Faction branches: Siracusa

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Chiave's Gang

Chiave's Gang is a Siracusan street gang led by Chiave the namesake Vulpo with Aosta and Broca, former members of Famiglia Trin, who escaped the country after some run-ins with the famiglia before being brought under Rhodes Island's wing. The gang is also jokingly referred to as Chiave's Famiglia.[1]

Chiave's Gang is listed as a branch faction of Siracusa, but reuses the country's crest as their logo in-game.


Mafia famiglie


Famiglia Sicilia, also known as the Sicilia Legale, is a historically powerful mafia family whose history is as old as Siracusa itself. This earliest famiglia originated from the City Confederation of Sicilia, a loose union of several famiglie dwelling in the city unlike many city-states that were ruled by a single powerful famiglia. The Sicilians were the one who started the first city-state war of Siracusa, and during the war, they merciless amputated the losers' tails as humiliation, which gave rise to a popular Siracusan proverb: "Andarsene con la coda tra le gambe."[note 1] Their victory in the war allowed the Sicilians to fully occupy Sicilia, which turned the legale into a formal famiglia.[2][3]

In the coming centuries, Famiglia Sicilia remained the dominant mafia of Siracusa even during the Leithanian era. But during the seventy-year-old anarchy following its independence, the Sicilians lost many of their manors and cities to rivaling famiglie, though they managed to retain the family's bloodline in the midst of the chaos. To preserve the family, the Don of the Sicilians back then sent off their only daughter to Laterano to study abroad which at that time aroused disagreement among the mafioso, fearing that she would lose her Siracusan roots. To their amazement, that woman would later become Signora Sicilia who would end the Siracusan anarchy in 1039.[3]

Following the unification of the Dodici Famiglie and foundation of the Grey Hall, Signora Sicilia voluntarily abandoned her position as the family's Donna, which indirectly ended the famiglia's legacy. The famiglie remaining in the legale vied over the Sicilians' vacant seat, but it resulted in two factions: one seeking to revive the Sicilians' name through violent means, and the other trying to cling onto Sicilia to gain benefits from her power. But both factions ended in demises with banishment from Siracusa for the former and demotion of their status for the latter.[3] Some of these surviving Sicilians scatter across Terra, including groups that followed Gambino and Capone who settled in Lungmen and later swore their loyalty to the Rat King after betraying their leaders.

Capone icon.png
Gambino icon.png
Signora Sicilia icon.png
  • Signora Sicilia has long abandoned the seat of Donna of the Sicillians.
  • Capone and Gambino are some of the survivors from Sicilia's purge upon the legale who eventually led some of the survivors to Lungmen.


Bellone Family.png

Famiglia Bellone was one of the leading mafia families in the Grey Hall before the Volsinii incident. Under the leadership of its Don Bernardo Bellone, the family had gained power in recent years with its connections to agencies in the Confederate Council. It reached a point where many of the Dodici Famiglie's leaders were in full support of the Bellones, almost making them the sole famiglia of the country. However, behind the scenes, the family's prosperity was actually the result of Zaaro's blessing, who used the Bellones to gain power against the other "Signori dei Lupi."

Following the Volsinii incident, which resulted in Bernardo's suicide and Leontuzzo abandoning the family, the Bellones was left without a leader and officially disbanded. Many former Bellone members have since switched their allegiance to other famiglie, including one headed by Demetri Certaldo.

Vigil icon.png

Bernardo Bellone icon.png
Demetri Certaldo icon.png


Saluzzo Family.png

Famiglia Saluzzo is one of the leading mafia families of the Grey Hall and the oldest of the families, currently ruled with an iron fist by Alberto Saluzzo. They are known as political challengers to the powerful Bellone family.

Lappland icon.png

Alberto Saluzzo icon.png
Danbrown Leopardi icon.png


Rossati Family.png

Famiglia Rossati is one of the leading mafia families of the Grey Hall. It was previously under the leadership of its Donna Giovanna Rossati until the Volsinii incident, when she was ousted by its current leader Wallach. Unlike the other two powerful families, the Rossatis are of foreign origin — they are made up of the remaining Columbian famiglie after the purge of Famiglia Texas, who returned to their homeland under the Signora's order. They were forced to give up Columbian technology to Siracusa, which allowed the construction of the new nomadic city Volsinii. The Rossatis proclaim themselves to be the genuine heirs to the now disbanded Texases, and are said to have inherited the Texases' wealth and spirit.

Giovanna Rossati icon.png
Wallach icon.png
  • Vivienne Rossati: A woman who once fell in love with Salvadore, boss of the Texases. Salvadore ended up killing her father, which destroyed their relationship. She married another man, and her son would later become the boss of the Rossatis. When the Rossatis and the Texases found themselves in a disagreement years later, Vivienne kept the peace between the two groups, eventually making them allies.[4]


Texas Family.png

Famiglia Texas is a now-disbanded mafia family which, despite not a member of the Grey Hall, had an everlasting influence in Siracusa. It was originally a Siracusan family that migrated to Columbia, then an undeveloped land that had yet to be pioneered. Following the Columbian Revolutionary War of 1019, many criminal syndicates sought alliance with the Siracusans out of fear of Gaul's subjugation upon Columbia as its new vassal state, and in the process, the Texases rose to become the most powerful mafia in Columbia.[5] Despite their authority over the Columbian underground world, they did not forget their Siracuan roots by smuggling the latest Columbian technology back to their homeland and helping to modernize their homeland, hence their respect by Signora Sicilia and the Dodici Famiglie in the past.

However, in the year 1092, the family's heir, Giuseppe, murdered his father Salvadore and gained control of the family. Giuseppe initiated many radical moves that were seen as provocation to the Columbian government such as mass printing of counterfeit banknotes and assassination of many prominent Columbian businessmen. He even went as far as declaring independence from the control of the Siracusan famiglie, which enraged the Signora. In response, the Signora sent an elite force of the Dodici to Columbia to conduct a violent purge of the entire family; the result was the total annihilation of Famiglia Texas with the exception of Cellinia and the end of the Columbian mafias who returned back to Siracusa.[5]

The Texases' annihilation has become a warning to every mafia family and the stuff of legends, to the point where it has been commemorated through numerous operas, such as La Morte di Texas ("The Death of Texas", written by Giovanna). Still, there are some, like the Rossati who declare themselves the inheritors of the Texases' spirit.

Texas icon.png
  • Salvadore Texas
  • Giuseppe Texas: The son of Salvadore Texas, who murdered him and declared independence from the famiglie system, only to be killed during the purge.


  • Famiglia Conte: A famiglia known for its foundation of the popular pizza parlor "Pizzeria Martino" whose Don was once famous for his traditional approach to cuisine. The famiglia eventually meet their downfall after being sabotaged by their enemies.
  • Famiglia Stefano: A famiglia that controls half of the national catering industry. The Rosattis have been keeping an eye on them recently after they decided to branch out into Columbian military contracts, fearing that their growth could eventually spell trouble.[6]
  • Famiglia Trin: A famiglia who controls the Siracusan city of Vite. At one point, Chiave offended them, causing him and his gang to flee.[1]

Pizzeria Martino

The commonly used registered trademark of Pizzeria Martino such as this one in Volsinii. The logo often uses Martino's official mascots, the "Pizza Men" from The Martino Bros, and the upper-pointing mustache of this "Pizza Man" is Martino Jr.

Pizzeria Martino is a popular Siracusan pizza parlor chain found both in their homeland and neighboring countries. Originally, Martino was a luxury restaurant owned by Famiglia Conte that was famous for Don Conte's unhinged persistence in the food's quality and authenticity. On the other hand, Martino's popularity eventually attracted hostilities from various rivals which eventually led to the fall of the Contes.[7]

Following the Contes' downfall, Pizzeria Martino suffered from several changes in its ownership before it finally became a more affordable brand through adaptations to a more imaginative business strategy. By creating their brand mascots, the "Pizza Men," they are able to promote their brand to foreign nations such as the production of their cartoon The Martino Bros.[7]

While Martino remains faithful to the authenticity of Siracusan cuisines, they have been infamous for their revolutionary imaginations outside the borders. The restaurant brand has been changing foreign recipes to both fit the Siracusans' taste and attract attention from foreigners, but it eventually received mixed reviews. Some of their well-known recipes include the "Upside-Down Potato Chips Pizza" in Victoria and "Spicy Fowlbeast Pizza" in Yan.[7]

Martino has several secret laws in their restaurants which enable them to be creative and reflexive when dealing with picky customers and conflicts among famiglie members, allowing the brand to thrive in their homeland:[8]

  • Staff have to wear their uniform and their "Baffi di Martino" [note 2] during their work hours. After ending their shift, they are forbidden to wear it outside or doing activities in the name of Martino to prevent risks that could tarnish their public image.
  • Martino will provide special lists of customers and how they will handle them individually. By doing this, they can easily mingle around various politicians, popular figures, and mafiosi. There are more than a hundred individuals needing special attention.
  • Staff are forbidden to participate in public discussions and voting. Ballots received to the staff must be handed to the restaurant chief manager, and the chief manager will be the representative for all the staff.
  • Staff are allowed to raise concerns regarding government policies that might hurt their business interest, but they must be unified and then raised together with the manager. Objections against the manager are forbidden.
  • If staff receive orders of extortion from others, i.e., "wet-tail fee," they must put up their manner and cooperate with the extorter, but they must keep a record regarding the event and hand it in to their manager. They are also forbidden to keep a private record.
  • If armed conflict breaks out inside their restaurant, staff are forbidden to report to the police nor ask a customer to report it on behalf of them. Instead, they have to form a line at the entrance and forbid anyone from entering, including law enforcers, so that the conflict will only be resolved on their own.
  • If a dead body is found inside their restaurant, staff are forbidden to report to the police nor ask a customer to report it on behalf of them. Instead, they have to quietly dispose of it in a red dumpster. If the body is still around the next morning, they have to immediately report to the manager so that they will contact the court to handle it while faking evidence. There are also more than a hundred rules to settle similar issues.


  1. "Running with tail between the legs" in Italian
  2. "Beard of Martino" in Italian
