Faction branches: Siracusa

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Chiave's Gang

A Siracusan street gang led by the namesake Vulpo who escaped the country after some run-ins with the Mafia before being brought under Rhodes Island's wing. The gang is also jokingly referred to as Chiave's Famiglia.[1]

Aosta icon.png
Broca icon.png
Chiave icon.png

Aosta and Broca are former members of the Siracusan Mafia.

Mafia famiglie


Bellone Family.png

Famiglia Bellone was one of the three leading mafia families in the Grey Hall before the Volsinii incident. Under the leadership of its don Bernardo Bellone, the family had gained power in recent years with its connections to official government agencies. It reached a point where many of the Dodici Famiglie's leaders were in full support of the Bellones, almost making them the sole famiglia of the country. However, behind the scenes, the family's prosperity was actually the result of Zaaro's blessing, who used the Bellones to gain power against the other Signori dei Lupi.

Following the Volsinii incident, which resulted in Bernardo's suicide and Leontuzzo abandoning the family, the Bellone family was left without a leader and officially disbanded. Many former Bellone members have since switched their allegiance to other famiglie, including one headed by Demetri.

Vigil icon.png

Bernardo Bellone icon.png
Demetri Certaldo icon.png


Saluzzo Family.png

Famiglia Saluzzo is one of the three leading mafia families of the Grey Hall and the oldest of the families, currently ruled with an iron fist by Alberto Saluzzo. They are known as political challengers to the powerful Bellone family.

Lappland icon.png

Alberto Saluzzo icon.png
Danbrown Leopardi icon.png


Rossati Family.png

Famiglia Rossati is one of the three leading mafia families of the Grey Hall. It was previously under the leadership of its donna Giovanna Rossati until the Volsinii incident, when she was ousted by its current leader Wallach. Unlike the other two powerful families, the Rossati are of foreign origin — they are made up of the remaining Columbian famiglie after the purge of the Famiglia Texas, who returned to their homeland under the Signora's orders. They were forced to give up Columbian technology to Siracusa, which allowed the construction of the new nomadic city Volsinii. The Rossatis proclaim themselves to be the genuine heirs to the now disbanded Texases, and are said to have inherited the Texases' wealth and spirit.

Giovanna Rossati icon.png
Wallach icon.png
  • Vivienne Rossati: A woman who once fell in love with Salvadore, boss of the Texases. Salvadore ended up killing her father, which destroyed their relationship. She married another man, and her son would later become the boss of the Rossatis. When the Rossatis and the Texases found themselves in a disagreement years later, Vivienne kept the peace between the two groups, eventually making them allies.[2]


Texas Family.png

Famiglia Texas is a now-disbanded mafia family which, despite not being a member of the Grey Hall, had an everlasting influence in Siracusa. It was originally a Siracusan family that migrated to Columbia, then an undeveloped land that had yet to be pioneered. The Texases were the most powerful Columbian family, but did not forget their roots, bringing the latest Columbian technology back to Siracusa and helping to modernize their homeland. Because of this, the Texases were once well respected by the Signora and the Hall.[3]

However, in the year 1092, the family's heir, Giuseppe, murdered his father Salvadore and gained control of the family. He even went as far as declaring independence from the Siracusan famiglie system, which enraged the Signora. In response, the Signora sent the elite forces of the Dodici to Columbia in an attempt to purge the entire family—the result was the total annihilation of the Texas famiglia with the exception of Cellinia.[4]

The Texases' annihilation has become a warning to every mafia family and the stuff of legends, to the point where it has been commemorated through numerous operas, such as La Morte di Texas ("The Death of Texas", written by Giovanna). Still, there are some, like the Rossati who declare themselves the inheritors of the Texases' spirit.

Texas icon.png
  • Salvadore Texas
  • Giuseppe Texas: The son of Salvadore Texas, who murdered him and declared independence from the famiglie system, only to be killed during the purge.


The Sicilia Legale, colloquially known as the Sicilians, was a coalition of numerous smaller famiglie. They were said to be one of the origins of the current ruling Dodici as they are named after an old city that first resorted to violence for resolving matters.[5] Despite being overshadowed by the Dodici's ruling, they dared to consider themselves the thirteenth famiglia, offending the Signora and eventually provoking her wrath.[1] After the incident, Gambino and Capone led the surviving Sicilians to settle down in Lungmen. Following the events of Code of Brawl, most of the remaining Sicilians betrayed their former bosses and are now loyal to the Rat King.

Capone icon.png
Gambino icon.png

Pizzeria Martino

Pizzeria Martino is a pizza parlor chain present in every Siracusan city-state and even neighbouring countries. Originally established as a luxury restaurant property of the difunct Famiglia Conte, it earned a considerable fame at the time due Don Conte's unhinged persistance in the food's quality and authenticity, serving various distinguishable guests from major famiglie, even if they were hostiles towards them. Following the Contes' downfall, Pizzeria Martino suffered from several changes on its ownership, before finally becoming a more affordable brand, adopting a more imaginative business strategy. Their mascot, "The Pizza man", is also one of the main characters of the popular cartoon "The Martino Bros". At the same time, Pizzeria Martino is famous for its rather bold take on Siracusan cuisine, from the upside-down pizza and fries served in Victoria, or the Spicy fowlbeast pizza in Yan.[6]


  • Famiglia Stefano: A famiglia that controls half of the national catering industry. The Rosattis have been keeping an eye on them recently after they decided to branch out into Columbian millitary contracts, fearing that their growth could eventually spell trouble.[7]
  • Famiglia Trin: A famiglia who controls the Siracusan city of Vite. At one point, Chiave offended them, causing him and his gang to flee.[1]
