Operation story: GA-1

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Female Lateran Liberi icon.png
Amiable Hospital Attendant
Female Lateran Sankta icon.png
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant
Male Lateran Sankta icon.png
Conscientious Doctor
Male Lateran Liberi icon.png
Lateran Citizen?/Reserved Hospital Attendant
Sankta Legatus A icon.png
Noblewoman icon.png
Scathing Leithanian
Serious Nurse
Lateran Basilica Ballroom
Laterano Hospital Ward
Laterano Rooftop
Lateran Basilica Guestroom
Lateran Basilica Hall
Laterano Alley

Before operation

Cecelia's halo flickers and dims before apprentice executor Ezell's eyes–but how could a Sankta so young be fallen?
<Background 1>
[Sciurus Browntail and her husband Yucatan are walking through the Lateran Basilica's ballroom.]
Sciurus Yucatan... doesn't Lateran food bug you at least, like, a little...?
Yucatan Tastes here definitely lean on the sugary side, compared to Kjerag.
Don't you like sweet, though, Rus?
Sciurus That doesn't mean I can take everything sweet!
*Sigh* I'm starting to miss Kjerag now.
It's that bitch Ratatos's fault, all blah blah "grab every opportunity to reestablish our clan's status"... and she didn’t even come herself, throwing me under the sleigh out here.
Yucatan It's a show of the Matriarch's trust in you. After that incident put us on the brink, it was your joint efforts with her that ensured the Browntails held on.
Sciurus And you got tossed off to the side. You just love living behind the scenes, don't you?
Yucatan Personally speaking, getting to see you shine is more than enough satisfaction for me, Rus.
Sciurus Ooh, when did you learn to talk so smooth?
Yucatan That aside, Madame, this conference may turn out more fruitful than we expected.
We didn't think so many countries would be here. It seems we might've underestimated Laterano's influence.
Sciurus Yeah, that does sound about right... but don't you change the subject!
[Whilst talking with Yucatan, Sciurus did not notice a Leithanian noblewoman walking towards her who ended up bumping with the Zalak.]
Scathing Leithanian (Leithanian) Ugh, do you not have eyes?!
Sciurus (Leithanian) You bumped into me, I think.
Scathing Leithanian Your Leithanian is an embarrassment. What corner of the hinterland did you scurry out of?
Sciurus I come from Kjerag, and it's certainly not the "hinterland."
Scathing Leithanian Kjerag?
What kind of place is Kjerag?
Cheery Legatus Lady Sharon, Kjerag is the nation of the Snow Realm in the buffer zone between Victoria, Columbia, and Kazimierz.
Scathing Leithanian There's a country in those mountains? Hah, the very definition of hinterland!
You think an envoy of a trifling glacial state has the standing to be flippant with me, a duchess?
Sciurus Madame, first, I have to stress again, Kjerag isn't some "hinterland" like you keep saying. You can probably thank your own narrow mind that you've never heard of my country.
Second, you're the one who bumped into me. You owe me an apology.
Scathing Leithanian You dare!
Cheery Legatus Lady Sharon, we're in the Basilica...
[Oren walks to the Leithanian noblewoman.]
Oren Lady Sharon, permit I remind you, you currently stand in Laterano, and not your Leithanian domain.
Scathing Leithanian And who are you?
Oren A Lateran Legatus.
Scathing Leithanian What are you trying to tell me, Legatus? This is the Basilica? What, do you intend to declare that as the host, Laterano sides with this provincial creature?
Oren Laterano sides with order. Therefore, Lady Sharon, you should apologize to Madame Sciurus.
Sciurus You know my name?
Oren You'd expect me to know the names of all the diplomatic envoys, wouldn't you?
Scathing Leithanian Oh? Then you must be well aware of who I am.
Oren Of course, Duchess Francis of Leithanien.
But permit I remind you again, this is Laterano, Duchess.
In Laterano, you are asked to honor the Commandments and orderly abide the rule of law. No matter what privileges you enjoy in Leithanien, they do not exist nor apply in Laterano.
Scathing Leithanian This is how Laterano treats its guests?
Oren If you're willing to be a "guest of Laterano," Laterano will wholeheartedly treat you in kind.
[Cardinal Velliv shows up.]
Velliv —Oren, when did you start standing for Laterano, huh?
Oren As a Lateran Legatus, do I not have the right?
Velliv Not in the Basilica.
Lady Sharon, please quell your anger.
Scathing Leithanian Hmph. Don't you think it's a little late to be pacifying me, cardinal?
Velliv Your Grace, I beg your understanding. The Legatus who contradicted you will be given an appropriate punishment. And rest assured of the Laterano's goodwill during your stay in the guesthouse.
Madame Sciurus, I beg your pardon as well. This fault for this minor misunderstanding lies with our shortcomings. If you would be willing to magnanimously accept my apologies, I hope to invite you in a short while to the side rooms for a talk.
Sciurus looks at Yucatan, and Yucatan gives a subtle nod.
Scathing Leithanian Hah, Laterans. My, my.
Velliv Alessoe, Mattina, please look after these three most important guests in my stead.
Oren, come with me.
Oren Here comes the punishment. Alright, alright...
<Background 2>
[Ezell contacts the Notarial Hall while watching over the unconscious Cecelia.]
Ezell Yes, the deceased in Pagus Stevonus did not leave behind a will nor any prior registration of one. I'll return to the Notarial Hall in a bit and submit for double-checking.
Currently? I'm at Pagus Stevonus Central Hospital... No, no, I'm alright, I just found a girl injured in a fall, I'm taking her to be examined right now...
No, I wasn't in a traffic accident...
No, the parents aren't with her. She's still unconscious, and for the time being we can't confirm her family circumstances. Once she wakes up, I'll bring her back to her guardians.
Right, and if she doesn't wake up soon, I might need to use Notarial Hall privileges to...
...Pardon? I can consider this one of my practical assignments...? Alright, I'll fill in all the documents after it's over.
[Ezell hangs up.]
Ezell Ah... sorry for that, I'm finished.
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant It's alright! The doc's physical checkup is done. No wounds anywhere, nothing on her head, so it probably wasn't a knock on the brain.
But the girl does have a small fever. Odds are she was ill. She'll still need a few more tests before we're sure what caused her to pass out, but it won't be anything too bad.
Doc's set her up in Ward 2127. You can wait there for the examination results.
Is she your sister? Are you on duty? Why are you bringing your little sister on an executor shift? I barely ever see executors here in Stevonus!
Ezell She's not my sister.
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant So why did you bring her here? Is she your target? Oh, Heavens, are executors really that ruthless? You'd execute a little girl like that? What did she do?
Ezell I only came across her in the street. She's not my target. She just lives in the vicinity, in all likelihood.
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant Really? She must be new around here, then.
This is the only hospital in Stevonus, so all the kids come here for checkups when they're sick... you should see the sight of the consulting room at Pediatrics whenever the seasons change. It's exhausting!
Lucky I'm on shift at Recovery next week. Have you heard of our Recovery department? It's famous!
The wheelchair rapid-fire competition last year there, oh, heavens me, I've never seen guns blaze that fast before, I still suspect that must've been a Gun-Knight... a little bit young for it, though.
What's that look for? Didn't I tell you Recovery was famous? We have multiple people from the Basilica all recuperating here!
Ezell Did you just say... the girl I brought here was newly moved into Stevonus?
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant I've never seen her before, that's why. If she's not your sister, then a kid that small can't have come scampering from another pagus, can she?
Well, obviously, there's the possibility I've just never seen her by pure chance. But I can tell a girl like her falls ill day in and day out... I've seen too many of them!
Where was I? Consulting in Pediatrics? Listen, last week...
Serious Nurse Here you are gossiping with the family again, Elisa. The doctor wants you at the test center to pick up the results.
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant On it—
[The hospital attendant runs off.]
Ezell ......
<Background fades out and in>
Conscientious Doctor You're sure you fetched the right report?
Blabbermouth Hospital Attendant Yyyes. Is there a problem?
Conscientious Doctor I've never seen a blood analysis this strange before.
Once it's photocopied, send the original to the head doctor's office, along with this note from me.
I need to pay a visit to Recovery.
<Background 3>
[The mysterious Lateran Liberi from before observes Cecelia's room from a distant rooftop alongside another Liberi named Patia.]
Lateran Citizen? Hmph, that attendant's headed for the head doctor's office. So what now, Patia?
Patia Allocate two to hold the report-deliverer back. Don't go big. Just hold things off, win a little time, and we're fine.
What about that doctor?
Lateran Citizen? It looks like he's gone for Recovery. But not the end Cecelia's in.
Patia Hm? That works. This way, the executor'll still be in the dark for now.
Everyone else, with me. We'll draw the executor away, and get Cecelia out before the hospital's people reach her.
Remember, move quick, but don't be rough with Cecelia.
She's our companion.
Don't make her hate us.
<Background black>
Mamma, why do we need to go so far every time we meet Daddy? It's really dark now...
Because... Daddy's not able to come to Lateran City. He can't live with us.
Because he's different from us.
Then can't we stay with Daddy?
Daddy wouldn't want you to stay with him, Cecelia. You'll understand when you're older...
Why...? Does Daddy not like me? Is it because I'm not good enough?
If I'm a good girl, can Daddy be with us all the time?
Cecelia... you have to trust Daddy. He loves you, even if he can't be by our side.
Rise and Shine.png
Cecelia Unnh... nnh....
Ezell You're awake!
Cecelia Who... Where am I...?
Ezell You're in the hospital, Miss. You fainted in the street, and I took you here since I couldn't find your parents.
Cecelia Hospital... is this a hospital?
No... you—you're wearing a uniform, Mamma said...
Ezell Has your mama been telling you things?
(Come to think of it, when I first saw her, wasn't she hiding from me...?)
It's alright, Miss, I can take you to find your mama. I'm a good guy.
Cecelia You can help me find Mamma? Ma—Mamma got taken away by people in gowns!
Ezell (This might just be a kidnapping case! Is that why she was all alone there?)
Okay, little Miss, stay calm. I'm a Notarial Hall executor. I'll help you find your mama. How did she get taken away?
Cecelia You're a Notarial Hall...
Ezell That's right, I'm from the Notarial Hall. My name's Ezell. Look, here's my name tag.
Cecelia ......
Will you really help me find Mamma?
Ezell Of course. What's your name?
Cecelia ...I'm Cecelia.
[Suddenly Cecelia's halo acts strangely.]
Rise and Shine alt.png
Ezell Huh?! What's wrong with... your halo...?
(What is this about...? Even in the most downcast moods, Sankta halos don't dim like this.)
(But a child this small wouldn't even have a patron firearm yet. What could explain this...?)
Cecelia ...Nnnh...
Ezell (No. Beyond that...)
Cecelia, how do you feel? Is your halo...?
Cecelia Sometimes... it goes like this... Mamma says I'm ill... it'll be fine soon...
Ezell ......
Ezell has realized something.
Amidst her current pain, Cecelia is anxious about her missing mother too.
But he cannot sense any of her pain, nor anxiety, relayed from her.
Cecelia... is without a doubt a Sankta.
How could this be possible?
<Background 2>
[Enforcer asks something to the distressed Cecelia...]
Ezell Cecelia, are you...
[...as the mysterious Liberi, posing as a hospital attendant, knocks the door and enters.]
Reserved Hospital Attendant Are you this girl's relative?
Ezell Functionally.
Reserved Hospital Attendant Come with me. She's got somewhat special circumstances, and the doctor said he needs to talk with you in private.
Ezell ......
There was a strong gust of wind just now. I'll close the window, in case she'd catch a cold.
Reserved Hospital Attendant Hm? Of course.
<Background fades out and in>
Ezell Alright. Cecelia, just get some rest, I'll be right back.
Amiable Hospital Attendant Don't worry, Cecelia. We'll keep you company.
Ezell ......
<Background 3>
[The Liberi takes Ezell to the hospital's rooftops.]
Ezell The rooftop.
You said Cecelia's circumstances were special. Special how?
Reserved Hospital Attendant Well... we can't be exactly sure yet. We'll need to wait for the diagnosis. The doctor will be here shortly. Just hold on, and we'll see what he has to say.
Ezell I've already reported Cecelia's situation to the Notarial Hall. My colleagues are fast on their way.
Reserved Hospital Attendant What?!
Ezell Tell me who you are.
Reserved Hospital Attendant I'm an attendant, right? What are you talking about? The doctor will be here momentarily.
Ezell Would a normal hospital attendant get nervous hearing the words "Notarial Hall?"
Reserved Hospital Attendant So you suckered me... I only needed to keep you here for a short while anyway. If I were you, I wouldn't be giving myself trouble.
Patia said to be more gentle with Cecelia... but not with you.
Ezell "Patia," was it?
Reserved Hospital Attendant You'd do well to forget that one.
Come on out. Let's give our Notarial Hall man some break time.
[The Liberi whistles, and...]

After operation

A Liberi, by the name of Patia, shows up to wrest Cecelia away, but considers herself a protector. She says, "If you truly care about Cecelia, then don't give her up to the Notarial Hall or the Lateran."
<Background 2>
Fiammetta So you're able to move around without your wheelchair now?
Lemuen Yes, I've been rehabilitating pretty well.
Last year, they had a wheelchair rapid-firing contest, which I won... and then the doctors banned me from competing again.
Fiammetta We'd have to look for a Gun-Knight to beat your firing skills, I think.
Lemuen Aww, that's nice to hear.
I'd be even happier if SOMEONE learned how to say a few nice words to the sick, like my darling Fiammetta here.
Fiammetta Mostima, are you just going to stand there pretending you're the curtains?
Mostima You know I'm not the type, Lemuen.
Lemuen What type? This is your first time back in two or three years. My memory's not that good.
Mostima Fine. Lemuen fires better than anyone I know. Her skills are incredible.
Lemuen Mm-hm, that's more like it.
Is El doing alright in Lungmen?
Mostima I saw her recently. She's doing great.
You'd better worry about yourself before her.
Lemuen And I'll copy those words right back at you.
How long are you going to stay this time?
Mostima Dunno, really. But it'll be at least until the conference's over, Wednesday after next, I think?
Fiammetta Tuesday after.
Mostima Oh, Tuesday. Otherwise, it's up to how that old weirdo feels. Who knows if he'll send me on some weird and wacky assignment again.
Fiammetta Did you just call His Holiness...?
Mostima He's not gonna mind, Fiammetta.
Lemuen If you want to stay for a bit longer, I could help you there.
Mostima That so.
Lemuen Did you figure it out already?
Fiammetta Figure what out? What are you two talking about?
Mostima Did you really not realize, Fiammetta?
Who we've been handing our reports to for the last half year?
Lemuen Was it that obvious?
Fiammetta Wh-What...? Wait, Lemuen... you got a job at the Lateran Church? While you're still in rehab...?
Lemuen Don't worry, it's just some secretary work.
Mostima How long will you stick with it?
Lemuen I'm not sure yet.
Fiammetta Will you return to the Guard?
Lemuen Little chance of that now.
Fiammetta Your marksmanship, overlooked just like that... it's a mind-boggling waste.
Lemuen You judge me so highly, Fiammetta, even though I messed it all up.
Fiammetta ......
That wasn't your fault.
Lemuen And it wasn't yours either.
Don't stretch yourself too thin.
Fiammetta The day will come when I settle the matter with him.
Lemuen Oh, well. Mostima...
Can I rub your horns?
Mostima No.
Lemuen Spoilsport.
A Friendly Hospital Visit.png
Lemuen gazes out the window as Mostima stands beside it, idly playing with the flowers in her hands.
In a flash, Fiammetta returns to a time before.
The sun shines ever bright and beautiful during a Lateran springtime, and a hint of chill rides the air.
Through the window, she spots the roofs of church buildings large and small. Here and there, now and then, fowlbeasts streak across the sky.
Lemuen is peaceful in any ordinary time, occasionally uttering a remark or two. Around her, the atmosphere softens.
The standoffish Mostima relaxes without realizing, unable to sense the smile she lets slip.
Just as always.
As if none of it ever happened.
<Background black>
But it's only an illusion.
After that night, not a night more could she soundly sleep.
<Background 2>
Fiammetta Lemuen...
Mostima Something's on my mind, Lemuen.
Does this hospital have all that many volunteers?
Lemuen Hm? I suppose.
[Somene knocks the door...]
Lemuen Come in.
[...and the doctor from before enters the room.]
Conscientious Doctor Seniora Lemuen, I want you to look at this...
Oh, you have visitors?
Lemuen It's alright, they're old war buddies of mine.
Conscientious Doctor War buddies... you don't mean—!
Lemuen That's right.
Conscientious Doctor In that case, maybe all three of you could take a look at these test results...
<Background 4>
[Cardinal Velliv reprimands Oren for his actions earlier.]
Velliv Oren, do you know what you're doing?
Oren Maybe you'll be kind enough to tell me?
Velliv She's not going to think of your methods as just "personal conduct."
Oren She'll be thinking we're going out of our way to exhibit "the Lateran stance."
Velliv Slip up for a moment and this becomes a diplomatic incident.
Oren Isn't that exactly what you want?
Conflict leads to issues, issues require resolution, resolution needs a channel.
Laterano's providing a whole new way to resolve issues.
Velliv And we provide this method under two prerequisites—what we say has to carry enough weight, and what we say has to be "appropriate".
Oren Right, Laterano needs to have an "appropriate stance." If all we brought to the table was an ordinary roll of the dice, who'd need Laterano?
—Wouldn't you say, Your Holiness?
[The Pope enters the room.]
The Pope Do you agree with him, Vel?
Velliv He's pretending to be smart.
The reason Laterano stands upon this land, and the reason the Nuntii Apostolici can cross all borders, is that Laterano possesses faith.
Oren No, it's because of Laterano itself that the Nuntii Apostolici are given passage, Your Eminence.
We all know clear as day that the true Lateran faith can't reach beyond the Sankta. I'm sorry, but it might let you down if you count on it to get things done.
Velliv Oren, if you seek death, you can apply through the proper channels.
The Pope Truthfully, I've never understood how you two manage to fight so much.
Oren When I set out on my way back from Victoria to Laterano, Duke Gododdin asked me a question, and I believe it's not one I'm equipped to answer.
He asked: "Does anywhere in Laterano suffice to draw me there?"
Velliv ......
Oren Your Holiness, when we're sat at the playing table, will the cards in our hand be enough?
[An Apostolic Knight enters.]
Apostolic Knight Your Holiness, Mostima wishes to speak with you.
She states that what she must report cannot be heard by any other.
Oren Then we'll step outta your hair.
The Pope You may go.
[Cardinal Velliv and Oren leaves.]
The Pope Put her through.
Apostolic Knight Understood.
[The Apostolic Knight puts a call from Mostima to the Pope.]
Mostima Time sure does fly, Your Holiness.
The Pope A good while, my child. Is Lemuen well?
Mostima No hiding anything from you.
We've seen something interesting here at this hospital.
The Pope Go on.
Mostima I saw the results of a physical checkup, and some of the signs look verrrry familiar.
The Pope Say no more before you return to the Basilica, Mostima.
Mostima Understood. Fiammetta'll go find the person these results belong to.
[Mostima hangs up.]
<Background 5>
Oren I know the hospital Lemuen's recovering at is in... Pagus Stevonus.
Something that'd make Mostima use a dedicated line...
Oh, quit messing with me.
<Background 2>
Amiable Hospital Attendant Cecelia, do you feel alright?
Cecelia My head really hurt before... It's a bit better now.
Amiable Hospital Attendant In that case, I'll carry you out.
Cecelia Out...? Who are you?
[Patia enters the room.]
Patia We're your companions, Cecelia. There's someone waiting for you.
Cecelia Mamma?
Patia I'm afraid it's not her.
Your mother won't come back, Cecelia.
Cecelia Why?
Patia I'm sorry, I can't explain it to you.
But someone can. I'll take you to see him.
Cecelia I'm sorry, Miss, but I want to find Mamma first.
Patia I'm really not good with kids. Sorry, Cecelia, whether you want to or not, I have to bring you away. You aren't safe here.
[Suddenly Ezell rushes in.]
Ezell Cecelia!
Patia Grr, too quick...
Ezell Who are you? What are you doing with Cecelia?
Patia Not for you to know, Sankta.
Cecelia was a companion of ours from the start. You're the one stealing her away.
Ezell In that case, please tell me her parents' family name, her home address, identity number, and your blood or legal relationship to her.
Patia Ugh, Notarial Hall brainrot.
Ezell If you have proper grounds to leave with Cecelia, you can tell me, and I'll take it into account in my decision.
Patia If you were a Liberi, I'd consider it. But Sankta like you... no chance.
Ezell You bear the Lateran symbol. You're a Liberi of Laterano yourself. Why hate the Sankta?
Patia Lemme tell you something, you Notarial Hall scumbag.
The thing I hate second most in my life is when people like you—selfishly assume—it has to be a law of nature that every Liberi who lives in Laterano gets along great with Sankta!
[Patia fires a crossbow at Ezell, who dodged it and loads his shotgun.]
Ezell If you don't plan on elucidating your grounds, I won't let you take Cecelia.
Patia Not your call.
I'll hold him off. You take Cecelia.
Amiable Hospital Attendant Right.
Sorry, Cecelia. Just bear with it.
Cecelia ...I don't want to.
[Suddenly a loud explosion occurs nearby.]
Patia What's happening?! What was that explosion? And the smoke?!
Amiable Hospital Attendant The window...! It must've been when...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background fades out and in>
Ezell There was a strong gust of wind just now. I'll close the window, in case she'd catch a cold.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Patia Goddamned executor!
I'll give you a word of advice! If you truly care about Cecelia, then don't give her up to the Notarial Hall or the Lateran Church! Or else, you'll regret it!
Ezell ......
Cecelia, hold on tight.
Cecelia Right...
[Ezell took Cecelia with him and escapes the hospital.]
<Background 5>
Ezell Are you alright?
Cecelia Yes.
Ezell Good. We need to break free of them, then.
[Ezell and Cecilia continues running.]
<Background 2>
Amiable Hospital Attendant Is he going to listen...?
Patia Of course he won't. Sankta are a bunch of happy-go-lucky idiots, but the ones at the Notarial Hall don't even get the "happy-go-lucky" part.
Whether he listens or not, we need to ensure Cecelia is... in our hands before we can proceed.
Amiable Hospital Attendant Then we need to notify the others ASAP.
Patia Already done.
Amiable Hospital Attendant Huh?
Patia While I was talking to him just now.
Amiable Hospital Attendant Ooh—you wanted to hold him up so you could send word out...
Patia He can't outrun us.
[Fiammetta enters the room.]
Fiammetta Why was the door to this ward open?
Wh... Is that you, Patia?
Patia ......
Fiammetta Was there an eight-year-old Sankta girl staying in this ward?
Patia No.
Fiammetta I heard an explosion on the way here. Did you have something to do with that?
Patia What's so weird about explosions in Laterano?
Fiammetta Are you really the Patia I know?
Patia Fiammetta. The girl you're looking for's already out of hospital.
[Fiammetta checks the room.]
Fiammetta (She's definitely not here...)
Why are you here?
Patia What, you get to show up in Stevonus Central Hospital, but I don't?
Fiammetta Are the Guard looking for this girl too? Where'd you get this information?
Patia I left the Pontifica Cohors long ago. Weren't you off being a Legatus's bodyguard? What, now you're back in Laterano again looking for some Sankta girl?
Don't you just love being surrounded by Sankta?
Liberi like you are all...
Fiammetta Patia. What's happened to you since I left?
Patia Don't ask that like you actually care.
Fiammetta Enough. You don't need to talk to me like that.
Fiammetta If the girl's not here, I don't need to waste any more time with you either.
[Fiammetta leaves.]
Patia Forget what happened to me. You should be wondering just what you're doing, Fiammetta... Miss Veteran.
[Someone called Patia.]
??? Tsk-tsk, Patia. Here I thought you loved your precious Fiammetta. Here you are with her again of all the things, and this is how cruel you treat her?
Patia What's it to you? And what about the Notarial Hall kid? What's your plan?
??? Don't get so gruff, Patia. I might have an even better solution.
But I'll need another small favor from you.