Operation story: IS-4

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Noblewoman icon.png
Cheery Actress
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Curious Spectator
Critical Juror
Meddlesome Actress
Noisy Spectator
Suspicious Juror
Siracusa Theater
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Siracusa Courtroom
Siracusa Park
Siracusa Restaurant

Before operation

A new round of games starts among the Famiglie, revolving around Texas's identity.
<Background 1>
[While waiting for Sora to change into a new dress...]
Exusiai Sora, are you ready yet?
Sora Stop rushing me!
Urgh... This dress is so tight!
Exusiai You haven't been chubbing up on pizza behind my back, have you?
Sora What are you even talking about? I only had one extra slice last night!
Croissant Sora, suck it in!
Sora Hissss–
Croissant Alrighty! Perfect!
You're good.
Exusiai Done? Come on out already and let me see!
Sora Coming, coming.
[Sora walks out of the dressing room in a brand new Siracusa-style dress.]
Exusiai Wooooah, you look amazing!
Croissant You'n say that again. One purdy lady!
Sora Heehee.
Exusiai *sigh*... If only Texas was here to see you too.
Sora Yeah...
Croissant I knew you had it in ya though, Sora. Ya made it onstage here in Siracusa mighty quick.
Sora But of course~
This time, "La Morte di Texas" will be presented in multiple acts. We've already finished rehearsing the first one, and the opening night is the day after tomorrow!
If everything goes well, maybe she'll be the one looking for me, rather than the other way around~
Exusiai That could happen. Lemme think... Yeah, if it comes to that, I'm definitely gonna buy a pizza to slap her face around a bit.
Croissant Speakin' of Texas, I've been talkin' up the Bellone family. I hear tell things've been awful rough for 'em lately. Hope that ain't gettin' in her way.
Exusiai She's gonna be perfectly fine.
Croissant Most we'n do right now is keep the faith in her.
We oughta rest up before Sora's debut too.
Exusiai I originally wanted to take a look around the city, but it feels like I've turned into Sora's bodyguard.
Sora Bite me.
Exusiai But hey, I've eaten my weight in the free food at the theater. Hehe, their pizza's not half bad.
Things are probably only gonna get busier from here on out, so let's go for a walk.
Sora Okay.
Cheery Actress Hey, did you hear...?
Meddlesome Actress You're talking... Tex... right?
Sora Huh?
Cheery Actress Right, Texas... sentenced...
Sora Ehh?
<Background fades out and in>
Sora Excuse me, did you just say something about Texas?
Cheery Actress Yup, sure did. You interested?
Sora What happened to Texas?
Cheery Actress My boyfriend's with Famiglia Bellone, and I heard it from him.
You know how il Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici[note 1] was killed a few days ago?
Apparently, they found the culprit.
The one who did it was the last of the Texas bloodline. I think her name was Cellinia or something?
Sora ......
No way!
Cheery Actress They even decided on the court date. It's the day after tomorrow.
<Background 2>
[Leontuzzo is having a talk with Wallach.]
Wallach Signor Leontuzzo, we agreed on this meeting, but you've already pushed it back several times.
Leontuzzo My sincerest apologies, Signor Wallach, but I've had too much to deal with lately.
Wallach I hear you've already withdrawn a lot of your men from several areas previously under contention with other famiglie. I'm worried about you.
I'm glad to see that you're alive and well.
Leontuzzo It's nothing major, just cutting our losses.
Wallach Haha, I'm quite fond of that prudent side of yours.
Don't worry, Famiglia Rossati has no interest in kicking a man when he's down.
But there is one problem that I must reluctantly bring up.
Leontuzzo It has to be about Texas.
Wallach "Cellinia Texas." Is she back, and even one of your bodyguards?
Is it really her?
Leontuzzo What if I say yes?
Wallach ......
We never knew she was alive this whole time.
Leontuzzo Back then, it was my father who saved her.
Wallach I see, I see. This was the old don's handiwork.
Leontuzzo The construction of the new city was, from the very beginning, because of the fate Salvadore shared with Siracusa. My father only hoped she could return to Siracusa to see the city.
Wallach Such is Famiglia Bellone.
Despite knowing full well the significance of the Texas name to Famiglia Rossati, you still invited her to come back so graciously.
Impressive. Truly impressive.
I, Wallach, can only offer my admiration.
Leontuzzo Again with your jokes.
Wallach Jokes? How is any of this a joke?
The news that Signorina Cellinia is still alive means a great deal to us Rossatis.
No matter how the Bellones see it, we are in your debt.
Leontuzzo Our two famiglie will see this new city built, hand-in-hand. What debt is there to speak of?
Wallach Hahaha! Very good, I love it!
By the looks of things, fratello,[note 2] you've been waiting for me all this time.
So tell me, what is it you want?
Leontuzzo Simple–
For the Rossatis to stay out of this.
Wallach Oh? You want us to stand aside and watch the last Texas go down? That's not going to fly with the boss.
Leontuzzo After the trial is over, she'll be held in custody and you'll still be able to see her.
Wallach Just see her?
Leontuzzo She's our guest, but she could also be yours.
Wallach Alright, it's a deal!
<Background 3>
[After hearing the news of Texas' upcoming trial...]
Demetri ......
So this is when you decide to reveal Cellinia? That's certainly unexpected...
Was it Lavinia's idea? No... There's no way for her to know that Cellinia wasn't the murderer.
Knowing her, this isn't a decision she'd make.
Could Leon have convinced her?
Never mind. In any case, I didn't expect this card to get played.
Mafioso Demetri, what're we doin' now?
Time to rub out Cellinia?
Demetri Do you have any idea how many heavies she put down during the chaos that broke out seven years ago?
Mafioso But–
Demetri An ambush, explosives, or a good, old-fashioned poisoning. We might have a way...
But don't forget to take into account whoever invited her back.
Whoever they might be, it undeniably was a clever move.
Now that things have come to this, we're forced to resort to more... brutal methods to put this trial on ice.
Mafioso ......
Demetri At the end of the day, our goal is to plunge the city into chaos.
From the very beginning, we've been here to provoke Signora Sicilia.
Now, all we're doing is taking another step forward.
Mafioso Gotcha.
??? If you ask me, I think there's another option.
Demetri Who's there?!
[Lappland reveals herself before Demetri.]
Lappland Whatever you're doing sounds like fun. Mind if I join in?
<Background 2>
Bernardo ......
[Someone knocks the door.]
Bernardo Come in.
[Sora opens the door and enters.]
Sora Director, did you hear the news about Texas?!
Bernardo I did, just now.
Sora Do you have any clue what's going on behind the scenes?
Bernardo I got the news from Judge Lavinia's own announcement.
Sora Lavinia, the judge who helped me...
She... doesn't seem like the type to lie, but...
Bernardo Are you going to postpone your debut?
Sora Could you... please help me come up with something?
I at least... want to see her first.
Bernardo And regardless of whether or not your debut can be pushed back...
I want to know what happens when you do see her.
Sora ......
Bernardo Signorina Sora, I remember you said you came to Siracusa with two friends to look for her.
You always believed in the woman you knew, that she was truly who you thought she was.
But now, you know her hidden past.
You've been forced to learn that the woman you've been chasing might be an entirely different person.
Say you go see her. What then?
What are you going to say to her, and what is she going to say to you?
Sora If that's the way things are, then maybe it's all my own fault. Maybe I never knew her well enough.
Bernardo Even if she was clearly keeping something from you?
Sora That depends on her reason for doing it.
Anyway, Mr. Bernardo, showbiz is a big melting pot, and I've met all kinds.
It's way too hard to be the person you claim to be. At least, I don't think I can pull it off.
I always think to myself, one day I'm going to turn into someone I'm not.
So, I never expect it from other people.
Everybody has their secrets. I do, she does, and I'm sure you do too.
If she wants to keep her mask on until the very end, and that's the side she wants me to see, isn't that also genuine, in its own way?
Bernardo Absolutely.
Sora Also, maybe I didn't express myself clearly enough.
I'm not looking for Texas so I can give her a piece of my mind. Not at all.
The four of us lived together in Lungmen for almost six years.
Six years, precious to me beyond words.
And I sincerely believe... they're just as precious to her.
Still, she still left without saying goodbye.
Should I be upset over that?
I'm not. I'm worried sick about her.
Exusiai and Croissant would say the same thing.
That's why we came to Siracusa.
If she's caught up in some trouble, then we're going to bail her out.
If the weight of her past is enough to make her crumble, we'll be there to share that burden with her.
Bernardo Through many plays, the fate of Famiglia Texas is known far and wide, even if the rumors of Cellinia's death were exaggerated.
Her past is likely much deeper than you can imagine.
Sora I know.
But we haven't heard it from her, directly.
She has to tell us what she thinks herself.
Only then, if she still decides to part ways with us, after everything we've been through... Only then can I say goodbye without a weight on my heart.
Only if I try my best, can go move on without any regrets.
Well... I'd probably still have some regrets, but they wouldn't be that bad.
Bernardo You speak with a great deal of wisdom, Signorina Sora.
Sora I'm just trying to come up with excuses for my bravado, that's all.
But I do feel much better after having talking to you about this.
You are right, though. If I went to see her right now, I don't think there's anything I'd be able to do for her.
Bernardo Actually, I was ready to agree to your request.
After the trial, you will see her. I can promise you that.
Sora Really?!
Bernardo But for the time being, you'll have to keep waiting.
Sora Thank you so much! I have got to get ready first.
Bernardo Haha.
Unfortunately, I won't be there to see your debut in person.
Sora Huh? You're not going to watch?
Bernardo That's right. I'm afraid I have something important to do that day.
But, don't worry. I've already prepared the best possible stage for you.
Sora Thank you!
I'd better get going, then.
Bernardo See you.
[Sora leaves and closes the door.]
Bernardo ......
Bernardo walks over to the shelf and pulls out a book.
A legal codex wrapped in thorns.
He remains silent for a long time until finally, he places a call.
Bernardo Demetri... tell her. Just say, I agreed.
With a boom, thunder surges outside the window.
It seems to augur the heavy rain about to come.

After operation

A truck plows into the courtroom, putting a halt to Texas's trial.
<Background 1>
As far as she was concerned, she's always lived life the exact same way. But, to other people–
She was just like a Siracusan.
Was she just like a Siracusan?
She didn't know.
All she remembers is what she once said to her grandfather:
"People who keep going on and on about how life in Siracusa is nobler, or about life in Columbia is nobler, are all full of it."
To which he laughed heartily.
Radio The high-profile case of Ministro Carracci's assassination is about to be heard in court.
But it seems that only a small number of invitees are being allowed inside the courtroom, for security reasons.
Everyone else is waiting around the rione della giustizia[note 3] for the outcome of the trial.
The courthouse is encircled by guards, but nevertheless, a large crowd has formed.
It appears the death of Ministro Carracci has touched the hearts of the citizenry.
We will continue to report on this situation as it develops, so stay tuned.
Sora ......
Exusiai Sora, are you ready?
Sora Mhm.
You two can go, if you want, while I'm performing.
Exusiai That's alright. Even if we showed up, it's not like we'd be able to get in.
Croissant Yeah, all we can do is sit tight and wait for the verdict.
Exusiai And you break a leg out there.
Sora Don't worry about me. I'm already in the right headspace.
Actress Sora, are you ready? Almost time for curtain.
Sora Be right there!
<Background 4>
Volsinii Courthouse
Lavinia Quiet, please. Court is now in session.
The outcome of today's trial will be made public to all citizens of Volsinii.
The case being heard today is the assassination of Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici, Carracci.
Bring the defendant to the stand.
[Texas was brought into the stand before the attendees, one of which includes a sleeping Sankta pastor wearing a silly-looking sleep mask.]
Curious Spectator So... that's Texas?
Noisy Spectator Look at the color of her eyes and hair. There's no mistaking it! She's a Texas!
??? ......
Curious Spectator How is she still alive?
Noisy Spectator She murdered Carracci?
[Lavinia sounded the gavel.]
Lavinia Silence!
Texas ......
Lavinia Cellinia Texas, you were present at the murder of Ministro Carracci.
Texas I was.
I planted the bomb and detonated it as il Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici was walking by.
Curious Spectator She straight up admitted it?!
Noisy Spectator This is the last Texas...? How the mighty have fallen!
Lavinia What was your motive?
Texas I had none.
Lavinia Who gave you the order?
Texas No one.
Lavinia In other words, you acted alone?
Texas Yes.
Critical Juror Impossible! How'd you get your hands on a bomb, and when did you have the opportunity to plant it?
Texas Does that matter?
Suspicious Juror Did you come to take revenge for Famiglia Texas?
Texas No.
Suspicious Juror But...
Texas Your Honor, I've confessed to everything.
I believe there's no need for these two mafiosi in the juror's box to be so rowdy.
Critical Juror How dare you!
Texas Can we just skip all the boring procedures?
<Background 2>
[Demetri opens the door and enters.]
Demetri Huh?
Leon, what are you still doing here?
I thought you'd be at the courthouse.
Leontuzzo Is it really so surprising, Demetri?
Demetri Would you like a drink?
Let's skip the morning booze. I'll prepare some refreshing fruit juice for you.
Leontuzzo Get me a whiskey, the strongest we have.
And then, answer my question.
Demetri How'd you guess?
Leontuzzo Simple.
The attack on me and the assassination of Carracci both prove that someone wants the Dodici Famiglie at each other's throats.
And as Lavinia is a Bellone spokeswoman on the topic, she can't be allowed to find the murderer, or she would be able to bring the situation under control.
Therefore, now that Lavinia has arrested Cellinia, the other side can't let the trial proceed.
So, what has to happen to Lavinia?
Fortunately, things didn't work out for you.
Demetri You might not have realized it yet, but she's already influenced you a great deal.
It's making you question your decisions more and more.
And through her influence on you, she might come to believe that she's capable of something.
I have to nip that flight of fancy in the bud.
Leontuzzo Funny how you talk all confident-like.
Demetri Actually, Leon.
Doing this brings me no joy, or peace of mind.
I didn't want to wait to the very end to tell you the outcome and force you to accept it.
So, it's just like you said. Fortunately, things didn't work out for me.
Leontuzzo But that didn't stop you.
We can take all the time in the world settling this score.
Speaking of which, the safest option was to have Cellinia die mysteriously on the eve of the trial, but that didn't happen.
Proving... that the other side is afraid of her.
After all, even if we set aside her being the last Texas, she's still a guest of the Don.
In other words, the only ones willing to let this opportunity slip by... are from this famiglia.
Lo and behold, nobody made any attempts on Cellinia's life yesterday.
Demetri What if the other side anticipated your trap and purposefully held off?
Leontuzzo If they're set on challenging Signora Sicilia's authority, you'd expect there to be a lot of commotion. So I did a bit of research into which famiglie have been the most active over the last couple days.
And it turns out... You, Demetri, are behind all of this.
Demetri ......
I must admit, I did not expect Signorina Cellinia to stand trial for someone else's crime.
I figured it wouldn't make a difference whether or not she was involved in our plan, but by the looks of things, I really should have thought that part through.
Leontuzzo Don't be too hard on yourself. If she didn't come out and say she was fine bearing the stain of this crime, I wouldn't have thought of it either.
Demetri So in that case, you should show her your gratitude.
Leontuzzo Of course I will. But before that, I have to ask: why, Demetri?
Demetri Isn't it obvious? I'm the traitor in the famiglia.
Leontuzzo I'd be more willing to believe that everyone else is a traitor before you.
If I can't trust you, then who?
Demetri ......
Leon, what do you think about this new nomadic city?
Leontuzzo Obviously, it's a new way of dividing up the spoils.
Whoever has the last laugh will be the big winner.
Demetri Sure, but I see it more as a testing ground for Signora Sicilia.
Let the Dodici Famiglie fight amongst each other here in the name of building a new city.
The new generation of cubs vent their repressed violence, while the old wolves turn their eyes to a new prize.
Pretty great, huh? With Columbia's return to the fold, the stagnant cesspool that is Siracusa gets a new lease on life.
No matter who wins in the end, it all works out for the woman at the top of Grey Hall, Signora Sicilia.
Leontuzzo Wait, you don't mean...
Demetri You've done a great job these past few years. You suppressed the other famiglie, and took control of il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici.
If things keep going that way, the Bellones will get that last laugh.
But what will it accomplish?
Our famiglia gets absolute control over the new nomadic city, and after that, it's back to business as usual.
Leontuzzo And you want more than that. Or rather, he wants more than that?
Demetri Since Grey Hall was established, since the Dodici Famiglie were prohibited from warring against one another, who has ever really been content?
We used to be hungry, unscrupulous wolves, and the struggles between our famiglie were bloody and endless.
But now, the newest generation of cubs is all nice and comfy in their shackles.
They're used to coexisting with other famiglie. They find solutions to conflicts. They argue with each other in Grey Hall over what you call dividing up the spoils.
We never did any of that. No need to.
Leontuzzo So he wants to overthrow the Grey Hall?! But how?
Demetri One individual has allowed the famiglie to act independently, but she will never permit them to violate her ironclad law. There can't be any fighting in broad daylight.
We were about to win, and only under these conditions could our sudden fall from power get the attention of the jealous famiglie.
Wolves fight. That's nature. They don't hold back at the smell of blood, no matter how domesticated they've become.
They tear into each other, claws, fangs, and all.
That's how we get this particular individual to step out of Grey Hall.
And we'll all be waiting for that one moment.
Leontuzzo ......
"Crack." The crisp sound of glass shattering echoes across the empty room.
The pup is unaware of the wounds caused by the splinters.
Demetri We'll get the last laugh, Leon.
And when we do, we'll control more than just a new city. We'll have all of Siracusa.
That's what your father, Bernardo Bellone, who single-handedly made the Bellones the most powerful of the Dodici Famiglie, wants for us.
Leontuzzo ......
You're wrong.
Demetri Huh?
Leontuzzo I haven't stopped you. Or I guess I should say, you still have a backup plan, right?
You knew from the very beginning that you'd be found out, so you waited here for me on purpose.
Demetri The reason I'm here... is because I figured I had to face up to your anger.
I owe you an apology, both as your closest friend, and as your soldier.
I don't expect you to forgive me, but I at least want you to know that I didn't sleep well doing what I did.
Leontuzzo Stop talking like you're giving a victory speech!
Demetri ...I lost, Leon. Really.
But maybe, this is just the kind of place Siracusa is. Just maybe, the Don's ambitions were right.
Just as I was about to admit defeat, she appeared.
Leontuzzo Who?
Demetri A lunatic.
<Background 5>
Lappland Tell me, Gambino. Can you guess the best way to ruin somebody's day?
Gambino Huh? Take his head clean off, right?
Lappland What do you think, Capone?
Capone Find his friends and family. Kill 'em one by one, sit him down, and treat him to a slideshow with their pictures.
Lappland *sigh*... That's why I always say you two will never amount to anything.
Gambino Hah, then let's hear your bright idea.
Lappland His faith, my friends. His faith.
Capone You destroy his faith?
Lappland Destroy? No, how could you destroy a man's faith with your hands? That can't be done.
But you give him a gentle push, and let him watch his faith fall right out of the sky.
And then, whoosh–
It shatters into a million little pieces.
Capone And how do you get a man to shatter his faith so easily?
Lappland Oh, no, no. You misunderstand me. Faith is pure and clean, but life is filthy.
"So easily"?
A better question is, how could it be hard?
Capone So... does this have somethin' to do with us gettin' you that truck.
Gambino Hah, I get it. You're gonna run over that judge to shake Texas up, right?
Lappland Does she come across as the kind of woman who'd break down over one dead judge?
Capone What are you gonna do then?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Demetri You're the Lappland who was exiled from Famiglia Saluzzo. Why are you here in Volsinii?
Wait, how'd you even get back into Siracusa?!
Lappland You know how the Bellones have a connection with Cellinia that nobody knows about? I got me a connection with the Saluzzo name that'd make you retch.
Demetri So, you're here on their behalf?
Lappland You could say that.
By the way, I think you should probably put the weapons you have under the table.
Dying here won't do you or your plans any good.
Demetri ......
Lappland Let's make a deal, Bellone cub.
You want the case dismissed, don't you?
I can help with that.
Demetri Is that... what Alberto Saluzzo wants?
Lappland I'm his daughter, and I know him better than anyone.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 5>
Lappland Haven't you been dying to find out exactly what I'm doing back in Siracusa?
It's simple. I need her to understand...
That Siracusa is a swamp. You don't get to just wade your way out.
That goes for all of us.
<Background 4>
Lavinia As such, you confess to having committed all the aforementioned acts?
Texas I was.
Lavinia Very well. I hereby proclaim that Cellinia Texas is guilty of murdering Ministro Carracci, Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici.
I pronounce you–
[The loud sound of a car engine is heard outside the courtroom.]
Critical Juror What's going on?
Suspicious Juror What was that sound? Anybody else hear that?
Critical Juror It's... an engine?
Suspicious Juror But we're in a courthouse. How could that–
For the mafiosi of yesteryear, the unspoken rules were held above all else.
Signora Sicilia placed the shackles of the law around the necks of the famiglie.
Thus, a court of law was erected in every Siracusan city.
In Siracusa, the courts stand for Grey Hall's will.
And the judges are executors of Signora Sicilia's will.
The judges inevitably find themselves controlled by the famiglie, sometimes even submitting to them. However, every judge knows there is one line that cannot be crossed–
They must prevent fights between the Dodici Famiglie.
Just as the Dodici all know their every move is always under the watchful eye of Signora Sicilia.
Thus, a delicate balance of power is established through the courts.
But now–
Infrangere il Processo.png
A declaration of contempt for Signora Sicilia.
A mockery of the very laws of Siracusa.
With an engine's roar squeezed between bouts of high-pitched laughter...
A truck rips through the wall.
And even after crashing its way inside, the engine does not stop.
As if proclaiming to others–
This is no mere accident, but rather by design.
<Background 4>
Critical Juror Aaaaaaahhh–
Suspicious Juror Wh-What's going on?! What's a truck doing here?!
Lavinia Who's the driver? Get out of there this instant!
[Lappland steps out of the truck.]
Lappland Heh, not bad. Now that's the face I wanted to see.
Lavinia Who the hell are you?!
Lappland Ah, yes. Buongiorno, signore e signori.[note 4]
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name... is Lappland Saluzzo.
Lavinia Saluzzo?!
Lappland I am also...
Carracci's true assassin.
<Background 6>
Radio Breaking news!
Just now, someone drove a truck into the courtroom.
The woman who carried out this jaw-dropping deed just identified herself as Lappland Saluzzo.
And, she claims to be the one who really assassinated Carracci!
At present, Judge Lavinia has suspended the trial and detained this individual.
We will continue to track the latest developments, so don't go anywhere–
[Ben listens to the news on the radio.]
Ben When people no longer recognize the stench of blood as blood, it becomes a natural part of society.
Let this be a poignant wake-up call.
In a city where even the sewers are choked with conspiracy and spilled blood, such fascinating developments can still take place.
O wolf with a yearning for the wilderness, you never fail to surprise.
But will you break free of your shackles? That, I do wish to see.
<Background 5>
Over a dozen mobsters lie on the ground, howling.
The only one still standing is a girl holding a longbow.
??? I never knew city wolves were this weak.
Agnese was right.
She pauses briefly, then suddenly turns to sniff the air.
It's coming from the direction of the warehouse.
??? Are there other wolves from the wilds in this city?
No... This is not the scent of the wilderness.
But, it's very close to it.


  1. "The Minister of Public Works" in Italian
  2. "Brother" in Italian
  3. Lit. "district of justice" in Italian; more accurately "Judicial District"
  4. "Good day, ladies and gentlemen" in Italian