Operation story: IS-3

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Noblewoman icon.png
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Angry Mafioso
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Mafioso icon.png
Calm Hitman
Female Siracusan A icon.png
Court Clerk
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Frivolous Mafioso
Mafioso icon.png
Stony-Faced Bodyguard
Volsinii Streets
Siracusa Park
Siracusa Restaurant
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Siracusa Alley
Prison Cell B

Before operation

While Texas sits in prison, various forces on the outside begin to clash, and a plot to assassinate Lavinia takes shape.
<Background 1>
[While Exusiai and Croissant walks around the streets of Volsinii...]
Exusiai Woooah, this dress looks absolutely stunning!
Croissant You'n say that again. Sora's gonna look mighty fine in it.
Exusiai If someone told me about this earlier, I would've signed up myself!
Croissant No way, no how. Ya don't know the first thing about actin'.
Exusiai I can just act like I always do.
Croissant And there ain't no roles for a Sankta in Siracusa neither!
Exusiai Says who? I heard that there was a Sankta with Signora Sicilia
[Exusiai noticed something happening nearby.]
Exusiai Huh?
<Background 2>
[Two mafiosi are talking with an actress accompanied by a bodyguard.]
Frivolous Mafioso Signorina Sally, our boss is inviting you over for dinner.
Actress Um... But...
Stony-Faced Bodyguard She's on her way to rehearsal right now. Vaffanculo.[note 1]
Frivolous Mafioso And our boss wants to have a word with Signorina Sally here. Being a little late won't make a difference, will it?
Actress I, I'll go get the director...
Frivolous Mafioso The director? I might've carried water for him in the past, but these days...
Actress Um, please don't...
Angry Mafioso The hell are you playin' nice with them for?
You should feel honored that our boss wants to see you. If you don't wanna get messed up, behave yourself and come with us.
Frivolous Mafioso Wait, the boss didn't say we could–
Angry Mafioso You still don't understand what the boss was gettin' at? We were all scared of the Bellones before.
But now that their out of the picture, and the bigwigs are about to shuffle the deck again, we'll never get a better chance!
Frivolous Mafioso Huh, you're right. Let's go, brothers, time to clean the streets of these eyesores!
Stony-Faced Bodyguard Tch... Protect Signorina Sally!
[The mafiosi attacks, but the bodyguard protects Sally the actress.]
<Background 1>
Croissant The heck's happenin', Exu– Huh? Where'd she go?
Sora She already rushed out. Let's back her up!
<Background 2>
Stony-Faced Bodyguard Urgh...
[The bodyguard collapses after being injured by the mafiosi.]
Frivolous Mafioso Heh, and you call yourself a bodyguard?
Actress Ahh... *sobs*...
Frivolous Mafioso Right this way, signorina.
Actress I, I know...
[One of the mafiosi is knocked down by Exusiai's rubber bullets...]
Actress Huh? You people are–
Frivolous Mafioso Who the hell are you?!
[...while the other is shot in the legs, knocking him down too.]
Exusiai Catch me if you can.
Frivolous Mafioso Tch, get her!
[The mafiosi gets back up and charges at Exusiai, but Croissant shields her.]
Angry Mafioso Don't mess with us!
Croissant Let's split!
[Exusiai took Sally along with her to safety.]
<Background fades out and in>
Exusiai Your name's Sally, right? You okay?
Actress You...
Do you know what you've done?!
You didn't save me at all, you're just making things worse! They're not going to let this go!
Exusiai So how'd you plan to get out of that mess?
Actress ...By gritting my teeth.
Exusiai Huh? But they were gonna hurt you.
Actress I... can deal with injuries.
Did you really think they were going to kidnap me? They're just trying to cause trouble.
Exusiai Shouldn't you at least call for help when stuff like this happens?
Actress What's the point? Nobody's going to intervene in a struggle between famiglie.
Exusiai What about that Judge Lavinia lady? She seemed like a pretty decent person to me.
Actress She's... indeed a very good judge, but there's nothing she can do in these situations.
Besides, even if I never made it out of this park, how many people would know that I disappeared because of the conflict between those mafiosi?
Sora So... you're just going to put up with it?
Actress How else are we supposed to live our lives? This is how it's always been.
Find a place to hide, wait until the dust settles, and then follow the victorious side out. That's all I can do.
Sora But... why does it have to be like that?
Actress ......
Ugh, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to blame you, but to be honest, this is the first time in my life I've ever known what it feels like to be protected.
That famiglia isn't even particularly influential. The director should be able to help me smooth things over.
But just as a friendly word of advice, if you plan to stay alive in Siracusa, please try to avoid doing that kind of stuff in the future.
Especially considering what's about to happen.
Exusiai What's about to happen?
Actress Have you not seen the news at all? Carracci, Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici,[note 2] is dead.
Croissant Yeah, saw that. Assassinated, looks like?
Sora I feel so bad for him.
Actress Since you all seem nice enough, I'll tell you a little more about him.
I have to deal with mafiosi pretty regularly, so I've heard a thing or two from them.
The person who murdered him hasn't been found yet, and the young master of Famiglia Bellone was also attacked at the same time.
Sora Huh? Bellone?!
Actress That's right. The Bellones were poised to stand head and shoulders above the other famiglie, but it seems like someone's been plotting against them for a while now.
Many famiglie that had previously given up are now starting to move again, little by little.
Sora Did you hear any of them mention the name Texas?
Actress Texas? There's not a single person in Siracusa who doesn't know that name.
But usually in the context of "the last Texas" or something along those lines...
Sora Really?!
Actress You're a strange one, you know that? It's obviously all made-up. How could there possibly be a Texas still alive out there?
Sora But... Alright, you have a point.
Actress In any case, you should already know that our troupe has some connections to Famiglia Bellone, through the director.
Just as those people were saying, in the past everyone wanted to get on his good side. But now...
You all saw what happened.
Exusiai Do all of Siracusa's famiglie go around doing whatever the hell they want like that?
Actress ...Remember what I'm about to tell you.
If you want to survive in Siracusa, you either need to join a famiglia, or stay as far away from them as possible.
Then... you need to delude yourself into believing that as long as you stay away from them, you won't get sucked into any trouble.
Alright, I should head back to the theater now.
Sora Right.
[Sally leaves, but...]
Actress Aaaaaaaahhhh–!
Exusiai What now?!
Actress S-Someone's been tied up over here!
<Background 3>
[Gambino and Capone are having breakfast in a restaurant.]
Gambino Assuming nothin' outta the ordinary happened, someone ought to have found the poor fella by now.
I don't get it, man. Why go through all that trouble keeping him alive, just to let him go? What's so special about that guy anyway?
Capone What it proves is, that shady bartender wanted him to be found.
As for why... it's usually a trap.
Gambino Tch, what a sinister fella.
Capone You say that now, but if he ends up winning, you're gonna be calling him a genius.
Gambino Dipshit.
Capone Hah.
Gambino What's so funny?
Capone I just remembered how we used to argue like this back when we were kids.
Never would've imagined that after all these years, after all of life's twists and turns, the two of us'd still be out here, fightin' for our lives.
That's fate for you. Never know where it's gonna take you.
Gambino Heh. Ain't that the truth.
Who could've known something like that would happen in Lungmen?
And that after all that, we'd still come back to Siracusa.
Capone Gambino... If, and I mean if, Lappland has really decided to leave us alone, and let us fend for ourselves...
Would you still stay in Siracusa?
Gambino What, do you miss your Lungmen that bad?
Capone Hmph. Forget it, not like you'd ever understand anyway.
Let's talk about something more practical. You really plan on switching employers?
Looking at the news, the guy we tried to off today was Don Bellone's son. Seems like someone real important died at the same time.
Which sounds to me an awful lot like some unknown famiglia has been using us as their weapons.
Gambino Might as well go make that relationship formal, then.
Better than taking on odd jobs and begging for scraps.


??? That's right. As soon as you're back in Siracusa, you participate in an attempted assassination of one of the Dodici dons. You two sure have grown.
Capone Guess the good ol' days are over...
Gambino Lappland...
[Lappland joins in.]
Lappland Oh? Today's breakfast is looking pretty good.
Gambino Pay for your own.
Lappland Aw, is that any way to treat your boss?
Capone So, what've you been up to all this time?
Lappland I went to say hi to the folks, and got to enjoy some sorely-missed family time. Simple as that.
Haah, what a relief that despicable old mug back home is just as punchable as it's always been.
Capone You with a famiglia?
Lappland Oh, did I never mention it? My last name is Saluzzo.
Gambino Saluzzo?
You're a Saluzzo?
Capone ......
Lappland Capone, do you know what the thing I hate the third most is?
Capone feels a chill course through his body, but the sensation is so fleeting that he has to wonder if it was his imagination.
Lappland When people start wailing and moaning once they hear the name of my famiglia.
Ah, come to think of it, the way you do things really does remind me of that one famiglia.
Capone What about the other two things? If I'm gonna die, might as well die knowing.
Lappland Haha. Seems like you've picked up on how to get along with me.
Actually, I just came up with that line on the spot.
Capone Tch.
Lappland Alright, talk to me. So why'd the two of you decide to do a hit on Famiglia Bellone?
<Background 4>
[Someone knocks the door.]
Rubio Come in.
[The door opens as Lavinia greets Rubio.]
Lavinia Sorry for bothering you, Signor Segretario.[note 3]
Rubio No, no, Your Honor, the pleasure is mine.
Lavinia Your office is... quite impressive.
Rubio Haha, I frequently have distinguished guests here, and this is the sort of decor they prefer, so I figured I'd go along with it.
So, did you need me for something?
Lavinia I wanted to talk to you about Carracci's death.
Rubio Hmm? I believe I already made a statement about that.
Lavinia I know.
But I wanted to have a chat with you, for more personal reasons.
Rubio Oh right... I heard you swore you'd find Carracci's murderer and bring them to justice.
Good, good. Young folks ought to have that kind of drive.
So have you made any progress?
Lavinia Unfortunately, not yet.
Rubio Sorry to hear that.
Lavinia I heard you'd always been on good terms with him personally, so...
Rubio That's true. Carracci was greatly concerned with the citizenry's well being, things such as food, water, and sanitation.
But I don't think there's anything I can do to assist you.
I never actually mingled my way into his innermost circle.
So while I'd love to help, there's nothing I can do.
Lavinia Anything you can give me is fine. A place you think is suspicious, or anyone in the government I should keep an eye on.
Rubio You're asking too much. You understand what I'm saying, don't you?
Your Honor... several other Ministri dei Lavori Pubblici died before Carracci. Do you remember them?
Seven? Or maybe eight?
The people in those positions were just puppets. Each famiglia was trying to push their own people up there.
But in the end, they were all taken out by other famiglie.
When it came to a position as important as il Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici, though, I'll be blunt here, it was clear as day why the famiglie filled the position with a man as spotless as Carracci instead of installing one of their cronies.
For one simple reason: if the killing continued, the construction of the city would grind to a halt.
"If our people can't get in, then we'll at least make sure yours can't either." That is why Carracci occupied that seat.
Make no mistake, he had close ties with the Bellones. The Don's son even sat beside him as his secretary. But, in one way or another, he was just as close with every other famiglia.
There's an ancient Yan saying to the effect of "he who walks oft along the river, inevitably finds his shoes wet," yes? I have always trusted in Carracci's integrity, but so what? Others did not see it that way.
The way Siracusans think, you either choose to be one famiglia's pet, or you choose to be another's.
In other words, Carracci's death was inevitable. He wasn't part of any of famiglia's vision for the future. Do you think he was oblivious to that fact?
In the end, it doesn't matter whether he died today, a month ago, or a month from now.
Lavinia You know how much hard work he put in.
Rubio And what did he get for it in the end?
Actually, let's assume he was as selfless a person as you say. What did the people he worked so hard for, those whom he so eloquently claimed as "his dear citizens," give him in the end?
Lavinia ......
Rubio Your Honor, I've also heard a great many rumors about you.
You undeniably have a fair number of accomplishments under your belt.
But among them, how many were due solely to your own hard work, and how many were influenced by the people behind your back? You already know the answer, don't you?
Lavinia You–
Rubio If I may be frank, Your Honor, are you really not here to test me on behalf of Bellone?
Lavinia That is not my intention, I swear.
Rubio ...I'd prefer it were.
Then please heed this word of caution, Your Honor.
Let those who've died stay dead.
We already have too much to worry about without overly concerning ourselves with the deceased.
Lavinia And... this is the attitude of someone who was on good terms with him?
Rubio If you want to have a slightly longer lease on life in Volsinii's government, I'd suggest you learn this lesson well.
[A telephone rings. Rubio picks it up.]
Rubio Oh, hello sweetheart. Ah, I'm still at work right now. Are you ready to go?
Mm, alright. I'll get ready to head over then.
Okay, okay.
[Rubio hangs up.]
Rubio That was my daughter. Now, a newly-opened restaurant has invited me to inspect their ingredients tonight.
We'll have to set aside our discussion for later.
Lavinia ......
Rubio Oh right, please let Master Leontuzzo know that he is welcome to talk to me if he's interested in the gourmet experience.
Lavinia ...I'll remember to pass it on.
Rubio Now then, please see yourself out.
<Background 5>
Lavinia ...*sigh*.
[Lavinia's phone rings. She picks it up.]
Lavinia What did you say? You found someone unconscious and tied up? The leader of the bunch that attacked the restaurant?
Understood. I'll be there right away.
<Background 3>
Gambino I'm telling you, the two of us just happened to be involved in that hit. We don't know nothing.
Capone As for the guy who handed out the orders, we don't know which famiglia he belongs to, but he sure was generous with the cash.
Lappland They were clearly looking for hitmen with murky backgrounds like you two, so when you die, there'd be no trail back to who hired you.
You might think you ran into them by chance, but it wouldn't surprise me if they had their eyes on you a long time ago.
Capone I'm not saying they didn't.
Lappland So, want to take a crack at who your employer is?
Capone Probably... the Rossatis or the Saluzzos. Of the Dodici who've been fighting over this city all this time, and with the Bellones out of the picture, they're the only two famiglie with enough power left.
Lappland Right, I'm sure most people would think the same.
But now you know the Saluzzos were never planning anything like that.
Gambino That just leaves... the Rossatis?
Lappland One more.
Gambino What do you mean?
Lappland Remember those poor suckers you took out early on? They were originally targeting people from il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici.
Don Bellone's son's been working there, so another way of putting this is that the folks you dealt with were trying to get in Bellone's way.
Capone So... what you're saying is, we helped the Bellones put down a threat, but then turned right around and hit 'em even harder.
Gambino ...So what? We see famiglie doing that kinda power jockeying stuff every day.
Capone That... He's got a point. The first hit we made might've just been on some unlucky, short-sighted bastards.
Lappland But don't forget, you were specifically sent to "shut them up."
Capone Wait, are you serious?!
Gambino Are you suggesting... there's a double agent inside the Bellones?
Lappland Just another possibility.
Hahaha, but hey, that's what makes things interesting.
Let's assume that's true and do a little thought experiment here.
Carracci, il Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici, is dead. And before that, several more people in the ministero were killed.
Naturally, most people are going to see those things as connected, especially that poor judge.
But. The perpetrator who carried out the hit has already been silenced, and she can't find their leader either. She's at a complete loss, so what does she do next?
If only some kind of clue would appear.
And what do you know, isn't that assassin you dumped out there the best possible lead?
Capone So that's why they waited until now to throw that guy out...
It does make sense, when you put it that way.
Then, they set up a little ambush, and make sure the judge has an "accident"...
Lappland Kaboom.
Lappland stretches out her hands and falls back onto the sofa, as if knocked back by the blast.
Lappland Everyone's gonna get pulled in.
Ahh, what a great idea.
It's so great that even if this is all bullshit, I'd want to make it reality.
Gambino So... lemme get this straight, you two are sayin' that the Bellones are puttin' on a whole goddamn opera?
Capone It's definitely possible.
After all, nobody understands the Bellones better than themselves.
Gambino Hmph. I don't buy it.
These are the famiglia's plans for the future we're talking about. There ain't a single wise guy in all of Siracusa who'd attack his own famiglia at a time like this.
Capone Gambino, you should've realized by now that kinda blind confidence is what brought down the Sicilians.
Gambino You–
Capone But I gotta say, I think I agree with you this time.
Lappland Aha! Then maybe they're putting on this show to feign weakness, so everyone thinks they're vulnerable and–
Capone But they were already on the cusp of victory.
Do you seriously think that the Bellones just decided to give up on a city that was right at their fingertips, just to turn this whole place upside-down?
Gambino Are they crazy or something?
Lappland Who knows? There are more lunatics walking this land than you might think.
Haha, but I guess our merry mealtime needs to wrap up.
I hope you have a jolly ol' time out there.
Capone You stopped by just to say hello?
Lappland What, are you that eager to be my henchmen?
Capone I wouldn't say it's high on my priorities.
But at least tell us which side you're on.
Last thing I want is to end up fighting against you without realizing, and dying without knowing what hit me.
Lappland Me? Naturally, I'll always be Texas's most loyal supporter.
<Background 6>
[Demetri briefs a bodyguard.]
Demetri Is everyone in position for the ambush?
Bodyguard ...Yes.
Demetri You seem like you want to say something.
Bodyguard I was just thinking... I feel bad for Signorina Lavinia.
Whatever the case may be, she's a friend to the famiglia.
Demetri If only the one she befriended wasn't Leon, the next don of Famiglia Bellone–
Look, I don't want to be the villain either.
So she wants to play her little game of justice. Sure, that we can allow, to an extent.
But she thinks she has the backing of one of the bosses. What she's done over the years has had a larger and larger impact on Leon... No, on our entire famiglia.
The Bellones don't need softness like that.
She must be made crystal-clear of this fact, and so must Leon.
We'll never be able to seize ultimate victory from the chaos that's about to ensue.
Bodyguard But, the young master, he–
Demetri I know many of you are still conflicted about this. I will assume full responsibility for whatever happens. When Leon eventually comes asking who to blame, I won't get any of you involved.
Bodyguard ...*sigh*.
<Background 7>
Cellinia, I need to send you to stay in Siracusa for a while.
You have to go.
The Columbian famiglie changed into opulent attire, took up residence in luxurious mansions, and stepped into the so-called upper class, thinking they had clearly delineated a boundary between them and Siracusa.
"Siracusa is barbaric, while we are not." They spoke those words, thinking themselves superior to our homeland.
Your father's been captured by this line of thinking too.
As for you, I need you to see for yourself.
See the place we came from. See if we're any different from them.
[Someone walks toward Texas' cell...]
Texas ...Who's there?
[...who is revealed to be Lappland.]
Lappland I've brought you some chocolate. Want some?
Texas I see prison security in Siracusa is as shoddy as ever.
Lappland You know, they call this one impregnable, at least compared to other cities.
Texas ......
Texas lets out a tiny sigh, and takes a bite out of the chocolate in Lappland's hand.
It's her least favorite flavor.
Lappland Hah. And here I thought you'd be chasing me out instead.
Texas That takes a lot more effort than just ignoring you.
So long as you don't get in my way, do whatever you want.
Lappland Aw, I'm almost moved to tears here, Texas. Even you're gradually figuring out how to get along with me.
I never get in other peoples' way. I'd much rather clear the fog for them, so they can better see where they're going.
Texas How much do the Saluzzos know?
Lappland No more than you do.
The Bellones were pretty much a shoo-in to win, but to keep the Rossatis down, they even brought you back from Lungmen, as a precautionary measure of sorts.
But right at the critical moment, yesterday's assassination took place.
It's so blatant that people can't help but think it had to be intentional. Is the perpetrator even trying to stay hidden?
Texas ......
Lappland So what about you? Planning to sit in this cell reminiscing about every little thing that happened in Lungmen until that judge lets you go?
Weren't you in a hurry to get back there?
Texas If you consider the wait as just another leg of the journey home, then I can be pretty patient.
Lappland But what if that judge is in danger?
Texas ......
<Background 2>
[Lavinia walks toward a court clerk and asks her,]
Lavinia Where is he? Has he woken up yet?
Court Clerk Good to see you here, Your Honor! We've already taken full control of the scene.
The suspect is still unconscious, but he was tied up and stuffed into a trash can over by the corner. We've already notified the hospital.
Lavinia Who found him?
Court Clerk A group of actors from Compagnia dell'alba[note 4]. They already left because they had a rehearsal to get to.
Lavinia Compagnia dell'alba... Bernardo's people?
He really is cursed with bad luck.
Court Clerk Your Honor, the people murdered in the witness elimination case you reported last time were this person's accomplices, right?
Lavinia Yes, but we couldn't find anything on them to identify them with.
Court Clerk Why would their leader show up here in such a sorry state then...?
Want me to try waking him up?
Lavinia Please do.
[The clerk wakes up the unconscious hitman.]
Calm Hitman *cough* *cough*... *cough* *cough*!
Lavinia Stop struggling. We already have you restrained.
Calm Hitman ...Lavinia.
Lavinia Do you understand the situation you're in? Who tied you up and dumped you here?
Calm Hitman Do you really need to ask, judge?
Lavinia Answer my question, murderer.
Calm Hitman Heh. Maybe I can invoke Article 14 of the penal code to remain silent under informal investigations.
Lavinia ...You're pretty familiar with the law.
Calm Hitman What, are you gonna use Article 132, the right of special dispensation, on me? Judge?
Lavinia Just who are you?
Calm Hitman Your average everyday murderer.
Lavinia I, I remember now... I've seen you before.
Calm Hitman Last night at the restaurant, no? You rescued that hapless clerk from il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici.
Lavinia It was three years ago, at a legal forum. Judge Bortolotti from the city of Sorrento gave a particularly outstanding speech.
Calm Hitman ......
Lavinia Signor, I was deeply impressed by your report.
Calm Hitman Well, I just kill people for a living now. It's an easy life. What you're talking about, I can barely even remember anymore.
Lavinia This isn't who you are.
Calm Hitman Stop acting so self-righteous, Lavinia. You really think you understand me? Just from a fantasy-filled report at a window-dressing legal forum?
Lavinia You can't hide true passion. That's what you said back then.
Calm Hitman Right, along with all the other naive, idealistic nonsense I rattled off. All young people are like that, thinking they can change the world all on their own.
I just happened to wake up sooner than you, Lavinia.
Lavinia You said, "we should all strive to find the common line that can protect anyone."
Calm Hitman Yes, here's an example: join a famiglia, listen to the boss, and kill anyone who gets in your way.
Lavinia Judge Bortolotti, I can help you.
Calm Hitman Hah! Help me?!
Oh, that's right. You have the great and powerful Bellones backing you.
Your honor and dignity will stay untarnished. You won't get chained down or beaten up for a moment of naivete. You won't come home to the sight of your house going up in smoke along with your family.
You don't know a damn thing, Judge Lavinia.
You have no idea how weighty the code you hold in your hand is, and how easily it can destroy your life.
And luckily for you, you'll never have a chance to find out.
[The clerk noticed something...]
Court Clerk Watch out, Lavinia!
[...as Lavinia is fired upon by unknown shooters...]
Lavinia What...?
[...but Texas shows up and protects her as the shooters reveal themselves.]
Texas We need to get out of here, now.
Lavinia Texas?
Texas They've sent a ton of people. Come with me.

After operation

Lavinia is deeply affected by the death of her former colleague-turned-hitman. Leontuzzo tries to persuade Lavinia to drop her investigation, and just as the two reach an impasse, Texas volunteers to stand trial as the murderer.
<Background 2>
[Demetri observes the assassination attempt on Lavinia, being the mastermind himself.]
Demetri Why is she here...?
Bodyguard It's T-Texas!
We've already lost a lot of our men!
Demetri Tch, we shouldn't have let Lavinia talk to that piece of trash for so long.
Forget it. After seeing her colleague fall to utter depravity, that woman's spirit is done for.
As long as we can snuff out Leon's childishness, it doesn't matter how we do it.
Call our people back. We're leaving.
<Background fades out and in>
Court Clerk They... They turned around and left!
[Texas checks the judge-turned hitman Bortolotti, who had died in the crossfire.]
Texas He's already dead. Took an arrow straight through the heart.
Lavinia Thank you. If not for you all, I'd have been the one to die here.
Close your eyes, murderer.
[Texas closes her eyes as Lavinia checks Bortolotti's body.]
Lavinia What's this...?
Texas A notebook?
Lavinia ......
Lavinia A Siracusan judge license. He was keeping it in his breast pocket.
Its corner has been clipped, and it's written here that the holder was disbarred three years ago for malfeasance.
Malfeasance, huh. Malfeasance.
Could they really not come up with a better excuse?
Texas Are you alright?
[Lavinia looks at Texas.]
Lavinia I... think I should be asking you how you got out of prison.
Texas ......
Trade secret.
Lavinia Fair enough. I don't have the energy to pursue that either right now.
Texas You need to rest.
Lavinia I can't do that just yet.
This trail has gone cold. I need another lead.
Texas Yan has a saying: "haste makes waste."
Lavinia Of course I know that.
But time is a luxury I can't afford anymore.
Texas Was Carracci important to you?
Lavinia ...No.
I only ever met him a few times.
After all, I am a judge, and our roles could hardly be further apart.
But as any resident of Volsinii can tell you, he was an extremely vigorous man, smoothly navigating his relationships with the famiglie.
He dedicated all his time and energy to the construction of the new city area, trying everything at his disposal to give the people a safer place to live.
By investigating his death, I've come to better understand his life.
Carefully, delicately, as if walking on thin ice, he would desperate rack his brain to produce anything of value that could be exchanged for a little more breathing room to carry out his work.
For example, building more schools and hospitals far away from the turf fought over by the famiglie.
I'm not sure how I should think of him. Maybe he was just a decent man, with the slightest bit of a conscience.
But the fates of decent people in Siracusa are already sealed.
Texas Just like this man... a hitman carrying a judge license.
Lavinia Siracusa has proper law schools.
They use textbooks published in Columbia. After graduating, students aren't restricted to working in local Siracusan law firms and institutions.
They also gain accreditation in Columbia.
Nowadays, our exchanges with Lungmen are becoming more and more frequent. Maybe with enough time, even Great Yan will come to recognize our certifications.
Texas Sounds good.
Lavinia It is. Of course it's good.
But none of that makes any difference.
My alma mater once invited me back to deliver a speech to my juniors, to give them some confidence.
So I went.
When I got up on that stage, I wanted to tell them to believe in what they had learned. But I just couldn't do it.
In Siracusa, the law works because of the existence of a single person, not because it's based on any sort of universally-recognized fairness.
In a sense, it's even more absurd than complete lawlessness.
More incredibly, after almost sixty years, the Siracusans have gotten so used to living in this environment that nobody dares to question it now.
Am I justice personified? No. I might be a symbol, but even I do not know what stands behind my back.
Texas ...Want to grab a bite?
Lavinia ...That'd be nice.
Grazie.[note 5]
<Background 3>
[Lavinia sees Leontuzzo in the restaurant.]
Lavinia I didn't expect you to be here, Leon.
Leontuzzo I heard someone attacked you, so I rushed over.
Lavinia Nothing major happened, thanks to Texas's help.
But we're at another dead end.
[Leontuzzo sits in the same table as Lavinia.]
Leontuzzo Just drop it already, Lavinia.
Lavinia Leon... I believe we had an agreement not to bring up things that might spark an argument at the table.
Leontuzzo Now's not the time for that.
Lavinia No, it's the only thing that lets us sit together and share a meal regardless of our positions.
If you insist on breaking it, then I'm afraid I must take my leave, "Padrone"[note 6] Leontuzzo.
Leontuzzo You're messing around with your life on the line here!
Lavinia I've been 'messing around with my life on the line' since the moment I became a judge in this city, Padrone.
Leontuzzo I'm planning to talk to the Rossatis.
I don't care what they think about Cellinia's presence. This is a discussion they can't avoid.
We have the initiative. As long as we can keep them down, it doesn't matter if we have a double-agent in our midst, or other famiglie at our throats. We'll suppress them all.
Lavinia That's not where the problem lies.
Things are incredibly tense throughout the city right now, and everyone's speculating about who did it. The situation will only spiral out of control unless we stabilize it.
Leontuzzo I'll be frank. If you can really find the murderer, I'll spare no expense to help you push the case forward.
But right now, the other side has already come prepared. What you encountered today was, without a doubt, a warning shot.
Your investigation won't go anywhere, even if you try to press the issue. You're only going to land yourself in more trouble.
Lavinia So I should just go along with your plans, drop the investigation, and let this case fizzle out?
Leontuzzo Lavinia, you're not the kind of person to get carried away by her emotions.
Lavinia Leon, you've worked with Ministro Carracci before. You probably knew him better than I do.
Regardless of how he ended up in that position to begin with, he still was a person who could make the city a better place.
Leontuzzo These things happen every single day.
Lavinia So are those in Siracusa who want to be good people doomed to die?
Leontuzzo ......
You're more important to me than he was.
Lavinia To you, Ministro Carracci's death might be nothing more than a spell of heavy rain.
The rain won't fall on anyone who's standing inside, so you just wonder why it's lasting for so long.
If you're feeling particularly generous, you might even hand out some umbrellas to the people on the streets.
But for me... I'm sick and tired of asking myself how long I plan to stand there under the roof.
Leontuzzo ......
But how are you going to stop the rain all by yourself?
Lavinia At least this time, I don't want to feel like a helpless bystander watching someone like Carracci die for nothing.
I've already done too much against my will.
Leon, if – and I mean if – my life could be exchanged for something...
That might make things a bit more bearable for me.
Leontuzzo ......
One thing I learned from the Columbians is–
If you want someone to listen to you, incentives can be more useful than violence.
But that doesn't mean I won't ever choose violence, Lavinia.
Lavinia And this is exactly what I was talking about: the biggest difference between you and me.
You've always got the option of violence, but you refrain from using it because of your upbringing and self-control. I'd even like to thank you for your kindness.
Leontuzzo That's not what I meant.
Lavinia And I'm not blaming you either, Leon.
For you to even consider why the rain hasn't stopped yet is already exceptionally rare to see.
But you are the next head of Famiglia Bellone.
And I'm just a judge who can't help herself.
Our world views have always been fundamentally different.
Let's leave things here, Leon.
If you really want to help me, then keep doing what you need to do.
If you're able to negotiate with the Rossatis, that would already help ease up the situation.
However, unless you lock me up right now, nobody will stop me from finding the murderer.
Leontuzzo ......
Silence falls across the restaurant.
Leontuzzo wants to think of something else to say, but all the words he can muster in his mind come up blank.
His throat twitches twice, but no words come out.
Texas Hold on.
Lavinia Texas?
Oh right, you should head back with Leon. He'll need you in his negotiations with the Rossatis.
Texas No, I have a better idea.
You needed a culprit, right? Then I'll be the culprit.
Lavinia Do you even know what you're saying...?
Texas It's the quickest way to get the situation under control.
Lavinia I... don't need others to take pity on me.
Texas Don't get the wrong idea.
I'm doing this for myself.
You're both right. If things continue like this, the situation will only get more and more chaotic, making it harder to find who's actually pulling the strings.
The best method we have is to find the killer before everything spirals out of control.
And of course, the other side will do everything in their power to prevent that.
Leontuzzo So you're going to offer yourself up as bait?
Texas Yeah.
Nobody else is a juicy enough target. I might just fit the bill.
Leontuzzo ......
You'd make Texas into the real criminals, and sacrifice some renown to take on all the blame, using peoples' ignorance of your famiglia.
Texas And after that, you can release me.
Leontuzzo That would be the fastest way to stabilize the situation, while also potentially drawing the true mastermind out of hiding.
An ambitious plan... but it might be worth a shot.
However, you're the last of the Texas bloodline, and this is Siracusa.
Texas Personally, the most important thing about the Texas name is the reputation it brings me.
As I said before, I only have one goal: to see through my agreement with Bellone, and then leave Siracusa.
Lavinia Then why... Why would you go out of your way to do this?
Texas I also have a number of friends who are trying to change things for the better, in a place called Rhodes Island.
I'd never accept them dying in vain either.
Lavinia ......
Leontuzzo If this plan goes well...
It might even put the other forces behind the scenes in counter-check.
I'm really starting to count my lucky stars that you're on our side.
Texas Spare me.
Leontuzzo If this is what we're going with, we'll need this trial to be a barn-burner. Ultimately, that's the only way we're going to keep the other famiglie down.
I'll handle all the other arrangements.
Now's our chance to hit back.
Texas Then can you give me your assurance that you'll let me leave Siracusa?
Leontuzzo I swear this to you: once we successfully execute this plan, nobody will pursue you ever again.
Those who've kept an eye on you, be it the Rossatis or any other famiglia, will only know that...
"Cellinia Texas broke out of prison and fled Siracusa."
Sorry, Lavinia. This might fly in the face of the dignity of the law.
Lavinia No... I don't think so.
All that remains... is to see things through.


  1. "F**k off" in Italian
  2. "Minister of Public Works" in Italian
  3. "Mr. Secretary" in Italian
  4. "Daybreak Troupe" in Italian
  5. "Thank you" in Italian
  6. "Master" (as in "my master") in Italian