Operation story: 4-10

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Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Chernobog Ruined Streets Frozen

Before operation

FrostNova's overwhelming power forces the group into a fight for their survival.
But now more than ever, it's do or die.
FrostNova Arrives.png
[FrostNova's mere presence causes everything around her to be frozen...]
Jessica The temperature... is dropping sharply?
There's ice forming on the ground...
It's so cold...
Unbelievable... even the burning effigy was frozen over....!
The flames were put out... Dark clouds have covered the sky...
[...as shards of ice forms on the ground.]
Jessica Aaahh...!
Amiya Don't panic!
Jessica, Blacksteel operator!
Jessica ...
Amiya Stay in position!
Jessica Roger!
Meteorite What are you doing, Frostleaf?!
<Background 1>
[The temperature drops even further.]
Amiya She's... draining all the heat from her surroundings!
I never knew she was able to affect such a wide area!
Frostleaf Heh... Master of the Yetis...
I've never met... anyone with a lower body temperature than mine.
Meteorite Frostleaf!
Frostleaf Meteorite... To be honest, I wanted to...
Distract her... and buy some time for you...
Meteorite You...
Frostleaf But... my body... is completely frozen.
I can't... move my feet anymore.
Meteorite Frostleaf! !
Frostleaf Amiya, take them with you, and fight your way out of here.
In less than a minute, the enemy commander... will have frozen this entire square.
Don't make me die for nothing.
Meteorite Amiya... We can't... I won't leave her!
Amiya I understand.
I won't leave Frostleaf behind.
I will not... leave anyone behind!
I'll hold off the enemy squads' movements.
Meteorite... I'm counting on you to bring Frostleaf back!!
Meteorite Roger!
Amiya Doctor! Please lead our squads!
Doctor Way ahead of you! / (Nod) / Affirmative!
Frostleaf ...
Now that I think about it...
I've only used these Arts once before.
"Wherever there is blood..."
FrostNova Hah.
So you want to use your ice... to counter mine?
Frostleaf Nnh...!
FrostNova How will you do that if you can't even use your tongue anymore?
Frostleaf You...
FrostNova ...
Yeti Squadron, spread out.
Reunion Member Roger.
FrostNova My brethren...
Flush them out, and freeze their blood.
Reunion Member Understood.
Amiya "...Your mind can hide nothing from me."
Reunion Member An incantation?
The rabbit of Rhodes Island...
Black... lines? ...What the hell is that?
Wh-what kind of Arts is that––
W-wait, why is that thing... worming past our barriers? !
M-my body! It's on fire...! It's burning!
Amiya Meteorite!
Meteorite I know!
Please, keep distracting them!
Reunion Member N-n-no... so cold...!
Nnngh... it hurts so much!
...Gaah... No, no more...
FrostNova ...!
Hurry! Don't let them hurt our comrades any further!
Reunion Member Understood!
FrostNova Your Originium Arts... are very formidable.
Frostleaf Nnh... aagh...
Damn you... Get away... from me...
FrostNova I won't give you a chance to use your Arts, girl.
Now, close your eyes and sleep.
I'll put you out of your misery soon.
Meteorite Th-this witch...!
FrostNova ...
I take it that you're Amiya.
Amiya ...!
FrostNova ...
I like the look in your eyes.
That is how a warrior should look.
Amiya ...
FrostNova I'm sorry...
Amiya Why are you...
FrostNova ......♬
Amiya ...!
What's going on here?
FrostNova ——♬——♬——
Amiya ...It's snowing?
FrostNova ......♪
"Sleep, my children. Sleep.
Hedgehog dolls and teddy bears..." ......
Meteorite This strange melody...
...She's casting her Arts!
FrostNova "Sink quietly into black...♪
...My broken puppets and dolls♬"
Amiya ...
Even more shards of black ice are appearing out of thin air?!
Jessica The ice shards are slowly falling onto the ground!
Meteorite Shoot, the ground is freezing wherever the shards fall...?
The black ice...
It's spreading...?!
Amiya The ice crystals are eroding everything around us!
Don't let her finish her song! !
Doctor Rhodes Island, we're going all out!

After operation

Frostleaf's valiant efforts finally give a chance for Amiya a chance to break through, and everyone is able to retreat at last.
However, when they return, they quickly find out that Lungmen itself is in grave peril...
<Background 1>
Frostleaf *cough* *cough*...
Amiya Meteorite! We've managed to push the Yeti Squadron back!
FrostNova I seem to have underestimated you, Rhodes Island.
Perhaps I held back a bit too much.
Amiya (I can't feel my fingers anymore... Damn it...)
...What's going on...?
The cold current... is still gathering around her?
FrostNova This time...
You won't be so lucky.
Amiya ...? !
Oh no...!
Is she trying to absorb all the ice surrounding us and release it at once? !
FrostNova ——♩——♬——
Amiya ...She's going to drain all the heat from our bodies!
These Arts are on a complete different scale from what we saw before...!
FrostNova Let it all come to an end.
May your anger be buried by purest frost.
Amiya ...Nnngh...!
FrostNova ...♩...
[Just before FrostNova finishes chanting her Arts, Frostleaf interrupts her with a strike from her axe.]
FrostNova ...?!
Something... is stopping the cold from gathering...
Frostleaf ...Gah...
FrostNova Is this your doing?
Frostleaf Didn't I already tell you...
I won't let you... come any closer...!
FrostNova ...Did you disrupt my cold current using your own Arts?
...What a good kid.
Amiya Frostleaf used her blade to sever the cold current...!
But, but... she can't hold out long in that condition!
Her blade... it's about to break!
Meteorite ...That's more than enough.
This is our last chance!
Amiya... now is the time!
Cover me!
Amiya Be careful!
Meteorite Roger!
Amiya Starting firing – suppress Reunion's movements!
Meteorite, go!
Meteorite On my way...!
[Meteorite attacks the Reunion soldiers with her explosive munitions.]
Reunion Member What?! The enemy is... rushing towards us?
No, she's... she's going straight towards FrostNova?!
As if we'd let you!
[The Reunion soldiers return fire at Meteorite...]
Meteorite Agh...!
Amiya Meteorite!!
Meteorite Don't worry, it wasn't a direct hit!
[...who retaliates...]
Reunion Member She, she's still able to run?!
Damn it!
I told you! You'll never reach the Yetis!
Keep firing! Don't give her an opening!
[...until she is hit by the Reunion attacks.]
Meteorite ...Oh no!
Jessica Nooo!! She... she was hit... It can't be...
Meteorite ...It's just a scratch! You'll have to do better than that if you want to stop me!!
Amiya More... I need to do more...
[The temperature begins to drop again.]
FrostNova *cough* *cough*...
Amiya ...!
(The flow of the cold air... fluctuated for a moment?)
Wait... Where is that flow coming from...
I know this feeling...!
Could it be...?!
I'll just have to give this a try!
I have to hit it...!
Everyone, believe in me!
[Amiya used her Arts to destroy an Originium crystal nearby, releasing a cold haze to the surroundings.]
Reunion Member ...?
Rhodes Island's leader...
She shattered the Originium we planted with her Arts?
It's getting hazy...
Amiya I knew it! FrostNova created that cold current by planting Originium!
Meteorite!! Now's your chance!
Meteorite Frostleaf...
I... I promise to save you!!
So, wait for me...
Please wait for me!
<Background fades out and in>
??? Wake up!
Frostleaf Nnh...?
??? I've got you!
Frostleaf Who...
??? Up here! Quick! Hold on to me!
Frostleaf Meteo...rite?
Meteorite Who said you could play the hero?!
Do you think I could just sit there and watch you die?
[Meteorite fires her munitions.]
Frostleaf Put me down... I'm not... some pet...
Meteorite I won't let go of you!
Amiya! Jessica!!
Jessica ...All right!
Everyone, let's get out of here!
Amiya Meteorite, go ahead with Frostleaf. I'll cover your retreat!
Meteorite Understood!
Frostleaf ...Gah...
Meteorite Haah... Haah...
Frostleaf... hang in there...!
Don't die... don't you dare die on me!!
Frostleaf Don't worry... you can't get rid of me that easily...
Meteorite Jeez, both you and Amiya too! Why do both of you have to be like this?!
No matter how strong you might be... you're both just kids after all!
Frostleaf You're still treating me like a kid...?
...If I could save all of you by giving up my life, I think that's a pretty good deal.
Meteorite You... Mark my words! If you ever try to do something like this again...
If you ever... I'd...
Frostleaf *sigh*... Sorry.
Start running, Meteorite.
Don't... look back...!
Amiya Hurry! Just go!!
Evacuate this area immediately! Protect the medics and the injured!
Snipers...! Aim at those effigies. Keep firing!!
Disrupt their formation! Demolish the entire building to cover our escape!
[The R.I. destroys a nearby building, covering the surroundings in hazy cloud.]
Amiya *cough* *cough*...
The explosions are making the haze thicker...!
Here's our opening! Get moving!!
Everyone, we're retreating from this square!!
[The R.I. escapes, using the diversion from the building's destruction.]
FrostNova So... they got away.
<Background black>
FrostNova *cough*...
How long have you been watching?
??? Just a few minutes.
These warriors are worthy of praise.
FrostNova Tch.
Patriot and FrostNova.png
??? Be careful.
Your body isn't in very good condition.
FrostNova ...I don't need you to remind me.
Just do what you need to do, old timer.
<Background black>
FrostNova I'm going to go after Rhodes Island.
We have to get rid of them first. Only then, will we be able...
...to go to Lungmen.
??? ...
<Background 2>
[The R.I. catches a break after escaping from FrostNova and the Yeti Squadron.]
Amiya Phew...
We're almost at the escape point.
Doctor, we...
Meteorite ...Amiya!! We've finally gotten through to the L.G.D.!!
It's an emergency communication!!
Amiya Madam Ch'en!!
Ch'en Listen... up...
Amiya Madam Ch'en? Can you hear me clearly?
<Background black>
Ch'en ...Lungmen...
Amiya ...What's going on?!
Ch'en Outside Lungmen.png
Ch'en ...I'm safe now.
<Background black>
Ch'en ...
...Reunion took over one of our important facilities and is now forcefully opening a passage between the slums and the outer city.
Episode 04 End.png
Ch'en Amiya...
Lungmen... is in danger.
<Background black>
... ...
Talulah In Her Seat.png
Mephisto W managed to lure Lungmen and Rhodes Island right into our trap.
That's right. They won't be able to escape. Faust and Crownslayer have already broken their defenses at one location.
As you said, this will be our opening to flood into Lungmen.
We will set up ambushes around every corner. The road to Lungmen will run red with fresh blood.
Right, that old flag-waver should be coming back to Chernobog soon.
Our victory is assured.
Do you have any other orders for me, Talulah?
Talulah ...
The time is upon us...
...to turn this rotten city into ashes.