Operation story: IS-2

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Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Bellone Bodyguard
Siracusa Theater
Volsinii Streets
Siracusa Alley
Siracusa Manor
Prison Cell B
Siracusa Park

Before operation

Lappland catches up to Texas. After an explosion, each party is forced to make their decision.
<Background 1>
[During another rehearsal for "La Morte di Texas"...]
Sora Texas.
Salvadore Texas. What am I to think of you? Should I trust you?
You are a Siracusan. They all say that violence and ambition runs in your veins. That you and your famiglia will devour this place... No, all of Columbia.
Is the man I see before my eyes truly you? So refined, so upstanding?
But I've also seen the way you throw a punch, the blood dripping between your fingers until your opponent is not able to utter even a single curse.
Which is the real you, Salvadore?
Might there come a day when you realize that your two sides are as oil and water? Might there come a day when the trail of blood in your wake catches up to you?
And when that day comes, what would you choose?
When that day comes... would you remain by my side?
[The rehearsal ends as Bernardo stands up.]
Bernardo A brilliant performance, signorina.
Without a doubt, you've surpassed my expectations yet again.
Sora Actually, it's all thanks to someone in the troupe called Mr. Ben. I would never have been able to adjust so quickly without his advice.
Bernardo Ben?
I'm not sure we have anyone by that name at Teatro di Milano.
Sora Huh?
He was really knowledgeable about theater and gave me some extremely helpful pointers, so I figured he was an important person here.
Bernardo Sorry, no one comes to mind. That said, there are plenty of enthusiasts around town who are very well-versed in plays. Perhaps he was one of them.
More importantly, I saw something on your resume that had me a bit curious. Would you mind clarifying something for me?
Sora Sure, ask away.
Bernardo You've been pursuing a pop idol career in Lungmen.
We've been collaborating with that city more and more recently, but our acting industries have often been at odds with each other, due to their different backgrounds.
But even with that caveat in mind, the clips from your audition sent over by Monster Siren Records convinced me that you have some musical talent.
What this tells me, though, is that you have your sights set on a lot more than just Lungmen.
What drives you to work so hard?
Sora Well... a lot of different reasons, I'd say.
But at the start, I didn't have anything complicated in mind. There was just someone I hoped to catch up to.
Bernardo Oh?
Sora Hehe, it's just like in the script.
Every time she gazed through the window, or out the door, or across the empty streets, her eyes...
Her eyes made me feel like, one day, she would leave both us and Lungmen behind.
"And when that day comes, what would you choose?"
<Background 2>
[As the rain falls...]
Texas ......
[Texas tries to move, but Lappland refuses to budge.]
Lappland What's the hurry? Don't you think it's a miracle for the two of us to run into each other in Siracusa again?
Texas I'm busy right now.
Lappland What a coincidence, so am I.
Let me guess, your job is to protect this man?
Bellone Bodyguard What are you–
[Lappland infuses her Arts onto her swords, which scares the bodyguard.]
Bellone Bodyguard Eep...!
Lappland Some people really need to learn to read the room. Don't you agree, Texas?
Texas Go protect the target. I'll deal with her.
Bellone Bodyguard U-Understood!
[The bodyguard runs off.]
Lappland So, want some mille-feuille?
Texas ...I'll take a piece.
Lappland Haha, now that's more like it!
So, Texas. Whoops, now that we're in Siracusa, I should be calling you Cellinia, right?
Texas I'd rather you didn't.
Lappland Fine by me. Honestly, I find it easier that way, too. Force of habit can sure be a scary thing, can't it?
Living a leisurely life in Lungmen, occasionally bumping into each other at Rhodes Island, maybe even going on some missions together...
Makes me feel like my swords are gonna go rusty.
This ever-familiar rain is what makes me feel alive.
Texas Swords rust in the rain.
Lappland In Siracusa, the rain washes away the blood.
Only people like you – who walk around town with your swords out but no intention to use them – need to worry about rust.
Texas ......
Why are you here?
Lappland It's simple, really. Because you are.
Hey, Texas, how long has it been since you were last in Siracusa?
Texas Probably about ten years now?
Lappland Seven years and five months.
For more than seven years, the prodigal daughter of Famiglia Texas has not set foot in Siracusa.
I still remember how your grandfather sent you back here to serve as a hostage. You stayed with Famiglia Saluzzo for a while...
Those days didn't last long, but we sure got along great, didn't we?
Texas If that's your idea of "getting along."
Lappland Even though you're a Columbian, you managed to win the acknowledgment of all of Siracusa's famiglie.
Though, it was truly a shame what happened at the end.
If you ask me, you ought to stay a while this time, and take a good look around.
Texas I'm going back as soon as I finish my work here.
Lappland Oh. Going back, you say?
Now that you mention it, there's something I've always been curious about, Texas.
You betrayed the Texases and decided to become a lone wolf.
You even abandoned everything the Texases left behind in Columbia. So why do you still go by the name Texas in Lungmen?
Texas ......
That's none of your business.
I don't plan on staying in Siracusa.
I will go back to Lungmen. There are people waiting for me there.
Lappland ......
Okay then. I'll help you.
Texas I don't need your help.
Lappland Surely you don't think this is a fight you can take all on your own?
Didn't you find some buddies over in Lungmen? Didn't your time at Rhodes Island teach you that it's okay to rely on others?
Texas Siracusa is no place for tourists.
If Rhodes Island ever plans to set up a branch office here, I would urge them to reconsider.
But most of all, I can't trust you, specifically.
Lappland Ah yes, trust.
Texas, you know my family name, right?
Texas Saluzzo.
Lappland That's right. And we Saluzzos don't place our bets lightly.
You don't need to trust me, but you do need our backing, isn't that right?
Or do you really intend to let the Bellones drag you around by the leash?
Texas ......
With a deafening boom, the sound of an explosion suddenly tore through the air from not too far away. The flash and flame effortlessly engulfed the government official by the name of Carracci.
Texas A car bomb?!
Lappland Oh? Now that's a classic.
<Background fades out and in>
Bellone Bodyguard S-Signor Ministro!
[The bodyguard contacts the other Bellone famiglia mobsters.]
Bellone Bodyguard The banquet venue is under attack! All nearby famiglia associates, hurry and back us up!
Texas Damnit!
Lappland Simultaneous attacks on two fronts? Now that's interesting!
Who would have the guts to pull that off, Texas?
[Texas walks off.]
<Background 3>
Texas Show yourself.
[A number of mobsters surround Texas.]
Texas ...I knew it.
Cellinia, il Omertosa dei Texas.png
[Texas strikes the mobsters.]
What should I do if I want to go back to Lungmen?
Ever since Texas took her first step back in this city, that question has always been on her mind.
Going by her agreement with Zaaro, the easiest way would be to obey Famiglia Bellone's every command.
But right now, Texas can already vaguely feel that–
The events unfolding in this city are not so simple.
Texas Talk. Who sent you?
Assassin You don't need to know.
Texas ......
But she is not worried.
She understands Siracusa well, and knows that there is no end to these things.
She simply feels a twinge of emptiness, one that even she never expected to feel. Because–
No one will come to her aid in this fight.
And after it's over, no one will ask her if she's hurt, or drag her off to some party.
For her, this emptiness has long since been second nature.
So much so that even after leaving Lungmen for such a brief period of time, everything about that city already seems so distant and nostalgic.
"Out of my way.
Don't stop me from going back home."
<Background 2>
[Lappland ponders on Texas' presence.]
Lappland But Texas.
The more you want to go back, the more you'll have to cut your ties.
It'll just make you sink deeper and deeper.
What I want to know is, when you finally realize that you're completely covered in mud, what will you do then?
<Background 3>
[Lavinia meets a carwash worker.]
Carwash Worker Good to see you again, Your Honor.
Lavinia Oh, Danbrown, you're here. Looks like I'm in luck.
Carwash Worker You washed your car just last week, didn't you?
Lavinia Nothing I can do about it. After all, it's my job to be hated.
Carwash Worker Don't worry, I'll get it nice and clean again for you.
Why don't you take a look around while you wait?
Lavinia That's alright, I'll just wait here.
Carwash Worker ......
Lavinia ......
Carwash Worker Your Honor, I heard that judges have it pretty good.
They drive fancy cars, show up on TV, and even the mayor has to be extra-polite around them.
After all, they represent Signora Sicilia's will.}
I reckon I don't see any other judges like you, Signorina Lavinia, who get paint thrown on their car every other day.
Lavinia You're probably right.
I don't know about the fancy cars or TV appearances, but I could sure use a membership card to your store right about now.
Carwash Worker Sorry, our humble little shop doesn't offer VIP services.
Lavinia You look like you're in a better mood than before though. Did that one famiglia stop giving you trouble?
Carwash Worker All thanks to you, Your Honor.
I ran into them on the street yesterday, and they all steered clear of me.
Never thought there could be a judge as fair as you in Siracusa.
Lavinia Fair, huh... They're just scared of the people behind me, that's all.
Carwash Worker You say that, but even if you're backed by Famiglia Bellone, you still doled out punishment to a famiglia well-connected with the Bellones.
In Siracusa, Signora Sicilia is justice itself. I don't know how many of the judges representing the interests of her old famiglie actually bother upholding any real justice.
But deep down in my heart, I know you're the embodiment of justice.
Lavinia That isn't actually a compliment.
Oh right, I almost forgot. You said earlier that you were having trouble sleeping. Did you go see a doctor?
Carwash Worker I did. The doc said I didn't have anything wrong with me physically.
Just some mental stress.
Lavinia Oh, is something troubling you?
Carwash Worker Troubling me...? I wouldn't go that far.
Honestly, this job is basically just a way for me to kill time.
I'm not exactly rich, but I'm not desperate for cash either.
I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing, Your Honor. I just don't know.
How do you usually like to pass the time?
Lavinia ......
[Lavinia's phone rings. She picked it up.]
Lavinia It's me.
[Lavinia heard from the caller that...]
Lavinia What?! Carracci was...
I understand. I'll be right there.
[Lavinia hangs up.]
Lavinia Sorry, Danbrown. Let's chat some other time.
Lavinia As for your question just now–
Lavinia I'd recommend giving the theater a shot. I often head down to watch an opera if I have the time to spare.
Danbrown exits the store.
He watches as the judge he deeply respects drive off into the rain, quickly disappearing from sight.
"She's always so busy," he thinks to himself, drying his rain-beaded gloves on his overalls.
But nothing she does will end up mattering, will it?
Or rather, the fact that she still holds onto hope is precisely the reason why she'll be disappointed again and again.
Things weren't this complicated in the good old days. He looks at the rain falling outside the store, and suddenly remembers an afternoon many years ago.
Carwash Worker I hope it rains a little longer, so I won't have to sweep out the garbage in the morning.
<Background 2>
Leontuzzo Get down!
Rubio Eek–!
[Leontuzzo pushed Rubio to safety as he engages the assailants with Capone among them.]
Capone Damn... Thought you were a pampered little princeling, but turns out you're pretty tough to deal with.
Leontuzzo Tch, they're no slouches. Stand back, Rubio!
[Leontuzzo took down some of the assailants.]
Leontuzzo I'm clearly the one they're after!
Rubio I, I know!
[More assailants surround Leontuzzo and Rubio.]
Rubio Eek!
Leontuzzo Tch, there's more of 'em over there too!
[The assailants get close to Rubio...]
Leontuzzo Out of my way!
[...but Leontuzzo took them down, allowing him and Rubio to escape.]
Capone Slippery bastard.
[An assailant tries to strike Rubio, but Texas protected him.]
Gambino What?! Isn't that Penguin Logistics'–
Texas Hm?
[Texas briefly engages Gambino before getting close to Rubio...]
Texas Get down.
Rubio Ah, okay!
[...and covered her as an explosion gives the opportunity for them to escape.]
Capone You dead, Gambino?
Gambino Like I'd kick the bucket so easily. Tch, never expected the real master to show up here.
Capone Cut the crap.
The mission's botched. Let's split while we still can.
[Capone, Gambino, and their mobsters retreat as Texas felt having seen them somewhere.]
Texas I think I remember those two...
[Leontuzzo walks toward Texas.]
Leontuzzo *cough* *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
Is everyone... gone now?
Texas You alright?
Leontuzzo I... think so...
Texas You're wounded. Don't move, it's easy to bleed out.
I've already called for backup. They'll be here soon.
Leontuzzo I'll be fine, but how...
Texas How many people would've known about today's banquet?
Leontuzzo Are you suggesting...?
You're right. Such a large-scale, coordinated attack must've been planned for a while.
But my identity is public knowledge at this point, and it's not exactly hard to track me down.
In any case, I'm glad you arrived in time.
Texas Carracci is dead.
Leontuzzo What did you say?!
Wallach What?! You've gotta be shitting me...
Rubio Carracci is... dead?
Texas A car bomb detonated right as he was walking by.
Carracci and three bodyguards near him died instantly.
Based on the wreckage at the scene, there was no point even taking him to the hospital.
I'm sorry.
Leontuzzo ......
The people who attacked us were without a doubt the same people who murdered Ministro Carracci. What could their objective be...?
[Several cars stop before Leontuzzo and Texas as Lavinia exits from one.]
Leontuzzo Why are you here? There are so many court cars here as well–
Lavinia You should've told me sooner that Bellone invited her here.
[Lavinia walks toward Texas.]
Lavinia Cellinia Texas, as the first witness to the scene of Ministro Carracci's murder, you are also a suspect.
Now, I'm here to detain you.
Any resistance will be treated as flouting the laws of Siracusa, and will be punished accordingly.
Texas does not resist. She understands what she sees in the judge's eyes.
Lavinia Moreover...
To all officials and associates of the famiglie, Ministro Carracci's importance to Volsinii is self-evident.
The attacks carried out on each of you will be investigated as part of the same investigation.
I, Lavinia Falcone, swear upon my honor to find the identity of the murderer. This shall not go unpunished!
Leontuzzo You're not serious, are you?
Lavinia Of course I am.
Leontuzzo ...Alright.
The string of events that just occurred makes Leontuzzo feel a bit fatigued.
And right as this thought crosses his mind, his entire world starts to spin.
[Leontuzzo collapses unconscious.]
Lavinia Leon!
The rain continues to fall, with no signs of relenting.

After operation

Given his current situation, Leontuzzo decides to grit his teeth and wait things out. Texas is interrogated. Lappland receives a call from her father, but has plans of her own.
<Background 4>
[Leontuzzo woke up.]
Leontuzzo Where am I...
Demetri Oh, you're finally awake.
Leontuzzo This is... home?
Demetri, why are you here?
Demetri Lavinia brought you back.
According to the doctor, you passed out due to a combination of your injuries and fatigue.
Leontuzzo ......
Demetri Want an apple?
Leontuzzo Sure.
Demetri I knew you'd be hungry, so I already peeled it for you.
[Demetri gave Leontuzzo an apple.]
Leontuzzo Where's Lavinia?
Demetri She left after delivering you to the guards.
You should know by now that she's always been reluctant to set foot inside this mansion.
Her coming here for your sake is already a miracle in itself.
Leontuzzo ......
Demetri Carracci's death is actually a bit of an issue.
And news of your injury is sure to get out.
In the eyes of the other famiglie, the Bellones have, in a heartbeat, gone from the clear frontrunner to a total mess, both inside and out.
Someone could show up at any moment to try to take a bite out of us.
Leontuzzo Did we keep any of the assailants alive long enough to get them to talk?
Demetri Unfortunately, no.
And we couldn't find any leads on their bodies either.
Leontuzzo I expected as much.
Demetri Any idea who could be behind this?
Leontuzzo The Saluzzos always kept their cards close to their chests, biding their time. For them, this is a prime opportunity.
As for the Rossatis... They're probably victims too, since Wallach was with me when they attacked.
Demetri Still, Columbia's famiglie have never been a monolith.
Leontuzzo True, there's always the possibility of infighting among them.
Besides, there are even more possibilities.
Tch, they sure found themselves a nice opening.
Mind pouring me some water?
Demetri You bastard, barking out even more orders than usual when you're lying in bed.
[Demetri poured water into a glass for Leontuzzo.]
Leontuzzo Did... you really just pour me a cup of boiling water?
Demetri Is it my fault your order wasn't specific enough?
Leontuzzo Alright fine, I know this is how you express your dissatisfaction with me. What is it this time?
Demetri It's about the arrangement with Texas. I can't agree to it.
Leontuzzo Lavinia is a righteous person who would never frame an innocent. She has her own ideas.
Demetri That's not what I meant. She was supposed to be your sword.
When the boss handed her over to you, that came with the assurance that she would not endanger the famiglia.
You should've forged her into a razor-sharp blade.
But now, she's behind bars under Lavinia's watch.
Leontuzzo You seriously can't tell that she's looking out for our famiglia's interests?
Demetri I'll admit, holding onto Texas after today would only make things more precarious for you.
That her surname has appeared once more in Siracusa... draws far too much attention.
In that sense, you have a point. From Lavinia's perspective, it's safer to have Texas in hand.
But how is the rest of our famiglia supposed to see this?
They'll start to think that Leontuzzo, the next don of Famiglia Bellone, has gotten addicted to playing house on top of the tablecloth. That you've gone soft.
That not only do you not know how to swing a knife, you got it taken away from you.
The Bellones already lost the advantage. No matter who comes looking for trouble, we need to fight back tooth and nail.
Leon, the development of Volsinii's new district is more than the humdrum business of il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici.[note 1] It should be under Bellone control.
Leontuzzo ......
So that's what you really wanted to say to me.
I also have my own plans, Demetri.
Demetri Let's hear them, then.
Leontuzzo ......
Alright, fratello.[note 2] You are my trusted advisor.
When I got attacked, I already had the feeling that things weren't adding up. And after hearing about Carracci's death, that became even more clear.
You just asked me who I suspected could be behind this.
I don't actually think it's a Saluzzo or a Rossati.
Demetri Why's that?
Leontuzzo The hitmen knew me all too well.
They knew exactly how to hit our Famiglia with speed and precision, while targeting me at the same time.
Demetri So, what you're saying is–
Leontuzzo I'm going to lock myself indoors for the next few days.
I need to recover from my wounds.
If people think we're fumbling in disarray, then let them think that.
Until the true enemy shows their tail.
Demetri So you let Lavinia take Texas on purpose.
Leontuzzo That's right.
As for how she wants to play her hand, that's for her to decide.
In the meantime, there will no doubt be a slew of attacks on our famiglia.
Pay close attention to whoever's scheming behind the scenes.
Demetri ...Understood.
Leontuzzo So, was that a good enough answer for you?
Demetri Of course.
Since you have a clear plan in mind, naturally I'll help you put it into action.
You are, after all, the boss here.
Leontuzzo That's what I want to hear.
[Demetri leaves.]
Leontuzzo Don't let me down, Demetri.
[Leontuzzo calls someone.]
Leontuzzo Hello, Wallach? It's me.
Wallach Leon, I heard you were injured. How are you doing?
Leontuzzo I'm fine.
We need to talk about what happened earlier today.
I'd imagine... you probably have something to ask me too. About that name.
Wallach ..."Texas."
<Background 5>
Volsinii Prison
[While Lavinia is questioning Texas...]
Lavinia So, you were held up at the time.
Who was holding you up?
Texas An old acquaintance.
Lavinia Awfully convenient for them to show up just then, don't you think?
Texas ......
Lavinia You're pretty used to being in this kind of situation, aren't you?
Texas Back in Lungmen, I'd sometimes let myself get interrogated like this.
Lavinia Lungmen, huh...
Texas Anyway, I'd have no reason to do anything like that.
Lavinia That's what they all say.
To be honest, though, I don't think you could've been the perpetrator, Cellinia. I can't imagine it would've done you any good.
Also, Leon contacted me beforehand and gave me a few reasons why I should trust you.
So that's why you showed up at a venue where so many important figures were present. It was originally prepared as a stage for you by Famiglia Bellone.
However, given the current circumstances, our best option is for me to keep you here.
Texas You're protecting Leontuzzo.
Lavinia I'm protecting you as well, Texas.
Also... this may divert the attention of the other famiglie. They will be speculating what Bellone's next move will be after getting hit like this.
And those suspicions... might loosen some of the fetters around my ankles.
Texas Are you really a judge?
Lavinia Why would you ask that?
Texas You seem to know a lot about how the famiglie operate.
Lavinia I am, in fact, a judge.
But to be good at this job in Siracusa, you need to know how the mafiosi keep themselves alive, even better than they do.
Even if I'd rather not know.
Texas You misunderstood me. It's not at all surprising that a law enforcement official would know a thing or two about the people you're enforcing it on.
But what I meant was that judges like you didn't exist back in the old Siracusa.
Lavinia ......
Don't get the wrong idea, Cellinia Texas.
I didn't bring you here because of the so-called checks and balances among the famiglie. Outsiders may interpret my stance as such, but I couldn't care less.
You just arrived in this city, and you still don't understand how important Ministro Carracci really was.
He was an outstanding person. He could've made the new city under construction something far better.
It wasn't just another project to expand his business, either. He wanted to make it possible for the citizens to enjoy a new way of life.
But he's dead now.
And I will find his murderer and bring them to justice.
They think they can dispose of the people who refuse to bend the knee one after another, as if they were puppets.
But I will make them realize that they are not tossing away a broken doll. They are murdering living, flesh-and-blood people.
<Background 6>
[Lappland is talking to her father Alberto through phone.]
Alberto So, Carracci's death had nothing to do with you.
Lappland Right.
Alberto And you didn't find out who the murderer was.
Lappland Pretty much.
Alberto And the task I gave you, to investigate exactly why Bellone decided to bring back Texas? No leads there either?
Lappland You never miss a beat, my dear father.
Alberto And despite having accomplished nothing at all, you didn't even bother showing up when I called to convene a meeting.
Lappland The traffic is pretty bad this time of year.
Alberto Lappland, when I kicked you out of the house seven years ago, you lost your right to call yourself a Saluzzo. Do you understand what that means?
Lappland Of course I do. It means you won't show any mercy when you decide to dispose of a disobedient tool like me.
Alberto You've always been so self-aware, yet never have the slightest inclination to act accordingly.
Lappland Do you really need me to personally deliver a little warning to the poor little Judgie?
Alberto Why would I feel a need to warn her?
Lappland Now that the princeling pup is hiding behind closed doors, everybody's gonna think the sharp-tongued little Judgie is a Bellone puppet.
And with your personality, you aren't inclined to believe that the Bellones are as weak as they present.
So wouldn't it be common sense to use the judge's well-being to test the waters?
Alberto Seeing how you understand what to do, I want to see results.
[Alberto hangs up.]
Lappland Why naturally, I'd never disobey your orders. Assuming our interests align, that is.
My dearest father.
<Background 1>
[During yet another rehearsal of "La Morte di Texas"...]
Sora Salvadore! What are we to do now?!
Am I to thank you for freeing me from the clutches of my own blood relative? Am I to thank you for spilling blood so that the Infected workers may have full stomachs?
The man you killed was my father!
No, I do not need a list of his crimes. I should think I know them better than you. The scars on our bodies are proof of his cruelty. The deaths of those laborers were proof of his exploitation.
But still, despite it all!
Salvadore, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart, for saving me and so many others.
But the stench of blood lingering about you grows stronger and stronger...
Let us be away from this place, Salvadore, just the two of us... Take me somewhere we will at last be able to find peace, alright?
It might already be too late.
Salvadore, it might already have been too late the day you first set foot in Columbia, from when you first sharpened your blade...
You say this was all destined? That it couldn't have been avoided?
[The rehearsal ends.]
Sora I can't help but think... If I were in Vivienne's place, would I be able to forgive Salvadore?
Even if what he did could be forgiven, the grudge would follow the both of them for the rest of their lives.
??? Exactly right, signorina.
Sora Huh?
[A Feline woman walks to the stage.]
??? That the two of them were able to get together in the end is, of course, artistic license.
In fact, the real Salvadore did not elope with Vivienne.
Also, despite the fact that Vivienne's father was indeed as callous as he was wealthy, he took good care of his family – particularly Vivienne, whom he doted on like a diamond in the palm of his hand.
Sora Oh...
??? Very rarely is someone pure evil, don't you think?
Therefore, even if the perpetrator was someone you loved dearly, even if you were aware of your father's despicable acts, something like what he did is not so easily forgiven.
Signorina Vivienne ultimately chose to leave him and move to a new city, where she met someone who truly loved her and thus began a new life.
But, until her last breath, she never forgot the man named Salvadore.
So in a sense, this story can be seen as vicariously helping her dream come true.
Sora Did you... know Ms Vivienne well?
??? Hmm... I suppose you could say that.
Caterina My name is Caterina. You're quite the lovely young actress.
Are you new here? I swing by frequently, but I've never seen your face before.
Sora I am. My name is Sora, and I came from Lungmen.
Caterina Lungmen? How fascinating.
I've heard of many actors who went to Lungmen to develop their careers, but rarely the other way around.
Sora Sometimes, there's value in bucking the trend.
Caterina Too true.
Sora So Miss Caterina, do you know what happened to the actual Ms Vivienne?
Caterina Vivienne, huh... She never forgot Salvadore.
Maybe that's why her son chose a similar path– he became a wise guy, and gradually rose to become the don of a certain famiglia.
A famiglia that would eventually go on to clash against Salvadore himself.
Fortunately, Vivienne came forward and prevented the two rivals from becoming mortal enemies, and eventually they even became allies.
Sora Wait, are you talking about the Rossati Family from the script?
Caterina That's right. Have you already read through the entire thing?
Sora Yes... I also wanted to learn as much as I could about the Texas Family's history, for some personal reasons.
Caterina So what did you think of the story?
Sora I... There are a few bits I can't make sense of.
Caterina Oh? For example?
Sora For example, Salvadore's granddaughter...
Exusiai Sora, the stylist wants you to take a look at the design of your costume!
Sora Okay, I'll be right there!
Sorry, but I have to go.
Caterina I don't mind. We'll have another chance to talk.
Exusiai Sora–
Caterina Take your time. We can always chat at our leisure some other day.
Sora Okay, that's great!
[Sora runs off.]
Caterina Salvadore's granddaughter.
[Wallach joins in.]
Wallach You're wasting time at the theater again, boss.
Caterina How many times do I have to tell you, Wallach? It's not a waste of time.
Wallach You pushed most of your work onto me just so you could go write a shitty play? Is that what the boss of a famiglia should be doing? And you even gave yourself a pseudonym?
Caterina Do you have a problem with that?
Wallach Of course not. You are none other than Giovanna Rossati, our beloved Donna.
Giovanna I know you're dissatisfied with me.
Is there really anything in this city worth worrying over?
Wallach ......
Before, no. But now, yes.
Carracci is dead.
Giovanna Oh?
But Carracci was originally just a ordinary man, elevated by the famiglie to keep each other in check.
All his death proves is that Bellone was not capable enough, nothing more.
Wallach And someone greatly resembling Cellinia appeared at Leontuzzo's side.
Giovanna ......
Say that again?
Wallach Texas. Cellinia Texas.
Giovanna Wallach, I don't recall you being the sort of man who liked to crack jokes.
And you should also know that I hate people who joke about Texas more than anything else.
Wallach So you can tell I'm not joking.
I have no idea how Bellone managed to find her, but she had those unmistakable eyes and hair.
Exactly like the one in your photo.
Giovanna So she didn't die...
Wallach And she's with Leontuzzo now.
Giovanna She would never have survived the liquidation if not for a certain famiglia protecting her.
...The logical conclusion is that Bellone saved her back then.
Looks like we're going to need to have a little chat.
Wallach Giovanna, this clearly is a trap–
Giovanna Wallach.
Wallach ...My apologies, boss.
Giovanna It's not so much a "trap" as an entire conspiracy.
Think bigger.
If they really were the ones who saved her back then, what good does it do me to drop by and express my gratitude?
Make preparations. "Business discussions" are over. I'm paying Volsinii a visit.
Wallach Understood. I'll make the arrangements.
Giovanna Alas, it seems that the new script will have to go on the backburner for a while.
[The Feline woman, who turned out to be Giovanna Rossati aka. Caterina, the donna of the Rossatis, leave.]
Wallach ......
Boss, I'm sure you're aware that Carracci's death presents an excellent opportunity for us.
But you still seem hung up on the Texas name.
If this keeps up, the Rossatis won't have a future.


  1. "Minister of Public Works" in Italian
  2. "Brother" in Italian