ISW-NO: Noise Disturbance

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Noise Disturbance
Expeditioner's Joklumarkar
4F – Gelid Rockshelves
Noise Disturbance map.png
Ever since you got communication access on the icefield, you've always been able to hear a handful of nonsense words mixed in with the other person talking, but you didn't take it seriously—until the other expedition team took you for a pack of beasts.
<Mobile Tactical Hangars> that deploy enemy mercenary drones are present on the field


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 28
Static devices Mobile Tactical Hangar ×1


Normal Tainted Carcass ×0–8, Tactical Crossbowman Leader ×6, Tactical Hound Pro ×7–15, Scrap Model-U, Anvil Model-B
Elite Sarkaz Centurion Host ×1, Tactical Defender Leader ×3
  • Scraps Model-U and Anvils Model-B are spawned by Tactical Crossbowman and Defender Leaders, respectively, and excluded from the enemy counter.
  • If the player has the Routeweave Net.png Routeweave Net, 2 additional Tactical Defender Leaders will spawn.


Condition: Enemies have increased ATK and HP; new Elite enemies will appear
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 28
Static devices Mobile Tactical Hangar ×1


Normal Tainted Carcass ×0–8, Tactical Crossbowman Leader ×6, Tactical Hound Pro ×7–15, Scrap Model-U, Anvil Model-B
Elite Sarkaz Centurion Nidus Guard ×1, Tactical Defender Leader ×3
  • All enemies have their HP and ATK increased by 30% and 10%, respectively.
  • Scraps Model-U and Anvils Model-B are spawned by Tactical Crossbowman and Defender Leaders, respectively, and excluded from the enemy counter.
  • If the player has the Routeweave Net.png Routeweave Net, 2 additional Tactical Defender Leaders will spawn.