Operation story: OD-6

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Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Mercenary Caster
Sargon Manor Night
Sargon Village Night

Before operation

The Lord of Long Spring is tyrannical and difficult to communicate with. She orders the expulsion of the Rhodes Island Operators as well as Team Rainbow, and takes the Infected away.
<Background 1>
Drudge How long has it been, dear sister?
Six months? A year? Longer?
Picale Drudge, you attacked the Lord's men and stormed his manor. This is treason!
Drudge Treason? Hah. Heh heh.
You have to know, Picale.
If it weren't for that rotting old man's obsession with protecting his infected... oh, distressed assets.
This wouldn't even be your place.
Relax, girl.
Check out these toys from an enthusiastic Columbian donor.
The cunning Reproba slaps the device behind him.
Drudge The TSW-2 Ultrasonic Impact Unit, a product of advanced technology. It's experimental, never used in the field before. The only downside is the size.
It was real tough to hide in town. Took a while.
Took me a while to get you out of the mansion too.
So tell me, my dearest little sister, what good are your sick moves now? What good is that iron will of yours?
Picale ......
Drudge And check out my friends here. Sarkaz friends.
They're not your run-of-the-mill braindead devils. They're from Columbia too. They get the job done.
You know what that means?
It means they're here for progress. Progress you and the old man could never understand.
Get your margins high enough and money's more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Whatever happened to the old man's worthless logic?
Mercenary Boss, we found this in a big house.
Drudge Give it to me.
Oh, an appointment letter from the Lord Ameer of Bayalir.
Fine grain papyrus, embossed signature, blocky Bayalir writing, and this black seal.
Where's the old man?
Mercenary He wasn't there. We searched every room and found plenty of townsfolk, but not the old man you're talking about.
Picale Father is dead. I am the Lord of Long Spring now.
You have disobeyed your Lord, and in so doing disobeyed the Lord Ameer, and for that your punishment is death!
Drudge That's the plan you and the old man came up with?
[Drudge slaps Picale, who turned out to be his sister and the current Lady of Long Spring.]
Picale Grrgh!
Drudge This is getting stupid. You really think you can use the Lord Ameer to outmaneuver me? Don't make me laugh.
You're gonna execute me?
The old man's proud Reproba guards are lying headless in an alley somewhere right now.
Those tough guards are gone now, and who's left to stop me?
Picale You're a psychotic piece of shit! You grew up with them! They treated you like their own son! I didn't think you were this far gone...
Drudge They shouldn't have gotten in my way.
And neither should you.
We're blood, so let me make it a little clearer for you, sis. I wanna be sure you understand.
Yes, you're a Lord of Sargon now. Sure.
But me? I'm a bum, abandoned by my family.
And in a few years, when you meet an unfortunate end, I'll go to the Court of Bayalir.
With my pedigree, plus the resources and wealth to prove my loyalty to the Lord Ameer, do you think he might just hand Long Spring back to me?
Picale No!
Drudge Why don't I give you another scenario: let's say you die in battle just a short while after taking charge.
Then I hand your corpse over to the Lord Ameer, and get to join the Zhayedan, would that work out better for me?
Picale Drudge, you're a disgusting, horrific, disaster of a person!
Drudge You're getting excited, sis.
[Unbeknownst to Drudge and his mercenaries, Schwarz is eavesdropping on his conversation as she gets into a vantage point.]
Drudge All that's just hypothetical. It's not real. We're having a brother-sister talk here.
Because I know a much better place for you.
See these things with the rocks on them?
If you're so eager to protect the Infected, why not join 'em?
Picale Drudge!
Drudge Once you die from it, I'll find a nice cave to bury you in.
Then you and the old man can watch me dig out the Originium buried under the mines and turn Long Spring into the mineral heart of Bayalir.
So, what do you think?
Picale ...You sold out your family, and sold out our land! I curse you, Drudge. May you die a horrible death!
Drudge Whatever makes you happy, sis. Curse away. Use that voice while you've still got it.
I guess we're done here.
(Columbian) You, come here.
[A Sarkaz merc came to Drudge's side.]
Sarkaz Mercenary (Columbian) What is it, Boss?
Drudge (Columbian) Bring the Infected to the egghead.
Miarow *cough* *cough*...
Sarkaz Mercenary (Columbian) Right. I'm on it.
(Columbian) What about this kid? Looks like he's on his way out.
Drudge (Columbian) Bring him, dead or alive.
(Columbian) As for my sister...
(Columbian) Turn her Infected. You Sarkaz must know how to do it.
Sarkaz Mercenary (Columbian) Roger.
(Columbian) But that isn't in our contract. There'll be an extra fee.
Drudge (Columbian) Save it. You know there'll be plenty of money to go around once our work here is done and the mine is up and running.
Sarkaz Mercenary What a nice brother you have there.
Picale (Closes eyes)
Sarkaz Mercenary (Raises weapon)
[Suddenly the Sarkaz merc is hit by a crossbow bolt out of nowhere...]
Sarkaz Mercenary Erm...
[...and dies.]
Mercenary We're under attack! Get a shield up, protect the boss!
Schwarz Takes Aim 1.png
[Schwarz was the one that shot the Sarkaz merc dead, who fires at another merc...]
Mercenary Wha?!
[...killing him.]
Drudge What's happening?!
Mercenary Boss, we've got company!
Drudge I thought you took care of all the guardsmen!
Mercenary I saw! I saw! It's...
Schwarz Takes Aim 2.png
[Schwarz shot another merc...]
Mercenary Aagh!
[...killing him as well.]
Drudge Caster, get the monsters moving!
Mercenary Caster Wait... I see... It's...
Mercenary Hurry!
[Schwarz shot the merc at his shoulder.]
Mercenary Ahhhh! My shoulder! My shoulder!
Sarkaz Mercenary Don't panic! Where's the enemy?
Mercenary I... I don't see them!
Sarkaz Mercenary Fall back. They've got crossbows. Get to cover!
Cover Drudge! We can't let anything happen to him!
<Background 1>
[Schwarz reveals herself.]
Mercenary I saw! It's a Feline!
Look out! Retreat! Retreat!
Schwarz ......
Picale You... You're with Rhodes Island...
Schwarz Can you move, Reproba?
Picale Thanks...
Originiutant Gaa...
Mercenary Caster Okay, it's working.
This isn't over yet. Hahaha.
Drudge Hmph, the old man's toys can only be useful at a time like this.
You, take the monsters and finish them off.
Sarkaz Mercenary Roger.
Schwarz There's too many. I can't guarantee your safe escape.
Picale This will do.
Where are my weapons?
Schwarz What for?
Picale It's my fault Drudge turned out like this.
I can't face my late father...
But I will carve out that traitor's heart and bury it in Long Spring if it's the last thing I do!
Schwarz Don't be hasty, there's too many of them. Getting yourself killed won't help the town survive.
I've sent out the signal. They should be here in a minute.
Sarkaz Mercenary Boss! Those mercenaries and Rhodes Island are assaulting us.
Drudge What are you afraid of? With this mansion tough as iron, I don't believe those mercenaries can cause us any harm.
Tell those casters to finish that Feline with monsters. Others go defend the entrance.
Sarkaz Mercenary Roger.
<Background 2>
Ash Report?
Blitz They have formed a defensive line with the courtyard walls. I suppose there are snipers and hulky mercenaries hiding behind.
The same way as usual?
Ash A wall like this doesn't even bother me.
Let's show them who's the real boss here.
[Ash fires her M120 CREM at a nearby wall, creating a large opening as it explodes after a short delay.]
Franka Now that's a big hole in the wall. I didn't expect a technology like this.
[The group breaches the courtyard.]
Ash Cover fire! Breaching!
Tachanka Roger!
[Tachanka unloads his DP27 machine gun at the Sarkaz mercs.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Stop them. Now!
Liskarm Out of my way!
[Liskarm shocks the Sarkaz mercs with her shield...]
Blitz Not over yet!
[...and Blitz follows up with a blinding flash from his modified G52 Tactical Shield.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Bastards! Where the hell are the snipers?
Rangers Snipers? There's no more snipers I'm afraid.
Sarkaz Mercenary Where did you...
[Rangers strike the Sarkaz merc from behind...]
Sarkaz Mercenary Ugh...
[...knocking him out.]
Ash We've breached the out wall. Nicely done, old man.
Rangers Don't let your guard down. There's still many of them.
Frost Wait... what's that thing they just pushed out?
Franka That's...
Liskarm Get down!
The ruthless experimental weapon produced a powerful shock wave with a loud bang resounding throughout the sky. The debris of broken buildings splashed everywhere.
Franka *cough*... Bless my ears...
Liskarm Are you okay?
Franka Yeah, I'm fine.
Liskarm What about the others?
Frost All fine. but now I feel everywhere hurts...
Ash What is this weapon?
Franka How come they even have stuff like this?
Liskarm An experimental weapon of Volvort Kochinski... How unexpected.
Rangers Now we're in trouble.
[Another shockwave can be felt as the ultrasonic emitter charges up.]
Ash It's about to fire again. Find cover!
Blitz If it hits you, you'll be doomed for sure.
<Background 1>
Mercenary Boss! They've breached the out wall!
Drudge Don't you see they are being suppressed? What are you worried about?
Take care of my sister and that Feline first. Then we'll deal with the rest.
I'm having the edge. Now it's just a matter of killing a few more.
[Picale struck down one of the Originiutants...]
Picale Five! These are your monsters, huh? Drudge! Get out and face me!
[...followed by another.]
Picale Six! C'mon, You ugly and filthy monsters! I'm gonna smash you all into shreds!
Schwarz Calm down, Lady Picale. Save your strength.
There's... too many of them.
Miarow No... *cough*... *cough*...
Lady Picale... Miss Schwarz...
Schwarz Doctor!
Miarow You... *cough* *cough*... have to get out of here!
Come, monster...
Schwarz What are you doing?
<Background fades out>
When you're Infected, every sunrise comes with the specter of death.
Miarow remembers these words by heart.
<Background fades in>
Miarow (It hurts... so bad.)
My whole body aches.
Miarow (Where am I...? Did I pass out?)
(What is this...?)
Picale ...You sold out your family, and sold out our land! I curse you, Drudge. May you die a horrible death!
Miarow (Lady Picale! She's on the ground?)
(What happened?)
(Oof... ouch...)
*cough* *cough*...
My whole body aches.
Is my Oripathy flaring up?
Miarow (That's... blood?)
So I'm about to die.
Miarow (Ow... so cold.)
Drudge (Columbian) Bring the Infected to the egghead.
Sarkaz Mercenary (Columbian) Right. I'm on it.
(Columbian) What about this kid? Looks like he's on his way out.
Drudge (Columbian) Bring him, dead or alive.
(Columbian) As for my sister...
(Columbian) Turn her Infected. You Sarkaz must know how to do it.
Miarow (He... What is he doing to the Infected?)
(I can't stand up...)
(Who is that...?)
In the shadow of the mansion's courtyard wall, a long crossbow takes aim.
Miarow (It's Miss Schwarz...)
(I have to help her...)
(Hah... It all comes down to this, in the end.)
You... run...
Schwarz What are you doing?!
Miarow Leave me alone! Get out of here!
Schwarz Is that a refined Originium Ingot?
Why do you...?
Miarow I haven't used... Arts... in so long.
"Arts that make Originium products explode? That's rare."
"With Arts like these, aren't you a better fit for being a soldier? Why do you want to be a doctor?"
"*Sigh*... Okay, whatever. I just think it's kind of a waste though."
Miarow (There's so much I still want to do.)
(I don't want to die yet...)
(A doctor should be saving lives. I have to... save...)
The young Infected charges out.
[Miarow used the Originium ingot as a catalyst for an Arts attack that overloads the ultrasonic emitter, causing it to explode and shorted out, the explosion blinds the nearby casters.]
Mercenary Caster My eyes! My eyes! Ahhhh!!
Sarkaz Mercenary Get up! Hold the line!
Drudge *cough* *cough*... *cough*.
What happened... what was that?
Mercenary The Originiutants! They're out of control!
Drudge How?
Where's the Ultrasonic Emitter?
Mercenary The little twerp fried it!
We've completely lost control! What do we do?!
[Using the distraction, Schwarz shot the merc...]
Mercenary Gaaaagh!
[...killing him.]
Sarkaz Mercenary The Feline's back.
Get a shield up, protect the boss!
Picale Drudge!
Your life is forfeit!
Drudge Again with the nagging!
I want their heads on a platter now!
[An explosion occurs nearby...]
Drudge What is it this time?!
[...as Liskarm and the rest of the team shows up.]
Liskarm Target located. At my position.
Ash We're getting them out of there. Open fire!

After operation

The eldest son of the Lord of Long Spring plots to usurp power by ordering the mercenaries and mutants to strike down the Lord. The Lord's guards are wiped out during the attack, and Rhodes Island joins with Team Rainbow to beat back the rebels.
<Background 1>
Blitz Clear!
Ash Okay, you're on guard duty!
Alexsandr, see if any of the mercs on the ground are alive!
Tachanka On it.
Ash Tina, get your bandages. Take a headcount and patch up the wounded.
Frost Roger!
Tachanka No playing dead!!
Mercenary Wait, please... lower your gun! I'll tell you anything!
Tachanka Kötz, tie him up.
Blitz Sure.
Ash Where's the doctor? Dr. Miarow!
Schwarz Over here!
Miarow ...*cough*...
The Infected boy lays on the ground, blood oozing out of his many wounds with each cough. His exposed skin is covered with fine Originium crystals, a direct result of facing down the Originium explosion at such close range.
No shockwaves, no intense gust of crushing wind. But the Originium curse has grown stronger from the stimulation, and penetrated deeper into his body.
Ash Tina! Bandages! Hurry!
[Tachanka holds on to the critically wounded Miarow.]
Tachanka Stay with me! Don't close your eyes, boy!
Ash Why... what happened?
Liskarm When you push yourself to use Originium Arts... it worsens your Originium infection...
Ash Rhodes Island doesn't have a countermeasure? Isn't this what you people do?
Liskarm Between the blood loss, burns, and acute Oripathy symptoms, even if we were back on the landship...
Miarow ...*cough*...
Tachanka I said stay with me, kid.
Miarow ......
Tachanka ...You can do this. Remember how you wanted to travel the world? Picture that Columbia you were dreaming about.
Tachanka ...Stay with me!
Miarow *cough* *cough*...
Tachanka ......
Ash ...Doctor...
Frost ...He's gone.
Schwarz ...I'm sorry. I couldn't...
Ash No... it's not your fault.
Tachanka ......
Mercenary ...No... I had nothing to do with that. It wasn't me!
Tachanka (Russian profanity), I'm going to twist your *profanity* head off.
Mercenary I just…don't…
Tachanka You're done for, (Russian profanity). You're toasted.
Mercenary No! Don't hurt me! It wasn't me! No!
[Tachanka tries to punch the captured mercenary, but...]
Blitz Alexsandr! Stop! Calm down!
Liskarm Where did that guard captain go? The Lord's daughter?
Schwarz She chased someone trying to get away. Rangers went with her, don't worry.
Liskarm Wait... the crystals on the doctor's skin... are glowing?
Franka Huh?!
So soon? How?
Schwarz !!
Liskarm We've got bigger problems! Find an empty room here!
Ash What are you doing?
Franka No time to explain! Move!
Liskarm We need cloth! Curtains, bedspreads, anything!
Schwarz Get the doctor into that little house! Hurry!
Tachanka What's happening?
Ash What's wrong with the doctor? Why...?
Liskarm M-Miss Cohen, please calm down. Franka's dealing with the doctor's–
Ash Dealing?
Dealing with what?
Liskarm You've never seen it before? I'll explain it to you later–
Franka Cover the doors and all the windows! No cracks!
[Franka quickly takes Miarow's body to a nearby room.]
Schwarz The chimney! Block it! And the vents!
[Schwarz heads to seal off any openings in the room.]
Tachanka ......
Ash What... are they doing?
Blitz I'm not sure? What's wrong with... the doctor's corpse?
Tachanka Don't look.
Ash Why?
Tachanka Don't look...
[Franka and Schwarz finished taking measures to isolate Miarow's body.]
Schwarz We're good here!
Franka Doors and windows good! Ready.
Ash Hey, is that room lighting up? The window's glowing?
Liskarm Miss Cohen! Get back!
Don't watch...
Ash What on earth is going on?
The doctor...
[Ash peeks at the room where Miarow's body is being isolated anyway, and to her horror...]
From Flesh to Dust.png
Ash ......
In the dark of the house, glittering dust crumbles from the departed's wounds and spreads throughout the enclosed space. Before long, rays of light pierce the darkness.
Brilliant, dazzling, prismatic light. Originium dust floats in the air among the lights, then slowly settles.
An Infected returns to the earth that birthed him.