Operation story: M8-6

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Guerrilla Shieldguard icon.png
Reunion Soldier B icon.png
Reunion Member
Chernobog Control Tower Outside
Lungmen Office

Before operation

Ursus soldiers dressed as Reunion members stop the crowd. The Shieldguards join forces with Rosmontis in order to break through them.
<Background 1>
Reunion Member ......
Shieldguard Blocking the way to the control tower... What the hell kind of Reunion operative you are?
Are you joining us, or are you trying to run away?
If you want to fight us, that's your perogative! But this is as disgraceful as it is pointless!
Rhodes Island Guard? Hold up... have you met this squad before?
Shieldguard No. There's been a lot of new blood in Reunion ever since we left the tundras. I haven't ever bothered to get to know any of them.
Rhodes Island Guard? I'm getting the kind of feeling they're not...
Amiya Guard! Watch out!
Reunion Member (Signal)
[Several Reunion soldiers reveal themselves to be Ursus Imperial Army soldiers disguised as Reunion soldiers.]
Shieldguard ——
Ursus troops!
Fall back!! It's the Ursus!
Reunion Member ......
Shieldguard Not going to say a peep till the very end, huh?
What, you think I'm some kind of traitor?
You think we're despicable for turning our backs on Ursus for some lowly Infected?
We're fighting for their worthless lives, we're behind the times, and we've got no honor, so we should get our names taken off the registers and erased from history?
Maybe you have a husband or a wife, maybe you don't want to be here, but you still got sent by the higher-ups. You're just some puppetmaster's pawn, throwing away your life to do someone else's bidding...
Pathetic! Pathetic, I tell you!
Have you killed any Ursus men before? Was it the Infected or regular citizens that you killed? When you got that blood on your hands, were you even afraid? Does that keep you up at night at all?
All of you who stayed even after the Emperor died... Pathetic!
Rhodes Island Guard? Knock it off already! Fall back!
Careful! The Ursus troops are wearing Reunion's—
Amiya No, Guard!
You mustn't say that...!
Rhodes Island Guard? Why?
Amiya The combatants on both sides will start doubting everyone around them if you say that... The more chaotic the situation is, the more of an advantage they'll have!
If everything goes as Elysium planned, then the first thing we need to do...
...is to stop everyone right here.
Rhodes Island Guard? We don't have much time left, and we have no idea when Reunion will come barging their way to the control tower... It'll only get harder to organize an attack once that happens!
Amiya Not all of us need to fight this battle. We're up against Talulah. A small, disorganized squad isn't going to do us any good.
I'll go.
Shieldguard Fall back! Fall back! Watch out for the piledriver spears! Find cover!
Rhodes Island Guard? Amiya... Not again... You're Rhodes Island's leader!
Amiya I'm not going to tell you, "That's all the more reason I should head in there." ...All I'll say is, if there's something I can do and something needs to be done, then I'll do it, and I'll see it through.
Rhodes Island Guard? And who's supposed to cover you?
Rosmontis I will.
Shieldguards, and that includes anyone who's injured. Let's do this. We'll hold the line here.
Shieldguard Feline...!
Rosmontis They're rounding up all the special Infected and driving them out. So ruthless. They aren't showing even the tiniest bit of mercy...
I'll crush their position and ambush point.
Shieldguard ...Well then!
Feline, you're the first outsider ever to be backed up by both the Ursus Shieldguards and the guerilla fighters!
The young caster lifts her hand up. She pays no heed to the commotions of the battlefield, as though it matters not the slightest to her. Her eyes gleam with resolve.
Up until now, fear and regret have kept her chasing her endless flow of memories.
But now, her promise with her friend as well as the responsibility she shares with this embattlement of steel has given her cause to finally stop and rise up.
Rosmontis No, I'm not an outsider.
We're a team now. We'll stop this city together!
That's why I'm not an outsider!
Shieldguard Shieldguards! Shields up!

During operation

Shieldguard What's that? It's not the Ursus Army... What trickery is this?
Rosmontis You haven't seen the Infected codenamed Mephisto control them, I guess?
Shieldguard What?!
I thought Mephisto was supposed to be a medic for the Infected!
Rosmontis It doesn't matter either way... but these special Infected are nothing like what they said on the reports. They were driven here. There isn't a clear pattern to their actions.
It's just... there's so many of them...
Shieldguard Doesn't matter! We can't let these Infected monsters breach our front! Don't give the Ursus troops any openings!
Rosmontis There's too many of them...!
Shieldguard Do not be afraid to make sacrifices!!
Rosmontis ...What should I do? I... I might be able to do something to help the Shieldguards on the frontlines. There is something I can do to keep them alive...

After operation

Amiya decides to leave Rosmontis and go to face Talulah alone. She orders Rosmontis to live on, and help others live on.
<Background 1>
Shieldguard *Pant* *pant*...
Rhodes Island's medical technology is streets ahead of ours... I'll give you that...
Amiya Part of our plan is to send medical personnel to all the Infected settlements, but it's way too dangerous to send our normal medical operators into warzones.
Shieldguard I'm good... Thanks. I'm much better now that I've been bandaged.
Rosmontis The enemies have retreated. The battlefield has grown in size. I can't use my Arts anymore. I can't track them down.
Shieldguard You can count on the devils on the team to get that done for you. They're very good at that.
Thank you, Rhodes Island soldiers. Without your bravery, the number of casualties would have been much higher.
I also heard you saying just now, Cautus, you're trying to make it to the control tower by yourself?
Amiya ...Uh, yeah, but also probably not.
Shieldguard What does that even mean?
Amiya I will probably be the only one there when I face Talulah.
A warrior from Lungmen might also be there... but I am just going to assume there won't be anyone else right now.
Shieldguard How do you plan on killing her all by yourself? You are nothing like the captain.
Amiya Sure, but neither is anyone else here. The more people we have there, the bigger of a mess things are going to be if a fight does break out. Besides, Talulah is much better than Patriot at quickly bringing the battlefield under control with her Arts.
I'll bring a squad inside with me. There are bound to be other threats in the control tower.
Shieldguard Are you sure you're bringing enough?
Amiya I trust the people on my team. Each and every one of them can be counted on, and they know how to adjust to all kinds of situations. If we end up somewhere we can't handle ourselves, we will ask for your help.
Shieldguard Are you trying to keep us out of the final showdown?
Amiya No, It's not that I'm trying to take charge of the battle. It's just that, sir, there are other battles that only you, the guerrillas, can handle.
Shieldguard You want us to stop anyone from getting inside?
Amiya Exactly.
Rosmontis ...Amiya, you don't want me to go with you?
Amiya It's safer for you to stay outside the control tower.
Rosmontis You don't want me to fight with you? We'll take on Talulah... together...!
Amiya Rosmontis, Talulah's Arts are filled with energy. You're really good at dealing with all kinds of physical attacks that come your way, but... I'm worried about her flames...
Rosmontis But... but she... she killed Ace... she killed so many people who mattered so much to me!
Why can't I go?
Amiya ......
Rosmontis If I'm not good at dealing with that... What should I do? What can I do? There were lots of other things I wasn't good at too!
Amiya You hate Talulah.
Rosmontis What else am I supposed to do?! Is it bad if I hate her?
Amiya Rosmontis...
I don't have the answers to those questions. I'm not saying you can't hate someone you've never met. I don't have that right.
But, Rosmontis... before I go, I'll leave you with an order.
Rosmontis An order?
Amiya That's right.
Rosmontis Orders have to be followed... Kal'tsit told me... elite operators follow orders. I...
Amiya Yeah.
Logos told me before we left. Patriot rarely sees anyone as his nemesis...
He prefers calling people by symbols or any characteristics or equipment they have, and doesn't usually call by name or race.
But he called you a Feline just now.
That might mean he approves of you.
Rosmontis But he calls you that too. He called you a Cautus. And what is it about me he liked? Is it how scary I look to others? I don't want people to see me like that.
Amiya ...But, you know how often we're called monsters? People have been calling Patriot a monster for many, many years.
It's true that the Arts we possess are really scary.
But he thinks of us as people. He thinks of us... as humans.
Rosmontis Not equals? We're both... scary... and things that other people hate.
Amiya No, that's not right. Just look at all the guerrilla fighters here. Then there's the Reunion fighters following the other leaders, and, of course, our own people.
Your good deeds earn their respect. On the other hand, bad deeds earn their hate and mistrust.
We are judged by our actions. Just like how our teammates look out for you, just like how the Shieldguards defend Patriot, and just like how we trust Dr. Kal'tsit's word without question.
Rosmontis, here's my order for you: Live, and make sure as many survive this as possible.
And, in order to do that, don't come after me even if I don't make it myself.
Rosmontis Amiya! But... you're my friend! I couldn't let you... let you go in there all by yourself!
Amiya No means no! Rosmontis, I promise you this.
I promise I will come back alive.
So that's why, no matter what anybody says, no matter what they say happened to me, we both need to do whatever it takes to fulfill our mission.
We have to survive this. Both of us.
And this order goes for everyone who's here right now.
You must live.
The whole point of the Chernobog rescue mission was to save lives.
The whole point of the Core City infiltration was to save lives too.
Don't ever say things like, "There are causes worth giving your life for." Never say that.
Life is precious, and more importantly, your life belongs to yourself.
No one... absolutely no one can let their life go to waste for us.
...There's no such thing as necessary sacrifices.
To say otherwise is just wrong.
Rhodes Island Guard? ...Yeah, I'm listening, Amiya... Leader of Rhodes Island.
Amiya This goes for Reunion too.
Shieldguard ——
Amiya Go ahead.
Shieldguard Just leave this place to us. Feline, let's go! Let's give the little rabbit the battlefield she wants.
Rosmontis Amiya...
Amiya You have to do this.
Rosmontis ......
Okay. I will see this through.
Amiya Yeah, thanks.
Amiya Squad, follow me!
Everyone, we'll meet again! Alive!
Rhodes Island Guard? Goodbye...
Shieldguard We'll see you later!
<Background fades out and in>
Rosmontis Okay, let's do our job here.
Shieldguard Well then, the guerrillas will take care of this one.
This place is a little too cozy to be our battlefield! Come! Let's turn these blocks into a warzone!
Rhodes Island, let's go!
Rosmontis Yeah!
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Wei Yenwu Go over this for me again, Superintendent Ch'en.
Ch'en Am I not being clear enough?
Wei Yenwu No, you're clear as day. So perfectly clear that I thought I misheard.
Superintendent Ch'en, you should know this is outside your purview.
Ch'en Laws are different from one country to another, but common sense applies everywhere.
Wei Yenwu What did the Royal Guard Academy teach you anyway? Did they ever tell you to keep your feet on the ground and not bite off more than you can chew?
Ch'en I graduated long ago. Now, I'm a police officer serving Lungmen.
I'll repeat again, so listen up. "My wish is to join the L.G.D., and from there, I'll join the Special Inspection Unit."
I will protect this city, and I'll clean this place up. There won't be another incident like that.
Wei Yenwu What incident?
Ch'en Well, aren't you forgetful? Or are you just playing dumb on purpose?
Wei Yenwu Watch your mouth, Officer Ch'en.
Ch'en My apologies, Chief Wei.
Sir, I am referring to the incident that took place roughly ten years ago when the city was infiltrated by foreign forces. Several Lungmen citizens were kidnapped, and they are yet to be found.
I will continue to push the city to investigate and locate the kidnapped citizens after my admission to the department.
Wei Yenwu Ch'en... You have no idea what you are talking about.
Ch'en Sir, I am perfectly aware of what I am talking about.
Wei Yenwu I won't argue. How about this, then? As soon as you don't think you can keep it up, just let me know.
Tell me, Superintendent Ch'en. How long do you want to be in the department?
Ch'en ......
<Background black>
I didn't give him an answer.
For all these years, I've always wondered... just how much longer can I do this? How much longer do I want to do this?
And it wasn't until now that I finally realized the answer isn't for me to decide.
The Chi Xiao has gotten pretty rusty in my hand lately. I wonder just when will I finally understand? Shadowless doesn't mean to chase after shadows or let go. Instead, it's to never look back.
"As sword ere shadow's trace, cast off as cast."
<Flashback ends here>