ISW-SP: Rock and a Hard Place

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This article is about the ISW-SP operation in Expeditioner's Joklumarkar. For the operation in Słoma Processing Platform, see Rock and a Hard Place (Słoma Processing Platform).
Rock and a Hard Place
Encounter: Chain of Suspicion
Rock and a Hard Place EJ map.png
You are sure that this place has been influenced by the Collapsals. But the question is, how do you deal with invisible and intangible enemies hiding within the hearts of others?


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 0 Varies 41
The Blood Ledger is present.


Allies Norport Civilian ×5, Siracusan Civilian ×5, Ursus Civilian ×5
Normal Sentry Spy ×2, Elite Famiglia Crossbowman ×5, Famiglia Terrorizer ×2, Elite Infected Patrol Captain ×10
Elite Famiglia Silent Cleaner, Rebellion Instigator ×3, Imperial Striker ×4
A Famiglia Silent Cleaner will be spawned whenever the Blood Ledger enters Asset Liquidation, who is excluded from the enemy counter.