Operation story: IS-9

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Siracusan Mafioso B icon.png
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Bellone Mafioso
Female Siracusan A icon.png
Calm Technician
Female Siracusan B icon.png
Energetic Technician
Female Siracusan B icon.png
Fearful Waiter
Mafioso icon.png
Siracusan Girl icon.png
Rubio's Daughter
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Saluzzo Mafioso
Female Siracusan A icon.png
Terrified Waiter
Siracusan Official
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Command Center
Siracusa Manor
Siracusa Alley
Hotel Room
Siracusa Streets
Siracusa Restaurant
Laterano Chapel Inside
Siracusa Courtroom

Before operation

Texas finally feels anger at everything unfolding in front of her. Leontuzzo finally comes to understand his father's ultimate purpose, and decides his own path.
Leontuzzo forgot what happened that day.
He was still too young at the time.
He knows only two things for certain.
That day was not the day his mother died.
That day was the only time he ever saw his father look somewhat lost.
He walked through the rainy streets and saw his father sitting outside the church without an umbrella.
He tried to run over to hold up his umbrella for his father, but slipped and fell.
His father picked him up. The rain was heavier than usual that day. He could not clearly see his father's expression, but was still acutely aware of his father's chagrin.
He still remembers the question his father asked him at the time–
Would Siracusa be better off without the famiglie?
<Background 1>
Demetri Leon, Leon!
Wake up!
Leontuzzo Unngh...
Demetri Why are you lying on the ground here? Where's the Don? Were you attacked?
Leontuzzo No... Father, he...
Right, my father! Where is he?!
Demetri Nobody knows where the Don is... And just now, Rubio broke the news about our alliance with the Saluzzos over the radio.
He also slandered us, accusing us of joining together against Signora Sicilia. Now, all the famiglie are looking right at us.
Would Siracusa be better off without the famiglie?
Leontuzzo That's not exactly slander, is it?
Demetri Leon?
Leontuzzo I know what my father wants to do.
<Background 2>
Energetic Technician Who would've thought this Rubio guy...
Calm Technician Was actually a complete idiot.
Energetic Technician What are you talking about? He's clearly a good man!
Calm Technician No, what I mean is what's the point of him even saying stuff like that?
He finally managed to climb up to that position, and now he's gonna die over a few sentences.
What a waste of a perfectly good life.
Energetic Technician Are you crying?
Calm Technician No. I'm not.
Energetic Technician Want a tissue?
Calm Technician Thanks.
[Bernardo walks into the control center.]
Energetic Technician Who are you? Employees only.
Bernardo I am the boss of Famiglia Bellone. But you can just call me Bernardo.
Energetic Technician Huh? The Don of Famiglia Bellone?!
Calm Technician Wh-What brings an honored Dodici don here?
Bernardo If memory serves me properly, this place is supposed to split off and become the secondary command tower of the new nomadic city's core.
Calm Technician That's right.
Bernardo Then, there's one thing I'd like to ask of you.
Energetic Technician Wh-What are you doing?
Bernardo Begin the separation sequence for the secondary core area.
<Background 1>
Demetri ...Impossible.
Leontuzzo But, that does explain everything.
What my father told you, that we were planning to ignite an all-out war between all the famiglie to flush Signora Sicilia out, it was a feint.
From the very beginning, Famiglia Bellone has just been a bargaining chip for him.
Everything you see now was his design.
Everything was for the sake of a Siracusa without famiglie.
Demetri You seriously expect me to believe that the don of the most powerful famiglia in the country... is trying to destroy all the famiglie?
Leontuzzo You have no choice but to believe, Demetri.
You just said all the famiglie are looking at us, right?
Demetri Yes, but even if they believed Rubio, nobody would dare to do anything rash so soon.
But, it's just a matter of time.
Leontuzzo The fuse has already been lit...
Would Siracusa be better off without the famiglie?
Padre mio,[note 1] this is what you've believed all this time.
That's why you had Demetri test me in the first place.
But, what do you want me to do?
What can I even do?
Demetri Leon.
Leontuzzo Huh?
Demetri You said before that you'd handle things your way, Leon.
Leontuzzo I did.
Demetri Then, you should focus up.
Whatever the situation, at this critical moment, the don is not here. You are now the boss of the famiglia.
We have to do something.
Leontuzzo I know.
Go and tell the Saluzzos that I want to meet with Alberto.
Then, get in touch with the Rossati man, Wallach.
Demetri You mean... I see.
[Demetri runs off.]
Leontuzzo ......
What is it I hope to do?
<Background 2>
Bernardo By building goodwill through Carracci's legacy, you got the people to believe that you really chose to draw all the fire purely out of a desire to avenge him.
It wasn't until the end that you finally revealed a sliver of your real face.
Your self-control is admirable, Rubio.
Unfortunately, I knew a long time ago that you and Carracci were on the same path.
Neither of you were willing to accept the yoke of famiglie rule forever.
Only, he stepped onto the stage like a moth to a flame, while you concealed yourself a bit better.
After all, I was in charge of the liquidation thirty years ago. I remembered him, and naturally, I remembered you as well.
It came as a surprise to me that you chose to make your move now, but that brings with it opportunity.
Is the separation sequence still not complete?
Calm Technician It'll be done shortly.
Bernardo I hope you know that stalling for time and playing petty tricks won't accomplish anything.
Calm Technician The lives of all my colleagues are in your hands, I'm not kidding.
I don't want anything to do with the conflicts between your big famiglie. I just hope you keep your promise.
Bernardo You say that, but the look in your eyes and the beating of your heart tells me that you're ready to die with me.
Calm Technician ......!
Bernardo Relax. I just want to ask you a question.
Have you ever thought about what a Siracusa without famiglie would look like?
<Background 3>
Danbrown stares blankly at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes.
He has slain many people and seen his fair share of corpses.
He became numb to the sight of blood a long time ago.
But this is something altogether different.
Saluzzo Mafioso Danbrown, why are you still here?
The Don wants to meet the Bellone and Rossati bosses, so hurry up and do what you need to do!
Danbrown What is the Don doing?
Saluzzo Mafioso Are you deaf, Danbrown?
The Don is about to meet the Bellones, and told us to prepare.
Danbrown Prepare what?
Saluzzo Mafioso You don't get it?
The Don sincerely wanted to cooperate with the Bellones, and that broadcast just now was them trying to drag us underwater.
How could the Don let that go unpunished?
The Bellones were the first to sully our honor, so it's not our fault if we're a little discourteous with them.
The Don's meaning is obvious. Follow his orders at the meeting. Famiglia Bellone is about to be wiped from Siracusa.
Danbrown ......
<Flashback starts here>
Rubio Why are they chasing money and power instead of violence and conflict?
Is killing me today just a cathartic release of this violence?
Or is it because... I got in the way of the people behind you taking power?
<Flashback ends here>
Danbrown suddenly understands why he hasn't been able to sleep at night.
<Background 4>
Texas knows why she has been hesitating.
She doesn't like to think, and that means when she encounters a situation in which she is forced to think, she plans everything to the letter in advance.
She anticipated this well before she ever set out on her trip to Siracusa.
She knew she would have to fight.
But, she believes that what she did in Lungmen was not fundamentally different from what she had done in Columbia or Siracusa.
She does not believe that her life in Lungmen is righteous, just as she does not believe that her life in Siracusa or Columbia was evil.
She has always dealt in the logistics of life and death.
She knew she would one day have to face the land of Siracusa.
But she had already made up her mind.
Just as she had once asked her grandfather this question:
"Isn't Siracusan morality just trampling on the lives of the people all the same?"
She even anticipated meeting up with old acquaintances like Giovanna.
She really did anticipate all of this.
And that's why she has been tossing and turning sleeplessly for several nights.
But the one thing she did not expect was that she would meet people here who wanted to change the place.
Leontuzzo–even though he is the heir to a famiglia, his way of thinking is progressive. His ideas may still be immature, but they are never violent.
Lavinia–a puppet of Signora Sicilia's will, but a judge who nevertheless wants the law to apply equally.
Carracci–even though she never met him, she learned from many sources that he served the people as Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici.
And finally–
[A shot was heard from the door.]
She used to feel that there would never be an end to all this, that she was powerless to change Siracusa, that everything was too deeply entrenched.
So she chose to run.
However, after returning this time, she's met people who wanted to make this land a better place, and they were hurt, one after another.
Would she still choose to run?
[Mafiosi breaks open the door...]
Mafioso I found her! Cellinia's over here!
[...but Texas slashes them down.]
She has been hesitating because her desire to return to Lungmen is real.
But at the same time, her anger towards the plight of those people is just as real.
And right before her eyes, a good man with good intentions is forced by this country to cry out, at the cost of his life.
That is when Texas realizes–
Never in her life has she felt so outraged.
<Background 5>
Exusiai Woah, what's with the crowd?
Looks like some of them are starting to charge.
Don't blame me for this, Texas. I've already done what I could.
[An army of mafiosi surrounds Texas, Exusiai, and Lappland, whom they engage.]
Texas Why would I blame you?
Exusiai Heya, partner, you get a good rest?
Texas Good enough.
Exusiai You look pretty mad.
Texas So you can tell.
Exusiai Of course. Just like how you can guess what I wanna eat from my mood.
We've been partners for so many years.
Texas Exusiai, a good man just died.
Exusiai I heard.
Texas There's something I want to do for him.
Exusiai I was thinking the same thing.
Lappland Do my ears deceive me, Texas?
You're planning on staying, aren't you?
Texas Lappland...
Thank you for "doing your best" to help me get back to Lungmen.
But I've already made up my mind.
There are a few people out there who don't deserve to die like that. They need help. They deserve it.
Lappland Can you actually do anything about that?
Is this little fairy tale enough to make you choose a different path?
Texas This little fairy tale is more than enough to make me choose a different path.
Some things aren't that complicated at all, Lappland.
You, on the other hand...
How long are you going to stay on a leash?
Lappland ......
What, are you lecturing me now?
Texas Take it as a little advice from someone's who been there.
Exusiai, I'm going to break the encirclement. Back me up.
Exusiai You got it!
[Texas and Exusiai moves out.]
Lappland ......
Texas, you're always full of surprises.
Aha... Haha, ahaha!
The sounds of footsteps and screams gradually dissipate with Texas and Exusiai's departure, and the alley falls silent again.
Only the hollow laughter of the lone white wolf continues to reverberate.
Until she too stops laughing.
She turns her gaze in a certain direction. Not the one Texas left, but rather where Famiglia Saluzzo resides.
<Background 6>
Rubio's Daughter Father... He.... Urk....
Lavinia Feel any better?
Rubio's Daughter ...Yes.
Your Honor, why would my father do something like that?
I wish he would've kept doing what he did before... If only he'd just kept on being an ordinary segretario...
Lavinia You might not understand this yet, but your father was a great man.
I'll send people to keep you safe. Stay inside, and don't wander out. Alright?
Rubio's Daughter I-I can feel it... After what my father has done, the whole city is going to turn upside-down.
You should hide here with me.
Lavinia Thank you, but I have work to do.
Il Progresso Richiede Sacrificio.png
Lavinia walks out of the room.
The peal of that gunshot resounds through Volsinii. Even the dark clouds part for a few minutes as if spooked, letting a few strands of sunlight filter through, for the first time in ages.
Her agreement with Bernardo was once her only goal.
To the point that when she found out Bernardo had broken his promise, she didn't know what to do with herself.
But now, she knows.
Because she's been told she does not stand alone.
And the ones who told her made a sacrifice a hundred times more heroic than her struggles.
Compared to them, she might actually be the lucky one.
But she does not plan to stand by and rely on this luck.
Lavinia ......
Ministro Rubio, your sacrifice will not be in vain.
She strokes the codex in her hands, a few names from Rubio's diary still lingering in her head.
She has either seen them before, or heard of them.
This is the most bountiful legacy that Rubio has left behind for her.
<Background 7>
[Someone called Lavinia. She picks it up.]
Lavinia Who is it?
Texas Penguin Logistics. Need something delivered?
<Background 8>
[Leontuzzo walks toward Alberto, sitting in a table.]
Leontuzzo Don Alberto.
Alberto I came because I heard Bellone wanted to speak with me.
What, does Bernardo not even dare to show his face?
Leontuzzo My father made his own decision.
Just trust that I can speak on behalf of Famiglia Bellone.
Alberto Oh?
You mean to tell me that you have a satisfactory explanation for all this?
Or, are you confident enough to deal with the fallout?
Leontuzzo What I wanted to say is––
[Danbrown shows up.]
Alberto Danbrown, I didn't call for you to come out yet.
Danbrown No, the time is now, old man.
Danbrown points the weapon in his hand at Alberto.
Alberto Danbrown, I'm afraid you're pointing your knife at the wrong target.
Danbrown I don't make mistakes.
Look what the famiglie bosses have become.
You all sit high-and-mighty above the rest of us, talking all fancy about your politics, trends, country, and future.
But what's the reality? The only thing you give a damn about is your own business.
We took the times with violence, old man.
Why not take a little pride in it?
Alberto The times have changed, Danbrown. Why don't you understand this?
We're shaping the times as we want.
Danbrown I don't understand it. I just see us turning weak and stupid.
We don't take pride in our instincts, and we don't use peace to fight for peace.
If we keep this up, what will we become?
Alberto We won't become anything.
Danbrown No, we're not a pack of wolves anymore.
We're monsters hiding in human skin.
And, our leaders.
And you.
You aren't more civilized. You're just more hypocritical.
Alberto ......
Looks like I should've kept you on a tighter leash, Danbrown.
This isn't your podium.
Nobody could've caught what happens next.
In the blink of an eye, Alberto appears behind Danbrown.
A streak of blood appears across the carwash worker's throat.
He grips his neck, his eyes wide, unable to make a sound.
Then, he slowly slumps to the ground, maintaining this posture.
He will never speak again.
Leontuzzo ......
Alberto Now that this matter is resolved, I won't beat around the bush, Leontuzzo.
Your father convinced me to agree to combine our famiglie's forces to take down Signora Sicilia.
But I don't see sincerity in anything you've done.
The people know that I, Don Alberto, never place a bet lightly. What they don't know is that once I do, I never stop until I win.
Submit to Famiglia Saluzzo, or die, here and now.
You have ten seconds.
Alberto takes out an antiquated pocket watch from his waist and begins counting down Leontuzzo's fate.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
Lavinia You've always got the option of violence, but you refrain from using it because of your upbringing and self-control. I'd even like to thank you for your kindness.
Leontuzzo That's not what I meant.
Lavinia And I'm not blaming you either, Leon.
For you to even consider why the rain hasn't stopped is already exceptionally rare to see.
<Background 1>
Bernardo You've subconsciously lumped yourself in with Lavinia and Carracci.
But don't ever forget, you are not one of them.
Leontuzzo I know.
Bernardo If you really knew, you wouldn't be standing here.
<Flashback ends here>
Leontuzzo thought he understood what they were trying to say.
He could never truly be Lavinia's ally. He would always be his father's son.
This is the life he was born into, something he cannot change. And in spite of that, he's always believed he has done his best.
Is his best not good enough?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 8>
Danbrown You aren't more civilized. You're just more hypocritical.
<Flashback ends here>
This is the moment when he finally awakens.
It isn't a question of good enough. He has been wrong from the very beginning.
We aren't more civilized. We're just more hypocritical.
We aren't more civilized. We're just more hypocritical!
Right. That's right.
Why is he sitting here?
Why did he still think he could resolve this like the famiglie do?
He knew the answer all along.
But he chose to ignore this answer for the longest time because of who he is and where he came from.
Everything he's done before was just violence wrapped up in pretense.
And civility... can never be born from violence.
Alberto You're running short on time, Leontuzzo.
Leontuzzo ......
I choose...
[Suddenly a quake is felt across Volsinii.]
Alberto What just happened?!
Saluzzo Mafioso Boss! The secondary core area! Someone started the separation program!
Alberto What did you say?!
Leontuzzo ......!
So this is your last resort, father.
Then, I'll––
Alberto Too naive.
[Alberto strikes at Leontuzzo...]
Alberto ......!
[...but Wallach protects him.]
Wallach Hmph, you're pretty fast for your age.
Alberto A Rossati?
[Demetri along with a group of mafiosi shows up.]
Demetri Leon, I'm here.
You go on ahead. I'll handle this.
Leontuzzo Alright.
[Leontuzzo runs out of the restaurant.]
Alberto I see, so this is Bellone's trump card...
But, are you sure you really want to make an enemy of me, Don Alberto, and of the Saluzzos?
Demetri You expect me to believe you were ever really going to be our friend?
Alberto Shared interest could've been the bond connecting us, pup.
But, there's something to your youthful delusions, thinking you can actually turn things upside-down.
Wallach You old fossils always think you can control everything, but you never stop to consider whether the times have left you behind.
Alberto Come then, pups. Let me try your hand.
<Background 7>
Leontuzzo ......
Leontuzzo knows that as the don of a famiglia, he should return home and navigate his people through these turbulent times to maximize their profit.
But as a man who thinks he understands Lavinia's ideals, a man who saw the way Carracci conducted himself, as a man who has always been lost...
He's never been clearer about what he should do next.
He can't lie to himself anymore.
Leontuzzo I'm sorry, Demetri.
He does not walk the path of his famiglia.
He knows where his father is.
<Background 2>
Bernardo I did what I had to do.
It won't be long before it reaches Zaaro.
The time has come.
[The huntress from before fires at Bernardo, who deflected the arrows with his cane.]
Bernardo Agnese's Fang, Lunacub.
You've kept me waiting.
Lunacub You're never alone, and I'm not good at taking a lot of opponents at once.
Bernardo I don't make a wise target.
Lunacub Agnese told me that of the remaining Fangs, you are the one who most deserves to die.
You've toyed around with the thing called "power," trying to use that garbage to win this.
Bernardo Quite the profound insight from la Signora dei Lupi.
Do you know where the remaining Fangs are?
Lunacub No.
Bernardo One now lives at a company called Rhodes Island.
She returned to Siracusa not too long ago.
Another, knowing that there was no hope of victory, went into hiding and cultivated a student early.
These two wandering wolves have now returned to Siracusa.
Another is still hiding in the wastes.
And as long as I remain here, I can track their movements.
With a little more power, I could exercise my will to find them, and have my men eliminate them.
This is what Zaaro discovered – the might of power.
Lunacub Does that count as victory?
Bernardo It's what he believes.
Lunacub How strange.
Bernardo The strange one is you, Fang of Agnese. You didn't come here to kill me, did you?
Lunacub I was just a little curious.
You don't seem like an evil man, or one who wields power as you claimed.
Bernardo What do you see when you look at me, then?
Lunacub A beast who went looking for a place to die, now laying peacefully in it.
<Background 8>
Terrified Waiter Are those wise guys gone yet?
Fearful Waiter They're gone, right?
Terrified Waiter Thank goodness, I thought they were going to start fighting.
Fearful Waiter But... what are we going to do with this body?
Terrified Waiter I... I don't want to touch it.
Fearful Waiter Still, I can't help but feel a bit bad for this guy.
[Ben shows up.]
Ben I'll handle it.
Fearful Waiter Wh-Who are you?
Ben Just a friend of this nameless man.
Onore ai Caduti.png
Ben You've discovered something important, my friend.
Violence is done in the name of civility.
That is the true nature of the famiglie.
And we must come to terms–
With what we call civility, even if it's another pretense, even if it's just a form of self-restraint...
Even if it's only a stone's throw from our basest instincts...
An earnest desire for civility will always be different from using it to whitewash your sins.
Neither this country nor this city will remember you.
But I will remember you, Danbrown, the carwash worker.
Together with Rubio, the two of you have proven the lie that famiglie can change and adapt.

After operation

The separation of the secondary core area is imminent. The last generation pins its hopes on the next one.
<Background 5>
Wallach Grr... We ended up letting him go.
Demetri He stopped wanting to fight us halfway through.
You felt it too, didn't you? If he really wanted to kill us, he could've gotten it done.
He just didn't want to take the time.
We can't underestimate any of the Siracusan famiglie.
Wallach You got one thing wrong.
I've never underestimated any of them.
Every famiglia is my enemy.
Including the Bellones.
[Wallach draws out his sword.]
Demetri Don't you think you're jumping the gun a bit there?
Wallach You don't seem surprised.
Demetri You betrayed your own boss. You expect me to believe you'd really go in with us?
But let me point out, now isn't a good time.
Demetri does not waver in the face of Wallach's sharpened blade, instead turning back to his soldiers.
Demetri What's going on in the city?
Bellone Mafioso Nothing good.
The famiglie know the secondary core separation sequence started.
People are all pretty mad at us and the Saluzzos.
Wise guys from the other famiglie are hitting us now too.
Demetri What about the thing I asked you to handle?
Bellone Mafioso You were right on the money...
The eyes and ears we planted in the other famiglie tell us even though the people are angry at the Bellones and Saluzzos, we aren't their main deal here.
All the chaos is down there is exactly what all the famiglie were looking for.
Everything Signora Sicilia kept down is bubbling right up to the surface now.
There's already fighting over how to divvy up Bellone and Saluzzo assets. And we've got some old grudges out there getting settled.
Everyone's hopping in, directly or indirectly.
Demetri (*mutters*) This is exactly what you wanted, huh, Boss?
(*mutters*) So, you betrayed us after all.
Wallach, you're not an idiot. You get that there's no point to us fighting right now.
Wallach Isn't it better to solve the big problems first?
Demetri Is this how the Rossatis handled everything back in Columbia?
You really think you can swallow up Siracusa all on your own?
Pick your friends wisely, Wallach.
[Wallach sheathes his sword.]
Wallach Grr.
Demetri Don't feel too bad.
Not like I'm jumping for joy to team up with somebody like you.
Where's Leon?
Bellone Mafioso ......
Demetri What? He didn't go back home?
Bellone Mafioso Nope. No trace of him anywhere. He's avoiding us, obviously.
Demetri ......
Leon, don't tell me...
Demetri takes a deep breath.
There's no point in overthinking things now. He has to face reality.
Demetri Now that the famiglie are starting to bite one another, this is the best chance we'll have to take the secondary core area.
If we're gonna have a future, we'll have to take hold of it first.
<Background 3>
[A mafioso walks toward Alberto.]
Saluzzo Mafioso Don Alberto.
Alberto What's the situation?
Saluzzo Mafioso It's mayhem out there.
Wise guys from multiple famiglie are taking advantage of the confusion to attack us, and our soldiers have started to fight back.
Things have spiraled out of control.
Alberto That's funny. This can't possibly be what that Leontuzzo kid meant.
Now that I think of it, Bernardo, even though Lappland showed up on a whim, you included us in your calculations, didn't you?
The ironclad law laid down by Sicilia is crumbling. You've set fire to everything that took decades to make Siracusa what she is.
Is this what you wanted? Why?
Where's Lappland?
Saluzzo Mafioso We haven't been able to reach her since yesterday morning.
Alberto Forget it.
Saluzzo Mafioso Boss, it's a madhouse out there now. You want us to wait and see if anything changes?
Alberto Hmph. Even if I wanted to keep Famiglia Saluzzo out of this, it's no longer possible.
Bernardo, that old runt. Can't believe he even accounted for all this.
Tell our people out there to come back.
Then, send some of our heavies to the command tower in the secondary core area. The Bellones and Rossatis aren't going to let it go.
Saluzzo Mafioso Do you mean–
Alberto I have no interest in that new city, but I'm not about to let it fall into the hands of those who've betrayed me either.
<Background 9>
Leontuzzo Padre![note 2]
Bernardo Leon... I never expected you to find this place.
Leontuzzo I happened to recall it from memory.
Bernardo Since you're here, come take a seat.
Leontuzzo I know what you're trying to do here.
Bernardo Do you?
Leontuzzo Since the very beginning, you've wanted to see Siracusa to return to the dark times of sixty years ago.
You want the famiglie all tearing into each other. If Signora Sicilia didn't step in, Siracusa's famiglie may well have mortally wounded each other.
But this time, you want them to break free of Signora Sicilia's chains, and to fight each other until nothing is left.
Bernardo Hmm... So you understand after all.
But you didn't come here to confirm your conjecture with me, did you?
Leontuzzo What I want to know is, what exactly made you think this way?
Bernardo ......
When I was twenty years old, I was just an ordinary Bellone wise guy.
They wanted me to rub somebody out, I couldn't pull it off, so I had to flee into a nearby village. I took a new identity and went into hiding.
I lived there for almost six months.
Nothing particularly notable happened during that time.
But those six months gave me an entirely new perspective on the country I lived in.
There is no corner of Siracusa completely free from the influence of the famiglie, but in places like the villages outside the city, the famiglie are just your run-of-the-mill thuggish bullies.
I found a job as a cobbler, and for that summer, I plied my trade by the side of the road and watched them go about their business.
In the end, nothing they did impressed me at all. But I will never forget that summer when sweat flowed from my brow like rain.
Leon, whether it's you, me, or any other wise guy, we've all been branded from birth.
But it was during that summer that I realized–
Life in Siracusa will continue, even with no famiglie.
Leontuzzo So that's why you helped Lavinia, and didn't mind that the two of us were growing closer...
You genuinely want to support her cause. Don't you?
Bernardo In all honestly, I did want to see the kind of justice she envisions.
Leontuzzo Which is why you didn't have insurance for this plan.
You don't need me, Lavinia, or anyone else assuming any of the risk.
You think that when you tear down the famiglie holding down the people, their lives won't be negatively impacted at all.
Bernardo Absolutely.
Leontuzzo But that doesn't go far enough, padre mio.
Bernardo It doesn't?
Leontuzzo No. It's far from enough.
Padre e Figlio.png
Leontuzzo Letting the famiglie tear into each other until they've worn themselves out may overturn the existing system.
But that isn't enough to get Siracusa back into the hands of the people.
Bernardo Are you worried about Signora Sicilia?
Leontuzzo No, what I'm worried about is inertia.
I came to realize something while working as Carracci's assistant.
The famiglie have had their roots here for thousands of years.
Even if the people reject the famiglie, they have no idea what shape Siracusa might take.
Even after they overthrow the old system, will they manage to build something new?
Bernardo ......
Leontuzzo I don't think so.
The people will be overwhelmed, not knowing what happened. All they'll know is that their house has suddenly collapsed.
And when they go to build on top of those ruins, they'll build what amounts to a famiglia.
Nothing will change at all.
Bernardo ......
Leontuzzo If we continue down this path, we may bring about a Siracusa without famiglie, for a bit.
But the Siracusa you're dreaming of will never come.
You're dreaming too big, padre mio.
You want to give them your Siracusa, but you never stopped to think if they're willing and able to accept it.
All we can do is to let everyone out there know what's happening, and involve them in the process.
That's the only way we can start the conversation on a "Siracusa without the famiglie."
<Background 9>
Bernardo ......
Looks like my son's all grown up.
I thought you came here for a good, old-fashioned father-son argument.
I didn't expect you to teach me something.
Leontuzzo Padre mio...
Bernardo So, what are you going to do?
Leontuzzo I'll go find Lavinia, organize a coalition of non-famiglia forces, and seize control of the secondary core's command tower.
As long as the new city is under my control, I'll have the advantage.
As for whether I'll be able to negotiate with Signora Sicilia, or if I'll have to confront her directly, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
But no matter what happens, we'll be betraying Demetri, and our whole famiglia.
Bernardo Do it your way then, Leon.
Leontuzzo You were the one who started this whole mess. Don't even think about sitting on the sidelines and leaving everything to me.
Bernardo Don't worry, I'll catch up with you.
Leontuzzo Good.
[Leontuzzo runs off.]
Bernardo ......
Don Agenir, I hear you never set foot in church.
[Agenir reveals himself.]
Agenir Siracusa doesn't need churches. If we accept the teachings of Laterano, we're doomed to be influenced by their culture.
In the end, all I can do is choose to distance myself.
But it's worth making an exception, for a man like you.
<Background 10>
[A group of Siracusan bailiffs assemble before Lavinia.]
Bailiff Your Honor, everyone's all here. I've counted over fifty.
Lavinia That's a lot less than before.
The people planted in here by the famiglie have all gone back home, haven't they?
Bailiff That's right.
Lavinia Hah. Ironic as that may be, it does save me some effort.
Listen up.
The courts occupy an awkward position in Siracusa.
We represent the will of Signora Sicilia, to some extent, and in return, gain a certain amount of power.
But this power is not enough for us to fulfill our obligations.
Quite the contrary. In many cases, the power we hold only makes us more aware of how powerless we are in the face of the entities known as famiglie.
We can neither lower our heads and accept it as most ordinary people can, nor can we truly integrate into these famiglie.
Throughout this process, many of our colleagues have been ostracized, pushed out, or even killed because they could not bear the situation any longer.
In fact, even if they ended up betraying the law, I would not be in a position to blame them.
The truth is, I'm only where I am today because of my connection to Famiglia Bellone.
You all know what happened, and what is happening out there.
At first I assumed all I could do is what I always did before.
Pray that the famiglia struggles don't chew through too many common folk, and that Signora Sicilia would come to "mete out justice" for us in the end.
However, a brave man told us that he thinks the famiglia system is evil, and that all of this is unjust.
He wanted to change everything, and so he pinned his hopes on me.
All of you, just like me, come from outside the famiglia system.
You've all worked with me for so many years, and I believe that among you, there are those who harbor even greater grievances against the famiglie than I, and those who understand the status quo more deeply than I.
Therefore, I would like to ask all of you to help me.
A moment of silence passes.
Bailiff What can we even do?
Lavinia The separation sequence of the new city's core area started not long ago.
This confirms the conspiracy conjured by the Bellones and Saluzzos, as revealed by Ministro Rubio.
For the famiglie, this was the spark that ignited new conflict. And for us, it is an opportunity.
The new nomadic city will be our bargaining chip amidst the chaos, whether negotiating with Signora Sicilia, or jockeying for power with the famiglie.
Bailiff ......
[A bailiff leaves.]
Another moment of silence passes.
Bailiff Even with all of us together, we don't have enough people.
Lavinia I have two reliable friends.
[Texas and Exusiai steps beside Lavinia.]
Texas ......
Exusiai Hello, everyone!
Bailiff Cellinia?! Why are you–
And how come I never heard of another Sankta in Volsinii...?
Lavinia All you need to know is that Cellinia and her friend are on our side.
Also, Ministro Rubio left some resources to help me, and I managed to get in touch with them.
They will assist us.
But, I must be honest with you all.
This is a perilous road, and I can't guarantee that everyone will survive.
Those who don't want to put their lives on the line are free to leave.
Bailiff ......
[Some bailiffs leave.]
Bailiff Even if we succeed, will it really accomplish anything?
Lavinia I can't promise you it will.
The only thing I can promise... is that I'm willing to give my life for this.
Bailiff ......
Only thirty-some-odd people remain.
But they have no intention of leaving.
Serious Bailiff I should be thanking you for giving me this opportunity, Your Honor.
I would've gone crazy without you here at the courthouse.
Resolute Bailiff I heard the radio broadcast, I knew right away what happened.
And honestly, I can't take this anymore.
Angry Bailiff Maybe we won't actually be able to do anything in the end, but I at least want those wise guys to know that we're not lumps of finmeat for them to butcher.
Lavinia Thank you, all of you.
[Someone calls Lavinia. She picks it up.]
Siracusan Official Signorina Lavinia, ready on our end.
Lavinia So soon?
Siracusan Official Haha, the famiglie are all stirred up now.
They don't usually give the common folk a second look. Even now, they probably don't think we can get in their way at all.
But we have to let them know that they've never really had a hand in running the city.
This town belongs to us.
Take your people and go to the control tower.
We'll use everything at our disposal to hold back the wise guys as best as we can.
Lavinia Thank you. Do your best.
Siracusan Official We're the ones who should be thanking you.
We never took the famiglie head on, and now we're leaving the most dangerous work to you.
Lavinia I'm ready and willing.
Siracusan Official In bocca al lupo.[note 3]
Lavinia Crepi.[note 4]
<Background 9>
Agenir You used Carracci as bait, got your own son involved, and even tricked your own associates under the righteous pretense of handling Sicilia, all to muddy the waters of this city.
You didn't even waver in the face of Saluzzo's lone wolf. Instead, you took that opportunity to drag Saluzzo into the mud with you.
The high-profile assassination of the Rossati girl was, on one hand, to convince Alberto that he had an ally in you, while on the other hand, serving as an example to the other famiglie.
You've made full use of Texas as your final card. In Giovanna's hands, the Rossatis were a deadly but hidden saber.
But in Wallach's hands, they are a savage and ostentatious knife.
You saw Rubio's connection with Carracci, and even took advantage of his anger. He thought no one knew his self-restraint, he never expected that you had already uncovered him.
Bernardo I knew you'd be in town, but I didn't expect you to see through all my plans so easily.
Agenir It is always easier to trace back the steps in retrospect.
And your plan has already been set in motion. Even if I was able to deduce all this, there is nothing more I can do.
Even if Sicilia were to pop up right here, right now, even she would be hard-pressed to resolve everything.
Who would have imagined that the don of the most powerful famiglia would use his own people as bait to bring all the others down with him?
Bernardo You don't seem particularly upset about it.
Agenir Sicilia never asked me for a Siracusa that would flourish forever.
And I was never after wealth or power.
What you've done undoubtedly breaks the rules that Sicilia established, and so, I really did come to end you.
But your father-son talk there surprised me.
Bernardo Oh?
Agenir Sicilia has never tolerated any disruptions to her order because no one came with an answer that could satisfy her.
But you, Bernardo, have an excellent son.
You won't be able to shake apart this society Sicilia built with her own two hands. Not by yourself.
But, if your son came along with you, then maybe...
It wouldn't be completely impossible.
Bernardo Hahahaha!
Life is full of surprises.
I thought I realized my lifelong dream and could die happy today.
Who knew that I'd change my mind, that I'd want to live to see what Leon can do.
It's too bad.
For a moment, Agenir casts his gaze in the direction of Grey Hall.
Something inhuman is approaching.
Agenir I see, I've heard of this. Is it also a part of your plan?
Bernardo It's something that has to be done. That's all.
Please go, Don Agenir.
This is the price I have to pay.
Agenir So be it.
Bernardo ......
Just a moment, Reverend.
Agenir Hmm?
Bernardo Don Agenir, or rather, Padre, I've never prayed to anyone, in my entire life.
And I don't think I'll find closure with anyone else.
The Lord can't answer me.
But right here, I do have some questions only you can answer.
Agenir By all means.
Bernardo How did Signora Sicilia feel, when she came back from Laterano?
Agenir ......
She was distressed about the challenges she was to face.
She was looking forward to the society she was about to create.
More or less the same as you're feeling right now.
<Background 6>
Sora Alright, okay. I know. You be careful too.
[Sora hangs up.]
Croissant How're Texas n' Exusiai doin'?
Sora Uh, they're with Lavinia right now. Said they were doing her a favor.
Croissant The judge lady, huh? Least she's a bit more put together'n the Bellone family fellers from before.
Hope nothin' bad happens to 'em.
Sora Yeah.
Giovanna Ugh... Nngh...
Sora Miss Giovanna! Y-You're awake?!
[Giovanna leaves her bed.]
Giovanna I'm... not dead?
Sora The assassin missed your heart by a couple centimeters, and you pulled through.
I gotta say, though, it's a good thing you're in such excellent shape. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have made it.
Giovanna Wallach...
How long was I unconscious for?
Sora A day.
Giovanna I'm guessing a lot has happened over the course of that day.
Tell me what's going on.
Sora Alright...
<Background 9>
Bernardo You're finally here, Don... Or should I say, Zaaro.
[Zaaro appears before Bernardo.]
Zaaro Bernardo.
What are you scheming?
Bernardo Don't play dumb. I can tell you're in denial about the conclusions you've drawn.
Zaaro You dare–
Bernardo Why wouldn't I dare?
You've pushed into me a lifetime of power and betrayal. You're so prideful and arrogant, you never imagined that one day, I could betray you too.
Zaaro Don't forget, Bernardo, I'm the one who made you everything you are!
A pitch-black mist wraps around Bernardo's neck.
But he pays it no heed.
L'ira del Signore dei Lupi.png
Bernardo You still don't get it, Zaaro.
The game you Signori dei Lupi are playing means nothing to me.
Siracusa is the absolute limit of your imagination.
You think that ultimate power is to control a country, multiple countries, or even to subjugate all the lands.
But I don't think so.
Real power is the power to command an entire epoch.
In my original plan, Siracusa would fall along with me.
Now, my son has shown me that he sees a bigger picture.
You should take comfort in that.
Now, take that comfort back to your mountain forest.
In this round of the game–
You... have lost.
Zaaro I lost? Hmph. I still have countless ways to–
Il Signore dei Lupi has many ways to control his Fangs.
However, Zaaro immediately notices a trail of blood running from the corner of Bernardo's mouth.
Zaaro Poison?!
You were planning this from the very beginning, weren't you? Bernardo!
Bernardo does not answer. He has already lost the strength to speak.
He simply lifts his head and looks at the wide-open doors of the church.
His gaze passes over flowerbeds, tall buildings, and dark clouds.
Until it finally passes through time itself.
He sees the summer of that year when he, as a cobbler, was sweating profusely beneath the scorching sun.
But he felt an unprecedented fulfillment from it.
That feeling would haunt him for the rest of his life.
He slowly closes his eyes.
Like a true king.
Zaaro Imbecile.
You imbecile!
The giant wolf's roar reverberates through the church.
But no one is there to answer him.
After a while, he turns his gaze to the direction Leontuzzo left.
He does not accept such failure.
Absolutely not.
<Background 7>
The streets of Volsinii are either packed with fighting famiglie, or completely empty.
Not a soul notices an old woman walking slowly over the city gate.
And not far away, a blindfolded Sankta quietly awaits her arrival.
Genial Old Lady You can already see the buildings of the new city from here?
Agenir That's right. Spectacular, isn't it?
Genial Old Lady Hah, if you ask me, the edges and corners are a bit too sharp for my liking.
Agenir That just means your tastes are behind the times, Sicilia.
Signora Sicilia How could yours be any better?
Agenir So, have you made up your mind?
Signora Sicilia Not yet.
Let's send out warnings to the noisiest famiglie.
As Signora Sicilia's voice falls, a few black shadows spring out not too far behind her.
They quickly disappear into the buildings of Volsinii.
Signora Sicilia Then, I'd like to go see an old friend.
Agenir Is my opinion alone not sufficient?
Signora Sicilia It's always better to get a second opinion, and a third.
<Background 8>
Signora Sicilia So you are here.
Ben Agenir told you that, didn't he?
Signora Sicilia Sure enough.
Ben I love the food here. It's great stuff.
Signora Sicilia It's been a while, Ben.
Ben It certainly has, Sicilia.
What brings you here, I wonder?
Signora Sicilia Any guesses?
Ben If you just wanted to get the city back under control, you probably wouldn't come to me.
Signora Sicilia Bernardo understands the wolfpack, and his plans ultimately boil down to four words: don't rock the boat.
He's gotten the Dodici Famiglie all bloodthirsty, and that bloodlust doesn't quench easy.
But it's not too hard either.
But, I heard some other things from Agenir, and would like a little input from an old friend.
Ben I don't have anything in particular to say. This is a legitimate dining establishment, and it needs a new head chef. That's about it.
Signora Sicilia I thought you'd have some feelings about the current state of Siracusa.
Ben Nostalgia is also a feeling.
Signora Sicilia You're fickle, aren't you?
Ben Do you really need my opinion?
Signora Sicilia Not really.
But I am interested in hearing the thoughts of a man born to civilization who's removed himself from it.
Ben In every era, people are bound by the chains of the times into which they were born.
You don't escape from that.
Bernardo's ideals were an obsession born from your era.
He was stuck with using violence to tear it down. He couldn't get past that.
Signora Sicilia What about his son?
Ben Who can say? It's not like I can predict the future.
But you see it too, don't you?
We're watching the birth of a new era here.


  1. "My father" in Italian
  2. "Father" in Italian
  3. "Good luck" in Italian
  4. "Copy" in Italian