ISW-NO: Shady Frozen Sea

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Shady Frozen Sea
Expeditioner's Joklumarkar
3F – Dawning Frostbounds
Shady Frozen Sea map.png
You're certainly aware that the ocean and sailors won't show up on the icefield, and yet you don't think anything is off. Cognitive errors are the most common Collapsal Paradigm to manifest.
<Corrosive Ground> tiles that reduce the DEF of allied units by half are present on the field


Condition: Enemies have greatly increased ATK, DEF, HP, and Movement Speed
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 10 Varies 48 ~ 49


Allies Competition Transport Vessel ×2–18
Normal Delinquent Boss ×11, Tidal Caster ×1–2, Unmanned Explosive Boat ×8–9, Tainted Carcass ×1–17
Elite Dockworker ×7, Caster Speedboat ×1–2
  • All enemies have their HP/ATK and DEF/speed increased by 30% and 80%, respectively.
  • Tidal Casters spawned from Caster Speedboats are excluded from the enemy counter.
  • If the player has the Routeweave Net.png Routeweave Net, 2 additional Competition Transport Vessels will spawn.