Operation story: CB-10

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Mafioso icon.png
Male Tourist 2 icon.png
Rat King's Henchman
Male Tourist 2 icon.png
Seemingly Ordinary Resident
Little Girl
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen Back Alley
Lungmen City Night

Before operation

The local gang led by the Rat King and the taken-over Mafia launch a fierce attack against Penguin Logistics. Mostima personally contains the Rat King, and Bison finally overcomes his mental block to join the fight.
<Background 1>
[A little girl runs into the Rat King.]
Little Girl Grandpa Rat~!
Rat King Why are you out here all alone, little one? And your face is filthy. Were you crawling through air ducts again?
Little Girl Hehe, Uncle Ho gave this to me, Grandpa Rat! Uncle Ho said I'm small and I run fast, and if I got this to you quick enough he'd give me a yogurt. You have to tell him I did it!
Rat King Don't worry, Grandpa will tell him. Now you run along.
Little Girl Thanks, Grandpa! Bye byee~!
Rat King ......
Seemingly Ordinary Resident Something wrong, Uncle?
Rat King Do you recall those Siracusans who came looking for us some time ago? The rest of their "Family" has since come to Lungmen.
Seemingly Ordinary Resident Should I contact our spy?
Rat King No need for that. Let us bide our time. They will come to us on their own.
Seemingly Ordinary Resident What for?
Rat King To survive in Lungmen.
Seemingly Ordinary Resident But it's not like they need anyone's permission for that. They might as well take a meeting with a Catastrophe.
Rat King If Catastrophes could speak, maybe we wouldn't need to fight each other.
<Background fades out and in>
[Capone approaches the Rat King.]
Capone ...it's just like you said, Mr. Rat King.
It's Lungmen. Lungmen's got its own rules Wei Yenwu agreed to a decade ago. We ain't about to go breakin' 'em.
But you're the executive. That's why we're here to pay our respects.
Rat King ...You want to wipe out Penguin Logistics, and take their place.
Capone Exactly.
Rat King You don't know much about them, Sicilians. This deal would not be of benefit to you.
Gambino Hmph.
Capone (Gambino!)
Gambino Are you tryin' to tell us we can't win? Mr. "Rat King"?
Rat King Winning and losing are words that have no place in a business discussion. No wonder you had to flee Siracusa. You are no match for that woman.
Gambino You insult the Family?
Capone Quiet, Gambino! We're after Penguin Logistics here...
Rat King You need only follow the rules. I am not here to protect Penguin Logistics.
Capone What do you mean?
Rat King Penguin Logistics is on its face a legal entity. The only thing that can protect it is the ironclad law of Lungmen.
But they do, from time to time, cause offense to various stakeholders. And they never take it appropriately seriously.
But bear in mind, Sicilians, you must never overstep your bounds.
An unconventional order is not the same as disorder. Siracusans should understand this more than anyone. But you must never again bring trouble to these old bones of mine. Promise me that.
Capone ...I understand.
<Background fades out and in>
Rat King There are so many more stars in Lungmen this time of year. So many more than you'd think.
The tea on the table has gone cold, hasn't it?
<Background 2>
Passerby This is Uncle's... Hey, we're on the clock.
Passerby I'm not deaf. I'm on it. Once I'm done let's go get tea.
<Background 3>
Mafioso Looks like it's our turn.
We paid our respects, put down our crossbows, and made sure not to hurt any civilians.
...all nice and proper-like under the new rules.
<Background 1>
Croissant So we're surrounded? Six or so deep on all sides?
Exusiai Oh, like a roll cake?
Texas The Rat King is the boss of the slums. Of course his claws and teeth are everywhere.
Bison Why didn't you say so earlier?
Texas I thought he was just an urban legend. And I never imagined he'd actually be a rat. Who would take a nickname like that?
Croissant With all them people around, it's too hard to tell who's after us and who's a passerby!
Sora We don't have a lot of room to act here.
Bison What do we do?
Texas You're always asking what to do. Don't you ever think for yourself?
Bison ......
Texas Here they come.
<Background fades out and in>
Rat King Here you are. I think you can make out the situation from up here.
Your friends are locked in a life or death struggle. Aren't you going to help them?
Mostima From what I've heard of you, I never thought you'd be so heavy handed.
Rat King I don't share every last thought of mine with the young people.
Mostima Sure enough. I always forget what kind of person you are.
Rat King Many have forgotten as much. And they all ended up six feet deep in an unmarked grave. You're already among the luckiest.
Mostima You killed the boss. You think that'll just blow over?
Rat King Heh heh. It's all very clear to me.
The owner of Penguin Logistics has always acted so prideful, as if above everyone else. But Lungmen is changing. She cannot allow this to continue.
They needed to be taught a lesson. And a very harsh one at that.
Mostima There's always a comeuppance when you bite the hand that feeds.
You've done so much with the help of Penguin Logistics...
Wait, were you planning this from the very beginning?
Rat King Who knows?
Mostima Couldn't be. Your whole act is way too good. Or, at least it's better than mine.
Mostima Gets Serious.png
Rat King Heh heh... you really are impressively clever.
The flames react to your will. Will you put me in the ground tonight?
Mostima How could I?
I respect my elders, and care for the young.
[Mostima uses her Arts against the Rat King, attracting the rest of the P.L. crew's attention.]
<Background 1>
Exusiai Mostima!
Texas Woah, Exusiai! We're the ones who are surrounded. Don't break formation!
Exusiai Hold on! I'm coming!
Croissant They're all mixed in with the normal folk. This ain't no way to fight!
[Croissant blocks the incoming attacks with her shield.]
Bison What is going on...?
Croissant Bison, don't just sit there like a bump on a log. Yer in my way! Move it!
Bison They're all... it's all... how can I...?
...I can't.
All right. If that's how it has to be, we'll do it their way.
Can you hear me?
Sora A message? For who?
Texas Careful.
[Texas struck down a mafioso.]
Texas Focus, Sora.
Sora O– okay!
<Background fades out and in>
Bison You're here, aren't you? You always have been.
Butler Young Master... I...
Bison I don't blame you. I'm sure it was all my father's machinations. But right here, right now, I need you to help me.
Butler ...Of course. Give me your instructions, Young Master.
Bison You really think this is a time for instructions?
Just send them flying.
Butler To hear such an order from the mouth of the Young Master...
Allow me to advocate for the Master of the House and ask: why?
Bison Who gives a shit why? Out of my way, Croissant!
Croissant Huh?
Bison Haaagh!
[Bison bashes several mafiosi with his shield, sending them flying to the air.]
Croissant He- he knocked 'em into the air?! That ain't how I do things!
<Background 3>
Butler Hm... the Master of the House should be pleased with this result. But should the Young Master continue in this way... I worry he may find himself corrupted by Penguin Logistics.
No... I mustn't obstruct the Young Master any further. If this is the course he believes is correct, then so be it.
<Background 1>
Mafioso You little punk! I'll put you in the ground!
Mafioso A He dodged?!
[A sniper fire knocks the club wielded by a mafioso off his hand.]
Mafioso B Yowch! Something knocked my club away!
Mafioso A Careful, they got a sniper!
Bison Outta my way!
[Bison charges at the mafiosi with his shield.]
<Background fades out and in>
[The Rat King who managed to resist Mostima's Arts.]
Mostima ...the intensity is under control, but you haven't moved a single step. Isn't that a little unreasonable?
Rat King When one stands unmoving, that does not mean one is relaxed.
Mostima Is there anything in Lungmen that can defeat you?
Rat King Yes. "Lungmen" can.
Mostima Ooh, what a crafty answer.
Rat King I go to the park to exercise, every morning, without fail. It's important to stay active as I get older.
Mostima And are these morning exercises effective?
Rat King You have to add in a bit of life experience.
Mostima How are the two Siracusans?
Rat King How are they indeed.
Mostima ...I really wonder how many of these invisible problems you quietly solve each and every day.
How many times have you tricked these people into massacring each other rather than let them dip their toes into Lungmen?
Rat King I don't recall. All I can tell you is that regardless of how many corpses piled up in the sewers, there are always far more people who strive to survive.
[The Rat King starts to retaliate with his sand Arts.]
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Mostima! I'm here to—
Seemingly Ordinary Resident That's far enough. You guys, go help the Dai Lo.
Mafioso & Passerby Right!
Bison You won't get away with this.
[A sniper fire narrowly misses the mobster.]
Seemingly Ordinary Resident A sniper? The princeling's bodyguard?
Bison Outta my way!
Seemingly Ordinary Resident You're just a regular Messenger. You don't belong here.
Bison Messenger? That's right, I'm a Messenger. But the ladies behind me and in front of me, making all that noise? They're Messengers too.
Seemingly Ordinary Resident You're not like Texas and the others. You should leave this battle. Get yourself home safe.
Bison ...you done?
[Bison strikes the mobster with his shield.]
Seemingly Ordinary Resident Nng—! You have some fight in you!
Mostima Just do it!
Bison Right!

During operation

Rat King We will need some rules for our little game. For example...
I will search the field for the players with the highest Max HP and the lowest Max HP, and provide a special surprise for each.
Steel yourselves, young people. Don't let your guard down.
And don't disappoint me.

After operation

The members of Penguin Logistics all team up and finally defeat the Rat King with the help of a sneak attack from Bison's butler. Bison chooses to sacrifice his life in order to defuse the bomb left behind by the Rat King, but a shocking truth awaits.
<Background 1>
Fillet We're just... going to watch?
Waai Fu We're just going to watch. But I have no idea what's happening.
Fillet At least they're not hurting any civilians?
And there's so much good food going to waste...
Waai Fu I hate to see it too. But I guess a street fight is just part of the party.
Fillet It was planned?
Waai Fu Doesn't look like it. Oh, someone's coming.
Fillet Hm?
[A mafioso attempted to attack Waai Fu, but she hits him first.]
Mafioso Agh...! I think... I hit the wrong person...
Fillet Isn't it kind of unsafe to stay here?
Waai Fu I could go back to the office, but what would I even do there?
Fillet Don't you have a test tomorrow? In the afternoon?
Waai Fu ......
<Background fades out and in>
Yith Those two seem as if they are uninvolved in this event.
We should ask them to leave. We would not want them to get hurt.
??? ...Hold on, isn't that man up there with his belly cut open the Emperor of Penguin Logistics?
He's dead. And you seem not at all bothered?
Yith Bothered? Why?
Mr. Emperor gets himself into such trouble several times a month. We have grown accustomed to this behavior.
??? His death?
Yith Correct.
??? ...Sounds like Mostima really shouldn't be getting close to you people.
Yith You worry about her?
??? I'm just here to make sure she doesn't do anything out of line.
But, hm, it's a really clumsy act. Since she looks so relaxed over there, I guess there isn't anything worth worrying about.
I'm going for a walk. Don't tell her I came. I'll go see her myself when things quiet down.
[The Lateran Liberi leaves.]
Yith ...There she goes.
She shows up, asks her questions, and leaves just as suddenly as she appears.
Is this the way they do things in Laterano now?
<Background fades out and in>
Rat King ...Heh. I suddenly find myself envious of you young people.
You always choose your own paths, thinking only of yourselves. You don't consider your places in the grand scheme of things.
Mostima I also work hard.
Rat King But no one has ever been able to get to the bottom of you.
Mostima If you ever really did, that would be the most frustrating of all.
Rat King Indeed. There are some things that should not be so thoroughly investigated. Especially those things that have to do with Mostima the Messenger.
Mostima What is this? Occupational discrimination?
Rat King I'm only speaking from experience.
Let's take a break for a moment now.
[The Rat King uses his sand Arts to suppress Mostima's Arts.]
Mostima Huh.
My Arts are suppressed...?
So you were the one holding back your strength all this time?
Rat King As were you.
But you have wasted enough time.
<Background fades out and in>
Seemingly Ordinary Resident This little punk, how can he keep fighting...? Grr...
Bison *Pant pant* I can... keep going... all night...
Mostima Yep. You're doing great.
Good thing you were able to deal with so many bad guys so quickly.
Exusiai Hey. We won't let you disappear on your own this time.
So this guy's the evil mastermind pulling the strings here? I definitely owe him a personal beating!
Croissant We got ourselves one helluva workout today. And the bill's gettin' mighty long too.
Texas, I'm thinkin' there's a lot we ain't gonna get to expense here tonight...
Texas Don't ask me. That's a question for the boss.
Sora But the boss is dead...
Texas ...Then it'll have to wait.
Sora Speaking of, did anybody go deal with the boss's corpse? Leaving him up there to get trampled feels kind of...
[The Rat King approaches the P.L. crew.]
Rat King There we are. The players are assembled.
...Young people always make their own choices.
Even if it means walking through a Catastrophe, leaving your bodies splattered and broken, you still proceed with such determination.
Exusiai What is he talking about?
Mostima Just a grandpa's muttering. Don't worry about it.
Rat King Right then. Are you enjoying your Sauin?
Croissant S'all right. Kinda like a hangover. No way I can think about what I gotta do tomorrow.
Sora So... nobody's going to take care of the boss?
Rat King ...Penguin Logistics, you truly are unfathomable.
Mostima I think we don't need to worry about that, considering.
It's Penguin Logistics. The whole reason for this war was someone questioning the boss's tastes.
Bison I'm sorry, what?
Mostima He gave his life to preserve his style. That's our Emperor.
Rat King But I must say, not one of you ever surprised me in the slightest.
[The Rat King uses his sand Arts to cover the surroundings with sand dust and conjures a sand barrier that protects him.]
Exusiai Mmmff! What's this sand?!
Sora He still has the strength?
Texas Yes... everybody focus. This fight is going to be different.
If you let your guard down for even a split second,
You'll die.
Rat King Sauin must be a lively event!
Let me see with my own eyes the freaks that Emperor raised.
[Texas charges towards the Rat King and strikes, but her sword breaks upon hitting the sand barrier surrounding the Rat King.]
Texas My blade broke the moment it touched the sand... that's a problem.
Rat King Mmm. In all my years, those bold enough to approach me with blade or bullet were few and far between.
Exusiai I'll give him one of these!
[Exusiai opens fire at the Rat King, but the sand barrier protects him from the bullets.]
Exusiai Oof, no good! Croissant, you're up!
Croissant My hammer's already stuck in the quicksand! I can't move!
[Croissant was knocked out by the Rat King's sand Arts.]
Rat King Hopeless. Is this all you have, Penguin Logistics?
Mostima That's not all.
[Mostima used her Arts to break the Rat King's sand barrier...]
Rat King ...Hm?
Mostima His sand shield is broken. Now, Exusiai!
Exusiai It's barrage time!
[...giving Exusiai a clear line of fire to the Rat King.]
Rat King How many guns do you have? Troublesome angel.
Bison Don't even think about it!
[Bison blocks the Rat King's Arts attack with his shield.]
Rat King Oh? I've been blocked?
Exusiai Thanks, Bison!
Croissant I'm up! Sorry fer the elder abuse!
[Croissant strikes the Rat King with his hammer, but fails.]
Croissant Aagh! Couldn't get him! Texas, yer up!
Rat King Wishful thinking.
Sora I got this, Texas!
Rat King Hmm, a voice-based Originium Art. What an interesting little girl.
Texas How's your spatial awareness?
Rat King ...Hm.
[Texas strikes the Rat King, but he managed to evade it, though his coat falls off in the process.]
Rat King ......
Texas He even dodged from that angle...
Bison At least you made him move. When he takes us on just standing in one place, I feel like he's looking down on us.
Rat King ...Oh, Penguin Logistics.
That coat was a gift from my daughter.
In all these years, you are the first to even touch it.
How many young people like you are in Lungmen? What are you capable of, actually?
Mostima It's enough to just be yourself, isn't it? Or are you upset?
Rat King No, I just find myself with some... complex feelings...
But it's getting terribly late now, so it's time I—
[Suddenly the Rat King was shot by a sniper...]
Rat King Mmng?!
[...and seemingly dies.]
Sora He– he's been shot?
Texas It's that sniper from before. He's still here.
Butler ...Target down. Moving to confirm.
Bison What have you done?!
Butler Young Master, he was a threat.
You should never have gone so close to him. He has an affinity for Originium Arts. I could not guarantee your safety.
You must understand, the Young Master's safety is my number one priority.
Bison ...What you're saying is... I was bait?
My father knew this would happen, so he sent you to...
Butler Young Master.
Bison ......
Butler Young Master, some things are not as they seem. You will come to understand in time. And I promise, the Master of the House had no intention of exploiting you at any time.
And I believe Penguin Logistics will also be expecting an explanation. I must secure the Rat King's remains and confirm that he is deceased.
Texas It's fine. The boss is gone. There's no one to hear you explain.
Butler Thank you for your understanding. Now, Young Master, do take care.
Bison ......
Texas Bison, now is not the time to dwell on this.
The Rat King promised us a "gift", don't forget.
Mostima It might be a bomb. That Siracusan guy really liked bombs.
Exusiai That wouldn't be very clever.
Bison And there are still some enemies to worry about. It looks like they're waiting for us?
The Rat King is gone, and they don't seem to be reacting at all?
[The mafiosi accompanying the Rat King doesn't react to the Zalak's death.]
Texas Right, no reaction whatsoever. Hm... I think I know what's happening...
Let's split up. Sora, Croissant, Exusiai, we'll take care of the remaining enemies.
Bison and Mostima, you deal with the "gift."
It's almost sunrise. We're running out of time.
<Background fades out and in>
[Bison searches for the "package" around the premises, but to no avail so far.]
Bison Damn, where could it be...
Mostima You're all flustered. Try not to be so emotional.
Bison I did just find out that I was being kept in the dark about my whole purpose here.
...Mostima, did we actually, maybe meet the Rat King before?
Mostima We did.
Bison So you had it all figured out from the beginning?
Mostima Ahahaha...
Bison Don't try to wriggle out of this one!
Mostima Hm. I couldn't have guessed what he was really up to.
But we really don't have much time. The LGD aren't going to sit on their hands.
As crazy as things have gotten around here, with them jumping in, there's no way we'd work it out.
Bison ...Victorian gumdrops, the candy box, maybe that was a clue.
But it's just common sense that using the same kind of trap over again would be really dumb.
Mostima Yeah, but, why?
Bison If the Rat King really had everything planned out, then us running into him before couldn't be a coincidence.
He was communicating with us from the start.
Mostima It's his trap. Why would he want to give us clues? That doesn't make any sense.
Bison I don't know either, maybe we've been too quick to consider him an enemy...? I just have a feeling.
It's not just a feeling. After we met the Rat King, he kept trying to hint at something... or something.
Mostima Mmm... Well, it's better than nothing.
<Background fades out and in>
Mostima Got it.
Bison This is it..?
Mostima Looks like it's about 80cm by 40cm, but in an iron box... Yep, this definitely seems like a big gift box to me?
Bison Could– could you explain?
Mostima Nope. I don't get it at all.
Bison Then we better call up Texas, maybe she and the girls can—
Mostima There's not enough time. This looks like it's got a timer on it.
Bison So it's a bomb?!
Mostima So it's a bomb. Pretty cliche. Both in shape and execution.
Bison Right... Mostima, you get out of here.
Mostima And what are you going to do?
Bison Take a chance.
This is a custom shield, and my body is pretty tough too. If I play this wrong, I might still survive.
Mostima Are you serious?
Bison Yes.
Mostima Then I want to see how this plays out. And don't worry, I might be able to mitigate the damage from the explosion.
It's my job, after all.
Bison I know. *Inhale*
*Exhale* Here I go!
Mostima ......
Bison ......
Mostima You decided? That wire's the same color as my hair.
Bison Erm! M– Mostima! Don't joke with me please! I'm almost—
It hit zero! Get behind me!!
Mostima Okay, okay.
[The box explodes.]
<Background black>
Bison Nnnngg...
Why isn't it hot?
Wait, this is... candy?!
Mostima Pay attention to how you land. You don't want to break anything.
The Gig Ends.png
Sora What's that sound?
Croissant Not sure, but... Woweee! There's people fallin' from the sky?!
Bison Ow ow ow, why is this happening again... Agh! S– sorry!
Croissant S'all right. What're you two doin' up there? Playin' trapeze artist?
Yowch! Somethin' just hit me?
Sora ...Candy?
It's raining... candy?
<Background 1>
Texas Ugh, it's that sickly sweet smell in the air again.
I think it's about time we wrapped this up.
Mafioso ...Right.
Exusiai Hm? Um? Texas, do you know something we don't know?
Texas No. But I have a pretty solid idea.
Exusiai Hey!! If you had a lead, you should've told us!
Texas Sauin. It's long over.
<Background fades out and in>
Rat King's Henchman ...Wanna get dim sum?
Mafioso So early? Let's go to the roof and watch the sunrise.
Rat King's Henchman You mafia types are funny. Always with the sunrise on the roof...
<Background fades out and in>
Mafioso Gah. This candy's smashed into my head so much I think I got brain damage. It's the signal to stop, and I stopped.
But boy, it's more like we just got beaten on. My whole body's so tender...
<Background fades out and in>
Bison They... they all stopped. What's going on? This doesn't feel right.
Croissant We're all done, just like that? These fellers love candy so much?
Bison The candy rain stopped.
Mostima Yes, so fleeting. If only it would truly rain candy someday.
Bison So there was the candy...
But wait, what about the bomb?
Mostima You mean this?
Bison Huh? You took the whole thing apart?
Mostima Just a minute.
Bison Mostima?!
Mostima Whoops, lost control there for a second. Hope you didn't get burned.
Bison This looks like an ordinary metal box?
...And there's one piece of candy inside. Ew, it melted. It's all sticky...
And this note? Is it from the Rat King...?
Mostima What does it say?
Bison "Happy Sauin"...