ISW-DF: Half-baked Trip

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Half-baked Trip
Expeditioner's Joklumarkar
Half-baked Trip map.png
Encouraged by his detective uncle, he summons his courage and follows his boss to Sami. But after he accidentally gets separated from the others, he immediately returns to his original submissive persona.
  1. Despite the code, this operation will never appear as a Dreadful Foe.
  2. This Dreadful Foe is only accessible by choosing "You must be doing this on purpose!" in the "Sobbing in the Swamp" Encounter.


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 15 Varies 14


Normal Originium Slug β ×3–6, Acid Originium Slug α ×0–3, Tainted Carcass ×3–7, Brawler ×0–4
Elite Crying Thief