Operation story: OD-5

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RI Operator icon.png
Lord's Guard
RI Outpost
Sargon House
Watchtower 33 Night
Sargon Village Night

Before operation

The Rhodes Island operators reach a cooperative agreement with Team Rainbow. Both sides agree to act conservatively, focusing on defense of the safehouse while avoiding the broader political turmoil brewing outside.
<Background 1>
Ash You can do it! Lord!
Tachanka Hnng... Grrrgh! Gah...!
Ash Almost! Just a little more!
Tachanka And... Hah!
It's up!
Ash Well done!
Rangers Yes... It's very impressive you can pull back this crossbow with your bare hands.
Tachanka Phew...
What a design. You couldn't tell by looking at it that this crossbow has such tensile strength.
Rangers It's a pretty ordinary crossbow. Most Sarkaz can lock it barehanded.
Tachanka A heavy crossbow with this kind of power... at least than one hundred meters, it won't be that different from a gun. It's just too much work.
...And I already learned the hard way that bit about our physical differences.
That zappy girl over there might be no weaker than me.
Rangers Are you talking about Liskarm? She's a Vouivre. They're a strong race, for sure.
Tachanka Right......
Ash Why the sudden interest in these weapons?
Tachanka We're expecting a lot of fights soon, so it's time to think about what to do when we run out of ammo.
Without bullets, my gun might as well be a paperweight.
I don't think we can take them hand-to-hand when it comes to that. And our training and experience won't be enough either.
Ash How much do we have left?
Tachanka Not much over here. Not even four hundred rounds.
Ash Let me show you something.
Tachanka Is this a... bullet?
Ash It's a bullet that Rhodes Islander named Liskarm uses. They call it an "etched bullet," and it's apparently an extremely expensive commodity.
Tachanka Did you take it apart yet?
What's it made of? What's the propellant?
Ash This chunk of crystal.
Tachanka Looks like an energy source. Is that a propellant or a warhead?
Rangers A Laterano gunsmith once told me that every single etched bullet contains a miniature casting unit that matches up with the structure of a Laterano gun.
That means it's not only the gun, but every etched bullet, is basically a caster's staff. That's why they're so expensive, and why they need such complicated Arts that only Sankta can make much use of them.
Other peoples go with easier ranged weapons.
Tachanka So Laterano is the name of the country, Sankta is the name of the race. Laterano people are not necessarily Sankta... Got it.
But that's real bad news about the bullets.
Do we have any gun here that doesn't require those "Originium Arts" to work?
Rangers I've never heard about those firearms that don't need Originium Arts.
Tachanka (Sigh)...
Ash One step at a time. At least everybody can use explosives.
Tachanka Where did Kötz go with them?
Ash They're in the basement. Still trying to fix the thing that looks like a radio transmitter.
<Background fades out and in>
Liskarm We can't power the comm casting unit.
Franka It's a power problem?
Liskarm Maybe... I'll have to see.
Liskarm Arts Demonstration 1.png
Franka Okay, you all take a step back. The valedictorian is about to do her stuff.
Liskarm ...Charging...
Liskarm Arts Demonstration 2.png
Blitz Oh! Ooh! Oooh!
Was that Arts? It was pretty cool.
Ash It definitely... leaves an impression.
<Background 1>
Franka Is it working?
Liskarm It's on!
Franka Great work. That's my walking power supply.
Liskarm Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?
No good. It's still not connecting.
The crystal electronics unit may be too damaged. Or there may be some damage somewhere else in the circuit we can't see with the naked eye.
We don't have any equipment for repairing Originium circuits here, so we can't troubleshoot.
Franka *Sigh*, sounds pretty hopeless.
Tachanka Can ordinary people do these Originium Arts too?
Franka Theoretically... almost anyone can learn to do Arts at some level, with enough training.
It's just that studying Arts takes time and effort, and that gets tied up pretty close with talent.
Lots of people master only the most basic Arts, even after pushing themselves a lot harder than others.
Rangers I'm a dumb old man, and I've never learned any Originium Arts.
Ash What are you thinking?
Tachanka Nothing... Just brainstorming about our situation here... some wild, impractical ideas.
Liskarm Oh, right, Mr. Kötz.
Take a look at this shield here.
Blitz What's... what's that on the shield?
Liskarm I installed a high-powered spotlight and a universal Originium circuit based on the original design and function of your shield. It should work just like you're used to.
Blitz Thanks a bundle!
...Oh... But I can't use "Originium Arts".
Franka Strictly speaking, a universal Originium circuit is a piece of modern technology that lets people who don't know how to use Arts use it anyway. It is loaded with a few simple Originium Arts.
Liskarm Of course, the power supply and equipment maintenance still need to be carried out by a trained caster.
[Liskarm gave Blitz the repaired and modified G52 Tactical Shield.]
Blitz All right, let's see. It's still pretty heavy.
...Turn it on... Hit the switch...
All good. I'll give it a try.
[Blitz tested the repaired/modified G52 Tactical Shield's flash function, which works fine.]
Blitz Wow! It really works!
But it'll take some getting used to.
I haven't done a shield charge in six months. I've almost forgotten how to use the thing.
<Background fades out and in>
[Frost returns to the safehouse after scouting the area.]
Ash How are things looking outside?
Frost The last attack was also the last enemy movement. We haven't seen any probing strikes since. I don't think that's a good sign.
Especially considering what a well-organized bunch of punks they are, I've got a bad feeling about this.
Rangers The calm before the storm.
Frost Sure enough.
Ash Where's the doctor?
Frost Resting. He hasn't slept in days.
Rangers Give the kid a break.
He shouldn't have to deal with all this at his age.
And we've got another problem on our hands. We're running out of food.
Ash Right. Mr. Occphen told us.
Frost What are you thinking?
Ash I'm thinking whether or not we should take a trip back to the Infected quarter.
Frost I get you.
Rangers Oh? You have a plan?
Frost We left in a hurry. A lot of the sick people didn't have time to bring their food from home.
Rangers True. We have enough hands here. We could send some people out to get supplies.
Ash Then let's save our talk here. We should be able to get there before the night falls.

After operation

When a supply and food shortage hits the safe house, the Rhodes Island operators propose to search through the ravaged Infected homes to recover anything that might have avoided confiscation. However, in the process, they are stopped by the guards of the Lord of Long Spring.
<Background 2>
[Ash searches around the old safehouse and found supplies.]
Frost Find anything?
Ash Got something! It's not much, but it's something.
Rangers Good work. These provisions, along with the emergency store in the safehouse, should keep us fed for a week, if we stretch it.
Ash It's getting late. Let's head back.
[Sounds of movement are heard nearby.]
Schwarz ...Someone's coming.
Rangers How many?
Schwarz ...A dozen maybe. Could be mercenaries.
Rangers Hurry! Back to the safehouse!
[Ash, Frost, Rangers, and Schwarz quickly leave the house.]
<Background 3>
[The group are being pursued as they ran through the alley.]
Rangers Are they still on us?
Schwarz ...Yes.
Rangers That's not good.
Ash I knew they wouldn't let up.
Rangers We are bound to get sieged if we choose to fight here. Keep retreating.
[The group keeps running.]
<Background 1>
[The group returns to the safehouse with Ash regrouping with Tachanka.]
Tachanka What happened?
Ash We've got company. Get ready to fight.
Schwarz Something's not right...
...Hold your fire...
Tachanka Why?
Schwarz ...It's not those mercenaries.
...They're Reproba soldiers...
Rangers Local guards?
Hold fire!
You Are Surrounded.png
Picale Guards, surround the structure! Don't let anyone escape.
[The guardsmen surrounds the safehouse.]
Blitz Wait a second, are we surrounded?
Rangers ...This isn't good.
Liskarm Why are the Lord's men encircling us?
Rangers Let's have you quiet down for now.
<Background 3>
Picale I want all of you inside to listen up!
I am the captain of the Long Spring village guard, daughter of the Lord of Long Spring, Picale Tulla.
I want you all to lay down your weapons and come out nice and easy.
Don't test my patience. You'll regret it.
The imposing Reproba warrior strikes the halberd into the ground with all her might.
And the earth starts to tremble instantly.
Picale Mercenaries. It's always mercenaries.
You shameless, faithless, virtueless bastards. How much gold did my evil brother give you?
You won't get away. I'll crush you. I'll stomp you into dust.
I'll make you pay for everything you've done.
Once I cut you down, you'll finally understand that no amount of blood money can buy you another life!
<Background 1>
Blitz Oh! Oh! Are you sure they're here to help?
I think they'd rather hang us from the town gate.
Ash That's what I'm afraid of.
<Background 3>
[Rangers try to negotiate with Picale, the commander of the Long Spring guardsmen.]
Rangers There's definitely a misunderstanding here.
Lady Picale.
I'm a field operator with Rhodes Island, code name Rangers.
I'm pretty sure Rhodes Island signed a cooperation agreement with your family.
Picale Shut up!
Rhodes Island! Sanctimonious hypocrites!
My father trusted you! He believed your promises. That's why he agreed to your safehouse.
And how did you repay him?
You kidnapped our people! Robbed them of everything they had! I saw it!
You're a bunch of treacherous villains!
[Ash joins in as the tension grows.]
Ash If you think for a single second, you'll know that doesn't make any sense.
If we wanted to pillage the town, why would we still be here?
Picale Don't try to talk your way out of this!
And who the hell are you?
You're standing on my father's land with your guns, and you dare to argue with me?!
Ash If you're so tough, where have you been all this time?
You and the Lord's men let those thugs raid the quarantine zone so we had to risk our lives to save the townsfolk in there. What were your precious guardsmen doing then?
And you still think you can come here and talk a big game with us?
Tachanka Settle down. She doesn't seem like the type you can reason with.
[Miarow joins in to convince Picale.]
Miarow Lady Picale!
I'm Dr. Miarow, from the Infected quarter! We've met before!
Picale ...Right. I know you.
Miarow Rhodes Island didn't rob the Infected. I can testify to that! We were forced here by the riots.
And it's not just me. Any of the Infected here will tell you that.
Lady Picale, I need you to trust me.
Picale ......
...I trust you, Doctor. Many people speak highly of you.
Miarow Thank you, Lady Picale.
Picale But I don't trust them!
The imposing daughter of the Lord points forward with her colossal halberd.
Picale It is a grave infraction to enter my father's territory, armed, without permission!
In light of you protecting my father's subjects...
I will pardon you for that infraction.
As for Rhodes Island! The contract you signed with my father is, as of today, null and void.
Rangers ...Please reconsider.
Picale There is nothing to discuss!
Long Spring does not need armed foreigners, not even Rhodes Islanders!
I will gather up the Infected and take them where they belong.
We don't need you getting involved.
Liskarm But...
Rangers Alright. Don't speak.
Do not defy the local Lord. We are standing here at Sargon as Rhodes Island operators.
Liskarm ......
<Background fades out and in>
Lord's Guard Forty-one, forty-two...
Any others?
Miarow That's all...
Lord's Guard No problem. We'll get you to safety.
Miarow Miss Cohen, Mr. Alexsandr.
Thank you for all that you've done.
Ash No need. We should be thanking you.
Miarow Where are you going to go?
Ash Not sure yet.
Tachanka Let's not make it sound so sad.
Maybe we'll meet again someday.
I'll have to tell you about it next time...
Lord's Guard ?
Tachanka *Cough* *cough*... the story of the dog-headed man.
Miarow Hahaha... alright.
Rangers Doctor, this is for you.
Miarow It's... an Originium Ingot. But I can't...
Rangers Remuneration. For Occphen's leg.
Miarow That was just some basic first aid... it's not worth this much...
Rangers I think it's worth it. Take it.
Miarow Thanks, Mr. Rangers.
And... thank you all.
[After Miarow left, Rangers and Schwarz realized something.]
Schwarz ......
Rangers ......
Schwarz Something's off.
Rangers I know.
*Sigh*. I thought caution was the right move, but we ended up with a big misunderstanding.
Liskarm Who would've thought the captain of the guard would be so difficult?
Franka A muscle-headed moron. We have enough of those at BSW.
Liskarm So what do we do?
Occphen They seized pretty much everything from the safehouse.
Rangers At least we're all unharmed. That's what really matters.
Come with us, Mr. Occphen. We'll sign you in at the branch office, then contact the landship and figure out what to do.
Occphen That's really our only option.
Schwarz ...I'm not so sure.
Rangers What do you mean?
Schwarz ...That Picale woman... could she be the one behind all this?
The Lord was so slow to act, even as the mercenaries were rounding up the Infected.
...And now we've got a captain of the guard, taking everyone away all nice and legally.
This can't just be a coincidence.
Rangers ...That does make sense.
Schwarz ...I'm going to tail them... and see.
Ash I'm going too.
Rangers No. More hands are more easily seen.
The rest of you stand by.
Schwarz ......
Rangers What's the matter?
Schwarz I thought you won't agree with this plan.
Rangers Avoiding conflicts with the local Lord doesn't mean our hands are tied here. We need to play to the score.
Some times you need a few tricks to get things working.
Schwarz I see...
<Background 4>
Picale Get them all to shelter first, then I want three with me.
I think there's something happening in the mines.
Lord's Guard Understood.
Picale Is there enough room left in the shelter?
Lord's Guard Not really. Half of the town's population is already inside.
Picale Tell them to move upstairs if necessary. Them can have my father's room.
Lord's Guard Is this...really necessary?
Picale I don't see anything wrong with it. My father will do the same should he lived.
Lord's Guard ...I see.
Picale Don't let your guard down anyway.
...Wait, did the lights go out as soon as we left?
Lord's Guard I don't remember...
Picale !!
Out of the way!
[Suddenly a nearby house's wall blows up...]
Lord's Guard Aaah!
[...as one of the strange creatures, now known as Originiutants, emerge from it.]
Originiutant Gaa...
Picale We're under attack! Protect the civilians!
[Picale kills the Originiutant.]
Picale Where did they come from?!
What are you waiting for?! Get ready to break through!
[More explosions are heard as more Originiutants show up.]
Lord's Guard There's too many of them!
Picale Take the civilians and get out of here! I'm breaking off!
[Picale kills several of the attacking Originiutants.]
Picale Come on, you cowardly bandits!
<Background fades out and in>
[Picale kills Originiutants in her way.]
Picale Phew... How many was that?
[Miarow rushes to Picale's side.]
Miarow Lady Picale!
Picale Doctor! What are you doing here?!
Miarow Don't go! The Lord's Manor has already been...
[Suddenly an explosion occurs close to Miarow, knocking him down.]
Picale Doctor!
Get the hell out of here! I'm going to chop your goddamned head off!
[Drudge shows himself.]
Drudge Hahaha... You're loud as you ever were, dear sister.
Picale You... You disgusting... I have to kill you.
Drudge Show me what you've got.
As the imposing Reproba charges at her brother with shocking speed, she realizes it.
She's fallen right into a trap.
Under the cover of night, behind the crumbling houses, a machine rumbles.
In one second, she feels herself struck dizzy by a ferocious blow, as if slammed right in the face by a boulder launched from a catapult.
In the next second, she falls unconscious.