Operation story: IS-6

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Nobleman A icon.png
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Bellone Mafioso
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Loyal Mafioso
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Male Siracusan A icon.png
Onsite Staff
Mafioso icon.png
Rossati Mafioso
Nobleman A icon.png
Theater Manager
Makeup Artist
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Siracusa Manor
Siracusa Alley
House Room
Mansion Room
Volsinii Streets
Siracusa Theater

Before operation

The stage has been set, and the fun is about to begin.
<Background 1>
[Leontuzzo wake up from his sleep.]
Leontuzzo Urgh...
Mafioso Signor, are you alright?
Leontuzzo Just dreaming.
That's why you shouldn't sleep on the sofa.
Where's the old man?
Mafioso The Don went to the theater.
Leontuzzo ......
Mafioso Are you going too?
Leontuzzo does not answer, only sinking deeper into the sofa.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
Texas Rossati, Giovanna.
Bernardo That's right.
Cellinia, our original agreement was to ensure the Bellones come out on top.
But, I've changed my mind.
As long as you succeed, you don't owe us anything.
At that point, you're free to go.
This, I promise you as the Fang of Zaaro, il Signore dei Lupi.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background fades out and in>
Texas ......
From the time she returned to the residence at sunset, to the break of dawn the next day...
Listening to the falling rain, Texas wiped down her sword while reading the script that was handed to her–"La Morte di Texas."
The story twists and turns, never straying far from what she's known.
She has a faint premonition.
But first, she needs to sharpen her sword.
Today, it may have to be a bit swifter than usual.
[A telephone rings.]
<Background 3>
Lappland Tsk, tsk. The sun's still getting in my eyes, even though it's raining.
Prison food's not too bad. You should give it a try.
Loyal Mafioso You're right about that. I've even given 'em a few suggestions before.
Now get in the car.
Lappland Can I sit this one out?
Does killing a single Columbian really deserve so much fanfare?
Loyal Mafioso The Don says Cellinia's gonna be there too.
Lappland Oh?
What's the plan?
Loyal Mafioso She'll pretend to be an actress, and once the performance starts, you'll improvise the rest.
Lappland Hmm... So what about my costume?
Loyal Mafioso What the Don meant was–
You wait in the audience and play along.
Lappland Oh, right. Haha.
What an insensitive old jerk. So where's he gonna be? He's not trying to find a nice place to watch the show all by himself, is he?
Loyal Mafioso The Don has other business. He's got a meeting.
Lappland A meeting?
Loyal Mafioso Yeah, with a carwash worker.
<Background 4>
[Croissant opens the door.]
Croissant Howdy, Sora. I just knew you'd be practicin' in Miss Caterina's studio.
I ain't gonna stop ya, but don'tha think you oughta head to the theater early? To do some makeup n' get ready n' whatnot?
Sora Yeah, you have a point.
Croissant Exusiai's already off to buy breakfast. We got just enough time to meet her.
Sora Okay.
Croissant Say... Didn't we say we'd set up a big ol' welcome for Exusiai's sister?
Sora We did.
But now I'm not sure we'll have enough time for that.
Croissant, watch your step!
[Croissant trips over a stack of books.]
Croissant Huh? Wooooah!
Sora Are you alright?
Croissant I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tripped on a little somethin'.
Dangit, I knocked over that stack of books. Lemme tidy 'em up.
Huh? A picture dropped outta somethin'.
Sora Picture?
Croissant Wait... Huh?
Sora What's wrong?
Croissant Lookie here!
It is a photograph from many years ago.
Sora can barely make out the background that should be of the wide and bustling streets of Columbia past.
In the center of the photograph stands a middle-aged man who wears a kind expression, but exudes an audacity not to be trifled with.
On his left and right sides stand a Lupo girl, and a Feline girl.
The girl on the left has beautiful blonde hair and sports a cheery expression, and even at a glance, one can immediately tell that she has a bubbly personality.
The girl on the right has black hair, her face betraying no emotions, making it difficult for one to guess the contents of her heart.
Croissant Look, this pitcher... ain't that... Texas, as a kid?
And standin' there with her... That's Caterina?!
And look on the back here...
Written on the backside of the photo: "Giovanna and Cellinia, 1080."
Croissant Giovanna... Is that gonna be Caterina's real name?
Sora Giovanna... Giovanna Rossati.
<Background 3>
[Alberto walks into the carwash.]
Alberto How long has this carwash been open?
Carwash Worker Five years.
Alberto Five years? Coincidentally, that's how long my guard tuskbeast has been missing.
If only I knew how he was doing these days.
Carwash Worker The city's a pretty big place. There's always a way to survive.
Alberto It never made any sense to me before. I fed him plenty of meat, gave him a nice den. Why wasn't he happy?
Think he might've been vegetarian?
Carwash Worker Maybe. Maybe it never knew how bad meat actually was until it tried a full-course meal.
It's better to not eat at all... than to eat something bad.
Alberto Oh?
Carwash Worker Your car's done.
Alberto You're pretty good at your job.
Carwash Worker Practice makes perfect.
Alberto Heh. You never fail to get it done just right.
But, Danbrown, nothing lasts forever.
It's time for you to change your tastes.
Carwash Worker ...I'll think about it.
Alberto Think carefully. Once you've figured it out, you're always welcome to come back.
<Background 5>
Makeup Artist Are you the backup bassist?
[Texas, disguises as a bassist, responds,]
Texas Yes.
Makeup Artist Oh, um... Is that your natural hair color?
Texas Yes.
Makeup Artist That's special. Usually, you have to dye your hair to work as a bassist. I've heard only those with Famiglia Texas blood have that eye and hair color.
And, now that I'm seeing you up close, your eyebrows... look really similar to Salvadore's. Are you his bastard or something?
Texas No, I have nothing to do with Texas.
Makeup Artist All sorts of coincidences out there, huh?
Okay, take a seat over there. Your foundation's really good, so I should be able to get you squared away in no time.
<Background 2>
Theater Box
Theater Manager Pardon me, are you satisfied with your seating?
Giovanna Yes, I've got a fine view.
Theater Manager Excellent, excellent.
If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to call for me.
Wallach Let's head down.
[The theater manager leaves.]
Giovanna You're not going to stay and watch?
Wallach You know I've never been a fan of this sort of stuff. How about I grab you a nice drink?
Giovanna I'd like–
Wallach Brandy, I know.
<Background 5>
[The dressed Sora runs into the room.]
Sora Sorry I'm late!
Makeup Artist No worries. Everyone's still getting ready.
Go ahead and take a seat. I'll do your makeup first.
Sora Okay.
Makeup Artist What's wrong? You don't look too well. Are you getting stage fright?
Sora No, I'm fine.
Makeup Artist Don't worry, Sora. You've been working so hard, everyone's gonna love you for sure!
Sora I hope so.
Makeup Artist Oh right, did you know...?
Sora What's wrong?
Makeup Artist Apparently, the bassist got sick and couldn't make it to the performance.
Sora Huh? What are you going to do then?
Makeup Artist It's no big deal. The director was able to find a stand-in. She's getting her makeup done in another dressing room right now.
Sora A stand-in... Are you sure that's going to work?
Makeup Artist Just trust the director's judgment, alright?
Sora Speaking of the director, he didn't come tonight?
Makeup Artist He just dropped by to give some direction before leaving again. I think he's meeting with a guest.
Important people are always so busy, huh?
But it's okay, Sora. You just need to play your part, that's all.
Sora Yes.
<Background 6>
[Lavinia walks in front of Teatro di Milano.]
Lavinia ......
Onsite Staff Oh, if it isn't Judge Lavinia!
I haven't seen you here for a while. Have you come to watch tonight's opera?
Lavinia No, I'm just passing by.
Onsite Staff That's too bad. But, did you know we're putting on the highly-anticipated "La Morte di Texas"? I'm sure you'll love it.
Lavinia Sorry, I'm not in the mood.
Onsite Staff That's alright then. I look forward to your next visit.
[Lavinia noticed Danbrown the carwash worker entering the theater.]
Lavinia ...Huh?
(Danbrown? What's HE doing here?)
(Did he really... take my advice and come to the theater to unwind?)
(But, today's performance is...)
Wait a second.
Onsite Staff Oh, did you change your mind?
Lavinia That's right.
One ticket please.
<Background 2>
Theater Box
Mafioso Don Bernardo, someone's here to see you.
Bernardo Oh?
Mafioso It's Rubio, Segretario di Sicurezza Alimentare.[note 1]
Bernardo ......
Let him in.
Mafioso Of course.
[Rubio enters the box.]
Rubio Don Bernardo–
Bernardo You can just call me "director" here.
Rubio Ah, yes, yes. It's an honor to be here, Director.
Bernardo Take a seat, Signor Segretario.
Let's enjoy the show first, then we'll talk.
<Background 7>
[An announcer walks into the stage.]
Announcer Signore e signori,[note 2] thank you for being here tonight. You are about to see another spectacular performance brought to you by Compagnia dell'alba.
"La Morte di Texas," Act II, written by Signorina Caterina.
Every Siracusan already knows the story of Salvadore, but how many truly know the details?
Signora Caterina, who has a deep understanding of Famiglia Texas, provides us with her frank yet intricate perspective.
Let us delve deeper into the life of Salvadore!
[Everyone gives an ovation.]
<Background 5>
Sora (Inhales deeply, then exhales.)
Makeup Artist Break a leg, Sora!
Sora Right, time to go!
<Background 7>
Exusiai Phew... Finally found them.
Attagirl, Sora scored us seats with a great view.
Croissant Great expectations for her, all around.
Exusiai Excuse me, would you mind letting us through?
[A Sankta pastor responds to Exusiai,]
??? A Sankta girl... An unusual sight in Siracusa.
Exusiai Ehh? You're a Sankta too?
I've been in Volsinii for a while, and this is the first time I've seen one of my people.
??? Hehe, looks like it's one good thing after another today.
Go right on by, child.
[The pastor steps aside, allowing Exusiai and Croissant to pass.]
Exusiai ......
Croissant What's wrong?
Exusiai That's weird... I don't sense any emotions from him. Is he an exiled Sankta?
But, he's unlike any of the other Sankta exiles I've seen...
Well, whatever. By the way, am I the only one who thinks way too much of this crowd looks like mobsters?
Croissant I hear tell the head of the Rossati Family's here tonight.
Exusiai Hey, isn't that what you were just talking about?
Croissant Yep. But let's just enjoy the show for now.
[The play begins as Sora walks into the stage under a spotlight, with everyone giving an ovation to her.]
Sora (Singing) In an era when chaos and opportunity came hand-in-hand; some were swallowed by the tides of the times where others found in it their promised land.
(Singing) Violence and wealth, power and order.
(Singing) Onto Columbian soil steps a Siracusan, bringing with him only scars, hardship, and ambition.
(Signing) And thus begins our tale. Ladies and gentlemen, come and bear witness, to whom this era truly belongs.
<Background 2>
Lappland That voice...
I see how it is. You're here to bring her back, aren't you?
But do you really think that's going to happen?
Rossati Mafioso Who the hell are you?
[Lappland clealy slices down the Rossati mafioso.]
Lappland Signore e signori, let the show begin!
<Background 7>
[Texas enters the stage under her bassist guise with everyone applauding...]
<Background 2>
Giovanna It really is you, Cellinia.
<Background 7>
Exusiai Huh...?
Croissant Texas?!
<Background fades out and in>
Sora –Ehh?
Texas ...?!
For a brief moment, Texas shifts her eyes to one of the boxes.
She knows Bernardo is sitting there, gazing down upon everything.
She feels it in her heart.
Whether coincidence or some form of necessity, in this moment, Sora is both a danger and a safe haven.
Everything depends on her.
The movement in the auditorium and the faint sounds in the distance all prelude the start of the assassination.
She gestures to Sora for her to stay silent, then proceeds to pluck the strings in her hands.
A most wonderful performance has begun.

After operation

All roads have been paved. She has uncovered her past.
<Background 2>
[A group of Rossati mafiosi tries to stop Lappland, but they are no match to the wild wolf as she casually walks past the dead mafiosi on the floor.]
Rossati Mafioso Back up, this one's tricky.
Don't fight her head on.
Cover the aisles and the stairs leading up to the Donna's box!
[The mafiosi withdraws to Giovanna's box.]
Lappland Tsk, tsk. Rossati soldiers are pretty capable after all, huh.
Looks like trying to brute force my way through isn't a realistic option.
<Background 7>
Texas ......
<Background 2>
Lappland Haha, silly Texas. It's pretty obvious she's got a recorder in that bass.
Sounds convincing, though, the way she's plucking those strings.
Haha, there it is.
If I can't break through the front... I'll just have to make a path!
<Background 5>
Rossati Mafioso Don't panic!
Stand your ground!
[A group of Bellone mafiosi led by Demetri breaks into the room...]
Bellone Mafioso Gah, aren't you afraid to die?
[...and Demetri strikes one of the Rossatis...]
Rossati Mafioso Guh... Urgh...
[...killing him.]
Demetri How are the others doing?
Bellone Mafioso The aisles and stairs leading to Giovanna's box are all guarded.
They were ready for this.
Demetri Leave it to the Rossatis...
But, we've never been ones to underestimate Giovanna.
Throw more soldiers at them. We're not letting Giovanna out today.
Wallach You might not have underestimated Giovanna, but don't you think you underestimated me?
Bellone Mafioso What–
[Wallach struck down one of the Bellones from behind.]
Demetri You're... Wallach.
Wallach Heh, had I known the show today would've been so exciting, I wouldn't have gone to buy a drink for the Donna.
Demetri If Signora Giovanna appreciates a fine wine, I happen to have a selection with me.
Wallach No thanks.
The Donna enjoys many things about Siracusa, but the wine isn't one.
Siracusan wines are too weak, same as you people swing your weapons. Doesn't make for a good time.
Demetri Maybe you just haven't tried the best Siracusa has to offer.
Wallach So, isn't this a great opportunity?
Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?
Bellones and Saluzzos, let's find out what Siracusa's finest wine really tastes like.
<Background 7>
[Several Rossatis stood in Lappland's path.]
Rossati Mafioso Trying to get up this way?
Stop her!
Lappland Who said I was going up?
Rossati Mafioso What? Explosives?!
Get outta there!
[Lappland throws an explosive device...]
<Background fades out and in>
[...whose blast can be felt and heard by the audience.]
Croissant Woah, the seats over yonder just collapsed!
Exusiai Is that... Lappland?!
Horrified Audience Look over there!
Rossati Mafioso Urgh...
[One of the Rossatis died after taking the explosive's full force.]
Horrified Audience I-Is it another famiglie gang war...?
[A large number of mafiosi walks into the stage, and...]
Il Palcoscenico e Pronto.png
Texas Move.
Rossati Mafioso Sh-She had weapons in her instrument?!
Sora Texas!
Texas says nothing. She only shoots her a glance, parting her lips for a second before rushing up the stairs.
Sora reads those lips.
She said: "Wait for me."
<Background 7>
Panicked Audience Aaaaaahhh–! Run! Run for it!
Croissant What'cha think we oughta do, Exusiai? Sora's in danger!
Exusiai But–
[A booth is about to collapse...]
Horrified Audience S-Someone, save me–
Exusiai Get down!
[...but the Sankta pastor from before saves them by shooting the falling debris with his handgun.]
Exusiai Woah, you're pretty tough for an old guy.
??? Do I look that old to you?
Exusiai Uhh... Well, I guess I wouldn't go that far.
??? Looks like today's performance is not "La Morte di Texas," but rather "La Morte di Rossati."[note 3]
Find somewhere to hide, children.
Exusiai That sounds nice, but our friend is still up there on stage.
Croissant It's a gat-danged hurricane all 'round the thing! We can't just go hoppin' on into that!
Exusiai Let's go backstage then!
Croissant Okay!
[A number of mafiosi blocks Exusiai's path...]
Exusiai C'mon, outta my way!
[...but the pastor guns them down.]
Croissant Huh?
??? Go, brave children.
Exusiai Thanks, old man!
I'll buy you a slice later!
Croissant Thank ya kindly!
[Exusiai and Croissant rushes off.]
??? Haha, kids these days are so full of pep.
What's your plan now, Giovanna?
<Background 2>
Rossati Mafioso Donna Giovanna, we've got everything locked down. Let's get you out, while we still can.
Giovanna Why?
It's a rare opportunity to watch a wonderful show from a fantastic seat. I'm going to have to savor this.
Sora, you really are her true friend, aren't you?
Now, how are you going to get up here, Cellinia?
Even if you find a shortcut, getting to me won't be easy.
Rossati Mafioso But–
Giovanna If I were to run away right now, do you think the Bellones and Saluzzos would just give up and call it quits?
This is a war now, my dear.
The Bellones and Saluzzos have decided to Signora Sicilia's ban on violence, and started a gang war.
Spread the word. There's only one thing we can do now: fight to the end.
Rossati Mafioso Of course.
<Background 5>
[Demetri and Wallach had a duel, but the latter ended up gaining an upper hand.]
Demetri Nngh...
Wallach Looks like "fine Siracusan wine" was nothing special after all.
Demetri I wouldn't gloat just yet... Columbian scum...
[The two charges at each other, but Wallach strikes first...]
Demetri What–
[...and struck Demetri.]
Wallach Yes, I know. You Siracusans think the Columbian famiglie are just rowdy upstarts who haven't paid our dues.
And yeah, there are a whole lot of incompetent idiots over in Columbia.
But what about you?
Can you even sniff out the scent of blood under your so-called "guns and order?"
We've never looked down on Siracusa.
But from what I've seen today, you don't even deserve my attention.
Rossati Mafioso Wallach, we've got a situation at the theater!
Someone blew the seats, and Cellinia is heading straight for the third floor.
Wallach ......
You've got five seconds for your last words.
Demetri Last words?
Heh, what's there to say?
If you're really gonna do it, then tell Leontuzzo that I'm sorry.
Wallach Sure.
[Leontuzzo shows up and attacks Wallach with Arts from his gun-like Arts unit.]
Demetri Leon?!
Leontuzzo I'll handle this my way, Demetri.
Wallach Signor Leontuzzo. Here I thought we could get along.
Leontuzzo You just lost your last chance for that.
Wallach Well, well, well. Turns out the heir to a great famiglia just oozes charisma after all.
You've made a fool of me, and still you tell me I had a chance to make things right.
Leontuzzo What's done is done.
I'll make you a bet, Wallach.
Wallach You're a betting man?
Hahahaha! Signor Leon, mio amico,[note 4] we're not in a dining hall or one of our offices.
We're in a war, and only one of us walking out of this alive.
Leontuzzo Trust me, you'll love this one.
<Background 2>
Bellone Mafioso Ugh, these Rossatis are a pain in the ass.
[Lavinia joins in.]
Bellone Mafioso Your Honor? We never heard you were joining us on this one.
And anyway, this ain't something you can just walk into.
Lavinia I'm not here to stop you. I'm not interested.
I'm looking for someone.
Bellone Mafioso Who?
We got one helluva mess here. Not gonna be easy to find anybody.
Lavinia All I need from you is to stay out of my way.
Bellone Mafioso But...
Lavinia Even if I die here, that's none of Famiglia Bellone's business.
Bellone Mafioso Suit yourself then.
<Background fades out and in>
[Lavinia looks for someone from the tribune.]
Lavinia There you are.
<Background fades out and in>
Rossati Mafioso Hold it.
Carwash Worker I work here.
Rossati Mafioso Uh huh. We got rid of all the workers.
Lavinia Grr, what is he doing here?
Look out, Dan–
[Danbrown the carwash worker slices the mafiosi with a knife he hid.]
Blood splatters, and a few drops splash across Lavinia's face.
Carwash Worker Signorina Lavinia.
What are you doing here?
<Background 7>
[Texas struck down a Rossati mafioso.]
Texas ......
The "path" opened by Lappland is doing its job. Only a short distance separates her from her old friend.
She lets out a soft sigh.
Chaos swirls all around her, but she knows what to do.
[Wallach reveals himself.]
Wallach I knew you'd come, Cellinia.
Texas ......
Wallach What a look in your eyes there. It's like I'm the prey.
[Texas and Wallach charges toward each other...]
Wallach Let's see what the Last Texas can do!
[...and a fight ensues.]
<Background 2>
Rubio Signor, Director... is this chaos... part of the show?
Bernardo Chaos?
In my opinion, Segretario Rubio, everything is in perfect order.
What comes next will be even better.
Rubio ...I see.
You lead one of the most prestigious troupes in Volsinii, and you've put on a play unlike any other.
Bernardo We do have an intermission coming up, though. You may tell me what it is you want from me.
Rubio What I want... isn't very complicated.
With Carracci's death, the seat of Ministro dei Lavori Pubblici[note 5] is now vacant.
You must be thinking about who the most suitable candidate is.
Bernardo I take it you've decided you're that candidate?
Rubio I don't think there's anyone else better suited than me.
<Background 7>
[Texas ultimately gained an upper hand and struck Wallach down...]
Texas ......
[...before keep running.]
Wallach *cough* *cough*, *cough*, *cough*...
Wow... There's still mercy in you, at a time like this...
The Saluzzo Psycho isn't gonna finish me off?
Lappland I'm not interested in a pointless fight with some punk who was never taking it seriously to begin with.
Wallach ...Hah.
Lappland What are you waiting for? What do you want?
Wallach I made a bet with someone. And I hope I lose.
Wallach looks in the direction Texas went. No one can stop her from assassinating Giovanna.
Except Giovanna herself.
<Background 2>
[Texas enters the box where Giovanna was in.]
There is nobody else in the empty room.
Texas immediately realizes what's happening, but it's too late. A knife is already up against her neck.
Giovanna Since I came to Siracusa, I've been thinking of all the different ways someone might try to kill me.
But I never once thought it might be you.
And I never imagined you'd let your guard down, at a time like this.
Did you think that when I saw you'd, I'd give you a big hug and cry "thank goodness, Cellinia, you're still alive?"
And then we'd sit down and share a drink and catch up on everything that's happened over the last few years?
Texas I'm here to kill you.
Giovanna Great.
With that word, Giovanna drops the knife in her hand.
She wears a radiant smile on her face, her expression full of longing, as if the murderous intent from a moment ago was but a light-hearted joke.
Giovanna Long time no see, Cellinia.
Texas Long time no see, Giovanna.


  1. "Secretary of Food Safety" in Italian
  2. "Ladies and gentlemen" in Italian
  3. A pun of the aforementioned play's title, which means "The Death of Rossati"
  4. "My friend" in Italian
  5. "Minister of Public Works" in Italian