer What's that?
Mateo What if it's in the Coalition government itself? Plenty of people would love to have my job.
Perhaps even someone who's spent a lot of time under me... what do you think?
Commanding Officer A-Absolutely not! I've always been loyal to you, and to you alone! I swear!
Mateo Now that I think of it, you wouldn't have the guts.
Commanding Officer Y-You're absolutely right!
Mateo Well, I have my hands full with what's in front of me, anyway... is there a way to kill two fowlbeasts with one stone?
Teach those gangs in the community a lesson, while taking those people down a peg...
What do you remember about their tactics that day?
<Background 2>
[Tequila and Catapult's vehicle are driving through Dossoles.]
Catapult I thought you had to wait in the customs line for a long time.
Tequila It helps that I know the customs officer. I actually borrowed this car from him.
Catapult I didn't know you had so many friends here.
Let's get the meds delivered, then we can find a beach to lie down and relax.
Tequila There's no rush. It's a very interesting neighborhood that we're headed to. I think you'll like it.
Catapult What do you mean?
Tequila A lot of them are engaged in very special creative, spiritual activities, expressing their sentiments about life and everything around them through unique language and media.
Catapult I'm feeling a little confused... could you put it in a simpler way?
Tequila There are a lot of artists there.
<Background 3>
[Meanwhile, a hidden officer is reporting back to Capitan Mateo.]
Commanding Officer Everything is in place, sir.
Don't worry, sir, we're properly dressed, and we've memorized the phrases that they used.
Reenacting their accents and tactics won't be easy, but we've got a former Blacksteel guy here who'll take point.
We've handed out the guns, as well as Originium explosives and launchers.
Yes, the medicine first, and the fewer people around the better. I know, leave witnesses alive.
I've got this, sir, no worries.
[The officer ends his transmission.]
Gun-Wielding Soldier They're one block away, sir.
Commanding Officer Move, move!
<Background 2>
[Catapult spots something ahead.]
Catapult Ernesto, what's that in the middle of the road?
Tequila Maybe someone dropped it. We'll just go around.
Catapult Wait—it's an Originium explosive!
Tequila A what?!
No time to brake. Jump!
[The two promptly jump out of the vehicle before it explodes.]
Catapult The medicine!
Tequila It's in a special container. It should survive the explosion... hopefully...
Can you stand?
Catapult Just a little scratch.
[Several uniformed men approach the wreck.]
Catapult They're running towards the car!
Guys! There's no one inside! We're here!
No response.
Is it just me, or do they look more like mercenaries than tourists?
Tequila They could have something to do with that explosion. Let's go—
The men find what they need in the car and run away before Tequila can finish.
The remaining men point their guns at Catapult and Tequila.
Catapult Guns?!
Who are they, Ernesto?
Tequila That's what I want to know.
Why are you after the meds?
Squad Leader Open fire!
Tequila Damn—
Catapult Ernesto, get down!
[The two duck behind cover as the soldiers toss a frag grenade.]
Squad Leader Engaging! Six o'clock!
Fire! Fire! Keep them pinned down!
<Background flashes repeatedly>
[The soldiers launch a heavy assault with their guns.]
Tequila Are you okay, Arleta?
Catapult I'm fine. Only one of them is actually shooting properly. The others are just popping launchers—
Gun-Wielding Soldier Reloading! Cover me!
[The reloading soldier gets shot.]
Gun-Wielding Soldier Twelve o'clock... our man down...
[Catapult and Tequila fire back.]
Catapult Too many of them. We can't reach the meds.
Tequila Let's get to the alley over there. There's a way out that way.
Catapult (Whisper) Gotcha. I'll cover you.
[Catapult launches a smoke grenade, covering Tequila.]
Tequila (Whisper) Ten meters, five meters, three meters... Arleta!
[Catapult swiftly follows him.]
<Background fades out and in>
Cautious Passerby The street art community? Why do you ask?
Iana I'm interested in the arts festival on this flyer.
Cautious Passerby I wouldn't go there if I were you. They aren't people you want to mess with.
Timid Taxi Driver I agree. There are a lot of Infected there.
Doc Infected? Are they sick?
Timid Taxi Driver Are you kidding me?
[The man fumes and drives away.]
Doc No one will show us the way. It sounds like a dangerous place. Are we still going?
Iana Taxis won't even take us there.
Doc Maybe we should report back to Ela and go together with the others.
<Background flashes>
Street Photographer Look what we've got here. The perfect angle, subject and expression. A true work of art.
Iana Did you just take our photo without permission, sir?
Doc Give me the camera, please.
Street Photographer Come now, handsome, don't get angry, take a look. I guarantee you'll love it.
The screen shows the duo frowning at the taxi driving away, as though bothered by its wake, one putting her hands on her hips in frustration, the other covering his nose.
A snapshot of everyday life at its most amusing, condensed into a single picture.
Iana Pff... that's not bad.
Doc You do have a good eye.
Street Photographer I'm glad you like it. Fifteen gold certificates, or equivalent in soles or ducats. I'm not picky.
Doc I'm afraid we have no intention of buying it. And you'll have to delete it as well. We don't want our image to end up somewhere we wouldn't expect.
Street Photographer Well, if you want it deleted... twenty gold certificates, not a penny less.
Iana We're not paying.
Street Photographer Well, we're not deleting anything unless you pay up.
Doc Bastard.
Street Photographer Yeah, I'm a rascal alright. Problem?
[The photographer revs his motorcyle...]
Iana He's getting away!
Street Photographer Keep your eyes open for your photos out there! Adios, amigos!
[...and speeds away.]
Doc *French swearing*, he's too fast!
Iana Not to worry, Kateb. He left a long trail of tire marks behind.
<Background 4>
[The photographer parks his motorcyle at a back alley.]
Tecno I've been looking for you. Is your photo portfolio ready?
Street Photographer Just making a couple of quick bucks. Don't worry, I'll have it ready tonight.
Tecno You always leave it to the last minute.
Street Photographer I'll buy you fruit soda to make up for it.
Tecno Forget that, just get your photos ready by tonight, or I'll break your nose.
Street Photographer Ha. See ya!
[The photographer runs off.]
Iana We're going to lose him... that girl is in the way.
Doc We have to think of something.
They peek out from behind cover to see the girl pick up a spray can and begin spraying graffiti on the alley walls.
Doc (Whisper) Don't tell me... has she noticed us?
Iana (Whisper) What do you mean?
Doc (Whisper) Look at the way she's turning to the left and wincing... is she communicating with someone?
Iana (Whisper) It's possible... their ears work differently. Maybe they can hear us, even when we try to be quiet.
[The girl is spraying paint on the walls when she suddenly grimaces...]
Tecno Damn... why now...? Argh...
[...and falls to the ground.]
Doc Did she just collapse?
She's ill!
Meijer, keep watch!
Iana Be careful—
[Doc runs to check on the girl.]
<Background fades out and in>
Iana What's going on, Kateb?
You're really frowning.
Doc Don't move.
Doc crouches down and examines the girl.
A strange expression comes over his face, and his brows furrow even deeper.
Iana What is it?
Doc picks up the fallen spray can while covering his mouth and nose.
Doc I'm guessing this can hasn't passed inspection.
Iana I'm not sure you can get knocked out by spraypaint, even if it's poorly made.
Doc I don't know... I can only do what I can.
Are you feeling better, girl?
Tecno Injector... in my pocket...
Doc Let's see... this one?
Tecno (Nods slowly)...
[Doc injects the medicine into the girl's arm.]
Doc Good thing you have your own medication, otherwise there wouldn't be much I could do to help you.
I thought maybe the spraypaint fumes knocked you out.
Tecno Ha... I smell it every day... it's nothing.
Doc You already look much better.
Tecno That's my last one...
Iana Here, have some water.
Tecno Thanks.
Doc Where do you live, girl? We'll take you home.
Tecno Don't call me "girl"...
You're not afraid of me?
Doc I'm from Paris. I've seen my share of street gangs.
Tecno Gangs? That's not what I'm talking about.
Doc Then what is it?
Tecno Huh? You're kind of a weirdo...
The girl lifts the gauze from her right leg, revealing the Originium crystals on her knee.
Tecno Aren't you scared of this?

After operation

After helping Tecno, Iana and Doc visit the street art community, but get into a misunderstanding with the respected firefighter Diaz, and take their first tour of the community's culture while on the run.
<Background 5>
Doc Anything else I can help with?
Tecno No, my friend is coming. She'll take care of the rest.
[A female Lupo rushes to the scene.]
Community Resident I came as soon as I heard. What happened? Let me take a look.
Tecno Hey, don't grab my head. And don't lift my skirt with so many people watching.
Community Resident Well, you look alive enough.
Tecno Thanks to these two. They helped me when I had a flare-up.
Doc Just doing what any doctor should.
Community Resident There aren't many doctors like you left. Most can't run away fast enough when they find out about our condition.
Doc If you're here to take care of her, then we'll be leaving.
Community Resident Wait! Here's my card. Please feel free to visit my massage parlor any time. 20% off for you amigos!
Iana Thank you, but I don't think we'll need—
Tecno She's good, you know. Whenever we get an ache or pain, all of us go right to her.
Doc I'm a physician, I know how to take care of myself. I don't need any help.
Community Resident Just try it, sir.
Iana Please, keep your distance, ma'am.
The woman takes a few steps back, puts on a pair of gloves, then snaps her fingers.
Community Resident Sure. I can do it from this distance.
Iana You can touch me from there?
Doc Ahem... I've heard of people claiming the ability to perform therapy from afar. Whether it's called "Qi" or some other name, most research indicates that it's pseudoscie—
As the woman's fingers move through the air, the pair feel a warm sensation on their shoulders, and soon feel a sense of comfort that envelopes them gently.
Doc Oh... my stress and anxiety... all gone...
Iana Am I imagining it? I feel so good... oh...
Doc Well... I guess I can forget the research...
<Background 6>
Diaz What? Someone stole the meds?
This is no joke, Ernesto. We have a lot of Infected in the community who need those meds.
Tequila We apologize for failing to deliver. We'll try to make up for it.
Diaz You don't really think money will do it, do you?
Tequila If we can't find the meds, I'll try to obtain an equivalent amount of medicine in a timely manner.
Diaz Sorry, Señor Ernesto. I'm just nervous.
Did you see the robbers? We have plenty of eyes and ears here. Maybe we can help.
Tequila That's what felt strange. It looked like a prepared ambush. Rhodes Island has always treaded carefully around here, trying not to make enemies...
I can't imagine why anyone would target us.
Diaz Maybe they had their eyes on your meds. Suppressants fetch a good price on the black market.
Tequila They were very professional. Quick and efficient.
Are our meds really worth that kind of effort? And also, I think I heard the sound of gunfire while we were running.
Diaz Guns... pros, again. I'm glad Reynell thinks so highly of us.
Tequila You think someone is targeting your community?
Diaz Our grudge with Reynell goes back a long way. But I never thought he would do something so dirty...
[Tequila hears a bunch of noise from below.]
Tequila What's with the commotion downstairs?
Sounds like someone's condition flared up while they were outside and got help from kind passersby. People are gathering to thank them.
Diaz We always repay acts of kindness. Let me see their faces...
Say, haven't I seen them before?
The man picks up yesterday's newspaper and flips to the gossip section, pausing at its title: "No one can stand him! Reynell changes bodyguards AGAIN."
Subtitle: "Exclusive report: Four guards, two shifts? Who are they?"
Tequila Hey... they look really like the ones down there.
Diaz Looks like we really have to "repay" their "kindness."
<Background 5>
Iana I feel like I've been born again... It's hard to describe.
Doc Thank you... It's such an astonishing massage technique.
Community Resident I learned it in Kjerag. I had to climb Mt. Karlan in a snowstorm to convince the Saintess there to teach me.
Tecno Pah, you came here from Siracusa what, seven or eight years ago? When did you have the time to go to the Snow Realm? Don't believe her tall tales.
Community Resident Hey, I resent the accusation!
Doc Well, thank you for the massage. But we should go—
??? Reynell has a lot of people working for him. A couple less won't make any difference.
How about you stay a little while longer and enjoy our hospitality?
[Diaz approaches the group with an angry look on his face.]
Doc Er...
Tecno Papá? What's the matter?
Diaz Why are you with these medicine robbers? Why did you bring them here?
Tecno ...Medicine?
Diaz Yes, medicine for Oripathy! They stole it!
Tecno Stole? It couldn't be them! They don't even know what Oripathy is!
Doc We don't know anything about any medicine. Could there be a misunderstanding?
Diaz Misunderstanding? Who else but Blacksteel and you dress like mercenaries and use guns in these parts?
Iana We were just bringing the girl back.
Diaz Well, if there's a misunderstanding, we'll clear it up. Take them in!
The duo see Diaz's aide raise his staff.
While they cannot imagine how the light at the tip of the staff would do damage, they instinctively sense the approaching danger.
Iana Run, Kateb!
[Doc dodges the incoming flash of Arts.]
Doc Look out!
[Iana and Doc flee.]
Diaz Come on, you gun-toting thugs! I dare you to set foot in this neighborhood!
[Tequila arrives at the scene.]
Tequila You were too fast, I couldn't catch you. Where are they?
Diaz Hiding.
What are you doing standing there? Find them!
Diaz's Aide Move, move!
[The residents spread out to search.]
<Background 7>
[Iana and Doc run into an alleyway.]
Iana What was that? Magic?
Doc I think they called it Originium Arts. But I guess magic is fine.
We need to find a way out. The exits are all guarded.
Iana Cover me. I'll control the replicate.
Doc Ready.
[Iana activates her Gemini Replicator, creating a hologram of herself.]
Iana Gemini Replicator active.
<Background 5>
Confused Community Resident Hey, where did they go?
Lazy Community Resident Not here, not there...
[The projection of Iana suddenly appears.]
Confused Community Resident Where did she come from?!
Right in the middle of the road!
<Background flashes>
<Background glitches>
Bows, crossbows, launchers, Arts Units... all sorts of weapons point towards the gemini decoy in the middle of the road.
Even Iana is speechless at the reception.
Iana Well... talk about a warm welcome.
<Background 7>
Iana Bows, crossbows, bombs, 'magic'... hmph.
Doc Let's go while they're distracted by the decoy. It won't take long for them to figure it out.
Iana Maybe we should get in touch with Ela, see what's going on. I'm just so confused right now...
<Background fades out and in>
Ela No, I'm sure it's not Reynell's guys. His guards have been busy getting whipped by Shuhrat.
Iana Are you sure he's telling the truth?
Ela I'm sure. He hasn't had a chance to give an order like that today.
Iana But the people here seem sure that we stole their medicine.
Ela That's not important. What's important is that we get out of that neighborhood ASAP...
It's dangerous for you two to continue, given their special powers. Do you need support?
Iana No. Their Originium Arts are impressive, but they're just a disorganized mob. I know how to protect myself, and Kateb's here with me.
Ela ...Get in touch if anything happens.
Iana I will.
[Iana ends the transmission.]
Doc They've dispersed, Meijer. Time to move.
Iana Okay, let's go.
Alright, I've taken a look from up high. The district is roughly divided into three areas: the outer ring, the residential district, and that building at the center.
Doc Which is always patrolled by guys with magic wands. There must be someone or something important there.
Iana That's not important. We're steering well clear of it anyway.
Doc What about going through the residential area? I didn't see anyone armed. It seems to be a safe path.
Iana Or it could be more dangerous.
Doc True... common sense doesn't apply to this planet.
<Background 4>
Sound from Window on the Right Wah—Wah—
Don't cry, babe, daddy will sing you a song.
Where are you flying, tired fowlbeast♪
Towards tomorrow's wind♪
Don't you know♪
Your wings are for today♪
(Whisper) Asleep, finally...
[Doc and Iana cautiously walk through the alleyways.]
Doc I didn't think I would hear a song like that here.
Iana What happened?
Doc Something just dashed past my feet. Rat, snail... I'm not sure. It's too dark.
Iana This is their garbage dump. No wonder no one comes here.
Doc The way out is just ahead. You should be glad that people don't come to this stink heap.
<Background flashes>
Iana Hostiles?!
Doc No, just light from that window.
Iana Why would they do this in their own home?
Sound from Window on the Left Oh, thank you so much, honey. That fowlbeast just kept running.
Well, it's not running anymore. Now we can—
Oh no, it's waking up again! Arts like that just don't work here!
(Loud fowlbeast crowing)
Sound from Window on the Right Oh no, she's waking up again!
(Loud baby crying)
Iana Ha...
Doc I guess Originium Arts isn't the answer to everything.
Iana Look at the colored acrylic boards on the walls. Only people who think of this place as home would put up decorations with no practical use like those.
Doc Same goes for the graffiti on this side. The scenes, figures and decorations don't look like casual doodles.
Every picture seems to tell a story.
[Tecno passes by and notices them.]
Tecno Wh-What are you doing here?
Doc Er, girl, we...
Iana Calm down. We didn't do what that gentleman accused us of... It's a misunderstanding.
Tecno I... I don't know. You helped me, but...
Doc We mean no harm... You know that, girl.
Tecno ...
Go right once you leave the alley. The left side may look empty, but sometimes Papá goes out there to smoke.
I was just taking out the trash. I didn't see anything.
[Tecno runs away.]
Doc You...
Iana (Whisper) We should go, Kateb.